The Proposal Overview component is the gateway to managing all of the information in a proposal record.
To access the Proposal Overview component, click the Proposals link in the Preconstruction component. Type criteria in the Quick Find search box for the proposal you want or click Show first 10.
To open a record, click the link in the desired row or choose Open from the row Actions menu.
The component Actions menu has the following functions:
Select Add to add a new proposal record. See Adding a Proposal.
Note: If the new proposal you are adding is similar to an existing proposal, you can save time by creating a copy of the existing proposal. See Copying a Proposal.
Select Change Proposal Phase to change the phase for multiple proposals at the same time. See Changing the Phase for Multiple Proposals.
Select Check-In to check in a proposal. See Executing an Import.
Select Set BAMS/DSS Pass Date... to set the pass date for all proposals that have a status of Awarded or Rejected and no value in the Passed to BAMS/DSS Date field. See Setting the BAMS/DSS Pass Date.
The row Actions menu has the following functions:
Select Copy to create a new proposal by copying the current proposal. See Copying a Proposal.
Select Copy Proposal and Project to copy an existing proposal and one or more of the projects associated with the proposal. See Copying a Proposal and Project. You can also create a proposal from an existing project. See Creating a Proposal from a Project.
Select Delete... to delete a proposal. Because a proposal record contains several levels of associated information, you can choose between two delete options to control how much information is deleted when you delete the proposal. Select the Undo button to reverse the delete action. Click the Save button when you are finished. See Deleting Proposals.
Note: If your agency has the Take Snapshot Before Proposal Delete agency option set to Yes, the system automatically creates a snapshot for all cost estimates associated with the proposal when the proposal is deleted. See Working with Snapshots.
Select Exclude from Search Results to exclude the proposal from your search.
Select Open to open the current record. See Maintaining a Proposal.
Select Check Out Proposal to Estimator to export proposal data to Estimator for the purpose of repricing the items at the proposal level. If your agency uses Estimator, you can export, check in, and check out proposals to Estimator. If you check out a proposal, the proposal will be locked to other users. Only the Proposal Item Price field may be updated when the proposal is checked back in. See Executing Processes, Checking in a Proposal from Estimator.
Select Export Proposal to Estimator to export proposal data to Estimator. The Export Proposal to Estimator process saves the proposal data in an .xml format that can then be loaded into Estimator. See Executing Processes.
Select Export to Bids to generate a CSV file, named pass2ebs, containing the proposal information necessary to generate a Project Bids encrypted EBSX file. You can also generate addenda using this same export. The pass2ebs file contains Bid Letting, Proposal, Project, Proposal Section, Addenda, Proposal Time and Bid Item information. See Executing Processes.
Select Export to Bids With Gen to to generate a CSV file, named pass2ebs, containing the proposal information necessary to generate a Project Bids encrypted EBSX file, initiate the Project Bids GEN process to generate the EBSX Bids file, and run a pre GEN script. The EBSX Bids file, named DBE.BIN, is a compressed zip file of all the proposals selected. See Executing Processes.
Select Generate Unique Project Line Numbers to automatically generate unique line numbers for the proposal if the proposal contains more than one project and the same line numbers are used in each project. See Generating Unique Project Line Numbers in a Proposal.
Select Lock Proposal to lock the proposal. You can lock a proposal record so that no other user can make changes to it while you are working. Locking the proposal locks all of its related information, including items, locations, and funding. While a proposal is locked, the system displays all proposal information as read-only to other users. To unlock a proposal when you are finished making changes, select Unlock Proposal. See Managing Locked Records.
Caution: Depending on how your agency has set an agency option, locking a proposal that is associated with a project might also lock the project and any other projects associated with that proposal.
Select Attachments to manage attachments in the proposal. See Working with Attachments.
Select Cost Estimate to add or view the cost estimate(s) associated with the proposal. See Maintaining Proposal Information for a Letting Estimate.
Select Fiscal Years to maintain fiscal year information for the proposal. See Maintaining Fiscal Years.
Select General to manage general information for the proposal. See Maintaining a Proposal.
Select Item Pricing to change proposal item prices. See Changing Proposal Item Prices.
Select Links to manage links in the proposal. See Working with Links.
Select Locations to view location information for all the projects in the proposal. See Viewing Proposal Locations.
Select Sections and Items to manage proposal items in sections. See Managing Proposal Sections and Items.
Select Tracked Issues to manage tracked issues for the proposal. See Maintaining Tracked Issue Information.
Select Vendor Bid Entry to maintain proposal bid information, including bid items, times, and bid notes. See Maintaining Proposal Bid Totals.
Select Vendors to manage information about the vendors that have purchased the plan for this proposal. See Managing Proposal Vendors.
Select Wage Decisions to view the wage decisions that are currently associated with the proposal. See Maintaining Proposal Wage Decisions.
Transitioning a Proposal to Construction
Generating Vendor Mailing Labels
Using Estimator with Web-Based AASHTOWare Project Proposals