Setting the BAMS/DSS Pass Date

BAMS/DSS is a separate application used by many agencies to store the historical construction contract data needed to perform a variety of agency functions, such as market analyses, reporting, cost indices, project planning, and legislative presentations.

After a proposal has been awarded or rejected in Preconstruction, the data recorded for the proposal can be imported into the historical database in BAMS/DSS by using one of several commands available in BAMS/DSS. The agency can record the date this information was imported by populating the proposal's Passed to BAMS/DSS Date field (displayed on the Bid Letting Status component).

Follow these steps to set the pass date for all proposals that have a status of Awarded or Rejected and no value in the Passed to BAMS/DSS Date field:

  1. Navigate to the Proposal Overview, and select Set BAMS/DSS Pass Date from the Actions menu on the component header.

    The system displays a modal window for setting the BAMS/DSS pass date.

  2. Click in the Status Date field and type the date information was copied to BAMS/DSS, or click the calendar button to select a date.

  3. Click the Set Pass Date on Proposals button.

    The system sets the Passed to BAMS/DSS Date field on all proposals that have a status of Awarded or Rejected and no value in the Passed to BAMS/DSS Date field to the date entered and closes the modal window.

  4. Note: This process changes the Pass to CAS and BAMS/DSS Flag field and the Passed to BAMS/DSS Date field regardless of whether the proposals were actually passed. If any of the proposals were not passed, they will be missed the next time you pass data. Likewise, if you need to pass the information from a proposal to BAMS/DSS a second time, change the value of the Pass to CAS and BAMS/DSS Flag field appropriately (that is, change it to empty if it was set to D, or change it to C if it was set to B), and save the proposal.

  5. Note: If a proposal was Awarded or Rejected between the time you imported data into BAMS/DSS using the method above, and the time you set the pass flag and date, you must change the flag back so the proposal will pass to BAMS/DSS.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Proposal

Managing Proposals

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