

- Target Deviation

A negative numeric value that represents an acceptable deviation from the target value. Values can be entered to the hundred thousandths place.

Where Used: Ref Specification Condition Field,

+ Target Deviation

A positive numeric value that represents an acceptable deviation from the target value. Values can be entered to the hundred thousandths place.

Where Used: Ref Specification Condition Field,




The URL AASHOTWare Project will use to send calls to the Microsoft Power BI Rest API.

Where Used: Bi Setting,

AVControl ID

An identifier not usually displayed in the application.

Where Used: Av Detail Field, Av Detail Field, Av Detail Field, Av Detail Field, Av Detail Field, Av Detail Field, Av Detail Field,

Ability Factor

The state's numerical rating of the vendor's capability to perform work. It is a factor in calculating the vendor's capacity; it is not a performance evaluation.

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

Acceptance Action

The name for an acceptance action.

Where Used: Acceptance Action, Acceptance Action Option,

Acceptance Action ID

Where Used:

Acceptance Action Option

A group of actions with the rates and frequencies the actions will occur. An acceptance action option represents one possible way that a material, material category, item, or item family can be accepted for use.

Where Used: Acc Action Option Rate Freq,

Acceptance Method

The procedure by which the sample is to be accepted (for example, sampling and testing, visual, certification). (Code table: ACCEPTANCEMETHOD).

Where Used: Action Relationship, Dwr Acceptance Record, Sample Record,

Acceptance Record

A place to record material usage and acceptance information on a contract project. This can include field inspection, sample, or certification information.

Where Used: Dwr Acceptance Record Item Posting,

Accordion List

A list of data records that require more fields than available in a rolling list. Accordion lists can be expanded or collapsed.

Where Used: System,

Account ID

An identifier assigned to each security account for the vendor. Two security accounts may have the same Vendor Security Account ID (for example, one for escrow and one for security) (Code table: REFSEC).

Where Used: Security Account,

Accounting Fund

The accounting department's code for a fund when it differs from the system code (Code table: ACCTCODE).

Where Used: Contract Fund, Cost Estimate Fund, Fund, Ref Fund, Ref Fund Package Fund,

Accounting Received Date

The date entered by the agency to indicate when the agency's accounting department received information for the payment estimate or payment estimate voucher.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Voucher,

Act Pct Cmpl

Percent complete (using dollars spent on the contract items) calculated and assigned by the system when this point in the schedule is reached.

Where Used: Contract Progress Schedule,


An activity that must be completed as a step toward the completion of a DBE certification event.

Where Used: Ref Action Type, Ref Vendor Dbe Certification Event, Route,


The closure action taken by the user. A set of values that cannot be modified by the agency. Values: Closed, Reopened.

Where Used: Contract Closure Comment,

Action Date

The date the closure action was taken by the user.

Where Used: Contract Closure Comment,

Action Documentation Type

The kind of documentation necessary for completion of the action.

Where Used: Action Relationship,

Action Frequency

How often an action occurs when the Frequency Type is Quantity or Temporal. The value entered in this field interacts with the value in the Action Rate field. For example, entering a '250' in the Action Frequency field, entering '1' in the Action Rate field, and selecting 'Quantity' in the Frequency Type field requires the acceptance action to occur once per every 250 units of material quantity placed.

Where Used: Acc Action Option Rate Freq,

Action Rate

How many times an acceptance action occurs.

Where Used: Acc Action Option Rate Freq,

Action Relationship

An action is a test, inspection, certification, or other action performed to or for a construction material or item. An action relationship is an association between an action and a material, material category, item, or item family. You cannot enter information in the system for tests or other actions until an action relationship is created between the action and the object of that action.

Where Used: Acc Action Option Rate Freq, Ref Specification,

Action Relationship

An association between an action, such as a test, inspection, or certification, and a construction material, material category, item, or item family. You cannot enter information in the system for tests or other actions until an action relationship exists between the action and the recipient of the action.

Where Used: Action Relationship Agency View,

Action Relationship Status Type

The status of the action relationship, for example, active or inactive. (Code Table: STATUSTYPE).

Where Used: Action Relationship,

Action Status

The current state of the contract action as classified by the agency. (Code table: STATUSCONTRACTACTION)

Where Used: Contract Action,

Action Type

The kind of action (a way to categorize the different actions that may exist for materials or items). (Code Table: ACTIONTYPE).

Where Used: Action Relationship, Dwr Acceptance Record,

Action Type

The action that will be performed when an event is triggered. Examples of actions include opening an issue or notifying a user.

Where Used: Ref Issue Event Action,

Action Type

The type of contract action as classified by the agency. (Code table: TYPECONTRACTACTION)

Where Used: Contract Action,

Action/Lien Date

The date of the contract action or its associated lien.

Where Used: Contract Action,


Actions menus allow you to choose a function or process to perform on data. Actions menus are located through the application and are accessed by clicking an Actions button. There are four types of Actions menus, each of which performs actions on a different level of data: system, component, list, and row.

Where Used: System,

Actions Menu

Located throughout the system, Actions menus allow you to choose a function or process to perform on data. There are three types of Actions menus: List (for functions performed on a single data record), Component (for functions and processes performed on the component level), and System (for performing system-level functions and processes).

Where Used: System,


Indicates the record's active/inactive status, based on the values in the entity's Effective Date, Expiration Date, Inactive Date, and Status fields.

Where Used: MEIO


A system-calculated value that indicates whether or not the lab is active. For a lab to be considered active, the lab must have an active sampling or testing qualification and its user-defined Status field must be set to Active.

Where Used: Lab,


Indicates whether the associated record contributes to the cost estimate total.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Item, Ce Typical Section Item, Ce Typical Section Item, Cost Estimate Item, Cost Estimate Item, Cost Sheet, System,


Indicates whether the price task is active or inactive. Only active price tasks will contribute to the item unit price when the item is added to a cost estimate.

Where Used: Ref Item Bid Based Task, Ref Item Cost Sheet, Ref Item Price Task,


Indicates whether the cost estimate is active or inactive. Only active cost estimates are updated with pricing information from the associated project after project items are built.

Where Used: System,


Indicates whether the bid-based task is used to calculate the price for the item on the cost estimate life cycle maintenance schedule.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Maintenance Milestone Item,


Indicates whether the reference price task is used to calculate the price for the item on the cost estimate life cycle maintenance schedule.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Maintenance Milestone Item,


Indicates whether the application is able to perform operations against the system. If checked, the application can integrate with the system.

Where Used: Integration,

Active Agency Views

The number of active agency views associated with the reference item.

Where Used: System,

Active Date

The date you want the system to begin displaying this text document in the system.

Where Used: Text Doc Management,

Active Role

The security role currently selected in the Home menu.

Where Used: User Role,

Active Step

The current step in a tracked issue.

Where Used: Issue Step,

Active Tasks

The number of price tasks marked as active within a task group.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Task Group,

Actual Completion

The actual date on which the contract time is complete. This field is used for all contract time types except the recurring type.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring,

Actual Completion Date

The date that the test on a material sample was actually completed.

Where Used: Sample Record Test,

Actual Occurrence

The date and time at which the contract time occurrence happened.

Where Used: Contract Time Recurr Event,

Actual Payment

The dollar amount actually paid for this item in this subcontractor payment.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment Item, Subcontractor Payment Wk Type,

Actual Start Date

The date and time the earth-moving event in fact occurred.

Where Used: Earth Moving Event,

Ad hoc

Indicates that the item price has been manually changed on the fly by the user.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,

Added from Ref Employee

Indicates whether the employee being interviewed was added manually or from reference employee data.

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,

Addendum ID

A unique identifier assigned automatically to each addendum record in the Proposal Addenda List.

Where Used: Proposal Snapshot,

Addendum Number

A unique number automatically assigned to each addendum in a proposal. The addendum numbers start with the number one for the first addendum and increase by an increment of one for each addendum added to a proposal. Addendum numbers are unique only within a single proposal.

Where Used: Addendum,

Additional Condition

Enables you to add an additional condition that initiates a system event.

Where Used: Add Trigger Condition,

Additional Status

A supplemental status of the claim. (Code Table: ADTLSTATUS)

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Additional Vendor Type ID

A unique identifier assigned automatically to each additional vendor type in the Additional Type List.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Additional Type,


The city and state for the address.

Where Used: System,


The city, state, and zip code for the address.

Where Used: System,

Address ID

A unique identifier assigned to each address recorded for the entity.

Where Used: Address, Phone, Ref Vendor Address, Ref Vendor Officer, Ref Vendor Phone,

Address Line 1

The street address in the address record.

Where Used: Address, Field Interview Employee, Payroll Employee, Ref Employee, Ref Vendor Address,

Address Line 2

The second line of the street address, if needed.

Where Used: Address, Field Interview Employee, Payroll Employee, Ref Employee, Ref Vendor Address,

Address Line 3

The third line of the street address, if needed.

Where Used: Address, Ref Vendor Address,

Address Line 4

The fourth line of the street address, if needed.

Where Used: Address, Ref Vendor Address,

Address Type

How this address will be used (for example, for billing or shipping) (Code table: ADDRTYP).

Where Used: Address, Outbox Unified Address, Ref Vendor Address,

Adjusted Net Worth

A dollar amount calculated by subtracting the vendor's total corporate liabilities from its assets. This number can represent the agency's estimate, the vendor's claim, or an audit amount.

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

Adjusted Number of Time Units

Any adjustment made during the life of this contract to the number of time units (days or hours) required for the contractor to complete the work.

Where Used: Contract, Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring,

Adjusted Time Charged

The total number of time units charged, including adjustments.

Where Used: Diary Contract Time,

Adjustment Amount

Dollar amount of the adjustment.

Where Used: Pay Estimate Item Adjustment,

Adjustment Completion Date

The new completion date this change order time adjustment proposes for the contract time. You can enter a date earlier or later than the current completion date.

Where Used: Change Order Time Adjustment,

Adjustment ID

A unique identifier assigned automatically to the estimate item adjustment.

Where Used: Pay Estimate Item Adjustment,

Adjustment Quantity

The quantity being adjusted.

Where Used: Pay Estimate Item Adjustment,

Adjustment Time Units

The number of time units this change order time adjustment proposes to modify the allowed time for the associated contract time. You can enter any positive or negative number up to four digits, but not zero.

Where Used: Change Order Time Adjustment,

Adjustment Type

A coded value representing the kind of price adjustment being applied to the item. (Code table: ADJTYP)

Where Used: Ref Price Index Adjustment,

Adjustment Type

The type of item adjustment (that is, Overrun, Construction Stockpile, Price, or Other Item Adjustment). The only valid value for user-generated quantity-based item adjustments is Other Item Adjustment. The only valid values for user-generated dollar-based item adjustments are Overrun and Other Item Adjustment.

Where Used: Pay Estimate Item Adjustment,

Adjustment Unit Price

The unit price for the item adjustment.

Where Used: Pay Estimate Item Adjustment,


Indicates that this reference item is an administrative item.

Where Used: Contract Item, Ref Item,

Administrative Office

A unique identifier assigned to each Administrative Office in the system.

Where Used: Address, Administrative Office, Contract Administrative Office, Lead Engineer, Material File, Material Form, User Role Office Authority,

Administrative Office

The administrative office level that has access to the sample record. This field can be modified until the sample record is authorized.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Administrative Office Modified By

The Person ID of the person who most recently modified the Administrative Office for a sample record. This field is automatically populated by the system.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Administrative Office Modified Date

The date the Administrative Office was last modified for a sample record. This field is automatically populated by the system.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Advance Account Number

An agency identifier for a contractor advance account used for this plan purchase.

Where Used: Purchase,

Affidavit Date Approved

The date an affidavit associated with this contract action was approved.

Where Used: Contract Action,

Affidavit Date Received

The date an affidavit associated with this contract action was received.

Where Used: Contract Action,

Affidavit Date Sent

The date an affidavit associated with this contract action was sent.

Where Used: Contract Action,

Affidavit of Documentation Date

The date of the affidavit of documentation for the claim.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Affiliate Vendor

The affiliate's Vendor ID. This must be a valid system Vendor ID.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Affiliat,

Affirmative Action Plan

Indicates whether the Affirmative Action Plan has been reviewed.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Affirmative Action Plan Comments

Additional information about the associated record. This field is required when the check box associated with these comments is not checked.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,


The transportation agency associated with the reference item for whom the UIC code is being defined. (Code Table: AGENCY)

Where Used: Item Classification,

Agency Accepted Date

The date the payroll was accepted by the Agency. The system populates this field automatically.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,

Agency Comments

A text box for recording additional information about the payroll exception.

Where Used: Certified Payroll Exception,

Agency Delivery Engineer Name

An engineer that acts in one of the following capacities: 1) Agency engineer managing an agency contract, 2) Agency engineer overseeing another agency project engineer on an agency contract, or 3) Agency engineer overseeing an agency-let local contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Agency Entity

The name or unique identifier for an agency entity. An agency entity is a business entity, along with the database fields and tables needed to support it, as defined by an agency. This name cannot begin with a number.

Where Used: Agency Field, Agency View,

Agency Entity

The name or unique identifier for an agency entity. An agency entity is a business entity, along with the database fields and tables needed to support it, as defined by an agency.

Where Used: Agency Entity Instance, Agency Entity Instance, Agency Entity Instance Data, Agency Entity Instance View, Av Control, Sample Test Result Template Log,

Agency Entity ID

The agency entity associated with the agency view control. A control can be associated with either a system entity or an agency entity, but not both. Fields from the selected entity can be used within the control.

Where Used: Av Control,

Agency Field

A field defined by an agency entity.

Where Used: Agency Field Validation,

Agency Field Validation

A rule used to validate data entered by a user in an agency field.

Where Used: AFVArgument,

Agency Help

Custom help content entered by the agency.

Where Used: Component, Role,

Agency ID

A unique identifier for an agency's customized component, used to distinguish one customized component from other versions of the same component.

Where Used: Component,

Agency Original Not Accepted Date

The date the original payroll was not accepted by the agency. The system populates this field automatically.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,

Agency Project Engineer Name

The agency engineer managing an agency-let contract, but reporting to an agency delivery engineer.

Where Used: Contract,

Agency Reviewed By

The agency Civil Rights & Labor compliance officer who reviewed this subcontractor payment.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Agency Reviewed Date

The date the subcontractor payment was reviewed.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Agency Reviewer Comments

Additional information about the subcontractor payment added by the agency's Civil Rights & Labor compliance officer.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Agency Type

The type of contract time as classified by the agency (Code Table: AGENCYTIME).

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring, Ref Contract Time,

Agency User

An employee of the transportation agency who is authorized to use parts of the system to record and process information.

Where Used: Role, User Info,

Agency View

Unique identifier for an agency view. In some places in the system, this field also displays the agency view title. An agency view is a user interface designed by an agency to enable users to access and change data in an agency entity or a system entity.

Where Used: Action Relationship, Action Relationship Agency View, Av Control, Av Field Condition, Av Field Condition, Contract Agency View, Contract Item Agency View, Dwr Acceptance Record, Material Test Agency View, Mix Design Type Agency View, Mix Design Type Component Material Agency View, Ref Item Agency View,

Agency View

Indicates the agency view associated with the test equipment qualification.

Where Used: Test Equipment Qualification,

Agency View Report

Indicates whether the custom report pulls data from an agency view.

Where Used: Custom Report, Custom Report,

Agency View Required

Indicates whether the system will require the agency view to be used on a DWR in order to enter DWR item posting information for a contract item.

Where Used: Contract Item Agency View,

Agency Views

Indicates whether this reference item is associated with one or more agency views.

Where Used: Ref Item,

Agency Views

Indicates whether agency views are associated with a contract item posted to this DWR.

Where Used: Daily Work Report,


The person or agency who sold the insurance policy to the vendor.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Insurance,

All Contract Access

An indicator that this person is allowed to access all contracts in the agency, irrespective of the administrative offices he has been assigned. This attribute only applies to office-wide contract authority.

Where Used: User Role Office Authority,

All Roles

Indicates that this role can assign contract authority to all active roles in the agency.

Where Used: Role,

All SML Access

Indication that this person can access all sources and facilities in the agency, regardless of the source management levels that have been assigned to this person.

Where Used: User Source Authority,

All Trucks Controlled by DBE or Lower-Tier DBE

Indicates whether all trucks were operated by the DBE owner-operator, their employees, or employees of a lower-tier DBE. This applies to trucks owned by the DBE and trucks leased and operated by DBE drivers that bear the name and USDOT ID number of the DBE.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Allow Duplicate

An indicator to denote that the default contract time allows duplicate name identifiers when added to a contract. The default value is No.

Where Used: Ref Contract Time, Ref Contract Time,

Allow Non-DBE Hauler

Indication by the compliance analyst that the Agency’s approved DBE Program allows credit for non-DBE haulers.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Allowable Payment Amount

The full amount actually included in force account payment amounts, that is, user will calculate agency mark-ups and enter the full amount to pay.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Miscellaneous Invoice,

Alphanumeric Value

An alphanumeric entry that represents the acceptable value for the reference specification condition.

Where Used: Ref Specification Condition Field,


Indicates whether or not the proposal item was an alternate item or was contained in an alternate category or section.

Where Used: Proposal Item,

Alternate Item

An item upon which the bid based price for the cost estimate item can be calculated instead of the source item from which the action is launched.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task,

Alternate Member

A unique identifier assigned to each item alternate member of an item alternate set. A project item cannot be assigned to an item alternate set without identifying an item alternate member.

Where Used: Project Item, Proposal Item,

Alternate Project ID

A code that identifies a project in some electronic or manual system outside of the web-based AASHTOWare Project application. The system can use this value to communicate with that external system.

Where Used: Project,

Alternate Quantity

A quantity that is used to calculate the bid-based price for the cost estimate item instead of the quantity for the source item from which the action is launched.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task,

Alternate Set

A unique identifier assigned to each item alternate set in the Alternate Set List. Item alternate sets contain one or more alternate members. A project may contain multiple item alternate sets.

Where Used: Alternate Set, Proposal Item,

Alternate Set

A unique identifier assigned to each item alternate set in the Alternate Set List. Item alternate sets contain one or more alternate members. A project may contain multiple item alternate sets.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Alternate Set,


The dollar amount of the security transaction.

Where Used: Account Transaction,


The amount to be withheld for this other deduction from the employee's payroll for this payroll period.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Other Deductions,


The dollar amount for the reference price.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Item Ref Price Task, Cost Estimate Item Price Task, Ref Item Ref Price,


Total amount of the change order.

Where Used: Change Order,


The proposed change to the approved quantity for the contract project item multiplied by the item's unit price.

Where Used: Change Order Inc Dec Item,


The dollar amount of the markup on to the cost estimate.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Markup,


The dollar amount of the contract adjustment on the payment estimate. You can use positive and negative numbers, but not zero.

Where Used: Contract Adjustment,


The amount of the invoice.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Material Invoice, Force Account Contractor Miscellaneous Invoice,

Amount Allocated This Payment Estimate

The amount allocated to this fund for this item in the current estimate period.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item Fund,

Amount Allocated This Payment Estimate Process

The amount allocated to this fund for this item in the current estimate period. The amount includes any installed item amounts along with any system-generated item adjustments allocated to this fund.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item Fund,

Amount Allocated User Adjustments This Payment Estimate

The amount allocated to this fund for the user-generated item adjustments in the current estimate period.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item Fund,

Amount Available

The amount of the current balance that can be encumbered. This is the difference between the current balance of the security account and the total amount encumbered for all contracts associated with it.

Where Used: Security Account,

Amount Paid to Date

The total dollar amount of all estimates paid for the contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Amount Paid to Date Approved Payment Estimate

The total dollars paid to the contractor through the end date of the latest approved payment estimate for work installed and including item adjustments.

Where Used: Contract Project Item,

Amount Posted To Date

The total dollar amount calculated from all the quantities posted to date for the items on the contract project.

Where Used: Contract Project Item,

Amount Posted and Approved to Date All Items

The total dollar amount for all quantity posted entries for all the contract's items from approved DWRs, regardless of whether the DWRs are included on payment estimates.

Where Used: Contract,

Amount Posted and Approved to Date Critical Items

The total dollar amount for all quantity posted entries for all the contract's critical items from approved DWRs, regardless of whether the DWRs are included on payment estimates. This value is needed to utilize a 'Percent of Critical Items Complete' Progress Schedule.

Where Used: Contract,

Amount Posted to Date

The total dollar amount calculated from all the quantities posted to date for the items on the contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Amount Posted to Date Appr DWRs

The total dollar amount calculated from all the quantities posted to date for the items on all approved DWRs for the contract.

Where Used: Contract Item, Contract Project Item,

Amount Received

The amount received in this payment.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Amount Used on Previous Approved Payment Estimate

The amount of the contract fund used on previous payment estimates.

Where Used: Contract Fund,

Analysis Completion Due Date

The date on which the agency's analysis of the contract claim should be complete.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Analysis Days

The number of days allowed to the agency to complete the claim analysis for this claim type.

Where Used: Ref Contract Claim Type,

Annual Affidavit Date

The date the vendor's annual gross receipts affidavit was received by your agency.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Annual Data,

Annualized Cost

The annualized cost of a specific treatment included in the improvement. Used in the calculation of annualized costs for simplified life cycle analysis.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Annualization,


A rating and associated text for an evaluation question from the reference rating data.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation Response,

App Name

The application to which this device is assigned.

Where Used: User Device,

Appeal Hearing Date

The date of the appeal hearing for the claim.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Application GUID

A value, generated by Microsoft Azure as part of your agency's business intelligence system, that identifies an agency-specific instance of AASHTOWare Project.

Where Used: Bi Setting,

Application Secret

A key generated by Microsoft Azure to allow AASHTOWare Project access to the Active Directory Domain that contains the Power BI content.

Where Used: Bi Setting,


Indicates that this employee is working under apprentice status for this contract. If checked, then you must also enter values in the Apprentice ID and Percentage of Wage fields for this employee record.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,


Indicates that the field interview employee states they are an apprentice.

Where Used: Field Interview Job Classification,

Apprentice Classification

The decision classification identifier for the apprenticeship craft.

Where Used: Ref Employee Apprenticeship Craft Decision,

Apprentice Craft Code

The Craft code associated with the apprenticeship program in which this employee was most recently enrolled (Code table: CRAFTCODE).

Where Used: Ref Employee, Ref Employee Apprenticeship Craft Decision,

Apprentice Full Fringe Verification

Indicates whether the agency is performing the fringe benefit analysis for apprentice reference employees based on the Apprentice Program requirements.

Where Used: Ref Employee,

Apprentice Full Fringe Verification

Indicates whether the agency is performing the fringe benefit analysis for apprentice reference employees based on the Apprentice Program requirements. If checked, then the full Fringe Rate, as defined on the applicable wage decision, is used. (Fringe Rate = Wage Decision Fringe Rate). If unchecked, then the Fringe Rate equals the Apprentice Wage Percentage times the Fringe Rate , as defined on the applicable wage decision. (Fringe Rate = Apprentice Wage Percentage x Wage Decision Fringe Rate).

Where Used: Ref Employee Apprenticeship,

Apprentice ID

A unique identifier assigned to each apprenticeship program in the system.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor, Ref Employee Apprenticeship, Ref Employee Apprenticeship Craft Decision,

Apprentice Percentage Received

The apprentice percentage the field interview employee indicates they are receiving.

Where Used: Field Interview Job Classification,

Apprentice Wage Percentage

The percentage of the full wage rate to be paid to this apprentice.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Approval Date

The date and time the DWR was approved.

Where Used: Daily Work Report,

Approval Date

The date the contractor's total DBE commitment was approved by the agency. Depending on an agency option, you may not be able to award this proposal in a bid letting if a date has not been recorded in this field.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Approval Date

The date the contractor's total DBE commitment was approved by the agency.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Approval Date

The date the change order was approved.

Where Used: Change Order,

Approval Date

The date on which a decision was entered for an approval level on a contract payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Approval,

Approval Date

The date that the mix design was approved.

Where Used: Mix Design,

Approval Decision

The decision for a change order approver. The approver may select a decision (approve, reject, deny, or void) or the system may set the decision (closed).

Where Used: Change Order Approval Group,

Approval Decision

The decision for an estimate approver. The approver can select a decision (approve, reject) or the system can set the decision (pending). Values: Pending Approval (initial default value), Approve, Reject.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Approval,

Approval Decision Comments

Additional information about the associated approval decision.

Where Used: Change Order Approval Group,

Approval Decision Provided Date

The date on which a decision took place for the change order approver.

Where Used: Change Order Approval Group,

Approval Decision Requested Date

The date after which a decision may be made.

Where Used: Change Order Approval Group,

Approval Group

The approval group sequence number and description for this approval record.

Where Used: Change Order Approval Group,

Approval Group

A unique identifier assigned to each change order approval group in the system.

Where Used: Approval Group Assigned Role, Approval Group Assigned Role, Approval Group Assigned Role,

Approval Group

The approval group sequence number and description for this approval group limit.

Where Used: Approval Group Limit,

Approval Group Added Date

The date on which the user was added as an approver of the change order.

Where Used: Change Order Approval Group,

Approval Level

A whole number (between 1 and 9) that represents the relative position of the approval in the sequence of approvals required for a payment estimate. The first approval level in the series is represented by number 1.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Approval, Ref Payment Approval Level,

Approval Level

Identifies the payment estimate approval level field that will be used to identify recipients of the notification.

Where Used: Notify Pay Est Appr Level Event Action, Ref Notify Pay Est Appr Level Event Action,

Approval Level Role

Specifies the approval role that can approve this contract payment estimate at this approval level.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Approval,

Approval Level Type

Type of approval level for a source. (Code table: APPRLEVELTYPE)

Where Used: Source,

Approval Sequence Nbr

A number representing this approval group's relative position, or level in the sequence in which change order approvals are performed. This number must be unique for the change order approval group. On some components, this field also displays the Approval Group Description.

Where Used: Ref Change Order Approval Group,

Approval Status

The approval status of the material from the source (Code Table: APPROVALSTATUS).

Where Used: Facility Material, Facility Material Category, Source Material, Source Material Category,

Approve Decision

Indicates whether this change order approval group can apply the approve change order decision.

Where Used: Ref Change Order Approval Group, Ref Change Order Approval Group,

Approved By

The user who approved the DWR.

Where Used: Daily Work Report,

Approved By

The agency staff member that approved the contractor's total DBE commitment (Code Table: STAFF).

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Approved By

The User ID of the person who approved the contractor evaluation.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation,

Approved By

Unique identifier for the person who approved the mix design.

Where Used: Mix Design,

Approved By

Additional information about the associated record. This field is required when the check box associated with these comments is not checked.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Approved Date

The date the contractor evaluation was approved.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation,

Approved Date

Additional information about the associated record. This field is required when the check box associated with these comments is not checked.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Approved Disallowed Amount

Concurrence of the dollar amount disallowed for credit towards meeting the contract DBE goal.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Approved Joint Check

Indicates whether the prime vendor submitted and received approval to use a joint check.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Approved Quantity

Indicates that the destination quantity is approved for use on the contract.

Where Used: Dsr Material Dest Contract,

Approved Quantity Posted to Date

Where Used:

Approved Recovery Amount

The total gross stockpile recovery adjustment dollar amount for this item and construction stockpile on all previous estimates.

Where Used: Stockpile,

Approved Reported Material Quantity

The approved quantity of material within a material set posted for the contract project item. This is calculated as the sum of the contract project item material set material's installed quantities on daily work reports in a status of Approved.

Where Used: Contract Project Item Material Set Material,

Approved Satisfied Represented Material Quantity

The sum of all Represented Quantities from acceptance records on approved daily work reports and samples for a material within a material set used to fulfill material requirements for a contract project item. Depending on the Accept Samples By agency option, this sum includes samples with a status of Authorized, acceptable, or both.

Where Used: Contract Project Item Material Set Material,

Approved Source Required

Indicates that an approved source is required for the action.

Where Used: Action Relationship,

Approver Name

The name of the person approving the change order.

Where Used: Change Order Approval Group, Change Order Approval Group,

Approver Title

The title of the change order approver at the time of the approver's decision.

Where Used: Change Order Approval Group,

Area Region

The name or identifier for a region within a market area. Each region can include one or more counties.

Where Used: Market Area Region, Market Area Region County,

As Built Quantity

The placed quantity when the item is complete.

Where Used: Dwr Item Posting, Dwr Work Item,

Assigned To

The agency staff member responsible for completing the DBE certification event (Code table: STAFF).

Where Used: Ref Vendor Dbe Certification Event,

Assignment Level

The level at which the contingency factor is applied; either the cost estimate or the cost estimate items.

Where Used: Contingency Risk Factor, Cost Estimate Contingency Risk Factor,

Associated Contract Claim ID

An identifier not usually displayed in the application.

Where Used: Associated Contract Claim,

Associated Fields

Fields from the associated entity that are made available for inclusion in a reference issue.

Where Used: System,

Associated Model

A system-generated field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Resource,

Associated To

The name of the concept or project with which the cost estimate is associated.

Where Used: Cost Estimate, System,

Associated To

The business entity with which the reference issue is associated.

Where Used: Ref Issue, Ref Issue,

Associated To

The business entity with which the issue is associated.

Where Used: Issue,

Associated To

The business entity with which the event is associated.

Where Used: System Event Trigger.Custom Business Entity, System Event Trigger,

Associated To Directory

Indicates whether this user is associated with a directory service.

Where Used: User Info,

Associated To is Blank

Filters the list to show only tracked issues that are not associated with an entity.

Where Used: Ref Issue Associated To Id Is Blank,

Associated Value

The value for the selected association type.

Where Used: Sample Record Association,

Associated Wage Rate Percentage

The percentage of Journeymen's minimum wage rate that is acceptable for a trainee in this stage of the OJT program.

Where Used: Ojt Program Wage Rate Progression,

Association Type

The type of sample record association. Values: Destination Lab: The lab where the sample will be received for testing. Inspection Agency: The agency (vendor) that inspected the location where the sample was taken. Person Identification: Unique identification of a person. Limited Sample Access: Access to a sample record is allowed for users within the limited sample access roles associated with the sample record.

Where Used: Sample Record Association,

Attach to

Determines whether the process or report is attached the issue, associated row, or current step.

Where Used: Ref Execute Process Event Action, Ref Generate Report Event Action,

Attachment ID

An identifier not usually displayed in the application.

Where Used: Attachment Role,


Indicates whether there are attachments associated with this DWR or any of its child records.

Where Used: Daily Work Report, Dwr Item Posting, Dwr Work Item,

Attendee ID

Identifier for a person attending a meeting.

Where Used: Attendee,


The total number of attention flags recorded for this entity.

Where Used: Dwr Work Item, System,

Attorney/Client Privilege

Indicates that this file attachment will be provided to an attorney.

Where Used: Attachment,

Authentication Type

Indicates how AASHTOWare Project authenticates to the Microsoft Power BI service in order to embed content.

Where Used: Bi Setting,


The user who created the daily diary.

Where Used: Daily Diary,


The user who created the change order.

Where Used: Change Order,

Authority URL

The URL AASHOTWare Project will use to authenticate to the Microsoft Power BI service.

Where Used: Bi Setting,

Authorize as Group

Indicates whether all split samples in a sample record group are authorized simultaneously and unauthorized simultaneously. When authorizing as a group, all splits in the sample record group must be in an authorizable status for any of the splits to be authorized. All splits in the group must be in either an authorizable status or a sample status of Pending Authorization for any of the splits to be displayed on the Review Samples component.

Where Used: Sample Record Group,

Authorized By

The person ID of the user who authorized the sample record.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Authorized Date

Date and time the sample record was authorized.

Where Used: Sample Record,


Determines whether sample record tests with this test result value can be autofinalized.

Where Used: Ref Test Result Value,


Indicates that the test, when assigned to the sample record, can be autofinalized during sample record review.

Where Used: Test Assignment Info,

Automatically Paid Percentage of Schedule

Indicates that, once included in a contract, this item must be automatically paid in an amount corresponding to the percentage of the completed contract.

Where Used: Ref Item,

AvControl ID

An identifier not usually displayed in the application.

Where Used: Av Control,


Average price of data points included in the analysis.

Where Used: Bid History, Bid History Item,

Average Comment

Additional information about the average price calculated by the model.

Where Used: Bid History,

Average Count

The number of historical item bids included in the calculation of the modeled price.

Where Used: Bid History,

Average High Quantity

The upper value in the range of quantities used to calculate the modeled price.

Where Used: Bid History,

Average Low Quantity

The lower value in the range of quantities used to calculate the modeled price.

Where Used: Bid History,

Average Modeled

Average price of data points included in the analysis.

Where Used: Bid History,

Average Price

The average price calculated by the model using the setting changes that have been repriced.

Where Used: Bid History,

Average Standard Deviation

The dollar amount of one standard deviation for the modeled price for included bids for the selected variable.

Where Used: Bid History,

Average Unit Price

A calculated value for the average unit price bid for the selected item.

Where Used: Proposal Item,


A check box designating the winning bid for the proposal and the proposal vendor to which the contract will be awarded.

Where Used: Proposal Vendor,

Awarded Amount

The amount awarded to the winning vendor for this proposal. This is initially set by the system as the winning bid amount, but can be changed.

Where Used: Proposal,

Awarded Contract Amount

The dollar amount originally awarded for this contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Awarded Date

The date the contract was awarded to a contractor.

Where Used: Contract,

Awarded Vendor

The vendor that was awarded the contract for this proposal in a bid letting (based on the Awarded Bidder check box on the Proposal Vendor details page).

Where Used: Proposal,




The remaining balance for the construction stockpile.

Where Used: Stockpile,

Balance Completed

The quantity of this contract project item that has been completed for this change order.

Where Used: Change Order Inc Dec Item,

Balance Completed Items

Indicates that the change order includes completed contract items for which the approved quantity must be automatically balanced with the quantity posted to date.

Where Used: Change Order, Ref Change Order Approval Rule,

Base Message

The system-defined message for this rule.

Where Used: Payroll Exception Rule,

Base Message Text

The default text of the system message (delivered with the system).

Where Used: System Message,

Base Model Parent ID

A unique identifier assigned to each base model parent in the system.

Where Used: Agency Entity Instance,

Base Section

Indicates whether a proposal section is a base section for additive bidding purposes. Clearing this check box indicates that the proposal section is not part of the base but is an additive section. In addition, clearing this check box on any section designates the entire proposal as an additive bidding proposal.

Where Used: Proposal Section,

Begin Date

The date the payroll period begins for this payroll record.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,

Begin Station

An identifier for the survey reference point for the beginning of the road segment.

Where Used: Contract Project Road Segment, Road Segment,

Begin Termini

An identifier for the beginning boundary of the road segment.

Where Used: Contract Project Road Segment, Road Segment,

Benefit Account Number

The vendor's identifier for the benefit program.

Where Used: Cert Payroll Benefit Program,

Benefit Program Classification

The contractor's description of the type of benefits provided by this program (Maintained in the Reference Data/Decision Class component).

Where Used: Cert Payroll Benefit Program,

Benefit Program Name

The name of a vendor's benefit program.

Where Used: Cert Payroll Benefit Program,

Benefit Program Type

The kind of benefit provided by this benefit plan, for example, medical insurance or a pension fund.

Where Used: Cert Payroll Benefit Program,

Bid Based Price

The unit price calculated by bid-based methods according to the criteria and parameters in the selected bid history profile.

Where Used: Bid Based Worksheet, Ce Typical Section Item,

Bid Based Price

The unit price calculated by bid-based methods according to the criteria and parameters in the selected bid history or pricing profile.

Where Used: Item Bid History Result,

Bid Based Task

The price task used to calculate a bid-based price for an item on a typical section.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Item,

Bid Classification Code

A code used to identify a specific type of irregularity found in the proposal vendor's bid (Code table: BIDCLS).

Where Used: Bid Class,

Bid Extended Amount

The total original quantity of units bid at the time of award, calculated as the product of the Bid Quantity multiplied by the Contract Item Unit Price.

Where Used: Contract Item,

Bid History Profile

A unique identifier for a bid history profile. A bid history profile is a collection of settings and parameters used to select historical bid data and calculate bid-based prices for cost estimation purposes. The settings determine which historical bid data is included in the analysis. The selected parameters and attributes also determine the type of analysis (average and/or regression) and the outputs produced by the pricing model.

Where Used: Bhp Improvement Type, Bhp Item Class, Bhp Spec Book, Bhp Work Type, Bid Based Worksheet, Bid History, Bid History Item, Bid History Profile, Bid History Profile Recommendation, Bid History Variable, Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task, Item Bid History Profile,

Bid History Profile

A specific bid history profile to be used when calculating the price for this reference item. If you want to use the default bid history profile for the estimation calculation, leave this field blank.

Where Used: Ref Item Bid Based Task,

Bid Item

A system-generated identifier for a bid item (not usually displayed in the application).

Where Used: Bid History Item,

Bid Item

The work item for the vendor's DBE commitment.

Where Used: Dbe Commitment Work Item,

Bid Item Unit Price Comparison

The minimum or maximum bid amount allowed for this item, depending on the setting of the Bid Requirement Code. A value is required in this field when the Bid Requirement Code is set to "Minimum" or "Maximum."

Where Used: Bid,

Bid Letting ID

A unique identifier assigned to each bid letting in the system.

Where Used: Bidder, Letting, Proposal,

Bid Notes

Additional information recorded about a bid or bidder in a letting.

Where Used: Proposal Vendor,

Bid Price

The bidder's unit price for a line item in the proposal.

Where Used: Bid,

Bid Quantity

The original quantity of units bid at the time of the award.

Where Used: Contract Item,

Bid Quantity

The number of units of the item that are required.

Where Used: Contract Project Item,

Bid Quantity Extended Amount

The total original quantity of units bid at the time of award for this project item, calculated as the product of the Bid Quantity multiplied by the Contract Item Unit Price.

Where Used: Contract Project Item,

Bid Requirement Code

A value that may be assigned to an item indicating that pricing and bids for this item will be restricted in one of three ways: price may be fixed, may have an assigned minimum value, or may have an assigned maximum value. If the value is set to Minimum or Maximum, you must also enter a value in the Project Item Unit Price Comparison field.

Where Used: Bid, Project Item, Proposal Item, Ref Item,

Bid Status

The status of the vendor's bid (Code table: BIDSTAT).

Where Used: Proposal Vendor,

Bid Total with Current Selections

The sum of the Items, Time, and Life Cycle Costs for currently selected alternate sections.

Where Used: System,

Bid Type

The kind of bid submitted (Code table: BIDTYPE).

Where Used: Proposal Vendor,

Bid as Lump Sum

Indicates that an item is to be bid in a lump sum amount. This flag applies to true lump sum items, fractional lump sum items and hybrid lump sum items. An item with this flag checked will, from the point it is a proposal item through award, be displayed with a quantity of 1.0 or, in the case of hybrid lump sum items will have the bid as lump sum flag checked. All items with this flag checked will be bid with a quantity of 1.0. This flag is assigned to the reference item and is a read-only attribute of the project item.

Where Used: Ref Item,

Bid-Based Methodologies

Method of calculating the unit price for an item based on previous bid prices.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,


A vendor who has either submitted a bid or has collected quotes from a subcontractor, supplier, trucker or broker for a bid on a proposal in a bid letting.

Where Used: Bidder, Quoter,

Bill To Address

The billing address for the vendor.

Where Used: Purchase,

Billing Code

The charge code for performing a test on a material sample.

Where Used: Billing Information, Sample Record Test, Sample Record Test, Sample Record Test,

Billing Code Required

Indicates that a billing record is required for a test.

Where Used: Material Test,

Bond Number

The bond number associated with this contract action.

Where Used: Contract Action,

Bonding Agent

The reference vendor ID of the bonding agent company associated with this contract action.

Where Used: Contract Action,

Brand ID

Name of the material product.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Brand Name

Name of the material product.

Where Used: Brand, Mix Design Component Material, Mix Design Component Material, Source Material Facility Material Identification,

Brand Name Required

Indicates that the brand name should be used for this material.

Where Used: Material, Material Category,

Bridge ID

A unique identifier assigned to each bridge in the system.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment,

Bridge Type

The kind of bridge of which the bridge segment is a part (Code table: BRDGTYP).

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment,


A vendor who facilitates the sale and/or shipment of materials or equipment. This vendor only facilitates the work without any direct employees or equipment of their own. In the case of a DBE supplier, this is a vendor who also facilitates the sale and shipment of the material or equipment being supplied. In this context, if Yes "Supplier/Manufacturer/Broker/Regular Dealer" is selected, the entire amount of fees or commissions charged to the prime contractor for procuring and/or transporting materials or supplies for the proposal are counted toward the DBE commitment. In the case of trucking, this is a firm that hires another firm to fulfill the trucking needs for a prime or subcontractor (and as a rule is paid a service fee for this function).

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Supplier, Contract Curr Dbe Supplier, Subcontract,

Broker Amount

The dollar amount contracted for broker services in this subcontract.

Where Used: Subcontract,

Broker Fee Indicator

Indicates that a broker fee is charged for the truck recorded in this field interview.

Where Used: Field Interview Trucking,

Broker Fee Value

The amount of the broker fee charged for the truck recorded in this field interview.

Where Used: Field Interview Trucking,

Broker Hourly Rate

The hourly rate or fee charged by the Trucking Broker to the truck owner for services provided to the prime or subcontractor.

Where Used: EOMTruck Type,

Budget Class

A classification denoting a high-level budget group to which the item belongs (Code Table: BUDCLASS).

Where Used: Budget Class Mapping, Concept, Cost Estimate, Cost Estimate Item,

Button Text

Text shown on a button that enables the user to manually trigger an event in the Tracked Issue component.

Where Used: Ref Issue Event Trigger,

Buy American

Indicates the material was made in the United States of America per the Buy American Act.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Buy USA Requirements

Documentation required to accept materials for the Buy American Act. (Code table: BUYUSAREQUIREMENTS).

Where Used: Sample Record,

By User

The name of the user who took the closure action.

Where Used: Contract Closure Comment,

Bypass Destination Receive

Indication that the destination lab receiving function can be bypassed for the lab unit.

Where Used: Lab Unit,

Bypass Lab Unit Receive

Indication that the lab unit receiving function can be bypassed for the lab unit.

Where Used: Lab Unit,



CUF Review ID

A unique identifier for the Commercially Useful Function review.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Cab Number

The cab number for the driver of the truck recorded in this field interview.

Where Used: Field Interview Trucking,


A check box that determines whether REDIS caching is enabled for this entity.

Where Used: Custom Business Entity,

Cache Last Updated Time

A system-generated field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Cache Update,

Calc Gross Pay

The sum of the calculated gross pay on all the labor records.

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee,

Calc Salaried Average Hourly Rate

The calculated Salaried Average Hourly Rate (SAHR), which is equal to the Normal Salary divided by the Total Pay Period Salaried Hours.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Calc Salaried Average Hourly Rate

Where Used:

Calc Salary Project Total Amount

The Total Project Classification Salaried Hours times the sum of the Calc Salaried Average Hourly Rate and the sum of the reported Hourly Fringe Rates plus the Project Lump Sum Payment (Calc Slrd Proj Tot Amt = Tot Proj Class Slrd Hrs time (Calc Slrd Avg Hrly Rt + (sum of Hrly Frng Rt)) + Proj LS Pymt).

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Calc Salary Project Total Amount

Where Used:

Calc Total Hours

The sum of the Calc Total Straight Time Hours plus the Calc Total Overtime Hours for the hourly employee.

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee Labor, Payroll Employee Labor,

Calc Total Lump Sum Payment

The total of the Lump Sum Payments recorded on all the associated child records.

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee,

Calc Total Other Deductions

The total amount deducted from a payroll employee's pay for other deductions on the payroll, calculated automatically by the system as the sum of all associated payroll employee other deductions.

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee Labor, Payroll Employee Labor,

Calc Total Overtime Hours

The total number of hours of overtime the employee worked for this labor record (the sum of all overtime hours worked for all the labor hour records associated with this labor record).

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee Labor, Payroll Employee Labor,

Calc Total Pay

The employee's total pay for this labor record before deductions and taxes have been subtracted.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor, Payroll Employee Labor,

Calc Total Project Classification Salaried Hours

The sum of the daily hours entered on the payroll.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Calc Total Straight Time Hours

The total number of hours of straight time the employee worked for this labor record (the sum of all straight time hours worked for all the labor hour records associated with this labor record).

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee Labor, Payroll Employee Labor,

Calc. 3-yr Avg.

An average of the vendor's gross receipts for the most recent three years. The system calculates this value automatically.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Annual Data,

Calculate Incentive

Indicates whether the system will automatically calculate the incentive to be paid during the estimate creation process. You cannot select this option if the Time Type for this contract time is set to Recurring or Informational.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring, Ref Contract Time,

Calculate Incentive

The amount to be paid to the contractor for each time unit that a contractor completes the Contract Time work in advance of the scheduled completion. If you enter a value in this field, you must also enter a value in the Incentive Unit of Time field.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring,

Calculate Liquidated Damage or Disincentive

Indicates whether the system will automatically calculate the liquidated damages or disincentive to be paid during the estimate creation process.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring, Ref Contract Time,

Calculated Amount

The sum of all proposal time bids on a Cost Plus Time Proposal for a vendor.

Where Used: Bid Time,

Calculated Amount

The calculated dollar value of the non-construction cost.

Where Used: Non Construction Cost,

Calculated Extended Amount

The total cost of a bid item calculated by the system as the product of the item quantity times the item unit price. This value is used to verify the extended amount submitted in the bid.

Where Used: Bid, Trucking,

Calculated Life Cycle Cost

The sum of life cycle costs for currently selected alternate sections.

Where Used: Proposal Vendor,

Calculated Quantity

The total item quantity needed for the tyical section length specified.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Item,

Calculated Section Total

The total cost of a bid section calculated by the system as the sum of all low cost item extended amounts for all items in the proposal section.

Where Used: Bid Section,

Calculated Total

The sum of the items, time, and life cycle cost for the alternate sections currently selected for analysis.

Where Used: System,

Calculated Vendor Bid Item Total

The sum of the extended amounts for all bid items for a vendor. This value represents the low-cost total for the vendor and is calculated for valid bids only.

Where Used: Proposal Vendor,

Calculated Vendor Time Total

The sum of all proposal time bids on a Cost Plus Time Proposal for a vendor.

Where Used: Proposal Vendor,

Calculated Vendor Total Bid

The sum of the Calculated Vendor Bid Item Total and the Calculated Time Total for a bidder. This is the true total comprised of only the low cost items, including the low cost alternate items. It is not necessarily the sum of the item extended amounts contained in the Bid List. When bid item calculated extended amounts change, the system automatically recalculates the value in this field.

Where Used: Proposal Vendor,


A person who calibrates test equipment.

Where Used: Person Info,

Call Order

The pre-specified order in which proposals are announced (or "called") during a bid letting so that bidders can submit their bids. The system automatically assigns call order numbers to proposals as they are added to a bid letting, but you can change the automatically assigned call order to any alphanumeric value on the Bid Letting Details page. The call order start number and increment are determined by agency option settings. If the agency option "Call Order Increment" is set to 0, you do not have to enter a value in this field.

Where Used: Proposal,

Can Add

Indicates that this role allows the user to add information in this component, resource, or workflow phase.

Where Used: Role Access Right, Work Flow Phase Access Right,

Can Create Agency Filter

Indicates that this role is authorized to create filters that are available to all agency users or to one or more user roles.

Where Used: Role,

Can Delete

Indicates that this role allows the user to delete information in this component, resource, or workflow phase.

Where Used: Role Access Right, Work Flow Phase Access Right,

Can Edit

Indicates whether an owner of the reference issue can edit the specified field on the reference issue.

Where Used: Issue Owner, Ref Add User To Issue Event Action, Ref Add User To Step Event Action, Ref Issue Event Action, Ref Issue Field, Ref Issue Owner, Step Owner,

Can Have Remarks

Indicates that this entity can be configured for remarks.

Where Used: Custom Business Entity,

Can Modify Other Users' DSRs

Indicates that users who are logged in with this role are able to modify daily source reports created by other users.

Where Used: Role,

Can Sign

Indicates that the user is authorized to digitally sign payrolls for this vendor.

Where Used: Vendor Authority,

Can Update

Indicates that this role allows the user to update information in this component, resource, or workflow phase.

Where Used: Role Access Right, Work Flow Phase Access Right,

Can Update Approved Mix Design

Indicates whether or not the user with this role can update approved mix designs.

Where Used: User Role,

Can View

Indicates that this role allows the user to view information in this component, resource, or workflow phase.

Where Used: Component Role, Role Access Right, Work Flow Phase Access Right,

Can View System Administration Help

Indicates that this role is allowed access to the System Administration online Help.

Where Used: Role,

Cancelled Checks Reviewed

Indication that the Supplier's Cancelled Checks were reviewed.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Cancelled Checks Reviewed

Indicates if the DBE Manufacturer's Cancelled Checks were reviewed.

Where Used: Cuf Review,


The maximum number of units of supplies this truck type holds.

Where Used: EOMTruck Type,

Capacity Units

The unit of measure used for the supplies being hauled by this truck type. (Code table: CAPACITYUNITS)

Where Used: EOMTruck Type,

Case ID

A unique identifier for each case in the system.

Where Used: Issue,

Cash Retainage

Total cash retainage amount paid on the payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project,

Cash/Charge Code

The method by which plans were purchased (Code table: CHRG).

Where Used: Purchase,


Indicates the broad category of the document (Code table: DOCCAT).

Where Used: Document Submission,

Category Alternate Member

A unique identifier assigned to each category alternate member of a category alternate set. A category cannot be assigned to a category alternate set without identifying a category alternate member.

Where Used: Category, Cost Estimate Category, Cost Estimate Item, Proposal Section,

Category Alternate Set

A unique identifier assigned to each category alternate set. Category alternate sets contain one or more alternate members.

Where Used: Category, Category Alternate Set, Cost Estimate Category, Cost Estimate Category, Cost Estimate Category Alternate Set, Proposal Section,

Category ID

A unique identifier assigned to each project category in the system. In some locations, this field also displays the project category description.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Category, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Category, Contract Project Item, Contract Project Location Point, Contract Project Road Segment, Point, Project Item, Road Segment,

Category ID - Category

A unique identifier and brief text describing the category associated with the contract adjustment project distribution.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Contract Adjustment Project Category Distribution,

Category Total

The total cost of the category, calculated as the sum of all active items within the category where the low cost flag is true, plus active typical sections in the same category.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Category,

Central Office Review Date (Centl Off Rvw Dt)

Date of Central Office review and concurrence.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Certificate ID

The Certificate of Deposit's identification number.

Where Used: Account Transaction,

Certification Type

The kind of work a vendor is authorized to perform (Code table: CERTTYP).

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

Certification Year

The year for which this net worth record is valid (cannot be later than the current year).

Where Used: Ref Vendor Officer PNW,

Certified Gender

The gender of the officer used to determine the certification status of the reference vendor.

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

Certified Payroll ID

A system-generated identifier usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Cert Payroll Benefit Program, Certified Payroll Exception, Payroll Employee, Payroll Transition Comment,

Change Amount

The proposed change to the approved quantity for the contract project item multiplied by the item's unit price.

Where Used: Change Order Completed Item,

Change Indicator

Indicates that a change from the last submission of this employee's information is present on this record.

Where Used: Payroll Employee,

Change Order

A legal change made to a signed contract.

Where Used: Change Order Approval Group, Change Order Explanation, Change Order Force Account, Change Order Inc Dec Item, Change Order New Item, Change Order Reviewer, Change Order Time Adjustment, Contract Claim Change Order, Contract Item, Plan Discrepancy Change Order,

Change Order Approval Required

Indicates that a change order that includes this item requires approval.

Where Used: Ref Item,

Change Order Approval Rule

A unique identifier for each change order approval rule in the system.

Where Used: Approval Group Limit,

Change Order Date

The date of the change order. This date is automatically set by the system. Initially it is set to the date the change order was created, and then to the date the change order status becomes "Pending Approval."

Where Used: Change Order,

Change Order Explanations

The number of explanations recorded for this change order.

Where Used: Change Order New Item,

Change Order Number

An identifier for the approved change order that added the item to the contract.

Where Used: Contract Project Item,

Change Order Number

A unique identifier assigned automatically to each change order in the system.

Where Used: Change Order,

Change Order Type

The change order's type classification (Code Table: COTYPE).

Where Used: Ref Change Order Approval Rule,

Change Quantity

The change required to the contract project item quantity to produce a zero balance on the completed item.

Where Used: Change Order Completed Item,

Change in Time Charged

The Adjusted Time Charged minus the Original Time Charged in a daily diary.

Where Used: Diary Contract Time,

Changes in the Contract Scope

Indicates whether there are changes identified in the contract scope that affect the Prime vendor’s ability to meet the approved DBE commitment.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Charge Amount

The fee charged for performing a test on a material sample.

Where Used: Billing Information, Sample Record Test,


Indicates whether charges may be entered for the contract time on diaries or DWRs. This option may only be selected if the Time Type for this contract time is set to Available Time.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring, Ref Contract Time,


Checks the calculation for design evaluation ratings.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation Rating Group,

Citizenship Status

The employee's citizenship or immigration status that establishes his right to work in the United States (Code table: CITIZENSTATUS).

Where Used: Ref Employee, Ref Vendor Officer,


The city in the address record.

Where Used: Address, Field Interview Employee, Payroll Employee, Ref Employee, Ref Vendor Address,

Civil Rights Indicator

Indicates this code table is associated with the Civil Rights business area.

Where Used: Ref Code Table,

Claim Type ID

A unique identifier for a contract claim type.

Where Used: Ref Contract Claim Type,

Claimant Attorney

The name of the claimant's attorney.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Claimant Law Firm

The name of the claimant's law firm.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Claimant Name

The name of the person making this claim.

Where Used: Contract Claim, Ref Associated Contract Claim,

Claimant or Company

The person or company who made the claim associated with this contract action.

Where Used: Contract Action,

Classification Total Hours

The total number of hours (straight time and overtime) worked by the employee on the project at the straight time and overtime rates defined for this craft and classification pair during this pay period.

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee Labor,

Clerk Writing Order

The agency staff member who took the order for the purchase of proposal plans (Code table: STAFF).

Where Used: Purchase,


The last step in a reference issue or resulting tracked issue.

Where Used: Ref Issue Step,


Indicates whether the tracked issue is closed.

Where Used: Issue,


C# code that will be executed to generate or display an image when the agency view instance is opened.

Where Used: Av Control,

Code Table ID

A unique word or combination of words or letters by which each code table in the system is identified.

Where Used: Ref Code Table, Ref Code Table Value,

Code Table Record Value

The display value for the reference code table record.

Where Used: Ref Code Table Value,

Code Table Value ID

A system-generated identifier usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Decision Class, Ref Fed Ethnic Group Mapping,

Code Table Value ID

A system-generated identifier not usually displayed in the application.

Where Used: Agency Option Maintain Test Queue, Agency Option Review Sample Queue, Agency Option Review Tests Queue, Ref Item,


The number of code values in the code table.

Where Used: System,


When assigning dashboard components to a role, this field determines in which column on the role's dashboard the component will appear.

Where Used: Component Role,


Designates the placement of the associated field on a reference issue. Valid entries are left, right, or both.

Where Used: Ref Issue Field,


Determines in which column the field will be displayed, either the left, right, or both.

Where Used: Av Detail Field,

Combine Like Categories

Indicates that the category should be combined with other categories that have the same Section Group into a single proposal section. Items within combined categories are aggregated when the items have the same Reference Item ID and Reference Item Description. If the check box is not checked, then all items in the category will be put into their own proposal section.

Where Used: Category, Contract Project Category,

Combine With Like Items

Indicates that the project item is to be combined with like items at the proposal level. The system combines all project items that have this check box selected into a single proposal line item if they match in following fields: Item ID, Supplemental Description, Item Alternate Set, Item Alternate Member, Bid Requirement Code, and Section ID.

Where Used: Project Item, Ref Item,


A comment that indicates the source of the bid-based price.

Where Used: Item Bid History Result,


Comments regarding closure action taken.

Where Used: Contract Closure Comment,


Optional information about the evaluation question.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation Response, Contract Design Evaluation Response,


Additional information about the project point.

Where Used: Point,


Additional information about the bridge segment location.

Where Used: Bridge Segment,


Additional information about the project road segment location.

Where Used: Road Segment,


Additional information about the associated record.

Where Used: Account Transaction, Addendum, Bid Based Worksheet, Bidder, Certified Payroll, Compliance Finding, Conformance Wage Decision, Contract, Contract Action, Contract Adjustment, Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Appr Dbe Commit Wk Item, Contract Appr Dbe Commit Wk Type, Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Appr Good Faith Effort, Contract Claim, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Wk Item, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Wk Type, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Good Faith Effort, Contract Item, Contract Item Attention Flag, Contract Project Item, Contract Project Wage Decision, Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurr Event, Contract Time Recurring, Contractor Evaluation, Contractor Evaluation Rating, Cuf Review, DWRContract Vendor Equipment, DWRContractor Personnel, DWRContractor Staff, DWRStaff, DWRStaff Record, Daily Diary, Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment Summary, Dbe Commitment Work Item, Dbe Commitment Work Type, Dbe Good Faith Effort, Diary Contract Time, Diary Contract Time Adjustment, Document Submission, Document Submission Review, Dwr Acceptance Record, Dwr Contract Time, Dwr Item Posting, Dwr Item Posting Attention Flag, Field Interview, Field Interview Employee, Field Interview Trucking, Force Account Contractor Miscellaneous Invoice, Ojt Contract Assignment, Ojt Goal, Ojt Program Enrollment, Ojt Program Skill Set, Pay Estimate Item Adjustment, Payment Estimate Approval, Payroll Employee, Payroll Management Compliance, Payroll Transition Comment, Percent Goal, Production Rate, Ref Contract Time, Ref Ojt Program, Ref Price Index, Ref Price Index Adjustment, Ref Vendor Additional Type, Ref Vendor Annual Data, Ref Vendor County, Ref Vendor Dbe Certification Event, Ref Vendor District, Ref Vendor Insurance, Ref Vendor Officer, Ref Vendor Officer PNW, Ref Vendor Region, Ref Vendor Statewide Indicator, Ref Wage Decision Class, Ref Wage Decision Craft, Ref Wage Decision Modification, Ref Wage Zone Area, Stockpile Transaction, Stormwater Period, Stormwater Period Location, Subcontract, Subcontract Item, Subcontractor Payment Wk Type, Weekly Time Charge,


Additional information about this apprenticeship.

Where Used: Ref Employee Apprenticeship,


Additional information about the project bridge segment location.

Where Used: Contract Project Bridge Segment,


Additional information about the project road segment location.

Where Used: Contract Project Road Segment,


Additional information about the project point.

Where Used: Contract Project Location Point,


Additional information about the sample record location.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Commitment Amount

The dollar amount allocated to the DBE commitment.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment,

Commitment Information Reviewed

Indication that the Commitment Information was reviewed.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Common Unit of Measure

The unit of measure to which the system can convert the item for comparison to other items. (Code table: UNITS)

Where Used: Ref Item,

Common Unit of Measure

The common unit of measure for items in the item group.

Where Used: Item Group,

Company Name on Truck

The company name on the side of a truck recorded in this field interview.

Where Used: Field Interview Trucking,


A check box indicating whether work on this force account is complete.

Where Used: Force Account,


Indicates whether the evaluation has been completed.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation,

Complete Plan Cost

The amount that the system will bill vendors who purchase complete plans for this proposal.

Where Used: Proposal,

Completion Date

The projected date when the contractor will complete work for this time row.

Where Used: Proposal Time,

Completion Date

Date the document review was completed.

Where Used: Document Submission Review,

Compliance Certification Status

The current state of environmental compliance for the contractor, as classified by the agency. (Code table: STORMCERTSTATUS)

Where Used: Stormwater Period,

Compliance Review Comments

Additional information about the associated record.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Compliance Review Type

Indicates whether the EEO compliance record is a contract type or vendor type.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Compliance Type

The type of this compliance review (that is, contract or vendor).

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,


Indicates whether the vendor is compliant with state and/or federal regulations.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Compliant Review Comments

Additional information about the compliance review.

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,


A container for the information and business functions on an application webpage. Components are made up of elements such as fields, lists, and links. A webpage may contain one or more components. Some components contain a list of tabs along the left hand side, each of which corresponds to a subset of information related to the main component.

Where Used: System,

Component ID

A unique identifier assigned to each component in the system.

Where Used: Component, Component Role, User Filter,

Component Title

A distinguishing name for the component, displayed on the component header.

Where Used: Agency View, My Page, Recent Activity,

Concept ID

A unique identifier assigned to each concept in the system.

Where Used: Concept, Concept Location, Cost Estimate,

Concept Name

The concept from which the project was transitioned.

Where Used: Project,

Concurrence/Review by Central Office

Concurrence of the DBE Commercially Useful Function (CUF) review.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Condition Field Type

The type of field for the specification condition. The type determines which entry fields are available for entering the specification limits (for example, numeric fields to store a min and max value will be available if the type is Numeric with Min/Max).

Where Used: Ref Specification Condition Field,


Indicates whether the access rights to this restricted field have conditional limits for this role.

Where Used: Restricted Field,

Conducted By

The person who conducted the review (Code Table: STAFF).

Where Used: Compliance Finding,

Confirm Email Address

Type the email address a second time in this field to reduce the risk of entering unintended characters.

Where Used: System,


A check box indicating this wage classification is for conformance only.

Where Used: Decision Class,

Conformance Decisions

The number of conformance decisions in the contract project.

Where Used: System,

Conformance Rate ID

The unique identifier for the conformance decision issued by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Where Used: Conformance Wage Decision,

Conformance Wage Decision Classification

The decision classification identifier for the conformance decision.

Where Used: Conformance Wage Decision,

Conformance Wage Decision ID

The decision classification identifier for the conformance decision.

Where Used: Certified Payroll Exception,

Consent Date

The date this subcontract was approved by the agency.

Where Used: Subcontract,

Constr Management Sys ID (CMSID)

A unique identifier assigned to your installation of the AASHTOWare Project Construction Management System when it is installed on the application server. The CMS ID is displayed on the System Information component.

Where Used: System Information,

Construction Contract ID

A unique identifier assigned to the awarded contract. When a proposal is added to the system, the system initially assigns the Proposal ID to this field, however, you can change it to any value.

Where Used: Proposal,

Construction Indicator

Indicates this code table is associated with the Construction business area.

Where Used: Ref Code Table,

Construction Stockpile

The total of construction stockpile adjustment amounts summed for the contract on the current estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,

Construction Stockpile

The total of construction stockpile adjustment amounts summed for the contract on all previous estimates.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,

Construction Stockpile

The total of construction stockpile adjustment amounts for the contract on all estimates (previous and current).

Where Used: Payment Estimate,

Construction Stockpile

The total construction stockpile adjustment amounts summed for this project on the current estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,

Construction Stockpile

The total construction stockpile adjustment amounts summed for this project on all previous estimates.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,

Construction Stockpile

The total construction stockpile adjustment amounts for this project on all estimates (previous and current).

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,

Construction Stockpile

The total construction stockpile adjustment amounts summed for this item on the current estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Construction Stockpile

The total construction stockpile adjustment amounts summed for this item on all previous estimates.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Construction Stockpile

The total construction stockpile adjustment amounts for this item on all estimates (previous and current).

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Construction Stockpile Amount

The additive value of all user source transactions for a construction stockpile.

Where Used: Stockpile,

Construction Stockpile Amount

The amount being distributed to the associated project item in this stockpile transaction.

Where Used: Stockpile Transaction Project Item,

Construction Stockpile ID

A unique identifier assigned to each stockpile in the contract.

Where Used: Stockpile,

Construction Supervisor

The name of the contract's construction supervisor.

Where Used: Contract,

Construction Supervisor Name

The name of the contract's construction supervisor.

Where Used: Construction Supervisor,

Construction Year

The anticipated year of construction for a concept or project.

Where Used: Concept, Cost Estimate Snapshot, Project,

Consultant Office

The name of the engineering consultant firm that has contracted with the agency or the local agency to manage the daily work of the contract.

Where Used: Contract, Contract,

Consultant Office Location

The location (address) the consultant office is using to manage the contract.

Where Used: Contract, Contract,

Consultant Project Engineer Name

Manages contract construction in one of these capacities: 1) a consultant engineer managing an agency-let contract for the agency and reporting to an agency delivery engineer, or 2) a consultant engineer managing an agency-let local contract for the local agency and reporting to the local project engineer.

Where Used: Contract,

Contact Date

The date the DBE vendor was contacted.

Where Used: Contract Appr Good Faith Effort, Contract Curr Good Faith Effort, Dbe Good Faith Effort,

Contact Name

Name of the contact person for the source.

Where Used: Source,

Contact Person

The individual able to provide assistance regarding the lab.

Where Used: Lab,

Contains ID

A system-generated identifier usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Route,

Contingency Assignment Profile

A group of common risk factors that can be associated with an estimate to allow for items, conditions, or events that will likely result in additional costs.

Where Used: CAPPhase, Contingency Risk Factor,

Contingency Profile Cost

The dollar value of the contingency addressed by the profile.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Contingency Assignment Profile,

Contract Adjustment

An adjustment on a payment estimate that is related to a contract rather than a specific item.

Where Used: Adjustment Project Distribution,

Contract Adjustment ID

A sequential number generated by the system and assigned to the contract adjustment when it is created.

Where Used: Contract Adjustment,

Contract Alternate Name 1

An optional secondary or additional name for the contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Contract Alternate Name 2

An optional third name for the contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Contract Appr DBE Commit Summary ID

A system-generated identifier usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment,

Contract Appr DBE Commitment ID

A system-generated identifier usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Wk Type, Contract Appr Dbe Supplier,

Contract Appr DBE Commitment ID

A unique identifier assigned to each DBE work item in the list of DBE commitment work types.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Wk Item,

Contract Associated Vendor

The reference ID of the vendor associated with the contract as a subcontractor, trucking firm, or other vendor.

Where Used: Contractor,

Contract Claim Category

The category of claim as classified by the agency (Code Table: CLAIMCAT).

Where Used: Contract Claim, Ref Associated Contract Claim,

Contract Claim ID

A unique identifier assigned automatically to each claim record in the Contract Claim List. For more information about system-generated identifiers, see the definition for System Generated ID.

Where Used: Associated Contract Claim, Contract Claim Change Order, Contract Claim Litigation, Contract Claim Recipient, Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring,

Contract Claim Number

A unique identifier automatically assigned by the system to each contract claim.

Where Used: Contract Claim, Ref Associated Contract Claim,

Contract Claim Type

A unique identifier for the contract claim type. On some components this field also displays the claim type description.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Contract Classification

A coded value representing the contracting classification of the item (Code table: CONTCLS).

Where Used: Ref Item,

Contract Classification

The contract classification for the item group. (Code table: CONTCLS)

Where Used: Item Group,

Contract Closed for Civil Rights & Labor Date

The date that all actions required for this contract to be included in the semi-annual federal "Uniform Report of DBE Awards or Commitments and Payments" have been completed.

Where Used: Contract,

Contract Completion Date

The date that work on this contract is scheduled to be completed. This is the original contract requirement.

Where Used: Contract,

Contract Curr DBE Commitment ID

A system-generated identifier usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Contract Curr Dbe Supplier,

Contract Current DBE Commitment ID

A system-generated identifier usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Contract Curr Dbe Commit Wk Type,

Contract Current DBE Commitment ID

A unique identifier assigned to each DBE work item in the list of DBE commitment work types.

Where Used: Contract Curr Dbe Commit Wk Item,

Contract Current DBE Commitment Summary ID

A system-generated identifier usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Contract Curr Dbe Commitment,

Contract Current DBE Commitment Work Type Indicator

Indicates that the Work Type associated with this subcontractor payment matches the Contract Current DBE Commitment Work Type value for this contract. This field is automatically populated by the system.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment Wk Type,

Contract Designer

The User ID of the person responsible for designing the contract.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation,

Contract Estimated Material Quantity

The quantity of material that is estimated to be needed for a contract project item. This amount is calculated as the approved quantity for the contract project item multiplied by the conversion factor.

Where Used: Contract Project Item Material Set Material, Dwr Acceptance Record,

Contract Filter Clause

Filter clause to identify proposals whose contracts match the selected criteria.

Where Used: Proposal Selection Set,

Contract Fund Package ID

A unique identifier assigned to each fund package in the system.

Where Used: Contract Adjustment,

Contract ID

A unique identifier assigned to each contract in the system. On some components, this field includes the contract description.

Where Used: Change Order, Contract Action, Contract Claim Recipient, Contract Closure Comment, Contract Fund Package, Contract Mix Design, Contract Payment Estimate Type, Contract Retainage, Contract User Role Authority, Dsr Material Dest Contract, Labor Compliance Review, Pay Estimate Item Adjustment, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Contract Time Charge, Quoter Proposal, SMFMIAuthority, Sample Record,

Contract ID

A unique identifier assigned to the awarded contract. You can use this field to rename an awarded proposal before it is transitioned to construction. If this field is left blank, the system uses the proposal name as the contract ID.

Where Used: Proposal,

Contract ID

A unique identifier assigned to each contract in the system. On some components, this field includes the Contract Description.

Where Used: Cas Contract, Certified Payroll, Cont Paymt Est Except Override, Contract, Contract Administrative Office, Contract Agency View, Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Insurance, Contract Item, Contract Payment, Contract Permit, Contract Price Adjustment Index, Contract Progress Schedule, Contract Project, Contract Security Account, Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring, Contractor, Daily Diary, Daily Work Report, Document Submission, Dwr Acceptance Record, Dwr Acceptance Record Smfmi, Dwr Acceptance Record Source Facility, EOMTrucking, Earth Moving Event, Field Manager Contract, Force Account, Meeting, Ojt Contract Assignment, Plan Discrepancy, Quoter Proposal, Site Manager Contract, Stormwater Period, Subcontract,

Contract ID

The Contract ID for the contract on which this claim was made.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Contract ID

Where Used:

Contract Inspector

Inspector for contract that recorded DBE vendors work. (Code Table: STAFF).

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Contract Inspector Interviewed

Indicates whether the contract inspector was interviewed during the Commercially Useful Function review process.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Contract Item

The work item for the vendor's DBE commitment.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Wk Item, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Wk Item,

Contract Item ID

The reference item ID for this contract item.

Where Used: Change Order Completed Item, Contract Item Attention Flag, Contract Payment Item, Subcontract Item, Subcontractor Payment Item,

Contract Item Line Number

A unique sequential number that identifies a line item within a contract.

Where Used: Change Order New Item, Contract Item, Contract Item, Contract Project Item,

Contract Item Unit Price

The Unit Price bid by the contractor at the time of letting or negotiated by a change order for items added after the contract is executed.

Where Used: Contract Item,

Contract Modification Only

Indicates that the change order contains edits to textual content of the contract only, and no changes to items or times.

Where Used: Change Order, Ref Change Order Approval Rule,

Contract Payment ID

A system-generated identifier usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Contract Payment Item, Subcontractor Payment,

Contract Payment Period End Date

The ending date of the period for which the contractor was paid in this contractor payment.

Where Used: Contract Payment,

Contract Payment Period Start Date

The beginning date of the period for which the contractor was paid in this contractor payment.

Where Used: Contract Payment,

Contract Prime Vendor

The principle contractor on the contract.

Where Used: Cuf Review.Contract,

Contract Project ID

A unique identifier assigned to each project in the system. The Project ID is the primary means for tracking the project throughout its life cycle. In some locations, this field also includes the project description.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation, Contract Project Category, Contract Project County, Contract Project District, Contract Project Wage Decision, Payroll Employee Labor, Plan Discrepancy, Security Encumbrance, Stormwater Period Contract Project,

Contract Project Item

A unique identifier assigned to each item in the Project Item List. The system automatically increments this number by 1 for each item added to the project. This provides a unique and permanent identifier for the item throughout its life cycle from preconstruction to construction.

Where Used: Change Order Inc Dec Item, Change Order New Item, Contract Payment Estimate Exception, Dwr Work Item, Payment Estimate Item, Plan Discrepancy Contract Project Item, Sample Record Contract Association, Subcontract Project Item,

Contract Project Item Material Set

A group of materials associated with a contract project item.

Where Used: Sample Record Contract Material Set Association,

Contract Proposal ID

A system-generated identifier usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Contract Project,

Contract Qualification Class 1

The classification of the first type of work performed in the proposal (Code table: VWRKCLS).

Where Used: Proposal,

Contract Qualification Class 2

The classification of the second type of work performed in the proposal (Code table: VWRKCLS).

Where Used: Proposal,

Contract Qualification Class 3

The classification of the third type of work performed in the proposal (Code table: VWRKCLS).

Where Used: Proposal,

Contract Review Scope

Indicates whether the review was for a specific contract or for all contracts to which the vendor is associated.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Contract Schedule Trigger Percent

The percentage of contract schedule complete that triggers a contract payment for a percentage of schedule item.

Where Used: Ref Payment Schedule Point, Ref Payment Schedule Point, Ref Payment Schedule Point,

Contract Status

The contract's current state or position in the workflow, for example whether it is pending, active, closed, or archived. Archived indicates the contract is complete and no longer in use.

Where Used: Contract,

Contract Time

Unique identifier for a contract time. In some locations, this field includes the contract time description.

Where Used: CTAvailable Suspend Resume, Change Order Time Adjustment, Contract Adjustment, Diary Contract Time, Dwr Contract Time, Payment Estimate Contract Time Charge, Weekly Time Charge,

Contract Time Completion Date Filter Clause

Filter clause to identify proposals whose contracts have a main time type of Completion Date where the date matches the selected criteria.

Where Used: Proposal Selection Set,

Contract Time Informational Filter Clause

Filter clause to identify proposals whose contracts have an informational contract time with an Actual Completion Date that matches the selected criteria.

Where Used: Proposal Selection Set,

Contract Type

The kind of contract this proposal will become (Code table: CONTTYP).

Where Used: Contract, Proposal,

Contract Type

The contract's type classification (Code table: CONTTYP).

Where Used: Ref Change Order Approval Rule,

Contract Type

The contract's type classification. (Code table: CONTTYP)

Where Used: Ref Payment Estimate Type Contract Type,

Contract Types

The number of contract types associated with this reference payment estimate type.

Where Used: System,

Contract Vendor Equipment Description

Description or type of the equipment used by the vendor on this agency contract.

Where Used: Contract Vendor Equipment,

Contract Vendor Equipment ID

An identifier for the piece of equipment used by the vendor on this agency contract.

Where Used: Contract Vendor Equipment, Force Account Contractor Vendor Equipment,

Contract Vendor Personnel

A unique identifier assigned to each person recorded as personnel for this DWR contractor.

Where Used: DWRContractor Personnel,

Contract Vendor Personnel Description

Brief text describing the personnel used by the vendor on this agency contract.

Where Used: Contract Vendor Personnel,

Contract Vendor Personnel ID

An identifier for the personnel used by the vendor on this agency contract.

Where Used: Contract Vendor Personnel, Force Account Contractor Labor,

Contract Vendor Staff Description

Brief text describing the staff member used by the vendor on this agency contract.

Where Used: Contract Vendor Staff,

Contract Vendor Staff ID

An identifier for the staff member used by the vendor on this agency contract.

Where Used: Contract Vendor Staff,

Contract Work Type

The kind of work to be performed (Code table: WRKTYP).

Where Used: Contract, Proposal,

ContractVendorEquip ID

A unique identifier assigned to each piece of equipment recorded for the DWR contractor.

Where Used: DWRContract Vendor Equipment,


The contractor (either the prime or a subcontractor subcontracted to complete the item) that completed the work recorded by this DWR item posting.

Where Used: Dwr Item Posting,


A unique identifier assigned to each Contractor in the system. On some components, this field includes the Contractor Description.

Where Used: Change Order New Item, Contract Vendor Equipment, Contract Vendor Personnel, Contract Vendor Staff,


A unique identifier assigned to each Contractor in the system. On some components, this field may include the Contractor Description.

Where Used: Compliance Finding, Contractor Evaluation, DWRContractor, Field Interview, Labor Compliance Review, Payroll Management Compliance,

Contractor Evaluation ID

An identifier not usually displayed in the application.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation Group,

Contractor Group

Indicates whether the approval group is designated as contractor group.

Where Used: Ref Change Order Approval Group,

Contractor Notified

Date and time the contractor was notified of the issue at a stormwater location.

Where Used: Stormwater Period Location,

Contractor Type

Indicates whether the contractor is the prime, original prime, subcontractor, or trucking firm.

Where Used: Contractor,

Contractor Vendor Staff

An identifier of the staff used by the vendor on a specific agency contract.

Where Used: DWRContractor Staff,

Contractor Working

Indicates whether the contractor was working or not on the diary date.

Where Used: Daily Diary, Diary Contract Time,

Contractor Working

Indicates whether the contractor was working on the DWR date.

Where Used: Dwr Contract Time,

ContractorEvaluation Group ID

A unique identifier assigned to each contract evaluation group in the system.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation Rating,

Contractors Onsite

Indicates whether a contractor is recorded on the DWR.

Where Used: Daily Work Report,

Contribute to Total Construction Cost

An indicator that the calculation of Total Construction Cost will include the selected non-bid items' estimated costs.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,

Control Number

The number used in conjunction with the control type to identify the sample.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Control Number Required

Indicates that a control number is required when sampling this material.

Where Used: Material, Material Category,

Control Type

An identifier for a sample. (Code table: CONTROLTYPE).

Where Used: Sample Record,

Control Type

The type of control used at a stormwater location, as classified by the agency. (Code table: STORMCNTLTYPE)

Where Used: Stormwater Period Location,


A system field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Route,

Controlling Operation

The primary type of work related to the time charge.

Where Used: Diary Contract Time, Dwr Contract Time,

Controlling Project

An indicator that this is the controlling project in a proposal that contains multiple projects. Only one project in a proposal can be designated as the controlling project. Information from the controlling project is used to populate a number of proposal-level fields.

Where Used: Project,

Controlling Project

An indicator that this is the controlling project in a contract that contains multiple projects. Only one project in a contract can be designated as the controlling project.

Where Used: Contract Project,


The conversion factor for converting an itemgroup item from its native unit to the common unit of measure for the item group.

Where Used: Item Group Detail Item,

Conversion Factor

The factor used to calculate the amount of a material units represented by one item unit.

Where Used: Contract Project Item Material Set Material, Dwr Acceptance Record, Dwr Item Posting Quantity, Ref Item Material Set Material,

Conversion Factor to Common Units

The factor used to convert the item units to the common unit of measure.

Where Used: Ref Item,

Conversion Installed Quantity

The total installed quantity multiplied by the material acceptance action conversion factor.

Where Used: Sample Record Contract Association,

Conversion Total Quantity

The bid quantity plus change order quantity multiplied by the material acceptance action conversion factor.

Where Used: Sample Record Contract Association,

Convert Opposite Units

A basic parameter that indicates whether to convert bid data that uses a different unit system (Engish or Metric) than the unit system indicated by the cost estimate being priced. Select the check box to convert data with the opposite unit system. Clear the check box to exclude data with the opposite unit system.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Convert opposite units

A boolean field indicating whether to convert items that have the opposite unit system.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Coordinate X

The X value of the agency defined coordinate system.

Where Used: Contract Project Location Point, Point,

Coordinate Y

The Y value of the agency defined coordinate system.

Where Used: Contract Project Location Point, Point,

Coordinate Z

The elevation of the point. It should be recorded using the original NAVD 88 or one of its epochs. NAVD 88 is the official vertical datum in the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS).

Where Used: Contract Project Location Point, Point,

Copied Concept Name

Unique identifier for the source concept from which a concept was copied.

Where Used: Concept,

Copied from Project

The identifier for the project from which a concept was created.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Snapshot,

Copy Agency View Associations

A check box used to indicate that you want to include the agency view's associations with other entities in the copied view.

Where Used: System,

Copy Alternate Sets

Enables you to copy the alternate sets associated with the category. This checkbox is enabled only if you are copying the category to a different project.

Where Used: Copy Alternates,

Copy Fund Packages

Enables you to copy the fund packages associated with the category. This checkbox is enabled only if you are copying the category to a different project.

Where Used: Copy Funds,

Copy Locations

Enables you to copy the locations associated with the category. This checkbox is enabled only if you are copying the category to a different project.

Where Used: Copy Locations,

Copy Material Components

If this check box is selected, the system copies the DSR material components as recorded on the Components tab of the DSR Material component. If this check box is selected, the Copy Materials check box must also be selected.

Where Used: Copy Material Components,

Copy Material Production Details

If this check box is selected, the system copies the DSR material production details as recorded on the Production Details tab of the DSR Material component. If this check box is selected, the Copy Materials check box must also be selected.

Where Used: Copy Production Details,

Copy Materials

If this check box is selected, the system copies the material and SMFMI associations as recorded on the Materials tab of the Daily Source Report Summary.

Where Used: Copy Materials,

Corporation Type

The business structure used by this vendor (that is, LLC or Corporation Sole Proprietor) (Code table: CORPTYP).

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

Corrective Action Completed

Description of the corrective action taken by the contractor for an issue at a stormwater location.

Where Used: Stormwater Period Location,

Corrective Action Completed Date

Date and time the contractor resolved the issue at a stormwater location.

Where Used: Stormwater Period Location,

Corrective Action Plan

Additional information about the corrective action plan.

Where Used: Compliance Finding,

Corrective Action Plan

Indicates that there is a corrective action plan for the vendor.

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,

Corrective Action Plan

Indicates whether there is a corrective action plan for the vendor.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Corrective Action Plan Comments

Additional information about the corrective action plan.

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,

Corrective Action Required By

Date and time by which the contractor is required to resolve the issue at a stormwater location.

Where Used: Stormwater Period Location,

Corrective Plan Comments

Additional information associated with the corrective action plan.

Where Used: Compliance Finding,

Corrective Plan Comments

Additional information about the associated record.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,


The total cost for the ad hoc pricing method.

Where Used: Ad Hoc Pricing,


The total estimated cost, including escalation factors, of the maintenance milestone.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Maintenance Milestone,

Cost Based Price

The dollar amount of any underlying active cost-based tasks.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Item,

Cost Estimate

A unique identifier for a cost estimate.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Cost Estimate

Unique identifier for a cost estimate.

Where Used: Ad Hoc Pricing, Bid History Profile, Ce Typical Section Profile, Cost Estimate Alternate Set, Cost Estimate Annualization, Cost Estimate Category, Cost Estimate Category Alternate Set, Cost Estimate Contingency Assignment Profile, Cost Estimate Contingency Progression, Cost Estimate Item, Cost Estimate LCMaint Sched Profile, Cost Estimate Markup, Cost Estimate Snapshot, Cost Estimate Variable, Non Construction Cost, Planning Group, Planning Group Cost Estimate, Project,

Cost Estimate Category

A subdivision or grouping of items within a project or cost estimate. For example, categories may be used to separate different types of work, funding sources, locations or individual structures.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Category, Cost Estimate Item, Planning Group Cost Estimate Category,

Cost Estimate Category Alternate Set

A unique identifier assigned to each category alternate set in the Category Alternate Set List. Category alternate sets contain one or more alternate members, and can be used to determine Section alternates. A project may contain multiple category alternate sets.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,

Cost Estimate Contingency Assignment Profile

A group of risk factors associated with an estimate to allow for items, conditions, or events that will likely result in additional costs.

Where Used: Contingency Assignment Profile Recommendation, Cost Estimate CAPPhase, Cost Estimate Contingency Risk Factor,

Cost Estimate Item

An item included in a cost estimate.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task, Cost Sheet, Planning Group Cost Estimate Item,

Cost Estimate Item

The identifier for the cost estimate item with which the task group is associated.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Task Group,

Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task

A bid-based task associated with an item on a cost estimate.

Where Used: Bid History, Bid History Profile,

Cost Estimate Item ID

The identifier for the cost estimate item with which the profile is associated.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Price Task,

Cost Estimate Milestone Item Bid Based Price

The price calculated using a bid-based task for an item on a cost estimate maintence milestone.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Maintenance Milestone Item,

Cost Estimate Milestone Item Bid Based Task

A bid-based task associated with a milestone item on a cost estimate.

Where Used: Bid History,

Cost Estimate Milestone Item Ref Price

The price calculated using a reference price task for an item on a cost estimate maintence milestone.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Maintenance Milestone Item,

Cost Estimate Total

The total amount for the cost estimate. Calculated as the sum of all active price bases for low-cost items plus typical sections, ad hoc pricing, non-construction costs, and applicable markups and contingencies.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Cost Estimate Typical Section Item

An item included in a typical section associated with a cost estimate.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Item Bid Based Task, Ce Typical Section Item Ref Price Task,

Cost Estimate Typical Section Item Bid Based Task

A bid-based task associated with a typical section item on a cost estimate.

Where Used: Bid History,

Cost Estimate Typical Section Profile

A typical section profile associated with a cost estimate.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Variable, Typical Section Profile Recommendation,

Cost Estimation Phase

An incremental value and description of the relative phase of the cost estimate in terms of the improvements' design life cycle. Values: 1 - Conceptual, 2 - Program, 3 - Preliminary, 4 - Letting (Code table: ESTPHASE).

Where Used: CAPPhase, Cost Estimate CAPPhase, Ref Risk Factor,

Cost Sheet

Unique identifier for a reference cost sheet. A reference cost sheet is an association of reference equipment, laborers, materials, and crews, along with associated quantity information for each.

Where Used: Ref Cost Sheet,

Cost Sheet

Unique identifier for a cost sheet. A cost sheet is an association of reference equipment, laborers, materials, and crews, along with associated quantity and rate information for each.

Where Used: Cost Sheet, Cost Sheet Recommendation,

Cost Sheet

Unique identifier for a cost sheet associated with a cost estimate item.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Equipment, Cost Sheet Laborer, Cost Sheet Material,

Cost Variance

The difference between the actual cost of contract items and the winning bid amount for those items.

Where Used: Bid History,


A count of how many of this type of staff has been added to the DWR for this DWR contractor.

Where Used: DWRContractor Staff,


A count of how many of this type of personnel has been added to the DWR for this DWR contractor.

Where Used: DWRContractor Personnel,


The country where the field interview employee lives.

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,


The country in this address record.

Where Used: Address, Ref Employee, Ref Vendor Address,

Counts Toward MAA

Indicates whether the test counts toward the material acceptance actions.

Where Used: Sample Record Test,


The County ID and Description for the county in which this address is located.

Where Used: Address, Bid Based Worksheet, Item Bid History Profile, Ref Vendor Address,


The county to be used to calculate a bid-based price for the selected item.

Where Used: Item Bid History Profile,


A unique identifier assigned to each county in the system.

Where Used: Price History Profile,

County ID

The County ID for the county located in this district.

Where Used: Ref District County,

County ID

A unique identifier assigned to each county in the system. When displayed in areas of the application other than Reference Data, this field may include the County Description.

Where Used: Address, Contract Project County, County, Market Area Region County, Ref County, Ref Region County, Ref Vendor County, Ref Wage Zone Area County,

Court District

The district of the court associated with the contract claim litigation.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Court File Number

The court file number for the contract claim litigation.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Covered By Securities

The total amount covered by the security account for this contract. The covered amount is the sum of all estimates' securities used amounts.

Where Used: Contract Security Account,

Craft Code

A unique identifier assigned to each craft in the Wage Decision Craft List (Code table: CRAFTCODE).

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Created By

The name of the person who added this record to the system. This field is automatically populated by the system.

Where Used: All Models

Created By

The name of the person who created this record.

Where Used: All Models

Created Date

The date and time this record was added to the system. This field is automatically populated by the system.

Where Used: All Models

Created by Proxy

Indicates that the payroll was submitted by the prime contractor on behalf of the subcontractor.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,

Created from Reference Item

Indicates whether the item group was created based on a reference item.

Where Used: Item Group, Item Group Detail Item,

Creator Name

The User Name of the person who created this DWR.

Where Used: Daily Work Report,


Unique identifier for a reference crew used for cost-based estimation.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Equipment, Cost Sheet Laborer, Ref Cost Sheet Equipment, Ref Cost Sheet Laborer,

Critical Item

Indicates that this item is considered essential to the project. Critical items are used for tracking contract progress and are protected from modifications made by associated contract estimates, change orders, disputes, plan discrepancies, or stockpiled material.

Where Used: Contract Project Item,

Current Amount Used

The amount from the fund used in the current estimate.

Where Used: Contract Fund,

Current Approval Group

Specifies the approval group corresponding to the current level of approval that has been achieved for the change order.

Where Used: Change Order,

Current Approval Round

Specifies the current round of approval that has been achieved for the change order.

Where Used: Change Order,

Current Assignment

Indicates the use of test equipment, such as on a contract or in a lab. (Code table: CURRASGN).

Where Used: Test Equipment,

Current Balance

The current value of this security account. This is the sum of all credits to the security account minus the sum of all debits to the account.

Where Used: Security Account,

Current Completion

The current date on which the contract time is scheduled to be complete. For Calendar Times, this date is determined by the system and is based upon the Current Number of Time Units. For Completion Date contract times, the date is the same as the Original Completion Date unless adjusted by the user, or via approved time adjustments on change orders where the system updates the Current Completion Date when time adjustments are approved.

Where Used: Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion,

Current Contract Amount

The awarded contract amount plus or minus any approved change orders.

Where Used: Contract,

Current Contract Amount Critical Items

The current contract amount (awarded amount plus approved change order amounts) for all contract project items on the contract that are marked as critical. This value is needed in order to calculate Actual % Complete when the progress schedule is 'Percent of Critical Items Complete'.

Where Used: Contract,

Current Date

Indicates whether the specified date field will be updated with the current date as a result of the event in a reference issue or tracked issue.

Where Used: Ref Update Date Event Action,

Current Extended Amount

The total current quantity of the contract item, calculated as the product of the Current Quantity multiplied by the Contract Item Unit Price.

Where Used: Contract Item,

Current Item Adjustment Amount

Where Used:

Current Number of Time Units

The original number of time units required on this contract plus any adjusted time units.

Where Used: Contract, Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring,

Current Potential Award Amount

The original bid amount for the alternate sections currently selected for analysis.

Where Used: Proposal Vendor,

Current Project Amount

The current project total, including any changes made to the amount originally approved in the contract.

Where Used: Contract Project,

Current Quantity

The quantity of the contract item at the present time, calculated as the Bid Quantity plus the Net Change Order Quantity.

Where Used: Contract Item,

Current Quantity

The bid quantity or initial change order quantity plus or minus all approved quantity changes via change orders (increased or decreased quantities).

Where Used: Contract Project Item,

Current Quantity Extended Amount

The bid amount or initial change order amount plus or minus all approved amounts via change orders (increased or decreased quantities).

Where Used: Contract Project Item,

Current Securities Retainage Amount

Total retainage amount encumbered in securities on the payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Project,

Current Time Charge

A new charge value for a contract time that was included on a diary and processed on a previous estimate.

Where Used: Diary Contract Time Adjustment,

Current Time Charged

Number of time units charged to the contract time for the current estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Contract Time Charge,

Current Time Units Charged on Approved Estimates

The current total number of time units charged on approved estimates for the contract time.

Where Used: Contract Time Available,

Current Time Units Charged on Diaries

The current total number of time units charged on diaries for the contract time.

Where Used: Contract Time Available,

Current Total Installed Amount

The dollar amount posted for the item in the current payment estimate. Calculated as the installed quantity multiplied by the unit price for the item.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Current Total Installed Quantity

The quantity of the item that was installed or posted for the current payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Current Total Paid Amount

Dollar amount paid for the current payment estimate, including item-level adjustments.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Current Total Paid Quantity

Quantity of the item paid on the current payment estimate, including item-level adjustments.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Current Total Subcontract Amount

Current subcontractor earnings for this project and estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Project,

Current Work

The dollar amount represented by the vendor's outstanding work.

Where Used: Proposal Vendor,

Custom Message

User override of the base message.

Where Used: Payroll Exception Rule,

Custom Message Text

The agency's custom text of the message.

Where Used: System Message,

Custom Process ID

A unique identifier assigned to each custom process in the Custom Process List.

Where Used: Custom Process,



DBE Alters Product to Spec

) Indicates whether the DBE vendor takes possession of the manufactured product and modifies it to meet contract specifications.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Certification Date

The date the vendor was certified for its business enterprise type.

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

DBE Certification Number

A unique identifier assigned to each DBE certification by the transportation agency.

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

DBE Certification Removal Date

The date the vendor was removed from the DBE certification program.

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

DBE Certification Status

The current status of the vendor's certification.

Where Used: Contract, Contractor, Ref Vendor,

DBE Certified

Indicates whether the subcontractor was certified as a DBE firm at the time the subcontract record was added to the system.

Where Used: Subcontract,

DBE Certified

Indicates whether this contractor is certified as a DBE vendor.

Where Used: DWRContractor,

DBE Certified Work Item

Indicates that the subcontract item is work the subcontractor is certified to do as a DBE certified vendor.

Where Used: Subcontract Item,

DBE Certifying Entity

The government agency that issued the vendor's certification (Code table: DBECERTENTITY).

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

DBE Commitment

Indicates whether the firm has a DBE commitment for this contract. The system sets this indicator automatically at the time the subcontract record is added to the system, or when a DBE commitment is added for the certified DBE vendor on the subcontract.

Where Used: Subcontract,

DBE Commitment Amount

The amount prime vendor has committed to using the DBE firm to attain the DBE goal on the contract.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Commitment Approval

Indicates that the agency has approved the contractor's total DBE commitment.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

DBE Commitment Approval

Indicates that agency has approved the contractor's total DBE commitment.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary,

DBE Commitment ID

The DBE subcontractor's Reference Vendor ID.

Where Used: Dbe Commitment Work Type, Dbe Supplier,

DBE Commitment ID

Identifier for a DBE commitment work item.

Where Used: Dbe Commitment Work Item,

DBE Commitment Indicator

Indicates that this subcontract payment is to a firm listed as a DBE commitment for this contract.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

DBE Commitment Will Likely Be Met

Indicates whether it is likely that the DBE commitment will be met with the remainder of the hauling activities on the contract, based on the current value-to-date of the hauling activities completed.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Compliant

Indicates whether the contract is DBE compliant.

Where Used: Contract,

DBE Delivers Material?

Does the broker deliver the material or equipment being supplied?

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Supplier, Contract Curr Dbe Supplier, Dbe Supplier,

DBE Firm Indicator

Indicates that this subcontract payment is to a certified DBE firm.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

DBE Firm Major Decision Maker

The person the on-site DBE representative indicates makes the major employment decisions for the DBE firm.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Goal

The kind of DBE goal set for the proposal (Code Table: DBENOTE).

Where Used: Contract, Proposal,

DBE Goal Percent

The percentage of work on the proposal that will be awarded to DBE (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise) vendors.

Where Used: Contract, Proposal,

DBE Interest Required

Indicates that the item is specifically for DBEs.

Where Used: Ref Item,

DBE Only Payer

Indicates whether the DBE employee confirmed that the DBE vendor is the only firm providing pay and other compensation.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Operates Factory

Indicates whether the DBE vendor produces the materials for the contract work.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Owner

Name given by on-site DBE representative as the owner of the DBE firm.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Owner On Site

Indication if the DBE on-site representative knows if the owner of the DBE vendor has been present on the job site.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Owns Equipment?

Does the dealer own the material or equipment being supplied?

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Supplier, Contract Curr Dbe Supplier, Dbe Supplier,

DBE Owns Trk

Confirmation by the compliance analyst that the trucks operated by DBE owner-operators are operated by the DBE employees.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Payroll Employee Count Consistent

Indicates whether the number of employees on the DBE vendor’s payroll is consistent with the information recorded in the contract diary or journal for activity on the contract site.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Percent to Apply

A percentage indicating the average number of times this item is selected for DBEs and the value of the item portion set-aside for DBEs. This percent can be used to calculate the possible dollar value of this item that can be performed by DBE firms in the Proposal DBE Interest and Contract DBE Interest reports.

Where Used: Ref Item,

DBE Performs, Manages, and Supervises all Work

Indicates whether the DBE is performing, managing and supervising all elements of work with their own workforce and equipment to fulfill their subcontract with the prime contractor.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Presented Joint Check

Indicates whether the DBE,after receiving a joint check, presented the check to the supplier for endorsement.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Procures Material?

Does the broker purchase the material or equipment being supplied?

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Supplier, Contract Curr Dbe Supplier, Dbe Supplier,

DBE Projected End Work Date

The date the DBE Vendor is projected to complete work on the contract.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Projected End Work Date

The date the DBE Vendor is expected to complete their work on the contract.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Proposal Vendor

Indicates that the reference vendor associated with this DBE commitment record is the parent proposal vendor (listed on the Proposal Vendor List for this proposal) and a certified DBE. This field is automatically populated by the system when the DBE Commitment record is added and cannot be changed.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment,

DBE Quotes Reviewed

Indication that the DBE Quotes were reviewed.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Responsible For Work

Indication the DBE vendor is responsible for all the work listed on the subcontract.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Self-Performed at Least 30% of Subcontract

Indicates whether the DBE vendor performed at least thirty percent of the total of its subcontract with the prime vendor.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Start Work Date

The date the DBE Vendor started work on the contract.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Sub Commitment Amount

The sum of Commitments excluding the DBE Prime.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

DBE Sub Commitment Percent

The sum of commitments excluding the DBE Prime divided by the proposal vendor's calculated bid item total.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

DBE Subc Work to Others

Indicates whether the DBE vendor is subcontracting work to others.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Subcontract Amount

The amount subcontracted to the DBE firm.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Subcontractor Commitment Amount

The sum of Commitments excluding the DBE Prime.

Where Used: Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary,

DBE Subcontractor Commitment Percent

The sum of commitments excluding the DBE Prime divided by the proposal vendor's calculated bid item total.

Where Used: Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary,

DBE Supplier Dollar Credit Allowed

Dollars that can be applied to the DBE supplier/manufacturer's commitment.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Supplier, Dbe Commitment,

DBE Supplier Percentage Credit Allowed

The percentage of total dollars that can be applied to the DBE commitment for a supplier or manufacturer.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Supplier, Dbe Commitment,

DBE Supplier Total Amount

Total dollars contracted to the DBE supplier/manufacturer.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Supplier, Dbe Commitment,

DBE Trucker Dollar Credit Allowed

Dollars that can be applied to the DBE trucker/broker's commitment.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment,

DBE Trucker Percentage Credit Allowed

The percentage of total dollars that can be applied to the DBE commitment for a trucker or broker.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment,

DBE Trucker Total Amount

Total dollars contracted to the DBE trucker/broker.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment,

DBE Type

The type of disadvantaged business enterprise, such as DBE, MBE, or WBE. (Code table: DBETYPE)

Where Used: Source,

DBE Uses Own Equip

Indication the DBE vendor uses its own equipment to perform their work.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

DBE Vendor

The reference vendor ID and name of the DBE vendor contacted for a commitment quote.

Where Used: Contract Appr Good Faith Effort, Contract Curr Good Faith Effort, Dbe Good Faith Effort,

DBE Vendor ID

The Reference Vendor ID for this DBE Vendor.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment,

DBE Vendor ID

The Reference Vendor ID for this Contract DBE Vendor.

Where Used: Contract Curr Dbe Commitment,

DBE Vendor ID

A unique identifier assigned to each vendor in the system.

Where Used: Cuf Review.Dbe Vendor,

DBE Verified

This field indicates whether the DBE commitment for this vendor has been verified by the DBE firm.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment,

DBE Work Item Adjusted Commitment Amount

The revised DBE commitment amount for this work item, based on the agency's post-letting review.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Wk Item, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Wk Item, Dbe Commitment Work Item,

DBE Work Item Adjusted Commitment Amount for DBE Credit

The portion of the DBE commitment work item that can be credited toward meeting the DBE goal, based on the agency's post-letting review.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Wk Item, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Wk Item, Dbe Commitment Work Item,

DBE Work Item Commitment Amount

The portion of the total DBE commitment amount attributable to this work item.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Wk Item, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Wk Item, Dbe Commitment Work Item,

DBE Work Item Commitment Amount for DBE Credit

The portion of the DBE commitment work item that can be credited toward meeting the DBE goal.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Wk Item, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Wk Item, Dbe Commitment Work Item,

DBE Work Type Adjusted Commitment Amount

The revised DBE commitment amount for this work type, based on the agency's post-letting review.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Wk Type, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Wk Type, Dbe Commitment Work Type,

DBE Work Type Adjusted Commitment Amount for DBE Credit

The portion of the DBE commitment that can be credited toward meeting the DBE goal, based on the agency's post-letting review.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Wk Type, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Wk Type, Dbe Commitment Work Type,

DBE Work Type Commitment Amount

The portion of the total DBE commitment amount attributable to this work type.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Wk Type, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Wk Type, Dbe Commitment Work Type,

DBE Work Type Commitment Amount for DBE Credit

The portion of the DBE commitment that can be credited toward meeting the DBE goal.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Wk Type, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Wk Type, Dbe Commitment Work Type,

DBE Work Type ID

A unique identifier assigned to each DBE work type in the DBE Commitment Work Type List. The source of the values available in this field is one of five different vendor work code tables, and is determined by the DBE_COMMITMENT_WORKTYPE agency option setting.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Wk Type, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Wk Type, Dbe Commitment Work Type,

DBE Work Type Source

The kind of vendor work codes being used to populate the Work Type ID field (as determined by the DBE_COMMITMENT_WORKTYPE agency option).

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Wk Type, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Wk Type, Dbe Commitment Work Type, Subcontractor Payment Wk Type,

DOL Decision Date

The date the Department of Labor issued their ruling on the Conformance Wage Classification.

Where Used: Conformance Wage Decision,

DOT Number

The DOT number for the driver of the truck recorded in this field interview.

Where Used: Field Interview Trucking,

DSR Inspector

User who created the DSR from which the sample record was created.

Where Used: Sample Record,

DUNS Number

A unique nine-digit number provided by Dun & Bradstreet. This number is required for ARRA reporting and is carried forward to all federally funded contracts. Each address for vendors receiving Recovery Act funds should have a DUNS number.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Address,

DWR Agency View

Indicates whether one or more DWR agency views are associated with a contract item on the DWR and whether one of these agency views is required. Values: None – No agency views are associated with contract items on the DWR; Required – An associated DWR agency view is required in order to enter DWR item posting information for a contract item; Optional – One or more DWR agency views are associated with a contract item on the DWR, but none of the agency views is required for data entry.

Where Used: Dwr Work Item,

DWR Agency View Reference Item Associations Imported

Indicates whether the contract imported associations between DWR agency views and reference items.

Where Used: Contract,

DWR Construction Stockpile Adjustment

Used only for construction stockpile item adjustments, this field indicates the source of the payment estimate item adjustment and has three valid values: DWR (the adjustment is a result of DWR installation, for example, stockpile recovery); Stockpile (the adjustment is a result of a stockpile transaction, for example, initial invoice or replenishment); or Limit (the adjustment is a result of hitting a limit used for stockpile recovery, for example the recovery percentage, agency option percentage, or automated closure on a Final or Supplemental estimate).

Where Used: Pay Estimate Item Adjustment,

DWR Contractor

A unique identifier assigned to each contractor recorded on the DWR.

Where Used: DWRContract Vendor Equipment, DWRContractor Personnel, DWRContractor Staff,

DWR Date

The date the DWR was created.

Where Used: Daily Work Report,

DWR Inspector

Indicates this role will be utilized to exchange data with AASHTOWare Project using the Mobile Inspector application on a mobile device.

Where Used: Role,

DWR Inspector

User who created the DWR from which the sample record was created.

Where Used: Sample Record,

DWR Item Posting

A unique identifier of an item posting for a contract item on a DWR.

Where Used: Dwr Acceptance Record,

DWR Item Posting Id

A unique identifier of an item posting for a contract item on a DWR.

Where Used: Dwr Item Posting Quantity,

DWR Note

An editable text box used to record notes for the contract DWR.

Where Used: DWRNote,

Daily Fringe

The daily amount to be paid for all fringe benefits required by the conformance decision.

Where Used: Conformance Wage Decision,

Daily Source Report

An identifier not usually displayed in the application.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Daily Source Report

A report to document information about the materials involved in the work performed on a contract on a specific day. Material information is recorded for a source, facility, and inspector.

Where Used: Dsr Inspection, Dsr Material,

Daily Staff Onsite

Indicates whether any daily staff are recorded on the DWR.

Where Used: Daily Work Report,

Daily Work Report

A record of daily activity for a construction contract.

Where Used: DWRContractor, DWRNote, DWRStaff, DWRStaff Record, Dwr Contract Time, Dwr Force Account Contractor, Dwr Work Item, Sample Record, Stormwater Period Stormwater Event,


The dashboard is the page displayed after you log on to the web-based AASHTOWare Project system. You can go to the dashboard at anytime by clicking the Home button on the Menu Bar.

Where Used: System,

Data Analytics Indicator

Indicates this code table is associated with the Data Analytics business area.

Where Used: Ref Code Table,

Data Id Field

Determines the field that the process or report is associated with.

Where Used: Ref Execute Process Event Action, Ref Generate Report Event Action,

Data Id Field

Determines the field the process or report is associated with.

Where Used: Execute Process Event Action, Generate Report Event Action,


The date of this Daily Source Report.

Where Used: All Models


The date associated with the historical bid price.

Where Used: All Models


The date on which the contract adjustment was created or entered.

Where Used: All Models


The date of the invoice.

Where Used: All Models

Date Approved

The date the addendum was approved. The system automatically populates this field with the current date when the addendum is approved.

Where Used: Addendum,

Date Closed

The date the addendum was closed. The system automatically populates this field with the current date when the addendum is closed.

Where Used: Addendum,

Date Created

The date the addendum was created. The system automatically populates this field with the current date when the addendum is created.

Where Used: Addendum,

Date Field

The date field that will be updated as a result of the event in a reference issue or tracked issue.

Where Used: Ref Update Date Event Action,

Date Lien Cleared

The date the lien associated with this contract action was cleared.

Where Used: Contract Action,

Date Paid

The date of this contractor payment. This must be later than the End of Payment Time Period for this contractor payment.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Date Payment was Made

The date of this contractor payment. This must be later than the End of Payment Time Period for this contractor payment.

Where Used: Contract Payment,

Date Received

The date this payment was received.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Date Resolved

The date the problem was resolved.

Where Used: Compliance Finding,

Date Rule when date is not available

A basic parameter that indicates which date rule to apply when the selected Date to use for item prices is not available. Values: Exclude Proposal Item, and Use Letting Date + Adjustment.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Date Rule when date is not available

The rule to use when the chosen date is not available.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Date Sent

The date and time the message was sent.

Where Used: Outbox Message,

Date of Last Inspection

The date from the previous stormwater period that the inspector was last on site.

Where Used: Stormwater Period,

Date of Last Precipitation

The most recent date stormwater related weather occurred during this stormwater period. If DWRs are associated with this stormwater period, the system automatically sets this date to that of the latest DWR.

Where Used: Stormwater Period,

Date of Purchase

The date the vendor purchased a set of plans for a proposal. This field is automatically populated by the system.

Where Used: Purchase,

Date to Use for item prices

A basic parameter that indicates the type of date to use for item prices. Values: Awarded Date, Letting Date, Letting Date + Adjustment, Notice to Proceed Date, Proposal Status Date, and Work Began Date.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Date to Use for item prices

The proposal date attribute to use for price calculations.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,


The date recorded for a phone call in the communication log for a tracked issue.

Where Used: Issue Phone,


The date recorded for a journal entry in the communication log for a tracked issue.

Where Used: Issue Diary Entry,


The date and time recorded for an email in the communication log for a tracked issue.

Where Used: Issue Email,

Davis Bacon Overtime Rate

The overtime hourly pay rate for a reference laborer on a project funded by the federal government, and therefore wages for all employees working on the project must comply with the Davis-Bacon wage determinations.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Ref Labor Rate,

Davis Bacon Regular Rate

The regular hourly pay rate for a reference laborer on a project funded by the federal government, and therefore wages for all employees working on the project must comply with the Davis-Bacon wage determinations.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Ref Labor Rate,

Davis Bacon Wage Rate

Indicates that at least some of the funding associated with this contract is provided by the federal government, and therefore wages for all employees working on this contract must comply with the Davis-Bacon wage determinations.

Where Used: Contract,

Davis/Bacon Indicator

Indicates whether the cost estimate is a federally funded project. For federally funded projects, the cost for all cost sheet laborers is calculated using the Davis Bacon regular rate and overtime rate for the appropriate rate class.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Days Beyond Pay Allowance

Used in monitoring the timeliness of payments made to subcontractors and others by the prime contractor after the prime contractor has received payment from the agency, this is the number of days beyond what is allowed by the PROMPT_PAYMENT_DAYS agency option.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Days Beyond Retainage Allowance

Used in monitoring the promptness of the prime contractor releasing retainage to the subcontractors, truckers, etc. once their work is satisfactorily completed, this is the number of days beyond what is allowed by the RETAINAGERELEASEDDAYS agency option setting.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Days Granted

The number of days given to settle the claim.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Days Granted Date

The date on which the days given to settle the claim were granted.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Days of Week

The days of a week when the contract time should occur for a recurring contract time with a frequency of "Weekly."

Where Used: Contract Time Recurring,


The decision made by the reviewer for the change order.

Where Used: Change Order Reviewer,

Decision Class

The decision class code associated with a person recorded as personnel or staff for this DWR contractor (Code Table: DECISIONCLASS).

Where Used: DWRContractor Personnel, DWRContractor Personnel, DWRContractor Staff, DWRContractor Staff,

Decision Class

A unique identifier for a decision class.

Where Used: Decision Class, Ref Fed Job Class Mapping, Ref Wage Decision Class.Decision Class, Ref Wage Decision Class,

Decision Class Code

A code identifying a subset of a craft (this field is also called Labor Class in other areas of the application) (Maintained in the Reference Data/Decision Class component) (Code Table: DECISIONCLASS).

Where Used: Ref Wage Decision Class,

Decision Comments

Additional information about the associated record.

Where Used: Change Order Reviewer,

Decision Date

The date the wage decision was authorized by the legislature.

Where Used: Ref Wage Decision,

Decision Date

The date this change order decision was made.

Where Used: Change Order Reviewer,

Deductions other than Income and FICA Taxes

Indicates that there are other deductions besides income and FICA taxes for this field interview employee.

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,


Indicates whether the email address listed for each possible message recipient is marked as the user's default address.

Where Used: Outbox Unified Address,


Indicates that this contract time record transitioned to Construction & Materials from Preconstruction, therefore, it includes all of the default contract times.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring,


The default value, if any, for the agency entity field.

Where Used: Agency Field,


A boolean field indicating that this is the default profile for the pricing service.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Default Address

The person's default email address.

Where Used: Person Info,

Default Address

Indicates that this address will be used in all reports and correspondence. Selecting this check box will automatically clear any previously selected default address for this entity.

Where Used: Address, Lab, Ref Administrative Office, Source Management Level,

Default Billing Code

Indicates that this is the default billing record for this test. Each test can only have one default billing record.

Where Used: Billing Information,

Default Contract Adjustment Indicator

Indicates whether this fund package should be used as the default fund package for contract adjustments.

Where Used: Contract Fund Package Summary, Fund Package Overview, Ref Fund Package Summary,

Default Filter

A system-generated field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: User Filter,

Default Test

Indicates whether the test is a default test for the sample record's unique combination of material code, sample type, and destination lab.

Where Used: Sample Record Test, Test Assignment Info,

Default Threshold Percent

Percentage used to determine whether a price adjustment should be made when no percentage is defined for the Threshold Percent field.

Where Used: Ref Price Index,

Default on New Contract

An indicator to denote that the default contract time will be added automatically to a new contract. The default value is No.

Where Used: Ref Contract Time,

Defendant Attorney

The name of the defendant's attorney.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Defendant Law Firm

The name of the defendant's law firm.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Defendant Name

The name of the defendant.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Deficiency Issue

A description of the circumstances causing the deficiency or non-compliance at a stormwater location.

Where Used: Stormwater Period Location,

Deficiency Type

The type of deficiency at this location, as selected from the Reference Stormwater Deficiency Type.

Where Used: Stormwater Period Location,

Delay Reason

A description of circumstances or events impeding progress of work related to the contract time. A value is required when the Time Charged is 0.

Where Used: Diary Contract Time, Dwr Contract Time,

Delete Allowed

Indicates whether the contract time record is required once added to a contract. If this check box is not selected, the contract time record cannot be deleted once it is part of a contract.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring, Ref Contract Time,

Delivered By Others?

Is the material or equipment delivered by a third party?

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Supplier, Contract Curr Dbe Supplier, Dbe Supplier,

Deny Decision

Indicates whether the Denied change order decision can be applied by this change order approval group.

Where Used: Ref Change Order Approval Group,

Department of Justice File Number

The Department of Justice file number for the contract claim litigation.

Where Used: Contract Claim,


The depth of pavement in the road segment in inches or centimeters.

Where Used: Contract Project Road Segment, Road Segment,


Brief text describing this entity.

Where Used: Acceptance Action, Action Relationship, Ad Hoc Pricing, Addendum, Agency Option, Alternate Set, Attachment, Bid History Item, Bid History Profile, Bridge Segment, Cas Contract, Case, Category, Category, Category Alternate Set, Ce Milestone Item Bid Based Price, Ce Milestone Item Ref Price, Ce Typical Section Item Bid Based Task, Ce Typical Section Item Ref Price Task, Ce Typical Section Profile, Ce Typical Section Variable, Change Order, Concept, Concept Location, Contract, Contract Design Evaluation Rating, Contract Fund, Contract Fund Package, Contract Payment Estimate Exception, Contract Project, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Category, Contract Project Category, Contract Project Location Point, Contract Project Road Segment, Cost Estimate, Cost Estimate Alternate Set, Cost Estimate Category, Cost Estimate Category Alternate Set, Cost Estimate Fund Package, Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task, Cost Estimate Item Price Task, Cost Estimate Item Task Group, Cost Estimate Markup, Cost Estimate Snapshot, Cost Estimate Variable, Cost Sheet, Cost Sheet Ref Equipment, Cost Sheet Ref Laborer, Cost Sheet Reference Crew, Custom Report, Daily Diary, Decision Class, Design Evaluation Rating, Document Submission, Earth Moving Event, Equipment Rate Class, Facility, Field Manager Contract, Fund, Fund Package, Issue, Item Family, Item Group, Item Group Set, LCMaint Sched Profile, Labor Rate Class, Market Area, Market Area Region, Material Rate Class, Material Test, Mix Design, Mix Design Type, Non Construction Cost, Payroll Employee Other Deductions, Plan Discrepancy, Planning Group, Point, Project, Proposal, Proposal Section, Proposal Selection Set, Proposal Time, Qualification, Ref Change Order Approval Group, Ref Change Order Approval Rule, Ref Code Table, Ref Code Table Value, Ref Contract Claim Type, Ref Cost Sheet, Ref County, Ref District, Ref Formula, Ref Fund, Ref Fund Package, Ref Fund Package Fund, Ref Holiday, Ref Issue, Ref Issue Step, Ref Item, Ref Item Bid Based Task, Ref Item Classification, Ref Item Ref Price, Ref Item Task Group, Ref Price Index, Ref Region, Ref Special Provision, Ref Test Result Value, Ref Vendor Affiliat, Ref Wage Decision, Reference Personnel, Reference Staff, Report Template, Resource, Road Segment, Role, Sample Record Test, Scheduled Process, Season, Site Manager Contract, Source, Stockpile, System Event Trigger, Test Equipment, Test Equipment Qualification, Text Doc Management, Typical Section Profile, Typical Section Profile Variable, Url Attachment, User Device, Workflow, Workflow Phase,


Brief text describing this force account.

Where Used: Force Account,


Brief text describing the material included on this invoice.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Material Invoice,


Brief text describing the charges on this invoice.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Miscellaneous Invoice,


Brief text describing the pricing service permission.

Where Used: Pricing Service Permission,


Brief text describing the pricing profile.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,


Descriptive text used to further identify the Document Management System.

Where Used: Document Management System,


Brief text describing these connection settings.

Where Used: Bi Setting,


Brief text describing this report.

Where Used: Bi Report,

Description of Duties and Tools

The field interview employee's description of job classification duties and tools used.

Where Used: Field Interview Job Classification,

Design Build

An indicator that the reference item is used solely as a bid item on a design build improvement.

Where Used: Ref Item,

Design Build

Indicates whether the cost estimate is for a design build improvement.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,


The person that designed the project (Code table: STAFF).

Where Used: Project,


The person responsible for the contract's design.

Where Used: Contract,

Desk Audit

Indicates whether or not this CUF review occurred on site.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Desk Audit Review Date

The date that the desk audit was performed. This field displays if the current CUF Review occurred on-site.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Desk Audit Reviewer

The first and last name of the agency staff member.

Where Used: Cuf Review.Desk Audit Reviewer.Person Info,

Destination Field

Indicates the field in which the selected value from a modal window will be stored. The entry should be formatted as Entity.FieldName.

Where Used: Av Detail Field,

Destination Lab

Unique identification of the lab being designated as a destination lab. In some places in the system, this field includes the destination lab description.

Where Used: Destination Lab, Lab Unit, Product Group Assignment, Sample Record Test,

Destination Phase

The status of the payroll after this transition comment was added.

Where Used: Payroll Transition Comment,

Detail Item

The unique identifier of the detail item that is being associated with a parametric item. In some locations in the system, this field also includes the item description.

Where Used: Transition Profile Item,

Detail Items

The number of detail items associated with the parametric item.

Where Used: Transition Profile,

Detail Items

The number of items included in the item group.

Where Used: Item Group,

Determination (Detmn)

Indicates that the vendor is compliant with state and/or federal regulations.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Device ID

Unique identifier provided by a mobile application for a mobile device.

Where Used: User Device,

Diary Date

The date documented by the diary.

Where Used: Daily Diary,

Diary End Date

The date of the last diary in a set of diaries associated with the claim.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Diary Locked

Indicates whether the diary is read-only or can be changed.

Where Used: Daily Diary,

Diary Start Date

The date of the first diary in a set of diaries associated with the claim.

Where Used: Contract Claim,


The difference between the covered amount and the required amount.

Where Used: Contract Security Account,

Difference In Currently Installed Paid Amount

The difference between the installed amount and paid amount for the item on the current payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Difference In Currently Installed Paid Quantity

The difference between the installed quantity and paid quantity for the item on the current payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Difference Required Vs Reported

Where Used:


The directory server used to authenticate this user.

Where Used: System,

Disability Percentage

Percent of adjustment to be added to all recorded work on this force account (labor, equipment, and material) for disability.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor,

Disable User

Removes all access rights to the system from the user. If this check box is selected, the user will not be able to log on to the system.

Where Used: User Info,

Disallowed Amount

Indication that Prime vendor made a Good Faith Effort to replace the value of work disallowed during the Commercially Useful Function review.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Disallowed Comments

Additional information about the DBE credit that was disallowed during the Commercially Useful Function review.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Discount Rate

The rate to be applied as the discount in net present value calculations.

Where Used: Cost Estimate LCMaint Sched Profile,

Discovery Date

The date of the discovery of the issue associated with the claim.

Where Used: Contract Claim,


Total disincentive amount paid on the payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project,


The total disincentive amount paid on the payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,


Thet total disincentive amount paid on the payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,

Disincentive Cap Amount

The maximum total amount of disincentives that can be withheld from payment to contractors for work on the contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Dissemination Policy

Indicates whether the dissemination policy has been reviewed.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Dissemination Policy Comments

Additional information about the associated record. This field is required when the check box associated with these comments is not checked.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Distance From Grade

The distance from finished grade measurement (e.g., depth of fill, depth of test).

Where Used: Sample Record,

Distance From Grade Units

Unit of measurement for the distance from grade. (Code Table: UNITS).

Where Used: Sample Record,

Distributed By

Indicates how this contract adjustment is distributed at the project and category levels (that is, as a percentage or an amount).

Where Used: Contract Adjustment,

Distribution Amount

The dollar amount distributed to this project or project category.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Contract Adjustment Project Category Distribution,

Distribution Amt

The amount of the contract adjustment that is distributed to this project from the payment estimate.

Where Used: Adjustment Project Distribution,

Distribution Pct

The percentage of the total contract adjustment amount that is distributed to this project from the payment estimate.

Where Used: Adjustment Project Distribution,

Distribution Percent

The percentage of the total contract adjustment amount that is distributed to this project or project category.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Contract Adjustment Project Category Distribution,


The District ID and description for the district in which this address is located.

Where Used: Address, Ref Vendor Address,

District ID

A unique identifier assigned to each district in the system. When displayed in areas of the application other than Reference Data, this field includes the value for the District Description field.

Where Used: Address, Contract Project District, District, Ref District, Ref District County, Ref Vendor District,

Division / Residency

The administrative office level responsible for this contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Document Management System ID

Valid Source Construction Management System (CMS) ID as it exists in the AASHTOWare Project SYNC Service.

Where Used: Document Management System,

Document Management System Name

Identifier for a valid Document Management system.

Where Used: Document Management System,

Document Number

An agency internal reference identifier or library system document identifier for the plan purchased in this purchase record.

Where Used: Purchase,

Document Reference

The calibration documentation used for the test equipment.

Where Used: Test Equipment,

Document Submission

A document submitted to the agency for review.

Where Used: Document Submission Review,

Dollar Value of Work

The total dollar amount earned by this truck type. The system calculates this value automatically, based on the payment type.

Where Used: EOMTruck Type,

Double-time Hourly Rate

The hourly payment rate when working during doubletime working hours.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Labor,

Double-time Hours

Hours worked by an individual that require pay that is double the standard hourly rate.

Where Used: Dwr Force Account Contractor Labor,

Drivers CDL

The CDL number for the driver of the truck recorded in this field interview.

Where Used: Field Interview Trucking,

Drop-Ships Products

Indication the DBE supplier takes possession of product prior to distribution/delivery to the contract site.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Drug-Free Work Place Plan

Indicates that the Drug-Free Workplace Plan was reviewed.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Drug-Free Work Place Plan Comments

Additional information about the associated record. This field is required when the check box associated with these comments is not checked.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Due Date

Date by which a test is to be performed on a sample.

Where Used: Sample Record Test,



E & C Percent

The Engineering and Construction Percent, which is the amount of construction engineering work to be performed on a project expressed as a percentage of the total category or project amount.

Where Used: Category, Contract Project, Contract Project Category, Project,

EEO Officer Comments

Additional information about the associated record. This field is required when the check box associated with these comments is not checked.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

EEO Policy

Indicates whether the EEO Policy was reviewed.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

EEO Policy Comments

Additional information about the associated record. This field is required when the check box associated with these comments is not checked.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

EOM Trucking Firm ID

A unique identifier assigned automatically to each end of month trucking firm record in the End of Month Trucking Firm List.

Where Used: Contractor, EOMTruck Type,

EOM Trucking ID

A unique identifier assigned to each end-of-month trucking record in the End of Month Trucking List. More specifically, this is a unique vendor-assigned sequential report number for the end-of-month trucking record.

Where Used: EOMTrucking, EOMTrucking Firm,

Earth-Moving Event

Damage or erosion caused by a stormwater event.

Where Used: Stormwater Period Earth Moving Event,

Earth-Moving Indicator

Indicates whether this stormwater period includes an associated earth-moving event.

Where Used: Stormwater Period,

Effective Date

The date the associated record becomes effective. This date must precede the Expiration Date or Inactive Date for the record.

Where Used: MEIO

Electrode Group

The group of electrodes upon which the welding qualification was performed.

Where Used: Welder Qualification,

Electrode Size

The size of the electrode used for the welding qualification.

Where Used: Welder Qualification,

Electrode Unit

The unit of measure for the electrode used for the welding qualification. (Code Table: ELECTRODEUNIT)

Where Used: Welder Qualification,


The altitude above sea level or ground level where a sample was taken.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Email Address

The email address for this address record.

Where Used: Address, Ref Vendor Address,

Email Address

The email address for each possible message recipient.

Where Used: Outbox Unified Address,

Email Address

Email address used to contact the attendee.

Where Used: Attendee,

Email On-File

Indicates that the agency has an email address properly configured for this person.

Where Used: Person Info,

Email Required

Indicates that the agency requires this person to have an email address on file.

Where Used: Person Info,

EmailAddress Type

The type of email address used for notification of this event action.

Where Used: Notify Email Address Event Action,

Embed URL Base

The URL AASHTOWare Project uses to retrieve embedded content from the Microsoft Power BI service.

Where Used: Bi Setting,

Empl On Distinct Element

Indication from observation and/or discussion with the Project Inspector that the DBE’s employees are working on a distinct element of work, independently and without the assistance of other participating contractors.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Employee Data Correct

Indicates that the system data is correct when compared to the address provided by the field interview employee.

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,

Employee ID

The verified Reference Employee ID matching the SSN, First Name, Last Name, Gender, and Ethnic Group with the Payroll Employee record. This value is set by the system during the payroll exception process after the payroll is progressed to the phase "Under Agency Review" for the first time. It can also be set by the system when the user resolves a payroll exception with the Resolve by Update or Resolve by Create Resolution buttons.

Where Used: Employer, Payroll Employee, Ref Employee Apprenticeship,

Employee ID

The field interview employee's Reference Employee ID.

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,

Employee data is correct

Indicates that the employee information is correct.

Where Used: Field Interview,

Employees on DBE Payroll

Indicates whether employees on the DBE vendor’s payroll work solely for the DBE vendor on this contract.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Employer ID

The reference vendor ID and name for the company employing this reference employee.

Where Used: Ojt Program Enrollment,

Employment Duration

Amount of time the on-site DBE representative worked for previous employer.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Enable Standalone

Indicates whether standalone functionality is enabled for this role.

Where Used: Role,

End Active Date

The captured date and time when the point values were retired.

Where Used: Contract Project Location Point,

End Coordinate X

The ending X value of the agency defined coordinate system.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Road Segment,

End Coordinate X

The ending X value of the agency-defined coordinate system.

Where Used: Sample Record,

End Coordinate Y

The ending Y value of the agency defined coordinate system.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Road Segment,

End Coordinate Y

The ending Y value of the agency-defined coordinate system.

Where Used: Sample Record,

End Coordinate Z

The elevation of the ending point of the road segment. It should be recorded using the original NAVD 88 or one of its epochs. NAVD 88 is the official vertical datum in the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS).

Where Used: Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Road Segment,

End Coordinate Z

The elevation of the ending point of the bridge segment. It should be recorded using the original NAVD 88 or one of its epochs. NAVD 88 is the official vertical datum in the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS).

Where Used: Bridge Segment,

End Coordinate Z

The elevation of the ending point. It shall be recorded using the original NAVD 88 or one of its epochs. NAVD 88 is the official vertical datum in the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS).

Where Used: Sample Record,

End Date

For Vendor Affiliates, this field is the date the affiliate relationship ends. For Certified Payrolls, this is the date the payroll period ends. For End of Month Trucking, this is the date the reporting period ends. For Ref Vendor OJT Goals, this is the date the goal period ends.

Where Used: Certified Payroll, EOMTrucking, Percent Goal, Ref Vendor Affiliat, Ref Vendor Ojt Goal,

End Date

For vendor affiliates, this field is the date the affiliate relationship ends. For certified payrolls, this is the date the payroll period ends. For end-of-month trucking, this is the date the reporting period ends. For ref vendor OJT goals, this is the date the goal period ends. For decision class mappings, this is the date the federal job classification is no longer available for mapping.

Where Used: Fed Job Class,

End Date

For vendor affiliates, this field is the date the affiliate relationship ends. For certified payrolls, this is the date the payroll period ends. For end-of-month trucking, this is the date the reporting period ends. For ref vendor OJT goals, this is the date the goal period ends. For ethnic group mappings, this is the date the federal labor ethnic group is no longer available for mapping.

Where Used: Fed Labor Ethnic Group,

End Date

For vendor affiliates, this field is the date the affiliate relationship ends. For certified payrolls, this is the date the payroll period ends. For end-of-month trucking, this is the date the reporting period ends. For Ref Vendor OJT Goals, this is the date the goal period ends. For ethnic group mappings, this is the date the federal DBE ethnic group is no longer available for mapping.

Where Used: Fed DBEEthnic Group,

End Date

The date reporting ends for a stormwater period.

Where Used: Stormwater Period,

End Day

The day of the month when the season ends.

Where Used: Season,

End Latitude

The latitude of the end point of a road or bridge segment, as measured in degrees, minutes, seconds and fractional seconds. This is a numerical value that must be typed in the format.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Road Segment,

End Letting Date

A data selection attribute to designate the ending point in time over which the bid history profile will collect data to be used in bid-based price calculations.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

End Letting Date

The date on which bid data collection ends.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

End Location Created By

The User ID of the person who recorded the ending coordinate values.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Road Segment, Sample Record,

End Location Created Date

The date and time recorded when the ending coordinates were measured.

Where Used: Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Sample Record,

End Location Created Date and Time

The date and time recorded when the ending coordinates were measured.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Road Segment,

End Location End Active Date

The captured date and time when the ending values were retired.

Where Used: Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Sample Record,

End Location End Active Date and Time

The captured date and time when the ending values were retired.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Road Segment,

End Location Issue

Used to record any conditions associated with the quality of the ending coordinate values at the time of capture.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Road Segment, Sample Record,

End Location Last Updated By

The User ID of the person who last updated the ending coordinate values.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Road Segment, Sample Record,

End Location Last Updated Date

The date and time when the ending coordinates were last updated.

Where Used: Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Sample Record,

End Location Last Updated Date and Time

The date and time when the ending coordinates were last updated.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Road Segment,

End Location Method

The process used to collect the ending coordinate values. (Code table: LOC_METHOD)

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Road Segment, Sample Record,

End Location Quality

The accuracy of the ending values recorded in the coordinate system. (Code table: LOC_QUALITY)

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Road Segment, Sample Record,

End Location Quality Unit

The unit of measure used in the coordinate system for the ending values. (Code table: LOC_QLT_UNIT)

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Road Segment, Sample Record,

End Longitude

The longitude of the end point of a road or bridge segment, as measured in degrees, minutes, seconds and fractional seconds. This is a numerical value that must be typed in the format.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Road Segment,

End Month

The month specified as the end of the season.

Where Used: Season,

End Month/Day

The month and day specified as the end of the season.

Where Used: Season, Season End Day,

End Station

An identifier for the survey reference point for the end of the road segment.

Where Used: Contract Project Road Segment, Road Segment,

End Termini

An identifier for the ending boundary of the road segment.

Where Used: Contract Project Road Segment, Road Segment,

End Time

The time of day this contractor was last observed on site for this DWR.

Where Used: DWRContractor,

End Time

The date and time when this contract time ends.

Where Used: Contract Time Recurring,

Ending Date

The last day of the contractor evaluation reporting period.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation,

Ending Mileage

The ending mileage being reported for the agency staff member's vehicle.

Where Used: DWRStaff, DWRStaff Record,

English Item

The ID of the reference item that uses English units of measurement in an item conversion record.

Where Used: Item Conversion,

English Unit

The English unit of measure (Code Table: UNITS).

Where Used: Material, Material Category,

English to Metric Preference

Identifies which metric item to use for an English item that is linked to multiple metric items in the same spec book. For a given English item and spec book combination, this check box can be selected for only one metric item in a given spec book.

Where Used: Item Conversion,

English to Metric Unit Conversion Factor

The factor used to convert an English item unit of measure to the designated metric item unit of measure. This value must be greater than zero.

Where Used: Item Conversion,

Enrollment Date

The date the reference employee was enrolled in this OJT program.

Where Used: Ojt Program Enrollment,

Entered By

The name of the person that created this DWR.

Where Used: Daily Work Report,

Entered By

The name of the person that created the daily diary. This field is automatically populated by the system.

Where Used: Daily Diary, Daily Diary,

Entered By

The name of the person who created the contract time charge.

Where Used: Weekly Time Charge,

Entered By

The name of the person who created this daily diary.

Where Used: Daily Diary,


A unique identifier for each business entity in the database (for example project, proposal, or bid letting).

Where Used: Acceptance Action, Action Relationship, Ad Hoc Pricing Formula, Attachment, Calibrating Qualification Remark, Ce Typical Section Item Formula, Ce Typical Section Variable Formula, Cost Estimate Annualization Formula, Cost Estimate Formula, Cost Estimate Item Formula, Cost Estimate Item Price Task Formula, Cost Estimate Item Remark, Cost Estimate Maintenance Milestone Item Formula, Cost Estimate Markup Formula, Cost Estimate Variable Formula, Custom Business Entity, Custom Business Entity, Custom Process, Daily Diary, Daily Work Report Remark, Facility Material Category Remark, Facility Material Remark, Facility Remark, Issue Remark, Issue Step Remark, Item Group Detail Item Formula, Lab Remark, Material Category Remark, Material Remark, Non Construction Cost Formula, Outbox Unified Address, Person Info Remark, Product Group Sample Reviewer Remark, Proposal Vendor Msg, Proposal Vendor Msg, Ref Item Ref Price Formula, Remark Model Mapping, Report, Sample Record Association, Sample Record Contract Material Set Association Remark, Sample Record Remark, Sample Record Test Remark, Sampling Qualification Remark, Source Material Category Remark, Source Material Remark, Source Remark, System, Testing Qualification Remark, Transition Profile Item Formula, Typical Section Profile Item Formula, Typical Section Profile Variable Formula, Url Attachment, User Filter, Welder Qualification Remark,


Identifier for the entity associated with the cost estimate, either a concept, project, or proposal.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Snapshot, System,


An entity selected for inclusion in material sample IDs generated by the system. Values include Person, Address, Phone, or User.

Where Used: Sample Record Tag Generation,


Indicates the system entity from which users will be able to access the agency view when it is rendered. For example, if Contract is selected as the agency view entity, users will be able to access the agency view from the Contract Administration Summary.

Where Used: Agency View,

Entity Description

Description of the parent entity for the cost estimate. From Concept Description, Project Description, or Proposal Description.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Snapshot,

Entity ID

The system entity associated with the agency view control. A control can be associated with either a system entity or an agency entity, but not both. Fields from the selected entity can be used within the control.

Where Used: Av Control,

Entity ID

A unique identifier for each business entity in the database (for example project, proposal, or bid letting).

Where Used: Av Control,

Entity Type

The type of entity with which the cost estimate is associated, either concept, project, or proposal.

Where Used: Cost Estimate, Cost Estimate Snapshot, System,


The text recorded for a journal entry in the communication log for a tracked issue.

Where Used: Issue Diary Entry,

Entry Date

The day and time a user entered the database.

Where Used: Data Access Log,


Indicates whether this contractor has equipment being reported on this DWR.

Where Used: DWRContractor,


Unique identifier for reference equipment used for cost-based estimation.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Equipment, Cost Sheet Ref Equipment, Cost Sheet Ref Equipment Rate, Crew Equipment, Ref Cost Sheet Equipment,

Equipment Adjustment Percentage

Percent of adjustment to be added to only equipment-related recorded work on this force account.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor,

Equipment Class

Class identifier to aid searching for the generic equipment.

Where Used: Reference Equipment,

Equipment Description

Brief text describing the equipment.

Where Used: Reference Equipment,

Equipment Leased/Borrowed Comments

Additional information about the Equipment evaluation of the Commercially Useful Function review. This should include details about any issues uncovered during the review.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Equipment Overhead Percentage

The percentage applied to the calculated equipment costs to cover unforeseen occurrences.

Where Used: Cost Sheet, Ref Cost Sheet,

Equipment Rate

The hourly rate for the equipment.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Equipment, Cost Sheet Ref Equipment Rate,

Equipment Rate Class

The class of the equipment rate (Code table: EQPRATECLS).

Where Used: Cost Estimate, Cost Sheet, Cost Sheet Ref Equipment Rate, Equipment Rate Class, Labor Rate Class,

Equipment Total Cost

The sum of extended amounts for all equipment on the cost sheet with the Equipment Overhead Percentage applied.

Where Used: Cost Sheet,

Equipment Under Long Term Lease?

Is the equipment leased on a long-term basis from the dealer?

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Supplier, Contract Curr Dbe Supplier, Dbe Supplier,

Error Code

An identifier for a system error related to the payment estimate exception.

Where Used: Contract Payment Estimate Exception,

Esc. Factor

The annual escalation factor to be applied to the estimated cost of the maintenance milestone.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Maintenance Milestone,

Escrow Retainage

Total retainage amount encumbered in escrow on the payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project,


A sequential number generated by the system and assigned to the contract payment estimate when it is created.

Where Used: Daily Diary, Daily Work Report,

Estimate Approved

Indicates whether the payment estimate has been approved.

Where Used: Daily Diary,

Estimate Number

The estimate number that included this DWR.

Where Used: Daily Work Report,

Estimate Number

A unique identifier for the estimate used to generate the contract or subcontract payment.

Where Used: Contract Payment,

Estimate Number

The identifier for the payment estimate that includes the diary's approved quantities and time charges.

Where Used: Daily Diary,

Estimate Number

A sequential number generated by the system and assigned to the contract payment estimate when it is created.

Where Used: Contract Claim, Dwr Work Item,

Estimate Phase

The phase of the estimate (Code Table: ESTPHASE).

Where Used: Cost Estimate, Cost Estimate Contingency Progression,

Estimate Processing Complete

The date when all automated processing (including estimate processing) was completed for this contract time.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring,

Estimate Type

The estimate method used to generate the contractor payment (that is, Progress, Supplemental, or Final).

Where Used: Contract Payment,

Estimate Type

A classification that describes the type of cost estimate (Code Table: ESTTYPE).

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Estimated By

An identifier for the person performing the cost estimate.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Estimated By

The person identifier for the individual performing the estimate.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Estimated Completion Date

Date by which the sample test is estimated to be complete.

Where Used: Sample Record Test,

Estimated Date

The date the estimate was completed.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Snapshot, Project, Proposal,

Estimated Quantity Of Units

The estimated number of lease (time) units by which lease charges are calculated per truck (Code table: UNITS).

Where Used: Trucking Truck Type,

Estimation Indicator

Indicates this code table is associated with the Estimation business area.

Where Used: Ref Code Table,

Estimation Methodology

The primary methodology typically utilized in performing estimates containing this risk factor. Values: Ad Hoc, Bid Based, Cost Based (Code table: ESTMETH).

Where Used: Ref Risk Factor,

Estimation Type

The method used to estimate the current unit price. Valid values include: Ad Hoc (priced manually using the estimator's ability to determine item prices); Average (a simple or weighted average of historical bid prices), Cost Based (priced by using a cost sheet price task and associated rate information); Formula (based on a predefined formula or expression); Mixed (more than one type of estimation was used to determine this price); Reference (a set or quoted price established for the item); Regression (generated from a regression analysis of historical bid prices); and Unknown (the type of estimation is unknown). You can manually select any value, but the system also populates this field as a result of certain processes: 1) when item prices are automatically generated, the system sets the value to either Regression or Average, depending on which estimation model is chosen; 2) when a project item is added, the system sets the value to Reference if the reference item record contains a price; and 3) when a price is manually entered or changed, the system automatically sets the value to Ad Hoc.

Where Used: Project Item, Proposal Item,

Ethnic Group

The ethnic group to which the person or vendor associated with this record belongs (Maintained in the Reference Data/Ethnic Group component) (Code Table: ETHNIC).

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Ref Employee, Ref Vendor, Ref Vendor Officer,


The ethnicity of the field interview employee (Code Table: ETHNIC).

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,

Evaluated By

The name and ID of the person who performed the evaluation.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation,

Evaluation Date

The date the contractor was evaluated.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation,

Evaluation Date

The date the evaluation takes place.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation,

Evaluation Group ID

An identifier not usually displayed in the application.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation Rating,

Evaluation Instructions

Directions to the person performing evaluations based on this contractor evaluation structure. These instructions appear on the Contractor Evaluation Summary and on the Contractor Evaluation Report.

Where Used: Ref Contractor Evaluation,

Evaluation Method

Indicates whether the acceptance action will be evaluated by quantity, record count, or both, when determining whether acceptance actions have been satisfied for a contract project item's material.

Where Used: Acceptance Action,

Evaluation Name

Brief text identifying the reference design evaluation.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation Group, Design Evaluation, Design Evaluation Group,

Evaluation Number

A system generated number that indexes the contractor evaluations on this contract.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation,

Evaluation Number

A unique number assigned automatically to the evaluation.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation,

Evaluation Type

Whether this evaluation was made on an interim basis (Interim) or upon completion of the contract (Final).

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation,

Evaluations Count

The total number of evaluations recorded for this contractor.

Where Used: Contractor,


The User ID of the person performing the evaluation.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation, Contract Design Evaluation, Contract Design Evaluation,


Text that describes or identifies an event in a reference issue or resulting tracked issue.

Where Used: Ref Issue Event Trigger,


Text that describes or identifies a system event.

Where Used: System Event Trigger,


DBE certification milestones that take place at particular intervals of time (Maintained in the Reference Data/Events component).

Where Used: Ref Action Type, Ref Event Type,

Event Date

The date the DBE certification event occurred or is scheduled to occur.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Dbe Certification Event,

Event Date

The date on which the event that triggered the claim occurred.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Event Trigger

Text that describes or identifies an event in a reference issue or resulting tracked issue.

Where Used: Ref Execute Process Event Action, Ref Generate Report Event Action, Ref Notify Chg Ord App Group Event Action,

Event Trigger ID

A unique identifier assigned automatically to each issue event trigger record in the Reference Issue Event Trigger List.

Where Used: Ref Notify Pay Est Appr Level Event Action,


Indicates whether exceptions exist for the payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,

Exception ID

Unique identifier for a payment estimate exception.

Where Used: Contract Payment Estimate Exception,

Exception Resolution Date

The date the exception was resolved.

Where Used: Certified Payroll Exception,

Exception Resolved By

The person who resolved the exception.

Where Used: Certified Payroll Exception,

Exception Status

The current state of the contract payment estimate exception (that is, Unresolved, Acknowledged, or Overridden).

Where Used: Contract Payment Estimate Exception,

Exclude Models that are out of Range Compared to the Average

A boolean field indicating whether the regression calculation should exclude models that are out of range compared to the average.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Exclude Regression with Positive Quantity Coefficients

A boolean field indicating whether the regression calculation should exclude models with positive quantity coefficients.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Exclude Tier-1 Subcontract With Items From Threshold Calcs

Indicates that this tier-one subcontract with items will be excluded from the percentage threshold calculation.

Where Used: Subcontract,

Exclude from Pay Est

Indicates whether an acceptance action option rate and frequency is included in the evaluation of insufficient materials on a payment estimate. Rates and frequencies that are not included in this evaluation are still tracked on the Sampling and Testing Status report.

Where Used: Acc Action Option Rate Freq,

Exclude from Reference Price Calculation

An indicator that a reference item's unit price will be excluded from reference price calculations based upon the percentage of total estimate.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,

Exclude models that are out of range compared to the average

An advanced parameter that indicates whether the regression calculation should exclude models that are out of range when compared to the average price.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Exclude obsolete Items

A check box indicating whether obsolete items should be excluded from this filter in the pricing profile.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Exclude regression with positive quantity coefficients

An advanced parameter to indicate the exclusion of regression models with positive quantity coefficients (inverse relationship between quantity and price).

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Exclusion Area

A detailed description of any area in the contract that is not covered by the wage decision.

Where Used: Ref Wage Decision,

Execute Process Name

The process that will be executed when the system finds a sample record test that matches all of the criteria in the test triggered event.

Where Used: Test Triggered Event Trigger, Test Triggered Event Trigger,

Execution Date

The date the contract was executed.

Where Used: Contract,

Exempt Calibrator

Indicates that this person does not require qualifications in the system to perform calibration.

Where Used: Person Info,

Exempt From Retainage

Indicates that this item is not subject to retainage rules.

Where Used: Ref Item,

Exempt Sample Reviewer

Indicates that this person does not need to be assigned as a sample reviewer for a material's product group in order to review samples of that material.

Where Used: Person Info,

Exempt Sampler

Indicates that this person does not require sampling qualifications to be marked as the person who took a given sample.

Where Used: Person Info,

Exempt Tester

Indicates that this person does not require testing qualifications or lab tester designations in order to be assigned as a tester and view sample record tests in the testing queues.

Where Used: Person Info,

Exempt from MAA

Indicates that the item does not require material acceptance actions and will not be included on the Outstanding Item List reports.

Where Used: Ref Item,

Expiration Date

The date that approval or effectiveness ends for the associated record. For most records, you can enter any date that is equal to or greater than the Effective Date. For a user's active role, you must enter a date greater than, but not equal to, the current date.

Where Used: MEIO


The contractor's explanation of why the amount being paid on a fringe benefit for a payroll employee deviates from the standard amount.

Where Used: Payroll Emp Fringe Benef Except,


Text that explains why the user selected a contingency factor outside of the recommended range.

Where Used: Cost Estimate CAPPhase,

Explanation Description

Brief text describing this entity.

Where Used: Ref Change Order Explanation,

Explanation Name

A unique word or combination of words or letters that identifies the reference change order explanation if it is used for a change order.

Where Used: Change Order Explanation, Change Order Explanation, Change Order Time Adjustment Explanation, Ref Change Order Explanation,

Explanation Required

Indicates whether a user that associates the profile with a cost estimate must enter an explanation for selecting a factor outside of the recommended range.

Where Used: CAPPhase,

Explanation Required

Indicates whether the user must enter an explanation if choosing a contingency factor outside of the recommended range.

Where Used: Cost Estimate CAPPhase,

Explanation Type

A type classification for a reference change order explanation (Code Table: EXPLTYPE).

Where Used: Ref Change Order Explanation,


Used to calculate the result of the saved formula record. The expression must be written using standard python commands and syntax, and can include conditional statements and mathematical operators.

Where Used: Ad Hoc Pricing Formula, Ce Typical Section Item Formula, Ce Typical Section Variable Formula, Cost Estimate Annualization Formula, Cost Estimate Formula, Cost Estimate Item Formula, Cost Estimate Item Price Task Formula, Cost Estimate Maintenance Milestone Item Formula, Cost Estimate Markup Formula, Cost Estimate Variable Formula, Item Group Detail Item Formula, Non Construction Cost Formula, Ref Formula, Ref Item Ref Price Formula, Transition Profile Item Formula, Typical Section Profile Item Formula, Typical Section Profile Variable Formula,


Statement entered in standard Python syntax that determines field or label formatting and under what conditions the formatting is applied.

Where Used: Av Field Condition,

Ext Amt

The estimated amount for the cost estimate item. Calculated as the quantity multiplied by the unit price.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,

Ext Amt

The cost of a task item on a maintenance milestone, calculated as the item quantity multiplied by the item unit price.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Maintenance Milestone Item,

Ext Amt

The extended dollar amount of the item in the cost estimate typical section. Calculated as the item quantity multiplied by the item unit price.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Item,

Ext Amt - Calc Ext Amt

The Extended Amount is the total item cost as submitted in the bid, and the Calculated Extended Amount is the total item cost determined by the system by multiplying the item quantity and the item unit price.

Where Used: System,

Extended Amount

The total cost of an item in an estimate, submitted bid, or contract, calculated as the product of the item quantity times the item unit price.

Where Used: Bid, Project Item, Proposal Item,

Extended Amount

The extended amount for the new item on the change order.

Where Used: Change Order New Item,

Extended Amount

The total cost for the laborer, calculated as the quantity multiplied by the sum of the regular hours at the regular rate and the overtime hours at the overtime rate.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Laborer,

Extended Amount

The total cost for the piece of equipment, calculated as the product of the quantity, hours, and equipment rate.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Equipment,

Extended Amount

The total cost for the material, calculated as the product of the quantity and material rate.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Material,

Extended Amount Mismatch

Indicates that the extended amount for this item is incorrect (that is, the extended amount submitted with the bid does not match the Calculated Extended Amount).

Where Used: Bid,

Extended Amount Paid

The total amount being paid for this work item in this contract payment (the quantity of the work item being paid multiplied by the unit price).

Where Used: Contract Payment Item, Subcontractor Payment Item,


The telephone number extension, if used.

Where Used: Phone, Ref Vendor Address, Ref Vendor Phone,

External Group

Indicates whether the approval group is external to the agency and needs to be designated for contract change order approval dependent upon the contract.

Where Used: Ref Change Order Approval Group,



FICA Percentage

Percent of adjustment to be added to all recorded work on this force account (labor, equipment, and material) for FICA.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor,

FICA Withholding Amount

The amount of Social Security tax to be deducted from the employee's gross amount for this payroll period.

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee Labor,


A unique identifier assigned to every facility in the system. In some places, this field also displays the facility name.

Where Used: Address, Contract Project Item Material Set Material, Daily Source Report, Dsr Material Dest Facility, Dsr Material Prod Facility, Dwr Acceptance Record, Dwr Acceptance Record, Dwr Acceptance Record Source Facility, Facility, Facility Id, Facility Material, Facility Material Category, Facility Source Authority, Facility Type, Mix Design, Mix Design Component Material, SMFMIAuthority, Sample Record, Sample Record Facility, Stockpile, Test Equipment, Test Equipment Qualification,

Facility City

The city for a facility associated with a sample record.

Where Used: Facility,

Facility Material Category ID

A unique identifier assigned to each facility material category in the system.

Where Used: Brand,

Facility Material ID

A unique identifier assigned to each construction material in the system. In some places, this field also displays the material description.

Where Used: Brand, Source Material Facility Material Identification,

Facility Name

Descriptive name for the facility.

Where Used: Facility,

Facility Type

The type of facility. (Code table: FACILITYTYPE)

Where Used: Facility, Facility Type,


The percentage markup applied to the total cost estimate amount to account for the specific risk identified and addressed in the contingency profile.

Where Used: Cost Estimate CAPPhase,

Failed Bid Item Requirement

Indicates that the bid amount for this item either exceeds a required maximum or is less than a required minimum amount, as set in the Project Item Unit Price Comparison field.

Where Used: Bid,

Failed Employee ID

The Reference Employee ID associated with the payroll employee record causing the payroll exception. This field is automatically populated by the system.

Where Used: Certified Payroll Exception,

Failed Employer ID

Where Used:

Failed Payroll Employee ID

The Payroll Employee ID associated with a payroll employee record that contains information not matching that of the associated reference employee record, resulting in a payroll exception. This field is automatically populated by the system.

Where Used: Certified Payroll Exception,

Fax Number

The fax number associated with the address record.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Address,

Federal Aid Contract

Contracts where at least one Reference Fund associated with the contract has a Fund Type of Federal.

Where Used: Contract,

Federal Appropriation Code 1

A code representing the first type of federal funds that have been appropriated for the prime project (Code table: FEDAPPR).

Where Used: Prime Project,

Federal Appropriation Code 2

A code representing the second type of federal funds that have been appropriated for the prime project (Code table: FEDAPPR).

Where Used: Prime Project,

Federal Appropriation Code 3

A code representing the third type of federal funds that have been appropriated for the prime project (Code table: FEDAPPR).

Where Used: Prime Project,

Federal DBE Ethnic Group

A unique identifier for a DBE ethnic group defined by the Federal Highway Administration. Federal DBE ethnic groups are used in the DBE Uniform Award Commitment Report.

Where Used: Ref Fed Ethnic Group Mapping,

Federal DBE Ethnic Group Description

Brief text describing the federal DBE ethnic group used in the DBE Uniform Award Commitment Report.

Where Used: Fed DBEEthnic Group,

Federal Funded

Indicates whether the projects in the proposal are financed by federal funding.

Where Used: Project,

Federal Gross Pay

The amount earned by the payroll employee for the classification during the pay period on the project.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Federal Job Class ID

A unique identifier for a group of occupations defined by the Federal Highway Administration. Federal job classifications are used in the Federal 1392 Report.

Where Used: Decision Class, Ref Fed Job Class Mapping,

Federal Job Classification Description

Brief text describing the federal job classification used in the Federal 1392 Report.

Where Used: Fed Job Class,

Federal Labor Ethnic Group

A unique identifier for a labor ethnic group defined by the Federal Highway Administration. Federal labor ethnic groups are used in the Federal 1392 Report.

Where Used: Ref Fed Ethnic Group Mapping,

Federal Labor Ethnic Group Description

Brief text describing the federal labor ethnic group used in the Federal 1392 Report.

Where Used: Fed Labor Ethnic Group,

Federal Oversight

Indicates that federal authorities must receive and approve any change orders for this contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Federal Project Number

A unique identifier assigned to a project, proposal or contract by the federal government.

Where Used: Contract, Contract Project, Contract Project Category, Prime Project, Project, Proposal,

Federal Unemployment Percentage

Percent of adjustment to be added to all recorded work on this force account (labor, equipment, and material) for federal unemployment.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor,

Federal Withholding Amount

The amount of federal income tax to be deducted from the employee's gross amount for this payroll period.

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee Labor,


Fields or child attributes from the selected entity that can be included in the expression.

Where Used: Ad Hoc Pricing Formula, Ce Typical Section Item Formula, Ce Typical Section Variable Formula, Cost Estimate Annualization Formula, Cost Estimate Formula, Cost Estimate Item Formula, Cost Estimate Item Price Task Formula, Cost Estimate Maintenance Milestone Item Formula, Cost Estimate Markup Formula, Cost Estimate Variable Formula, Item Group Detail Item Formula, Non Construction Cost Formula, Ref Formula, Ref Item Ref Price Formula, System, Transition Profile Item Formula, Typical Section Profile Item Formula, Typical Section Profile Variable Formula,


The value from this field will be used to update the other specified field as a result of the event in a reference issue or tracked issue.

Where Used: Ref Update Field Event Action,


The name of the condition field.

Where Used: Ref Specification Condition Field,


The field that will be updated as a result of an event in a reference issue or tracked issue.

Where Used: Ref Issue Event Action, Ref Issue Event Trigger Condition, Ref Update Field Event Action, System Event Trigger Condition,


The field that is watched by the system in order to trigger an event.

Where Used: Ref Issue Event Trigger, System Event Trigger,


An area within a component where information can be recorded. Several types of fields are used in the system: text, text box, text area, date, drop-down list box, and check box.

Where Used: System,


A field that will be used when the system automatically generates a material sample ID. Values include fields from the Person, Address, Phone, or User entity selected in the Entity field.

Where Used: Sample Record Tag Generation,


The database field from the selected entity that will be searched for matching values when text is entered in the auto-complete field.

Where Used: Av Search Display,


Database field that will be displayed in the auto-complete field when text is entered.

Where Used: Av Field Display,


Identifies the field being used to sort project items for project item line numbering.

Where Used: Project Item Sort Descriptor, Project Item Sort Descriptor,

Field Inspection Value

The value necessary for field population on the Contract Material Acceptance Record in order to complete the action for the entity. (Code table: FIELDINSP)

Where Used: Action Relationship, Dwr Acceptance Record,

Field Interview Date

The date the interview was conducted.

Where Used: Field Interview,

Field Interview Employee ID

An identifier for the field interview employee to which this field interview is associated.

Where Used: Field Interview Job Classification,

Field Interview ID

The field interview to which the interviewed employee is associated.

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,

Field Interview ID

An identifier for the field interview to which the employee is associated.

Where Used: Field Interview Trucking, Payroll Management Compliance,

Field Interviewer

Indicates this role will be utilized to exchange data with AASHTOWare Project using the Field Interviewer application on a mobile device.

Where Used: Role,

Field Label

The label defined for the field in the business metadata.

Where Used: Restricted Field,

Field Label

Enables you to specify the field names from the associated entity that are available on the reference issue.

Where Used: Ref Issue Field,

Field Name

The name of the field to be restricted. This name corresponds to the business metadata ID of the field.

Where Used: Restricted Field,


Fields that are made available for inclusion in a reference issue.

Where Used: Ref Issue,


An editable text box used to edit the business metadata for an entity.

Where Used: Custom Business Entity, Custom Report, Report,


Contains XML for parameter fields used to generate the report.

Where Used: Generate Report Event Action, Ref Generate Report Event Action,

File Code

A brief reference to a material file.

Where Used: Material File,

File Description

A full reference to a material file.

Where Used: Material File,

File Name

The name of the file associated with the custom report, report template, custom process, or attachment.

Where Used: Custom Process, Custom Report, Report, Report Template,


The filter criteria statements that narrow the list of recipients included in the dynamic mailing group.

Where Used: Dynamic Mailing List,


A system-generated label for a filter builder box.

Where Used: Restricted Field, Selection Criteria, User Filter,


The action required to resolve the payment estimate exception before a final payment estimate can be approved. Valid values: May be left Unresolved, Must Acknowledge, Must Override, Must Resolve, and Not Calculated or Displayed.

Where Used: Cont Paymt Est Except Override, Ref Payment Estimate Exception,

Final Approval Date

If the status of this payment estimate is Approved, this field displays the latest Approval Decision Date for the payment estimate; otherwise the value is null.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,

Final Approval Decision Date

If the status of this payment estimate is Approved, this field displays the latest Approval Decision Date for the payment estimate; otherwise the value is null.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,

Finish Time

The date and time the process ended.

Where Used: Process History,

Firm Dollars

The total payment due to this trucking firm for trucking during this end-of-month trucking period. The system calculates this value automatically.

Where Used: EOMTrucking Firm,

Firm Trucks

The total number of trucks used by this trucking firm during this end-of-month trucking period. The system calculates this value automatically.

Where Used: EOMTrucking Firm,

Firm Type

The kind of trucking firm. This field identifies whether the firm is an ITO (Independent Truck Owner/Operator), an MTO (Multiple Truck Owner), or a BROKER (a firm that hires other firms to provide trucking services to a Vendor). A BROKER refers to a "trucking broker," who is an individual or business entity that contracts and dispatches trucking services in the construction industry, receiving payment from the users, making payment to the providers and may charge a fee for their services.

Where Used: EOMTrucking Firm, Trucking,

First Fringe Benefit Program

The first fringe benefit program in which the field interview employee states they are participating.

Where Used: Field Interview Job Classification,

First Name

The person's first (personal) name.

Where Used: Field Interview Employee, Payroll Employee, Person Info, Ref Employee, User Info,

First Name

First name of a person attending a meeting.

Where Used: Attendee,

First Payroll Date

Where Used:

Fiscal Year

A four-digit designation for the agency's 12-month fiscal year period.

Where Used: Fiscal Year,

Flat Rate

The fixed amount charged for all trucks of this truck type per month.

Where Used: EOMTruck Type,

Flat Rate Units

The unit of measure used for the flat rate charged for this truck type. (Code table: LEASEUNITS)

Where Used: EOMTruck Type,

Form Code

A brief reference to a standard form.

Where Used: Material Form,

Form Description

A full reference to a standard form.

Where Used: Material Form,

Form Version

A unique identifier for this contractor evaluation structure. This version number is displayed on all contractor evaluations that use this structure.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation, Ref Contractor Evaluation,

Formula Name

Unique identifier for a stored formula.

Where Used: Ref Formula,

Fourth Fringe Benefit Program

The fourth fringe benefit program in which the field interview employee states they are participating.

Where Used: Field Interview Job Classification,


The rate at which the system is scheduled to execute this process, that is, once, daily, weekly, or monthly.

Where Used: Scheduled Process,


The frequency at which the contract time is expected to occur.

Where Used: Contract Time Recurring, Ref Contract Time,

Frequency Type

The type of frequency unit for an acceptance action. Values: Contract, Quantity, Source, Temporal, and Work Location.

Where Used: Acc Action Option Rate Freq,


Indicates that the contract time should recur on Friday, according to its schedule (for example, every two weeks on Friday).

Where Used: Contract Time Recurring,

Fringe Amount

The dollar amount for fringe benefits over the entire force account for this laborer (without markups).

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Labor,

Fringe Apprenticeship Fund Rate

The currency rate of pay for the Apprenticeship/Training Fringe Benefit Plan for this Labor Classification.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Fringe Benefit Payment Type

The source or type of funds used to pay fringe benefits in this payroll record.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,

Fringe Health Welfare Rate

The currency rate of pay for the Health/Welfare Fringe Benefit Plan for this Labor Classification.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Fringe Other 1 Rate

The currency rate of pay for the Other 1 Fringe Benefit Plan for this Labor Classification.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Fringe Other 2 Rate

The currency rate of pay for the Other 2 Fringe Benefit Plan for this Labor Classification.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Fringe Pension Rate

The currency rate of pay for the Pension Fringe Benefit Plan for this Labor Classification.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Fringe Vacation Holiday Rate

The currency rate of pay for the Vacation/Holiday Fringe Benefit Plan for this Labor classification.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,


The user name and email address that were used to send the message.

Where Used: Outbox Message,

From Test Status

The status of a sample record test that makes it eligible for an alternate test workflow. When a sample record test that matches the criteria specified in an alternate test workflow is in this test status and an action is performed that would move it to a different test status, the system sets the test status to the value entered in the To Test Status field (Code Table: TESTSTATUS).

Where Used: Alternate Test Workflow,

From Test Status

Part of the criteria used to match a sample record test to a test triggered event. The value in the From Test Status field is the status of the test before another action in the system changes the status (Code Table: TESTSTATUS).

Where Used: Test Triggered Event,

From Test Status

The current test status for the sample record test that is triggered (Code Table: TESTSTATUS).

Where Used: Test Triggered Event Trigger,

Fuel Adjustment

Indicates that this item is associated with a fuel price adjustment index.

Where Used: Contract Item, Ref Item,


The basis used for this adjustment (that is, an adjustment of quantity or dollars).

Where Used: Pay Estimate Item Adjustment,


A unique identifier assigned to each fund in the system.

Where Used: Budget Class Mapping, Budget Class Mapping, Contract Fund, Fund, Payment Estimate Item Fund, Ref Fund, Ref Fund Package Fund,

Fund Limit

The maximum amount, in dollars, that a fund will pay. You can use a blank or null value to represent unlimited funding.

Where Used: Fund,

Fund Package

Unique identifier assigned to each fund package in the system. A fund package is a group of funding sources that together fund one or more project items. Each project item is assigned a single fund package, which provides all the funding for that item.

Where Used: Change Order New Item, Contract Fund, Contract Fund Package, Contract Project Item, Fund, Fund, Fund Package, Project Item, Ref Fund Package Fund,

Fund Package

Unique identifier assigned to each fund package in the system. A fund package is a group of funding sources that together fund one or more cost estimate, project, or contract items. Each item is assigned a single fund package, which provides all the funding for that item.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Fund Package, Ref Fund Package,

Fund Type

The classification for this fund.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Fund, Fund, Ref Fund, Ref Fund Package Fund,

Funding Group

An identifier used to combine funds into groups.

Where Used: Contract Fund, Fund, Ref Fund, Ref Fund Package Fund,

Funding Sources

A general description of the funding sources for this contract (for example, federal, state, or combination).

Where Used: Contract,


Indicates the number of funds in the fund package.

Where Used: Contract Fund Package,


Indicates the number of funds included in the fund package.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Fund Package, Fund Package, System,



Gen Rev By

The person who performed the Compliance review.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,


The employee's gender (male or female).

Where Used: Field Interview Employee, Payroll Employee, Ref Employee, Ref Vendor Officer,

General Decision Number

A unique identifier assigned by the Labor Department and recorded on the Reference Wage Decision.

Where Used: Ref Wage Decision, Ref Wage Decision Modification,

General Review Date

The date the review was performed.

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,

General Review Date

The date the Compliance review was performed.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

General Reviewed By

The person who performed the review (Code Table: STAFF).

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,

Generate Averages

An advanced parameter that indicates whether average bid prices will be calculated.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Generate Averages

A boolean field indicating whether to generate averages in price calculations.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Generate Regressions

An advanced parameter that indicates whether regression bid prices will be calculated.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Generate Regressions

A boolean field indicating whether to generate regressions in price calculations.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Geographic Area

The regional or terrestrial location where the person typically works (Code Table: GEOAREA).

Where Used: Person Info,

Geographic Area

The physical location of the source (Code Table: GEOAREA).

Where Used: Source,

Geographic Area

The physical location of the lab (Code Table: GEOAREA).

Where Used: Lab,

Geographic Area

Physical location of the facility (Code Table: GEOAREA).

Where Used: Facility,

Geographic Area

Geographic location where the sample was taken. (Code Table: GEOAREA).

Where Used: Sample Record,

Geographic Area

Geographic location where the equipment is located. (Code table: GEOAREA).

Where Used: Test Equipment,

Global SMFMI Authority

Indication of global SMFMI authority access for a source material identification record or facility material identification record.

Where Used: Source Material Facility Material Identification,

Good Faith Effort

The status of the agency's ruling on the contractor's effort in satisfying the contract's DBE goal (Code table: GOODFAITHEFFORT).

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Graduated To Journeyman Date

The date this employee graduated to a status of Journeyman from the apprenticeship program in which he or she was most recently enrolled. If the employee begins a new apprenticeship program, you should remove any previous date in this field.

Where Used: Ref Employee, Ref Employee Apprenticeship,

Gross Contract Adjustments

The total gross contract adjustments of all types for the payment estimate, including any disincentive, incentive, liquidated damage, or other adjustment amounts.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate,

Gross Item Adjustments

Total gross item adjustments of all types on the current estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,

Gross Item Adjustments

The total gross item adjustments of all types summed for the contract on all previous estimates.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,

Gross Item Adjustments

Total gross item adjustments of all types for the contract on all estimates (previous and current).

Where Used: Payment Estimate,

Gross Item Adjustments

Total gross item adjustments of all types summed for this project on the current estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,

Gross Item Adjustments

Total gross item adjustments of all types summed for this project on all previous estimates.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,

Gross Item Adjustments

Total gross item adjustments of all types summed for this project on all estimates (previous and current).

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,

Gross Item Pay

Item amount paid for the payment estimate, including item-level adjustments.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,

Gross Pay

The sum of the total gross pay on all the labor records.

Where Used: Payroll Employee,

Gross Project Amount Earned

The gross amount earned for the labor classification during the payroll period.

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee,

Gross Receipts

The dollar amount of the vendor's gross receipts.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Annual Data,

Gross Receipts Tax

A percentage representing the additional cost of performing work on a project. The system applies this to the funding totals at the category, unit, fund, and project levels, which is reflected in the Preliminary and Final Detail Estimate Reports.

Where Used: Category,


Brief text describing the group of questions.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation Group,

Group Description

Brief text describing this group of questions.

Where Used: Design Evaluation Group,

Group Field

Identifies the approval group field that will be used to identify recipients of the notification.

Where Used: Notify Chg Ord App Group Event Action, Ref Notify Chg Ord App Group Event Action,

Group Name

The name of the group of rating criteria for a contractor evaluation structure.

Where Used: Ref Contractor Evaluation Group,

Group Rating

The weighted rating for a group of performance criteria on the contractor evaluation that is calculated from the individual criteria ratings in this group.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation Group,

Grouping Code

A mechanism for designating a common grouping code for entities of various types (Code Table: GROUPING_CODE).

Where Used: Concept, Cost Estimate Category, Cost Estimate Snapshot, Project, Ref Item,



Has Been Cancelled Or Retested

Indicates that the sample record test has been cancelled or retested.

Where Used: Sample Record Test,

Has Component Material

An indication of whether component materials exist for the Source Material Facility Material Identification (SMFMI).

Where Used: Source Material Facility Material Identification,

Has Employers

Indicates whether employers are recorded for this person.

Where Used: Person Info,

Has NAICS Code

Indication that the DBE supplier has the appropriate NAICS code for the supplied product(s).

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Has OJT Trainees

Indicates whether OJT trainees are recorded for this person.

Where Used: Person Info,

Has Stormwater Period

Indicates whether a DWR with a stormwater event has been associated with a stormwater period.

Where Used: Daily Work Report,

Has Stormwater Period

Indicates whether the earth-moving event is associated with a stormwater period.

Where Used: Earth Moving Event,

Has Warehouse to Sell to the Public

Indicates whether the DBE supplier has a storefront or warehouse with products to sell to the public.

Where Used: Cuf Review,


Where Used:

Haul Tracking Descr

A description of the mechanism used by the on-site personnel to identify DBE and non-DBE haulers to track.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Haul Tracking Mechanism

Indication if the mechanism used to monitor trucks identifies and counts DBE and non-DBE haulers to ensure non-DBE hauling is limited to the value of the DBE hauling services.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Hauler Comments

Additional information about the hauler review. This should include details about any issues uncovered during the review.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Header Info

Where Used:

Hide From Report Menu

Indicates whether the custom report is displayed within the application or not.

Where Used: Custom Report,

High Conversion

The conversion factor for the High Level UIC item code.

Where Used: Item Classification,

High Level

One of two levels of item classes, used for grouping of like items in broad categories (for example, grouping all asphalt items together).

Where Used: Ref Item Classification,

High Quantity

The upper quantity value for data points included in the modeled price.

Where Used: Bid History,

High Temperature

The high temperature recorded for the DWR or diary date.

Where Used: Daily Diary, Daily Work Report,

High Units

Common unit of measure for the High Level item classification category of the Universal Item Class.

Where Used: Ref Item Classification,

Highest Priority OJT Class

The OJT class code for the wage decision class considered most important for this OJT program enrollment (Maintained in the Reference Data/Decision Class component) (Code Table: DECISIONCLASS).

Where Used: Ojt Program Enrollment, Ojt Program Enrollment,

Highest Priority OJT Craft

The craft code for the skill set considered most important for this OJT program enrollment (Code table: CRAFTCODES).

Where Used: Ojt Program Enrollment,

Highway / Route

The primary route on which the contract work will take place.

Where Used: Contract,

Highway Type

An advanced parameter that indicates whether highway type is included as a variable in the calculation of regressions and averages.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Highway Type

The type of highway for the concept, project, or proposal (Code table: HWYTYPE).

Where Used: Bid Based Worksheet, Bid History Item, Concept, Cost Estimate Snapshot, Project, Proposal,

Highway Type

The type of highway to be used to calculate a bid-based price for the selected item (Code table: HWYTYPE).

Where Used: Item Bid History Profile, Price History Profile,

Highway Type

The highway type associated with the historical bid price.

Where Used: System,

Highway Type

A boolean field indicating whether to include highway type in price calculations.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Hired Date

Where Used:

Historical Report

This field indicates whether the attachment was created by the Historical Reports process.

Where Used: Attachment,

Historical Report

Determines whether a historical report will be generated.

Where Used: Generate Report Event Action, Ref Generate Report Event Action,

History Date

The date the index becomes effective. If payment of the item is prior to this date, no adjustment will be made.

Where Used: Ref Price Index History,

Holiday Date

The date on which the holiday falls.

Where Used: Ref Holiday,

Holiday Type

How this holiday is used by the agency (that is, whether the holiday is used as a Payroll Holiday or an Agency Holiday). A Payroll Holiday is used by the Agency to control when the contractor is required to pay holiday pay rates; an Agency Holiday is a day when agency personnel is given a scheduled official holiday. The Vendor is not required to pay Holiday pay rates on Agency Holidays. You can assign both Holiday Types to a holiday by creating two records in the Reference Holiday List for that holiday and assign each a different type (Code table: HOLIDAYTYPE).

Where Used: Ref Holiday,

Hourly Fringe

The hourly rate of pay for all fringe benefits required by the conformance decision.

Where Used: Conformance Wage Decision,


Total amount of time spent on email for this issue.

Where Used: Issue Email,


Total amount of time spent on the journal for this issue.

Where Used: Issue Diary Entry,


Total amount of time spent on the phone for this issue.

Where Used: Issue Phone,


The total time the contractor was observed on the construction site on the DWR date.

Where Used: DWRContractor,


The number of hours per day that this piece of equipment is expected to operate.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Equipment, Ref Cost Sheet Equipment,

Hours Available

The number of time units available for the contractor to work.

Where Used: Diary Contract Time, Dwr Contract Time,

Hours Idle

The number of hours the equipment was idle on the DWR date.

Where Used: DWRContract Vendor Equipment,

Hours To Date

The total number of hours reported for this employee for this apprenticeship program across all employers.

Where Used: Ref Employee Apprenticeship,

Hours To Date

The total number of hours reported for the on-the-job trainee for this OJT program across all employers.

Where Used: Ojt Program Enrollment,

Hours Used

The number of hours the equipment was used on the DWR date.

Where Used: DWRContract Vendor Equipment,

Hours Worked

The number of time units the contractor worked.

Where Used: Diary Contract Time, Dwr Contract Time,

Hybrid Lump Sum Item

A project item that has the Bid as Lump Sum check box selected but not the Lump Sum check box. For example, a Clearing and Grubbing item is a hybrid lump sum item because its quantity is measured in terms of acres, therefore it is not identified as a lump sum, but it is bid in a lump sum amount.

Where Used: Project Item,




An identifier not usually displayed in the application.

Where Used: Agency Entity, Agency Entity Instance, Agency Entity Instance Data, Agency Entity Instance Data, Agency Entity Instance View, Agency Entity Instance View, Agency View, Associated Contract Claim, Associated Contract Claim, Attachment, Attachment File Data, Av Field Display, Av Search Display, Bid History, Bid History, Bid History, Bid History, Bid History, Bid History, Bid History, Bid History, Bid History, Bid History, Bid History, Bid History, Bid History, Bid History, Bid History, Bid History, Bid History Analysis Custom Parameter, Bid History Analysis Custom Parameter, Bid History Analysis Custom Parameter, Bid History Analysis Custom Parameter, Bid History Analysis Custom Parameter, Bid History Analysis Custom Parameter, Bid History Analysis Custom Parameter, Bid History Analysis Custom Parameter, Bid History Analysis Custom Parameter, Bid History Analysis Custom Parameter, Bid History Item, Bid History Item Variable, Bid History Item Variable, Bid History Item Variable, Bid History Variable, Bid Time, Cache Update, Change Order Force Account, Change Order Inc Dec Item Explanation, Change Order New Item Explanation, Change Order Time Adjustment Explanation, Conformance Wage Decision, Contract Appr Good Faith Effort, Contract Appr Good Faith Effort Work Type, Contract Closure Comment, Contract Curr Good Faith Effort, Contract Curr Good Faith Effort Work Type, Contract Design Evaluation, Contract Design Evaluation Rating, Contract Design Evaluation Response, Contract Design Evaluation Response, Contract Project Item, Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring, Contractor Evaluation Group, Cost Estimate Contingency Progression, Cost Estimate Contingency Progression, Cost Estimate Contingency Progression, Cost Estimate Contingency Progression Risk, Cost Estimate Contingency Progression Risk, Cost Estimate Contingency Progression Risk, Custom Report, Daily Work Report, Dbe Commitment, Dbe Good Faith Effort, Dbe Good Faith Effort Work Type, Design Evaluation Question, Diary Contract Time, Diary Contract Time Adjustment, Dwr Force Account Contractor, Dwr Force Account Contractor Labor, Dwr Force Account Contractor Labor, Dwr Force Account Contractor Material Invoice, Dwr Force Account Contractor Material Invoice, Dwr Force Account Contractor Vendor Equipment, Dwr Force Account Contractor Vendor Equipment, Dwr Work Item, Estimation Graph Point, Estimation Graph Point, Estimation Graph Point, Estimation Graph Point, Estimation Graph Point, Estimation Graph Point, Estimation Graph Point, Estimation Graph Point, Estimation Graph Point, Field Interview, Force Account Contractor, Force Account Contractor, Force Account Contractor Labor, Force Account Contractor Material Invoice, Force Account Contractor Miscellaneous Invoice, Force Account Contractor Vendor Equipment, Generate Report Event Action, Generate Report Event Action, Id, Issue Step Processed Action, Issue Step Processed Action, Pay Estimate Item Adjustment, Payment Estimate Item Fund, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project, Person Info, Ref Contractor Evaluation Criterion, Ref Contractor Evaluation Group, Ref Fed Job Class Mapping, Ref Generate Report Event Action, Ref Generate Report Event Action, Ref Vendor Region, Role Filter, Sample Record Test, Sample Record Test, Sample Test Log, Sample Test Ref Specification Log, Sample Test Ref Specification Log, Sample Test Ref Specification Log, Sample Test Result Template Log, Security Encumbrance, Security Encumbrance, Stockpile Transaction, Stockpile Transaction Project Item, Stormwater Period Contract Permit, Subcontract Item, Url Attachment Role, User Filter, Weekly Time Charge,


A unique identifier for the material invoice.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Material Invoice,


A unique identifier for the miscellaneous invoice.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Miscellaneous Invoice,

IP Address

A system field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Scheduled Process,

IRS Number

The Federal Employer Identification (FEI) number assigned to the vendor by the IRS (also known as the Federal Tax ID number).

Where Used: Ref Vendor,


Icons are small images throughout the system that either convey information or can be clicked to perform an action. For example, a red asterisk icon indicates a required field. As another example, you can click the broom icon in a Quick Find search box to reset search criteria.

Where Used: System,

Idle Hourly Rate

The hourly payment rate when equipment is not being used.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Vendor Equipment,

Idle Hours

The number of hours the equipment was idle on the DWR date.

Where Used: Dwr Force Account Contractor Vendor Equipment,

Improvement Life Span

The expected life span of the improvement in years.

Where Used: Cost Estimate LCMaint Sched Profile, LCMaint Sched Profile,

Improvement Type

An advanced parameter that indicates whether improvement type is included as a variable in the calculation of regressions and averages.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Improvement Type

A classification for the type of improvement represented by a concept, project, or proposal (Code table: IMPROVEMENTTYPE).

Where Used: Bhp Improvement Type, Bid Based Worksheet, Bid History Item, Concept, Cost Estimate Snapshot, Price History Profile, Project, Proposal, Ref Risk Factor,

Improvement Type

The improvement type classification to be used to calculate a bid-based price for the selected item (Code table: IMPROVEMENTTYPE).

Where Used: Item Bid History Profile,

Improvement Type

The improvement type associated with the historical bid price.

Where Used: System,

Improvement Type

A classification for the type of improvement represented by the proposal in the pricing profile (Code table: IMPROVEMENTTYPE).

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Improvement Type

A boolean field indicating whether to include improvement type in the price calculations.

Where Used: PPImprovement Type,

Inactive Date

The date the associated record becomes inactive. For managing payroll, you must enter a date that is equal to the current date or in the future. For managing materials, the system automatically populates this field when the record's Status field is changed to Inactive.

Where Used: Ref District County, Ref Region County, Ref Vendor Additional Type, Ref Vendor County, Ref Vendor District, Ref Vendor Region, Ref Vendor Statewide Indicator, Subcontract, Vendor Authority,


The total incentive amount paid on the payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project,

Incentive Cap Amount

The maximum incentive amount that can be paid to the contractor for the contract time.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring,

Incentive Cap Amount

The maximum incentive amount that can be paid to the contractor for work on the contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Incentive Time Unit

The time unit used for incentives on a contract time.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring,

Include Date Variable in Analysis

A boolean field indicating whether the regression calculation should include date as a parameter in the model.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Include Date variable in analysis

An advanced parameter that indicates whether estimation calculations will consider the date parameters when generating the regression. Selection of this parameter causes the system to include a calculation of how the price changes over time based upon the selected data.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Include In Queue

Indicates whether to include or exclude sample records with the selected test status.

Where Used: Agency Option Maintain Test Queue, Agency Option Review Sample Queue, Agency Option Review Tests Queue, Agency Option Test Result Queue,

Include In Queue

Indicates whether to include or exclude sample records with the selected sample status in the Maintain Test Queue.

Where Used: Ref Sample Status,


Indicates whether the item bid history is included or excluded in the modeled price.

Where Used: Bid History Item,

Included in Total

Indicates whether the section is part of the currently selected alternate sections, either by the system's low-cost selection or if you manually selected it for inclusion in the analysis.

Where Used: System,

Includes Price Adjustment

Indicates whether a price adjustment is included in this item adjustment.

Where Used: Pay Estimate Item Adjustment,

Includes Zero Hour Employees

A system field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Payroll Employee,

Increase/Decrease Items

Indicates that the change order includes an increase or decrease of the approved quantity of an existing contract item.

Where Used: Change Order, Ref Change Order Approval Rule,

Index Score

The average weighted score for the entire evaluation.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation,

Index Score

The average weighted score for this group of questions.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation Group,

Index Type

An identifier for the price adjustment index that is associated with a work item.

Where Used: Contract Price Adjustment Index, Ref Price Index Adjustment, Ref Price Index History,

Individual that preformed the Latest Compliance Review

The name of the person who performed the latest compliance review (Code Table: STAFF).

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,


A system-generated field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: System Info,

Input File Name

The name of the file used to import the payroll information.

Where Used: Process History,

Inspection Agency

The reference vendor ID for the inspection agency.

Where Used: Sample Record Association,

Inspection Cycle

The unit of measurement used to categorize a length of the stormwater period, as classified by the agency. (Code table: STORMINSPCYCLE)

Where Used: Stormwater Period,

Inspection Type

The kind of inspection performed/observed at the source/facility for the Daily Source Report (Code Table: DSRINSPECTYPE).

Where Used: Dsr Inspection,

Inspection Value

A value indicating that the material was inspected for the source (Code Table: SOURCEINSP).

Where Used: Dsr Material Smfmi,


The User ID of the inspector associated with this DWR. On some components, this field includes the Inspector Name.

Where Used: Daily Work Report,


The User ID of the inspector associated with this Daily Source Report. On some components, this field includes the Inspector Name.

Where Used: Daily Source Report, Dsr Inspection,


The user ID of the inspector associated with this stormwater period. On some components, this field includes the inspector's name.

Where Used: Stormwater Period,

Inspector Name

The User Name of the inspector associated with this DWR.

Where Used: Daily Work Report,

Inspector Qualification

The inspector's assigned qualification type for this report.

Where Used: Stormwater Period,

Inspector on Site

Indicates that the inspector was present at the job site on the date of the DSR.

Where Used: Daily Source Report,

Installed Quantity

The quantity of material placed when an item is posted on a DWR. By default, this is calculated as the DWR item Quantity Posted multiplied by the material’s conversion factor.

Where Used: Dwr Item Posting Quantity,


Indicates whether the material for the contract project item satisfies testing and sampling requirements

Where Used: Contract Project Item, Contract Project Item Material Set Material,

Insurance Begin Date

The date the insurance policy takes effect.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Insurance,

Insurance Company Code

The vendor number of the insurance company underwriting the insurance policy.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Insurance,

Insurance Percentage

Percent of adjustment to be added to all recorded work on this force account (labor, equipment, and material) for insurance.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor,

Insurance Sequence Number

A unique sequential number used to identify one of multiple insurance policies for a single vendor.

Where Used: Contract Insurance, Ref Vendor Insurance,

Insurance Status

The status of the vendor's insurance as defined by the agency (Code table: INSSTAT).

Where Used: Ref Vendor Insurance,

Insurance Type

The kind of insurance policy, for example, general liability, umbrella, worker's compensation (Code table: INSTYPE).

Where Used: Ref Vendor Insurance,

Intended Use

Description of the intended use of the material.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Interactive Bid History ID

Where Used:

Internal Communication

Flags an internal communication as not visible to external users.

Where Used: Ref Issue,

Internally Reviewed By

A system-generated field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Internally Signed By

A system-generated field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Interview Number

Sequence number for the field interview.

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,

Interviewed By

The person who conducted the interview (Code Table: STAFF).

Where Used: Field Interview,

Invalid Bid Reason

The reason that a proposal vendor's bid has been marked invalid, such as missing required information. Vendors with a value in this field must correct the errors in their bid before they can be considered by the agency for award of contract (Code Table: IRREG).

Where Used: Proposal Vendor,

Invoice Date

The date of the invoice associated with this stockpile transaction. You cannot enter a future date.

Where Used: Stockpile Transaction,

Invoice Description

Brief text describing the invoice associated with the construction stockpile transaction.

Where Used: Stockpile Transaction,

Invoice Number

A unique identifier assigned automatically to each invoice associated with this plan purchase.

Where Used: Purchase,

Invoice Number

A unique identifier for the invoice associated with the stockpile transaction.

Where Used: Stockpile Transaction,

Invoice Quantity

The quantity included on the invoice for the stockpile transaction.

Where Used: Stockpile Transaction,

Invoices Reviewed

Indication that the Hauler's Invoices were reveiwed.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Is Acceptable

Identifies a sample status that can be counted toward contract material acceptance.

Where Used: Ref Sample Status,

Is Apprentice

Indicates whether this person is an apprentice.

Where Used: Person Info,

Is Authorizable

Determines whether a sample with this reference sample status can be authorized.

Where Used: Ref Sample Status,

Is Latest Modification

Indicates that this record is the latest modification of this wage decision. This indicator can be used to filter the list of wage decisions to contain only those that are the latest set of records.

Where Used: Ref Wage Decision Modification,

Is Latest Modification

Indicates that this record is the latest modification of this certified payroll. This indicator can be used to filter the list of payrolls to contain only those that are the latest set of records.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,

Is Offset Adjustment

Where Used:

Is Original Prime

A system field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Contractor,

Is Prime

Indicates whether this contractor is the prime contractor on the contract (the reference vendor who was awarded the contract).

Where Used: Contractor, DWRContractor,

Is Printable

Indicates whether sample labels can be printed for a sample record with this status.

Where Used: Ref Sample Status,

Is Sample

Indicates that the agency view or agency entity is a sample provided with the system and cannot be modified or used to enter data. Sample agency views and their underlying sample agency entities must first be copied and then the copies can be modified and used as needed.

Where Used: Agency Entity, Agency View,

Is Signed

Indicates whether the record is signed.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Appr Good Faith Effort, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Good Faith Effort, Dbe Commitment, Dbe Good Faith Effort,


A unique identifier for each reference issue in the system.

Where Used: Open Issue Event Action, Ref Issue Event Action, Ref Open Issue Event Action,


A name used to identify a tracked issue. Each issue is named with the current date in YYMMDD format, followed by a hyphen, followed by a unique daily sequential number. For example, the fifth tracked issue created on July 1, 2012 would be named '120701-5'. Each day the sequential numbering of new tracked issues starts again at number 1.

Where Used: Issue,

Issue Event Trigger ID

Text that describes or identifies an event in a reference issue or resulting tracked issue.

Where Used: Ref Issue Event Trigger Condition,

Issue ID

A unique identifier for each reference issue in the system.

Where Used: Issue Diary Entry, Issue Email, Issue Field Value, Issue Message, Issue Owner, Issue Phone, Issue Step,

Issue Manager

The system user designated as the manager of a reference issue.

Where Used: Issue, Ref Issue,

Issue Step

The current step in the tracked issue.

Where Used: Issue,

Issue Step

An identifier for a step in a reference issue or a resulting tracked issue.

Where Used: Step Owner,


The number of issues included in the case.

Where Used: System,

Issuing Authority

The governmental body responsible for enacting or authorizing the wage decision.

Where Used: Ref Wage Decision,

It is the opinion of the interviewer that the contractor has taken the required action to comply with all of the Labor requirements in his contract

Indicates that the reviewed contractor has taken the required actions to comply with all labor requirements in his contract.

Where Used: Field Interview,

It is the opinion of the reviewer that the contractor has taken the required actions to comply with all of the labor requirements in his contract

Indicates that the reviewer has determined the contractor to be in compliance with the labor requirements in the contract.

Where Used: Payroll Management Compliance,


The name, description, spec book, and unit system for the item.

Where Used: System,


The item for which the bid-based price will be calculated.

Where Used: Item Bid History Profile,


An item needed to perform the milestone task.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Maintenance Milestone Item, Milestone Item,


The contract item number and description associated with the stockpiled material.

Where Used: Stockpile,


The project item line number, project ID, and category ID associated with the amount being distributed in this stockpile transaction.

Where Used: Stockpile Transaction Project Item, Stockpile Transaction Project Item,


A milestone in a life cycle maintenance schedule.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Maintenance Milestone Item,


A unique identifier assigned to each item in the Reference Item List for each Spec Book in the system.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Item, Price History Profile, Risk Factor Item,


An item associated with a risk factor.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Risk Factor Item,

Item Adjustment Type

Identifies the type of item adjustment. (Code table: ITEMADJ). Default values: Overrun, Construction Stockpile, Insufficient Materials, Price Adjustment.

Where Used: Pay Estimate Item Adjustment Summary,

Item Alternate Member

A unique identifier assigned to each item alternate member of an item alternate set. A project item cannot be assigned to an item alternate set without identifying an item alternate member.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,

Item Alternate Set

A unique identifier assigned to each item alternate set in the Alternate Set List. Item alternate sets contain one or more alternate members. A project may contain multiple item alternate sets.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item, Project Item,

Item Available Amount

Where Used:

Item Bid History Profile

The identifier for the default item bid history profile for the cost estimate.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Item Classification

The classification or category into which the item fits. When assigning a classification to an item, be sure that the item has the same unit of measure or the same common unit of measure as the other items in the item class (Code table: ITEMCLS).

Where Used: Ref Item,

Item Classification

The item classification for the item group. (Code table: ITEMCLS)

Where Used: Item Group,

Item Complete

Indicates whether or not the contract item is complete.

Where Used: Contract Item,

Item Contingency

The calculated value for the contingency to be applied to the cost estimate item. Calculated as the product of the extended amount times the risk factor applicable to the current phase of the cost estimate.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Risk Factor Item,

Item Default

Indicates that the selected bid history profile is the default item bid history profile when a cost estimate is added or created.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Item Family

A group of associated items that share the same spec book, action relationships, and acceptance actions.

Where Used: Ref Item,

Item Family ID

Where Used:

Item Filter Clause

A filter statement that narrows the historical bid data included in analysis for cost estimation. Each filter statement consists of a field, an operator, and a value. Multiple filter statements can be combined together by using an And/Or operator.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Item Filter Clause

A filter statement that narrows the historical bid data included in a pricing profile.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Item Group

A collection of items that can be analyzed together for the purpose of generating bid-based pricing.

Where Used: Bid History, Item Group, Item Group Detail Item,

Item Group Set

A profile containing groups of items that are analyzed collectively for bid-based pricing.

Where Used: Bid History Profile, Item Group, Item Group Set,

Item Group Set

The item group set to use for price calculations.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Item ID

A unique identifier assigned to each item in the Reference Item List for each Spec Book in the system.

Where Used: Bid Based Worksheet, Bid History Item Variable, Change Order Inc Dec Item Explanation, Change Order New Item, Change Order New Item Explanation, Contract Item, Contract Project Item, Contract Project Item Material Set, Dwr Item Posting, Dwr Item Posting Attention Flag, Item Classification, Item Group Detail Item, Pay Estimate Item Adjustment, Project Item, Proposal Item, Ref Item, Ref Item Agency View, Ref Price Index Adjustment, Subcontract Project Item,

Item ID

The reference item ID for this contract item.

Where Used: Contract Item Agency View, Contract Project Item,

Item ID

Where Used:

Item Mapping ID

The mapping ID for a reference item that has been mapped to a new spec book.

Where Used: Item Mapping, Ref Item,

Item Pay Gross

Item amount paid for the payment estimate, including item-level adjustments.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project,

Item Posting Num

A unique identifier of an item posting for a contract item on a DWR.

Where Used: Dwr Acceptance Record Item Posting, Dwr Item Posting,

Item Quantity Percent

A method of expressing the relationship of the item to the index. This value is the percentage of the item (in terms of its value) that the index affects. For example, if 25% of an item is gas, and this were a gas adjustment index, a value of 25.00 would be entered.

Where Used: Ref Price Index Adjustment,

Item Quantity per Unit

The quantity of the item that is required to fulfill one typical section unit.

Where Used: Typical Section Profile Item,

Item Reason

The reason for the item (Code Table: ITEMREASON).

Where Used: Change Order New Item, Contract Item, Contract Project Item,

Item Recovery Percentage

The contract item percent complete for which the construction stockpile amount will have been fully recovered.

Where Used: Stockpile, Stockpile Transaction,

Item Source

Where the contract item originated, for example, from the original proposal, an import, or a change order.

Where Used: Change Order New Item, Contract Item, Contract Project Item,

Item Threshold Calculation Level

An indicator that specifies whether item thresholds are calculated at the contract, project, or category level.

Where Used: Ref Change Order Approval Rule,

Item Type

The material type of the item (Code Table: ITEMTYP).

Where Used: Ref Item,

Item Type

The item type for the item group. (Code table: ITEMTYP)

Where Used: Item Group,


The total number of items in this bid entry.

Where Used: System,

Items Filter

Select a value to filter the list and show only payments made during the current period.

Where Used: Only Payments This Period,

Items Requiring Approval

Indicates that none of the items being added, increased, or decreased on this change order require approval.

Where Used: Change Order,



Job Classification

The job classification for the field interview employee (Code Table: DECISIONCLASS).

Where Used: Field Interview Job Classification, Field Interview Job Classification,

Job Number

The Cost Estimation job number that corresponds to the project.

Where Used: Project,

Judge Name

The name of the judge for the contract claim litigation.

Where Used: Contract Claim,



Key Generation Date

The date the secret access key was generated.

Where Used: Integration,



Lab Control Number

Unique identifier for a potential group of samples.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Lab ID

A unique identifier assigned to each lab in the system.

Where Used: Address, Lab, Lab Calibrator, Lab Sampler, Lab Sampling Qualification, Lab Tester, Lab Testing Qualification, Test Assignment Info,

Lab Name

A unique word or combination of words or letters by which each laboratory in the system is identified.

Where Used: Lab,

Lab Qualifications Active

Indicates whether the lab has at least one sampling or testing qualification that is currently active.

Where Used: Lab,

Lab Reference Number

An alternate identifier that can be used for a sample record.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Lab Unit

A unique identifier assigned to each lab unit in the system. In some places, this field also displays the lab name.

Where Used: Alternate Test Workflow, Lab Unit, Sample Log, Sample Record Test, Test Assignment Info, Test Equipment, Test Triggered Event,


Descriptive label to help identify an agency entity.

Where Used: Agency Entity,


The label for an agency entity field.

Where Used: Agency Field,


The label used for a field on an agency view.

Where Used: Av Detail Field,

Label Plural

A system-generated field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Custom Business Entity,

Labor Adjustment Percentage

Percent of adjustment to be added to only labor-related recorded work on this force account.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor,

Labor Classification

A code identifying a subset of a craft (this field is also called Decision Class Code in other areas of the application) (Maintained in the Reference Data/Decision Class component) (Code Table: DECISIONCLASS).

Where Used: Payroll Emp Fringe Benef Except, Payroll Emp Fringe Benef Except, Payroll Employee Labor, Payroll Employee Labor,

Labor Hour Date

The date for which the labor hours are being recorded. This date must be no earlier than the Begin Date and no later than the End Date for this payroll record.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor Hour,

Labor Indicator

Indicates this code table is associated with the Labor business area.

Where Used: Ref Code Table,

Labor Overhead Percentage

The percentage applied to the calculated labor costs to cover unforeseen occurrences.

Where Used: Cost Sheet, Ref Cost Sheet,

Labor Rate Class

The class of the labor rate (Code table: LBRRATECLS).

Where Used: Cost Estimate, Cost Sheet, Cost Sheet Ref Labor Rate,


Unique identifier for a reference laborer used for cost-based estimation.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Laborer, Cost Sheet Ref Labor Rate, Cost Sheet Ref Laborer, Crew Laborer, Ref Cost Sheet Laborer,

Laborer Total Cost

The sum of extended amounts for all laborers on the cost sheet with the Laborer Overhead Percentage applied.

Where Used: Cost Sheet,

Lading Bils Reviewed

Indication that the Hauler's Bills of Lading were reveiwed.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Lane Mile

A unit of measure one standard lane wide and one mile long (or one kilometer long in metric projects).

Where Used: Contract Project Road Segment, Road Segment,


The number of lane miles/kilometers in the cost estimate.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Last Confirmed Date

The date this email address was last confirmed.

Where Used: Address,

Last Executed Date

The date when the proposal selection set queries were last run.

Where Used: Proposal Selection Set,

Last Inspected Date

The date when the facility was last inspected.

Where Used: Facility,

Last Logged In

The date and time the user most recently logged on to the system.

Where Used: System, User Info,

Last Modified By

The User ID of the person who most recently modified this contract time record.

Where Used: Contract Adjustment,

Last Name

The person's last name (surname or family name).

Where Used: Field Interview Employee, Payroll Employee, Person Info, Ref Employee, User Info,

Last Name

Last name of a person attending a meeting.

Where Used: Attendee,

Last Successful Run

The date of the last successful completion of the process.

Where Used: Process History,

Last Test Date of Qualification

The date on which the welder was last tested.

Where Used: Welder Qualification,

Last Updated By

The name of the person who most recently changed this record. This field is automatically populated by the system.

Where Used: All Models

Last Updated Date

The date and time this record was most recently changed. This field is automatically populated by the system.

Where Used: All Models

Last Used

The date AASHTOWare Project last received information from the mobile application on the device.

Where Used: User Device,

Last Visited Date

The date and time you last visited this webpage or component.

Where Used: Recent Activity,

Latest Adjustment Total Charge

The total number of units of time charged including adjustments.

Where Used: Diary Contract Time,

Latest Compliance Review Date

The date the latest compliance review was performed.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review, Labor Compliance Review,

Latest Compliance Review Performed By

The person who performed the latest EEO compliance review (Code Table: STAFF)

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Latest Version

A system-generated field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Project, Ref Contractor Evaluation,


The latitude of a location point, as measured in degrees, minutes, seconds and fractional seconds. This is a numerical value that must be typed in the format.

Where Used: Address, Concept Location, Contract Project Location Point, Point, Ref Vendor Address, Sample Record, System,

Lease Amount Per Truck

The dollar amount charged to lease each truck of this type.

Where Used: Trucking Truck Type,

Lease From Non DBE

Indicates that the DBE firm will lease trucks from non-DBE firms.

Where Used: Trucking,

Lease Unit

The time unit by which lease charges are calculated per truck. (Code table: LEASEUNITS)

Where Used: Trucking Truck Type,

Leased Trucks Display DBE Info

Indicates whether the DBE vendor name and certification number display on their leased vehicles.

Where Used: Cuf Review,


The length of the bridge in feet or meters.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment,


The length of the road segment in miles or kilometers.

Where Used: Contract Project Road Segment, Road Segment,


Indicates the quantity of characters (starting from the first character) to be used in the field selected for generating sample IDs.

Where Used: Sample Record Tag Generation,

Letting Date

The date the letting is scheduled to take place.

Where Used: Letting,

Letting Date

The anticipated letting date for the concept.

Where Used: Bid Based Worksheet, Concept, Cost Estimate Snapshot, Project,

Letting Date

The letting date to be used to calculate a bid-based price for the selected item.

Where Used: Item Bid History Profile, Price History Profile,

Letting Date Adjustment

The adjustment to be applied to the letting date, in days.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Letting Date Adjustment

The adjustment (in days) to apply to the letting date.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Letting Date Filter Clause

Filter clause to identify proposals with a letting date that matches the selected criteria.

Where Used: Proposal Selection Set,

Letting Status

Where the bid letting stands in terms of its life cycle (for example, planned, scheduled, or postponed). (Code table: LETSTAT)

Where Used: Letting,

Letting Time

The time of day the letting is scheduled to take place.

Where Used: Letting,


A whole number representing the relative position of the associated record in the hierarchy, with '1' being the first or highest level.

Where Used: Source Management Level,


A numerical value representing the relative position in the sequence of approvals required for a payment estimate.

Where Used: Contract Payment Approval Level,

Level of Improvement to add

An advanced parameter setting that indicates the level of improvement requied to add a regression parameter to the model.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Level of Improvement to add

The level of improvement required to add a parameter to the regression model.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

License Key

The license key provided to unlock the system module.

Where Used: License Key, Module Resource,

Lien Amount

The amount of the lien associated with this contract action.

Where Used: Contract Action,

Lien Revision Date

The date a revision was made on the lien associated with this contract action.

Where Used: Contract Action,

Life Cycle Cost Indicator

Indicates whether the category alternate set will support life cycle cost bid analysis. When this check box is selected, entry in the Live Cycle Cost field on the Categories tab is required for project or proposal validation. Likewise, When a value is entered in the Life Cycle Cost field, the Life Cycle Cost Indicator check box must be selected.

Where Used: Category Alternate Set,

Life Cycle Cost Value

The expected maintenance cost over the life of the work being performed. This value is added to the bid amount for the alternate category in low cost calculations and decisions, but it is not part of the actual award amount.

Where Used: Category, Proposal Section,

Life Cycle Maintenace Schedule Profile

A profile that identifies maintenance tasks that are expected to occur over the life span of a specific improvement. Can be used with cost estimates to compare and analyze the life cycle costs involved for different designs.

Where Used: Maintenance Milestone,

Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile

A profile that identifies maintenance tasks that are expected to occur over the life span of a specific improvement. Can be used with cost estimates to compare and analyze the life cycle costs involved for different designs.

Where Used: Cost Estimate LCMaint Sched Profile, Cost Estimate Maintenance Milestone, Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile Recommendation,

Life Span

The life span of the treatment included in the improvement. Used in the calculation of annualized costs for simplified life cycle analysis.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Annualization,


The maximum amount, in dollars, that a fund will pay. You can use a blank or null value to represent unlimited funding.

Where Used: Contract Fund, Cost Estimate Fund, Ref Fund Package Fund,

Limit To Total Available Quantity

Indication that the source material identification or facility material identification should be limited to the total available quantity.

Where Used: Source Material Facility Material Identification,

Limited Sample Access Last Modified By

The person name (first, middle, and last) of the user who last modified the limited sample access user roles for a sample record.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Limited Sample Access Last Modified Date

The last date when the limited sample access user roles were modified for a sample record.

Where Used: Sample Record,


The incremental line number for the cost estimate item.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,

Line Item Number

A unique identifier for the destination contract project item for the DSR material.

Where Used: Dsr Material Dest Contract,

Line Number

The line number designation for the cost estimate typical section.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Profile,

Line Number

The line number designation for the item in the cost estimate typical section.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Item,

Link From

The sample identification of the sample record this sample is linked from.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Link Name

The name of the URL.

Where Used: Url Attachment,

Link To

The unique identifier for the revised sample record to which this sample record is linked.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Liquidated Damage

Total liquidated damage amount paid on the payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project,

Liquidated Damages Rate

The dollar amount to be charged for each time unit (hours or days) that a contractor exceeds the allowed time for a contract. If you enter a value in this field, you must also enter a value in the Liquidated Damages Unit of Time field.

Where Used: Proposal Time,

Liquidated Damages Unit of Time

The time unit used for liquidated damages on a contract. Valid values are Hours or Days.

Where Used: Proposal Time,

Liquidated Damages/Disincentive Cap Amount

The maximum liquidated damages or disincentive amount that can be withheld from payment to the contractor for this contract time.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring,

Liquidated Damages/Disincentive Rate

The amount to be charged for each time unit that a contractor exceeds the allowed time for a Contract Time. If you enter a value in this field, you must also enter a value in the Liquidated Damages/Disincentive Unit of Time field.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring,

Liquidated Damages/Disincentive Time Unit

The time unit used for liquidated damages or disincentives on a contract time record.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring,

Litigation Amount

The dollar amount being litigated in the claim.

Where Used: Contract Claim Litigation,

Litigation Date

The date on which the claim was processed in a legal proceeding.

Where Used: Contract Claim Litigation,

Live Data

Indicates whether this report will be rendered with current system data or cached data.

Where Used: Bi Report,


The date when the live data definition was last successfully pushed to the Microsoft Power BI Service.

Where Used: Bi Report,

Local Agency Office

The name of the local agency to whom the transportation agency has delegated the contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Local Agreement Number

A unique identifier for an agreement between a local authority and the transportation agency. The agreement defines the funding provided by the local authority with regard to a particular job.

Where Used: Contract Fund,

Local Funded

Indicates whether the projects in the proposal are financed by local funding.

Where Used: Project,

Local Oversight

Indicates that local authorities must be copied on and approve any change orders for this contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Local Project Engineer Name

A local agency engineer managing an agency-let local contract and reporting to an agency delivery engineer.

Where Used: Contract,


The location where the contract work is taking place.

Where Used: Contract,


The location for the DWR item posting.

Where Used: Dwr Item Posting,


Station location where the DWR item was installed.

Where Used: System,


A description of the location where a stormwater related event has occurred.

Where Used: Stormwater Period Location,

Location Created By

The User ID of the person who recorded the coordinate values.

Where Used: Contract Project Location Point, Point,

Location Created Date

The date and time recorded when the coordinates were measured.

Where Used: Contract Project Location Point,

Location Created Date and Time

The date and time recorded when the coordinates were measured.

Where Used: Point,

Location End Active Date and Time

The captured date and time when the point values were retired.

Where Used: Point,

Location Issue

Used to record any conditions associated with the quality of the coordinate values at the time of capture.

Where Used: Contract Project Location Point, Point,

Location Last Updated By

The User ID of the person who last updated the coordinate values.

Where Used: Contract Project Location Point, Point,

Location Last Updated Date

The date and time when the coordinates were last updated.

Where Used: Point,

Location Last Updated Date and Time

The date and time when the coordinates were last updated.

Where Used: Contract Project Location Point,

Location Method

The process used to collect the coordinate values. (Code table: LOC_METHOD)

Where Used: Contract Project Location Point, Point,

Location Quality

The accuracy of the value recorded in the coordinate system. (Code table: LOC_QUALITY)

Where Used: Contract Project Location Point, Point,

Location Quality Unit

The unit of measure used in the coordinate system. (Code table: LOC_QLT_UNIT)

Where Used: Contract Project Location Point, Point,

Location Type

Type of the source location, such as GIS or Point Geodetic Coordinates. (Code table: LOCATIONTYPE)

Where Used: Facility, Source,

Lock Type

A system-generated field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Lock,

Locked By

The user who locked the DSR record. This field is automatically populated by the system.

Where Used: Daily Source Report, Daily Source Report,

Locked Date

The date the entity was locked. This field is automatically populated by the system.

Where Used: Daily Source Report, Lock,

Locked Entity ID

A unique identifier assigned automatically to each locked entity record added to the Locked Entity List. The Lock ID is assigned sequentially beginning with 1.

Where Used: Project, Proposal,

Log Date

Date and time when the sample record status changed.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Log Details

The error information for the payroll import notification.

Where Used: Process History,

Long Description

A detailed description of the contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Long Term Lease

Indicates that the company trucks are leased on a long-term basis.

Where Used: Trucking,


The longitude of a location point, as measured in degrees, minutes, seconds and fractional seconds. This is a numerical value that must be typed in the format.

Where Used: Address, Concept Location, Contract Project Location Point, Point, Ref Vendor Address, Sample Record, System,

Low Conversion

The conversion factor for the Low Level UIC item code.

Where Used: Item Classification,

Low Cost Flag

Indicates that this category, section, or bid item contributes to the low cost total in an estimate or bid. When a category, section, or item is a member of an alternate set, the alternate member with the lowest cost results in (contributes to) the low cost total and is therefore designated as a Low Cost Contributor in the estimate or bid. Items that do not have alternates are automatically designated as Low Cost Contributors. If an item is included as part of a category alternate member or set and the item is not part of an item alternate member or set, then the Low Cost Flag for the item is set to the same value as the Low Cost Flag for its parent category.

Where Used: Bid, Bid Section, Category, Cost Estimate Category, Cost Estimate Item, Project Item, Proposal Item, Proposal Section,

Low Level

One of two levels of item classes, used for grouping like items at a more detailed item level (for example, hot-mix asphalt pavements).

Where Used: Ref Item Classification,

Low Quantity

The lower quantity value for data points included in the modeled price.

Where Used: Bid History,

Low Temperature

The low temperature recorded for the date.

Where Used: Daily Diary, Daily Work Report,

Low Units

Common unit of measure for the Low Level item classification category of the Universal Item Class.

Where Used: Ref Item Classification,

Lump Sum

Indicates that the item is either a true lump sum item (the quantity equals 1) or a fractional lump sum item (the quantity is greater than 0 and less than 1), as opposed to a hybrid lump sum item.

Where Used: Ref Item,

Lump Sum

Indicates whether the item group carries a lump sum unit.

Where Used: Item Group,



Main Contract Time

Indicates whether this contract time represents the final contract completion date or the total amount of time available for completion of the contract. Each contract can only contain one main contract time record.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring,

Main Proposal Time

Indicates that the time represents the final contract completion date or the total amount of time available for completion of the contract. This check box can be selected for only one time in the proposal.

Where Used: Proposal Time,

Maintenance Milestone

The description of a maintenance task that is expected to occur at a milestone year in the life cycle of an improvement.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Maintenance Milestone, Maintenance Milestone, Milestone Item,

Maintenance Milestone Year

The number of years in which a maintenance task is expected to occur.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Maintenance Milestone, Maintenance Milestone,

Maintenance Schedule Cost

The total cost, including escalation if utilized, of all maintenance milestones in the maintenance schedule.

Where Used: Cost Estimate LCMaint Sched Profile,

Major Item

A major item will appear on the Notice to Contractor report and indicates the item is of major importance to the project.

Where Used: Contract Item, Contract Project Item, Project Item, Ref Item,

Make this the stored value?

Indicates whether the field value is stored as the agency view field value.

Where Used: Av Field Display,

Management Analysis Comments

Additional information about the DBE’s Management evaluation of the Commercially Useful Function review. This should include details about any issues uncovered during the review.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Managing Office

The office that has been assigned to manage the daily work of the contract (Agency, Local Agency, or Consultant).

Where Used: Contract,


A DBE supplier who also produces the material or equipment being supplied. If Yes is selected, 100 percent of the cost of the material/supplies purchased from DBE manufacturers is counted toward the DBE goal because the materials used on the proposal were manufactured by the DBE on the DBE's premises.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Supplier, Contract Curr Dbe Supplier,

Manufacturer Comments

Additional information about the manufacturer review. This should include details about any issues uncovered during the review.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Manufacturer Name

The name of the manufacturer of the test equipment.

Where Used: Test Equipment,

Market Area

A basic parameter that indicates the geographical definition for areas that will be used in the analysis for cost estimation.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Market Area

An advanced parameter that indicates whether the market area is included as a variable in the calculation of regressions and averages.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Market Area

The identifier for a market area. Market areas are reference data that indicate geographical regions used when analyzing historical bid prices. Market areas include regions that contain one or more counties grouped together for estimation purposes.

Where Used: Bid History Item, Market Area, Market Area Region,

Market Area

The market area to use for price calculations.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Market Area

A boolean field indicating whether to include market area in price calculations.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,


The unique identifier for a markup on a cost estimate.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Markup,

Markup Percentage

The markup percentage applied to the total cost sheet amount.

Where Used: Cost Sheet, Ref Cost Sheet,

Master User Name

The master account user name that AASHTOWare Project will use to authenticate to the Microsoft Power BI service.

Where Used: Bi Setting,

Master User Password

The master account password that AASHTOWare Project will use to authenticate to the Microsoft Power BI service.

Where Used: Bi Setting,

Match Case

Indicates that the case of the alphanumeric values for the reference specification condition must match the case of the values to which the condition values are being compared.

Where Used: Ref Specification Condition Field,


A unique identifier assigned to each construction material in the system. In some places, this field also displays the material description.

Where Used: Alternate Material, Alternate Material, Alternate Material, Alternate Test Workflow, Component Material, Component Material, Contract Project Item Material Set Material, Cost Sheet Material, Cost Sheet Material Rate, Dsr Material, Dsr Material Component, Dsr Material Dest Contract, Dsr Material Dest Facility, Dsr Material Dest Source, Dsr Material Prod Facility, Dsr Material Prod Smfmi, Dsr Material Prod Source, Dsr Material Smfmi, Dwr Acceptance Record, Facility Material, Material, Material, Material Sampling Qualification, Mix Design, Mix Design Component Material, Product Group Assignment, Ref Cost Sheet Material, Ref Item Material Set Material, Sample Record, Source Material, Stockpile, Test Assignment Info, Test Triggered Event,

Material Adjustment Percentage

Percent of adjustment to be added to only material-related recorded work on this force account.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor,

Material Analysis Comments

Additional information about the Material evaluation of the Commercially Useful Function review. This should include details about any issues uncovered during the review.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Material Category

A unique identifier for each material category in the system. In some places, this field also displays the material category description.

Where Used: Alternate Material Category, Alternate Material Category, Alternate Material Category, Alternate Test Workflow, Facility Material Category, Material, Material Category, Material Category, Material Category Sampling Qualification, Product Group Assignment, Source Material Category, Test Assignment Info, Test Triggered Event,

Material Category Full Name

A complete name that describes and identifies the material category.

Where Used: Material Category,

Material Full Name

The full description of the construction material.

Where Used: Material,

Material Id

A unique identifier assigned to each construction material in the system. In some places, this field also displays the material description.

Where Used: Dwr Item Posting Quantity,

Material Invoices Reviewed

Indication that the Supplier's Material Invoices were reviewed.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Material Invoices Reviewed

Indicates if the DBE Manufacturer's Invoices were reviewed.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Material Rate

The rate (cost per unit) for the material.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Material, Cost Sheet Material Rate,

Material Rate Class

The class of the material rate (Code table: MTRRATECLS).

Where Used: Cost Estimate, Cost Sheet, Cost Sheet Material Rate, Material Rate Class,

Material Set

A group of materials associated with a reference item.

Where Used: Acceptance Action, Contract Project Item Material Set Material, Dwr Item Posting, Ref Item Material Set Material,

Material Set

A group of materials associated with a reference item or a contract project item.

Where Used: Contract Project Item Material Set,

Material Set Quantity Posted to Date

The quantity posted to date per material set on a contract project item.

Where Used: Contract Project Item Material Set,

Material Shipping Docs Addressed to DBE

Indicates whether shipping documents for materials used on this contract were addressed to the DBE vendor.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Material Short Name

An abbreviated name of the construction material.

Where Used: Material,

Material Test

A unique identifier assigned to each test in the system. This is typically an abbreviation for the test.

Where Used: Billing Information, Material Test Agency View, Qualification Test,

Material Test Agency View

An agency view associated with a material test.

Where Used: Agency Entity Instance View,

Material Thickness

The thickness of the material on which qualification was performed.

Where Used: Welder Qualification,

Material Total Cost

The sum of extended amounts for all materials on the cost sheet with the Materials Overhead Percentage applied.

Where Used: Cost Sheet,

Material Unit

The English or Metric unit of the material based on the unit system for the contract project (Code table: UNITS).

Where Used: Contract Project Item Material Set Material, Dwr Acceptance Record, Sample Record Contract Association, Sample Record Contract Material Set Association, Welder Qualification,

Material Units

The English or Metric unit of the material based on the unit system for the contract project (Code table: UNITS).

Where Used: Dwr Item Posting Quantity,


The number of materials included in a material set.

Where Used: System,

Materials Billed to DBE Vendor

Indicates whether the materials used by the DBE for their subcontracted work were billed to the DBE vendor.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Materials Indicator

Indicates this code table is associated with the Materials business area.

Where Used: Ref Code Table,

Materials Overhead Percentage

The percentage applied to the calculated material costs to cover unforeseen occurrences.

Where Used: Cost Sheet, Ref Cost Sheet,

Maturity Date

The date on which the security matures.

Where Used: Account Transaction,

Max % of Bid Item Amt Incr/Decr Prev Estab Initial Item

The approval rule's calculation level (contract, project or category) maximum total amount as a percentage of the item's initial amount for sum of all increase/decrease amounts for items previously established via approved change order.

Where Used: Approval Group Limit,

Max % of Bid Item Amt Incr/Decr to Bid Item

The approval rule's calculation level (contract, project or category) maximum total amount as a percentage of item's bid amount for sum of all a bid item's increase/decrease amounts.

Where Used: Approval Group Limit,

Max % of Cont Bic Amt Incr/Decr to Prev Estab Item

The approval rule's calculation level (contract, project or category) maximum total amount as a percentage of contract's bid amount for sum of all increase/decrease amounts for items previously established via approved change order.

Where Used: Approval Group Limit,

Max % of Cont Bid Amt Incr/Decr to Bid Item

The approval rule's calculation level (contract, project or category) maximum total amount as a percentage of contract's bid amount for sum of all bid item increase/decrease amounts.

Where Used: Approval Group Limit,

Max % of Cont Bid Amt New Item

The approval rule's calculation level (contract, project or category) maximum total amount as a percentage of contract's bid amount for sum of all new item amounts.

Where Used: Approval Group Limit,

Max Amt/Contract All Item (All Sources)

The approval rule's calculation level (contract, project or category) maximum total amount for sum of all new item and increase/decrease amounts.

Where Used: Approval Group Limit,

Max Amt/Contract Incr/Decr to Bid

The approval rule's calculation level (contract, project or category) maximum total amount for sum of all bid item increase/decrease amounts.

Where Used: Approval Group Limit,

Max Amt/Contract Incr/Decr to Prev Est

The approval rule's calculation level (contract, project or category) maximum total amount for sum of all increase/decrease amounts for items previously established via approved change order.

Where Used: Approval Group Limit,

Max Amt/Contract New Item

The approval rule's calculation level (contract, project or category) maximum total amount for sum of all new item amounts.

Where Used: Approval Group Limit,

Max Amt/Item Incr/Decr to Bid Item

The approval rule's calculation level (contract, project or category) maximum per item total of bid item increase/decrease amounts.

Where Used: Approval Group Limit,

Max Amt/Item Incr/Decr to Prev Estab Item

The approval rule's calculation level (contract, project or category) maximum per item total of increase/decrease amounts for items previously established via approved change order.

Where Used: Approval Group Limit,

Max Amt/Item New Item Amount

The approval rule's calculation level (contract, project or category) maximum per item total of new item amounts.

Where Used: Approval Group Limit,

Max Limit

A numeric value that is the maximum limit for the reference specification condition. Values can be entered to the hundred thousandths place.

Where Used: Ref Specification Condition Field,

Max Time Adj Per Contract Time - Days

The approval rule's maximum cumulative number of days increase/decrease amount per contract time.

Where Used: Approval Group Limit,

Max Time Adj Per Contract Time - Hours

The approval rule's maximum cumulative number of hours increase/decrease amount per contract time.

Where Used: Approval Group Limit,

Maximum Capacity

The maximum amount of work, in dollars, that the vendor can perform.

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

Maximum Inflation/Deflation Rate Allowed

The maximum inflation/deflation rate allowed for inclusion of date in the regression model.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Maximum Quantity

The maximum quantity of material allowed to be sampled for the source material identification or facility material identification.

Where Used: Source Material Facility Material Identification,

Maximum Quantity

The maximum quantity of the item used to calculate the modeled price.

Where Used: Bid History,

Maximum Range

The maximum recommended percentage that should be applied to the total cost estimate amount to account for the specific risk being identified and addressed in the contingency profile.

Where Used: CAPPhase, Cost Estimate CAPPhase,

Maximum Time

The maximum amount of time a vendor may bid on this proposal.

Where Used: Proposal Time,

Maximum inflation/deflation rate allowed

An advanced parameter to allow exclusion of the date as a parameter in the regression analysis based upon the inflation/deflation rate. A value of 10 includes the date in the regression if the annual inflation/deflation rate is between plus or minus 10 percent.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Means of Contractor Notification

The means of communication used to notify the contractor, as classified by the agency. (Code table: STORMMEANSOFCOMM)

Where Used: Stormwater Period,


Indicates whether the item quantity is interim or measured.

Where Used: Dwr Item Posting,

Medicare Withholding Amount

The amount of Medicare tax to be deducted from the employee's gross amount for this payroll period.

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee Labor,

Meeting Date

The date of the meeting.

Where Used: Meeting,

Meeting Title

The subject of the meeting.

Where Used: Attendee, Meeting,

Meeting Type

The type of meeting (Code Table: MTNGTYP).

Where Used: Meeting,


The text of the notification message sent as a result of an event in a reference issue or tracked issue.

Where Used: Notify Chg Ord App Group Event Action, Notify Email Address Event Action, Notify Mailing List Event Action, Notify Owners Event Action, Notify Pay Est Appr Level Event Action, Notify Person Event Action, Notify Role Event Action, Notify User Event Action, Notify Vendor Event Action, Ref Issue Event Action, Ref Notify Chg Ord App Group Event Action, Ref Notify Email Address Event Action, Ref Notify Mailing List Event Action, Ref Notify Owners Event Action, Ref Notify Pay Est Appr Level Event Action, Ref Notify Person Event Action, Ref Notify Role Event Action, Ref Notify User Event Action, Ref Notify Vendor Event Action,


The message the database returned.

Where Used: Data Access Log,

Message Code

A unique identifier for the system message (assigned automatically by the system).

Where Used: System Message,

Message Text

The contents of the email message.

Where Used: Outbox Message,

Message Text

A system field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Proposal Vendor Msg,


Data that describes other data. Metadata describes how, when and by whom a particular set of data was collected, and how the data is formatted. Metadata in the application is presented in XML format and can be edited to customize many aspects of the application.

Where Used: Component, System,

Method of Payment

The method of payment provided by the field interview employee (Code Table: METHODOFPAYMENT).

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,

Metric Item

The ID of the reference item that uses metric units of measurement in an item conversion record.

Where Used: Item Conversion,

Metric Unit

The metric unit of measure. (Code Table: UNITS)

Where Used: Material, Material Category,

Metric to English Preference

Identifies which English item to use for a metric item that is linked to multiple English items in the same spec book. For a given metric item and spec book combination, this check box can be selected for only one English item in a given spec book.

Where Used: Item Conversion,

Middle Initial

The first letter of the person's middle name.

Where Used: Field Interview Employee, Payroll Employee, Person Info, Ref Employee,


Indicates whether the agency entity was migrated from a template in SiteManager. Migrated entities are read-only and must be copied and renamed if the agency needs to modify the entity or use it to store additional information beyond migrated usage data.

Where Used: Agency Entity,

Migration Complete

Indicates that the contract has been migrated.

Where Used: Contract,

Migration Source

The source application from which the contract data was migrated.

Where Used: Contract,

Milestone Item

An item needed to fulfil a maintenance milestone on a cost estimate.

Where Used: Ce Milestone Item Ref Price,

Min Limit

A numeric value that is the minimum limit for the reference specification condition. Values can be entered to the hundred thousandths place.

Where Used: Ref Specification Condition Field,

Minimum Approval Level

Indicates this approval group is required for all change orders regardless of approval rules.

Where Used: Ref Change Order Approval Group,

Minimum Month Range of History Needed

The minimum range of months of historical data needed to consider the date variable in the regression price calculation.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Minimum Number of Bids before Excluding

A basic parameter that indicates the minimum number of bids received on a proposal before excluding the high/low bidders. This parameter is required if the Source of Item Prices field is set to Exclude High/Low Bids.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Minimum Number of Bids before Excluding

The minimum number of bids for a proposal before high and low bids can be excluded.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Minimum Number of Observations

An advanced parameter that indicates the number of observations needed to calculate an average bid price. This parameter is required when the Generate Averages check box is selected.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Minimum Number of Observations

An advanced parameter that indicates the number of observations needed to calculate a regression bid price. This parameter is required when the Generate Regressions check box is selected.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Minimum Number of Observations

The minimum number of observations required to utilize the date parameters in the regression calculations.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Minimum Number of Observations

The minimum number of observations needed to calculate an average price.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Minimum Number of Observations

The minimum number of observations needed to calculate a regression price.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Minimum Number of Observations

The minimum number of observations required to utilize the date parameter in the regression calculations.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Minimum Quantity

The minimum quantity of the item used to calculate the modeled price.

Where Used: Bid History,

Minimum Quantity Required

The minimum quantity of a material required before the acceptance action must be performed.

Where Used: Acc Action Option Rate Freq,

Minimum Range

The minimum recommended percentage that should be applied to the total cost estimate amount to account for the specific risk being identified and addressed in the contingency profile.

Where Used: CAPPhase, Cost Estimate CAPPhase,

Minimum Rating Value Requiring Remarks

The maximum rating value for which the system will require that comments be included in this evaluation structure. The system will require comments for ratings of this number or lower. The system will not require comments for rating values that exceed this number.

Where Used: Ref Contractor Evaluation,

Minimum Time

The minimum amount of time a vendor may bid on this proposal.

Where Used: Proposal Time,

Minimum month range of history needed

An advanced parameter to indicate the minimum range of months of historical data needed to consider the date variable in the regression price calculation. This parameter is required if the Include Date Variable in Analysis check box is selected.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Mix Design

Unique identifier for a mix design.

Where Used: Contract Mix Design, Mix Design, Mix Design Component Material, Mix Design Ref Specification, Mix Design Smfmi, Sample Record,

Mix Design Type

The type of mix design as defined by the agency.

Where Used: Mix Design, Mix Design Type Agency View, Mix Design Type Component Material Agency View, Sample Record, Sample Record,


Indication that the lab unit will be recorded on the Mobile Tester application.

Where Used: Lab Unit,

Modal Agency

The federal agency contributing funding to this contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Modal Window

A modal window is a secondary pop-up window associated with a component. Modal windows are used when you add one or more rows of data to an entity. For example, when you add projects to a proposal, you use a modal window to select the projects you want to add.

Where Used: System,


A unique identifier for each business entity in the database (for example project, proposal, or bid letting).

Where Used: Lab Sampling Qualification Remark, Lab Testing Qualification Remark, Restricted Field,

Model ID

A system-generated identifier not usually displayed in the application.

Where Used: Agency View Remark, Contract Payment Estimate Exception Remark, Cost Estimate Snapshot Remark, Daily Diary Remark, Daily Source Report Remark, Dsr Inspection Remark, Dsr Material Component Remark, Dsr Material Prod Facility Remark, Dsr Material Prod Smfmi Remark, Dsr Material Prod Source Remark, Mix Design Remark, Plan Discrepancy Remark, Sample Record Contract Association Remark, Test Equipment Qualification Remark, Test Equipment Remark,

Model Number

The model number for the test equipment.

Where Used: Test Equipment,

Modeled Date

The date for the price calculated by the model.

Where Used: Bid History,

Modeled Quantity

The quantity for the price calculated by the model.

Where Used: Bid History,

Modification Description

Brief text describing or identifying the wage decision modification.

Where Used: Ref Wage Decision Modification,

Modification Number

For certified payrolls, a unique sequential identifier assigned automatically to each modification in a payroll record. The first time a payroll is added to the system for a vendor, the system automatically assigns it a Modification Number of 0 and increments the number by 1 each time a modification is made for that payroll record. On Wage Decision pages, this identifier is for system use only.

Where Used: Certified Payroll, Ref Wage Decision Modification,

Modified Contract Completion Date

An adjusted contract completion date.

Where Used: Contract,

Modified Daily Fringe

The daily fringe benefit to be paid to an employee based on the effective date increase of the wage decision modification.

Where Used: Ref Wage Decision Class,

Modified Effective Date

The date the modified wage rate and fringe benefits are applied. This date cannot be earlier than the Wage Decision Date or the Modification Publication Date.

Where Used: Ref Wage Decision Class,

Modified Hourly Fringe

The hourly fringe benefit to be paid to an employee based on the effective date increase of the wage decision modification.

Where Used: Ref Wage Decision Class,

Modified Payroll Check Number

The check number on the employee's adjustment paycheck (that is, the paycheck containing back wages resulting from an exception being resolved in the current payroll).

Where Used: Payroll Employee,

Modified Wage Rate

The hourly wage rate to be paid to an employee based on the effective date increase of the wage decision modification.

Where Used: Ref Wage Decision Class,

Module Name

The name of the system module.

Where Used: License Key,


Indicates that the contract time should recur on Monday, according to its schedule (for example, every two weeks on Monday).

Where Used: Contract Time Recurring,

Monthly Hours

The number of hours all trucks of this truck type are operated per month.

Where Used: EOMTruck Type,

Most Recent Apprentice ID

The Apprentice ID for the apprenticeship program in which this employee was most recently enrolled.

Where Used: Ref Employee,

Mulitple Skill Set Indicator

This field indicates whether more than one OJT program skill set exists for this OJT program enrollment.

Where Used: Ojt Program Enrollment,


Indicates whether multiple rows can be selected in a modal window.

Where Used: Av Control,

Must Be Resolved

Indicates whether a payroll exception must be resolved according to the applicable payroll exception rule.

Where Used: Certified Payroll Exception,




Indicates that the evaluator determined this rating criterion is not applicable to this contractor and therefore did not record a rating.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation Rating,


Indicates this question is not applicable for this evaluation.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation Response,


A unique identifier assigned to each NAICS code in the NAICS Codes List (Code table: NAICSCODE).

Where Used: Ref Vendor NAICS,


The user name for each possible message recipient.

Where Used: Outbox Unified Address,


The name used to identify a reference issue.

Where Used: Ref Issue,


The name of this entity.

Where Used: Agency Option, Contract Project Road Segment, Road Segment, System Info,


The name of the report model used in generating the custom report, if any. When you populate this field, the system automatically populates the Report Entity field with the matching value.

Where Used: Report,


The name of the file associated with the custom report, report template, custom process, or attachment.

Where Used: Attachment,


The name of the dynamic mailing group.

Where Used: Dynamic Mailing List,


The name of the company providing the security account to the vendor (Code Table: REFSEC).

Where Used: Security Account,


The field that is watched by the system in order to trigger an event.

Where Used: Issue Field Value,


Members of the selected dynamic mailing group will receive a notification message as a result of the event in a reference issue or tracked issue.

Where Used: Notify Mailing List Event Action,


As a result of an event in a tracked issue, this user account will be added as an owner of the step.

Where Used: Ref Add User To Step Event Action,


As a result of an event in a tracked issue, this user account will be added as an owner of the issue.

Where Used: Ref Add User To Issue Event Action,


A name used to identify a case. A case is a collection of tracked issues.

Where Used: Case,


A descriptive name for the office. In some locations, this field also includes the office level number.

Where Used: Ref Administrative Office,


The name of the ad hoc price item.

Where Used: Ad Hoc Pricing,


The classification or group to which an item belongs. Item classifications are stored in code table ITEMCLS.

Where Used: Bhp Item Class,


Unique identifier for an entity defined by an agency.

Where Used: Agency Entity,


The name of a database field for an agency entity.

Where Used: Agency Field,


A unique word or combination of words, letters, or numbers by which each agency view in the system is identified.

Where Used: Agency View,


A unique word or combination of words or letters by which each reference payment estimate type in the system is identified.

Where Used: Ref Payment Estimate Type,


Defines the data entered in the Value field. Choices vary depending on the validation type selected.

Where Used: AFVArgument,


A name that identifies an item family. An item family is a group of associated items that share the same spec book, action relationships, and acceptance actions.

Where Used: Item Family,


A name used to identify a material set. A material set is a group of materials associated with a reference item.

Where Used: Ref Item Material Set,


The name of the user who entered a decision for an approval level on a contract payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Approval,


Unique identifier for a type of mix design.

Where Used: Mix Design Type,


The user name associated with a mobile device.

Where Used: User Device,


Unique idenifier for a reference production rate. The production rate is the daily rate of construction activity to be performed by the laborers and equipment included in a cost sheet.

Where Used: Production Rate,


A unique identifier assigned to each work classification in the Reference Vendor Work Classification list (Code table: VWRKCLS).

Where Used: Work Classification,


Identifier for a possible test result.

Where Used: Ref Test Result Value,


The name of the force account percentage.

Where Used: Ref Force Account Percentage,


The name of the force account percentage copied from the reference entity.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Percentage,


The name of the person for whom permission is being granted.

Where Used: Pricing Service Permission,


A unique identifier for a defined set of reference items associated with a given specification book.

Where Used: PPSpec Book,


The name of the pricing profile.

Where Used: PPWork Type,


Unique identifier for the application that will connect to the system.

Where Used: Integration,

Name and Location of Payroll Preparer

Name and location of the firm or person that prepares the DBE vendor’s certified payroll, as provided by DBE vendor.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Name for Saved Filter

Unique text assigned to identify a saved filter.

Where Used: User Filter,

Name on Truck Registration

The name of the trucking company on the truck registration for the truck recorded in this field interview.

Where Used: Field Interview Trucking,

Net Amount for Retainage Calculation

Amount upon which the retainage calculations are based for the contract payment estimate. This is used when the Retainage Method is "Work Per Period".

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project,

Net Change Amount Approved

Net change amount approved for the contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Net Change Amount Pending

Net change amount pending for the contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Net Change Order Quantity

The quantity of units added to or subtracted from the Original Quantity of Units (by means of a change order) to determine the current quantity.

Where Used: Contract Item, Contract Project Item,

Net Change Percentage Approved

Net change percentage approved for the contract. Calculated as the Net Change Amount Approved divided by the Awarded Amount.

Where Used: Contract,

Net Change Percentage Pending

Net change percentage pending for the contract. Calculated as the Net Change Amount Pending divided by the Awarded Amount.

Where Used: Contract,

Net Inventory Quantity

The sum of the material quantities included in sample records or other areas which indicate approval or consumption of the material.

Where Used: Source Material Facility Material Identification,

Net Pay

The gross pay amount minus total deductions for all work performed (state and non-state) by this employee during this pay period.

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee Labor,

Net Present Value

The net present value of the maintenance schedule cost. This amount is the sum of the maintenance milestone costs after adjusting for the maintenance schedule discount rate as appropriate for the maintenance milestone year.

Where Used: Cost Estimate LCMaint Sched Profile,

New Item Type

A type classification for a change order new item.

Where Used: Change Order New Item,

New Items

Indicates that the change order includes the addition of a previously non-existing contract item.

Where Used: Change Order, Ref Change Order Approval Rule,

New User Help

Indicates the New User section of the online help will be displayed when this user clicks the Help button on the Menu Bar.

Where Used: User Info,

No Quotes Received

Indicates that this bidder has received no quotes for this bid letting from subcontractors, suppliers, truckers or brokers.

Where Used: Bidder,

Non Construction Cost Amount

The dollar amount of the associated non-construction cost.

Where Used: Non Construction Cost,

Non Construction Cost Group

A grouping code for non-construction cost items to facilitate reporting and data exchange (Code table: NONCONGROUP).

Where Used: Non Construction Cost,

Non Construction Cost Name

The name used to identify the non-construction cost on a cost estimate.

Where Used: Non Construction Cost,

Non Construction Cost Type

Indicates the type of non-construction cost that is being associated with the estimate (Code table: NONCONTYPE).

Where Used: Non Construction Cost,

Non-Agency User

An individual who is authorized to use parts of the system to record and process information, but who is not employed by the transportation agency.

Where Used: System,


Indicates that the item will be included in the project but will not appear on any bid documents (for example, a state-supplied item).

Where Used: Project Item, Ref Item,

Non-Cash Retainage

Total non-cash retainage amount paid via securities and escrow on the payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project,

Non-Dot Hours

The number of hours applied towards this OJT program for non-DOT projects.

Where Used: Ojt Program Enrollment,

Non-Litigation Amount

The dollar amount not being litigated in the claim.

Where Used: Contract Claim Litigation,

Non-Participating Item Pay

Total non-participating item amount paid on payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project,

Non-Participating Item Pay

The total non-participating item amount paid on payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,


Indicates whether the markup is applicable to non-bid costs.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Markup,


Indicates whether the markup is applicable to non-construction costs.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Markup,


Indicates whether the cost estimate item is a biddable item.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,

Normal Salary

The established salary the employee receives for a pay period.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Note ID

A unique identifier assigned automatically to each note recorded in the DWR.

Where Used: DWRNote,


Indicates whether there are notes associated with this DWR.

Where Used: Daily Work Report,


Supplemental information about the agency view field. After template structure is migrated, the Notes field contains the Test Spec, Mix Design Table Name, and Mix Design Column Name for the agency view field.

Where Used: Agency Field,

Notice to Proceed Date

The date the contractor received written notice from the agency to begin contract work.

Where Used: Contract,

Notification Days

The number of days prior to a contract claim's response due date when a system-generated reminder notification is sent to contract claim recipients about the contract claim's response due date.

Where Used: Ref Contract Claim Type,


When using a comparison trigger, the value in this field can be added to or subtracted from the value in the comparison field before the comparison is made.

Where Used: Ref Issue Event Trigger, Ref Issue Event Trigger Condition, System Event Trigger, System Event Trigger Condition,


The sequence number of the review.

Where Used: Compliance Finding,


The number of the road of which the road segment is a part.

Where Used: Contract Project Road Segment, Road Segment,


Phone number recorded in the communication log for a tracked issue.

Where Used: Issue Phone,


A sequence number that identifies one criterion (or question) in a contractor evaluation structure.

Where Used: Ref Contractor Evaluation Criterion,

Number Held

The proposal numbers for which plans were purchased in this purchase record.

Where Used: Purchase,

Number On Site

The number of pieces of the equipment on site on the DWR date.

Where Used: DWRContract Vendor Equipment,

Number Used

The number of pieces of the equipment used on site on the DWR date.

Where Used: DWRContract Vendor Equipment,

Number of Active Price Tasks

The number of active price tasks included in the task group.

Where Used: Ref Item Task Group,

Number of Flat Rate Units

The number of units of work done at the flat rate.

Where Used: EOMTruck Type,

Number of Labels

The number of sets of mailing labels to be generated for this order.

Where Used: Purchase,

Number of Low Bidders per Proposal

A basic parameter that indicates the number of low bids (based on bid rank) per proposal to include in the calculations. This parameter is required if the Source of Item Prices field is set to Low Bids. You must enter a value greater than zero.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Number of Low Bidders per Proposal

The number of low bidders to use for bid data collection.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Number of Months

The number of months to include in a bid history profile that uses rolling dates.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Number of Months

The number of months for bid data collection.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Number of Price Tasks

The number of price tasks included in the task group.

Where Used: Ref Item Task Group,

Number of Professional Services Staff

The system provides a calculated number using the sum of the vendor's In-State and Out-of-State Professional Staff (from the Reference Vendor Annual Data table). For more information, see "Adding Annual Data."

Where Used: Ref Vendor Annual Data,

Number of Remarks

The number of remarks that have been recorded for this entity.

Where Used: System,

Number of Spans

The number of sections between two intermediate supports of a bridge.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment,

Number of Time Units

The number of time units (days or hours) specified for completion of a time component in a proposal. This field is required for proposal times with a time type of Available Time or Calendar Time.

Where Used: Proposal Time,

Number of Time Units Bid

The number of time units (days or hours) specified for completion of a time component in a proposal. This field is required for proposal times with a time type of Available Time or Calendar Time.

Where Used: Bid Time,

Number of Trucks

The number of trucks supplied by the trucking firm.

Where Used: EOMTruck Type, EOMTrucking, Trucking Truck Type,

Number of full time employees

The number of people employed by the vendor on an hourly basis who work at least 40 hours per week.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Annual Data,

Number of part time employees

The number of people employed by the vendor on an hourly basis who work less than 40 hours per week.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Annual Data,



OJT Class ID

The class of the Reference Wage Decision Craft/Class pair that identifies the minimum Journeymen's Wage Rate applicable for the trade being trained in this OJT Program (Maintained in the Reference Data/Decision Class component) (Code Table: DECISIONCLASS).

Where Used: Ojt Program Skill Set,

OJT Craft ID

The craft that identifies the minimum Journeymen's Wage Rate applicable for the trade being trained in this OJT Program (Code table: CRAFTCODE).

Where Used: Ojt Program Skill Set,

OJT Goal

The target number of goal units the agency wants to achieve in OJT participation for the time period for this vendor, or for this contract.

Where Used: Contract, Ojt Goal, Proposal, Ref Vendor Ojt Goal,

OJT Goal Comments

Additional information about the OJT goal.

Where Used: Contract, Proposal, Ref Vendor Ojt Goal,

OJT Goal Units

The unit of measure used in the OJT goal.

Where Used: Contract, Proposal, Ref Vendor Ojt Goal,

OJT Hours To Graduate

The number of hours an employee needs to meet the requirement of the on-the-job training program to become a journeyman.

Where Used: Ref Ojt Program,

OJT Percentage Received

The OJT percentage the field interview employee states they are receiving.

Where Used: Field Interview Job Classification,

OJT Program

Indicates that the field interview employee stated he is an on-the-job trainee.

Where Used: Field Interview Job Classification,

OJT Program Active Date

The date this on-the-job training program became active for trainee enrollment.

Where Used: Ref Ojt Program,

OJT Program ID

A system-generated identifier usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Ojt Program Skill Set, Ojt Program Wage Rate Progression,

OJT Program Indicator

Indicates that the employee is a trainee in the OJT program.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

OJT Program Name

The name of the on-the-job training program.

Where Used: Ref Ojt Program,

OJT Program Sponsor

The organization sponsoring the on-the-job training program (Code table: OJTPROGRAMSPONSOR).

Where Used: Ref Ojt Program,

OJT Range

The range of dates for the goal period.

Where Used: System,

OJT Scheduled Hours

The number of hours the trainee is scheduled to work in this skill during the OJT Program.

Where Used: Ojt Program Skill Set,

OJT Units

The unit of measure used in the OJT goal.

Where Used: Ojt Goal,

OJT Wage Percentage

The percentage of the standard wage for this labor class paid to an employee that is a trainee in the OJT program. You cannot populate this field unless the OJT Program Indicator is selected for this labor record.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Observation Reviewer

The first and last name of the agency staff member.

Where Used: Cuf Review,


Number of observations included in the modeled price.

Where Used: Bid History,

Obsolete Date

The date on which this data record or text document will automatically be designated obsolete and no longer be displayed in lists or other areas of the system.

Where Used: Ref Item, Ref Weather, Text Doc Management,

Obsolete Date

Over time, as improvements are made in construction methods and materials, vendors and funding sources close, and other changes occur, some records in reference data lists become outdated and should no longer be used in agency planning or construction. This field allows you to designate a date on which these outdated reference data records will automatically be designated obsolete and no longer included in any entity lists.

Where Used: Ref Code Table Value, Ref County, Ref District, Ref Employee, Ref Fund, Ref Holiday, Ref Ojt Program, Ref Region, Ref Special Provision, Ref Vendor,

Obsolete Date

The date on which this record is no longer considered valid.

Where Used: Bid History Profile, Contingency Assignment Profile, Cost Estimate LCMaint Sched Profile, Item Group, Item Group Set, LCMaint Sched Profile, Market Area, Product Group, Ref Employee Apprenticeship, Ref Price Index, Ref Risk Factor, Season, Transition Profile, Typical Section Profile,

Obsolete Date

The date this classification is no longer available.

Where Used: Decision Class,

Obsolete Item

Indicates whether the reference item is obsolete.

Where Used: Ref Item,

Obtained Date

The date the permit was obtained.

Where Used: Contract Permit,


The number of occurrences.

Where Used: System,


Number of historical bid data occurrences for a Reference Item across spec books.

Where Used: Bid History,

Off Site Hauling

Indicates that this truck type hauls supplies between the construction site and a facility in another location.

Where Used: EOMTruck Type,

Office Level

A whole number representing the relative position of the associated record in the hierarchy, with '1' being the first or highest level.

Where Used: Ref Administrative Office,

Officer ID

A unique identifier assigned automatically to each officer record in the Reference Vendor Officer List.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Officer PNW,

Officer Name

The first and last name of the officer.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Officer,

Officer Title

The title of the officer (for example, President, Vice President, Payroll). (Code table: OFFICER)

Where Used: Ref Vendor Officer,

Offset Direction

Direction of where the sample was taken in reference to the centerline (e.g., left of centerline, right of centerline, on centerline) (Code Table: OFFSET).

Where Used: Sample Record,

Offset Distance

Part of stations - offset distance for the ending station.

Where Used: Dwr Item Posting,

Offset Distance

Part of stations - offset distance for the beginning station.

Where Used: Dwr Item Posting,

Offset Distance

Distance from centerline to the location of where the sample was taken.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Offset Type

Part of stations - offset type for the ending station.

Where Used: Dwr Item Posting,

Offset Type

Part of stations - offset type for the beginning station.

Where Used: Dwr Item Posting,

Ojt Program Enrollment ID

A system-generated identifier usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Ojt Contract Assignment,

On Call Proposal

Indicates that this proposal can generate work order proposals.

Where Used: Proposal,

On Create

IronPython code that will be executed the first time the agency view instance is opened for the first time.

Where Used: Agency View,

On Load

Indicates calculations that are performed when usage data for the agency view is loaded. Calculations must be entered using IronPython functions and syntax.

Where Used: Agency View,

On Public Planholder List

Indicates that the proposal vendor is listed on the Agency's published proposal vendor list.

Where Used: Proposal Vendor,

On Save

Calculations that are performed when usage data is saved for the associated agency view instance.

Where Used: Agency Entity,

On Site Freq

Frequency provided by DBE on-site representative of the DBE vendor owner’s site visits.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

On Site Hauling

Indicates that this truck type hauls supplies on the construction site only.

Where Used: EOMTruck Type,

On-Site Representative Name

Name provided by the DBE vendor for the on-site representative of the DBE vendor.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

On-Site Representative Title

Title provided by the DBE vendor for the on-site representative of the DBE vendor.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

On-site Representative Report To

Name of the person to whom the DBE on-site representative reports, as provided by the DBE vendor.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Only Fees and Commissions for Non-DBE Hauler

Indicates whether the non-DBE hauler’s participation was adjusted to allow only fees and commissions because it exceeded the value of the DBE hauler’s participation.

Where Used: Cuf Review,


The first step in a reference issue or resulting tracked issue.

Where Used: Ref Issue Step,


Indicates whether the issue is open.

Where Used: Open Issue Event Action,


The operator determines how the system compares the data in the field to the specified value in order to trigger an event.

Where Used: Ref Issue Event Trigger, Ref Issue Event Trigger Condition, System Event Trigger, System Event Trigger Condition,


The operator (for example, Contains) for the alphanumeric value.

Where Used: Ref Specification Condition Field,

Option Description

Brief text describing this entity.

Where Used: Acceptance Action Option,

Option Name

The name for an option group in an acceptance action.

Where Used: Acceptance Action Option,


When assigning dashboard components to a role, this field determines the order in which components appear on the role's dashboard.

Where Used: Component Role,


Indicates the order in which the field is displayed within the list of associated fields on a reference issue.

Where Used: Ref Issue Field,


If more than one event is triggered at the same time, the events are processed in the order specified. Likewise, if more than one action within an event is triggered at the same time, the actions are processed in the order specified.

Where Used: Ref Add User To Issue Event Action, Ref Add User To Step Event Action, Ref Execute Process Event Action, Ref Generate Report Event Action, Ref Issue Event Action, Ref Issue Event Trigger, Ref Notify Chg Ord App Group Event Action, Ref Notify Email Address Event Action, Ref Notify Mailing List Event Action, Ref Notify Owners Event Action, Ref Notify Pay Est Appr Level Event Action, Ref Notify Person Event Action, Ref Notify Role Event Action, Ref Notify User Event Action, Ref Notify Vendor Event Action, Ref Open Issue Event Action, Ref Transition To Event Action, Ref Update Date Event Action, Ref Update Field Event Action,


A numeric value that determines the order of the fields by which the system generates material sample IDs.

Where Used: Sample Record Tag Generation,


A sequence number that identifies and orders a rating group in a contractor evaluation structure.

Where Used: Ref Contractor Evaluation Group,


Indicates the order in which the field is displayed in the agency view.

Where Used: Av Detail Field,


A number that represents the relative position of the change order reference and supplemental explanations on components and the change order report.

Where Used: Change Order Explanation, Change Order Inc Dec Item Explanation, Change Order New Item Explanation, Change Order Time Adjustment Explanation,


Numeric value that indicates the order in which controls are displayed on the agency view.

Where Used: Av Control,


Indicates the order of sample records in a list when sorted by Sample Status Order.

Where Used: Ref Sample Status,


Determines the order in which the corresponding field is used, if at all, when deteriming how project items are sorted for project item line numbering.

Where Used: Project Item Sort Descriptor,


A unique numeric value that represents the relative position of the group within the design evaluation structure.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation Group, Design Evaluation Group,


A numeric value that represents the relative position of the question within its group in the design evaluation structure. Must be unique within the group.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation Response, Design Evaluation Question,

Ordered By

The name of the person ordering the proposal plans.

Where Used: Purchase,


The organization the attendee is associated with.

Where Used: Attendee,


Indicates the orientation used to display a radio button control, either vertical or horizontal.

Where Used: Av Detail Field,

Orientation Completion Indicator

Indicates that the trainee has completed the orientation requirement for this OJT program.

Where Used: Ojt Program Enrollment,

Original Commitment

Indicates the commitment is for the original prime contractor.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Wk Item, Contract Appr Dbe Commit Wk Type, Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Appr Dbe Supplier, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Wk Item, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Wk Type, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Supplier, Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment Work Type, Dbe Supplier,

Original Completion

The date on which the contract time is scheduled to be complete, as originally specified in the contract.

Where Used: Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion,

Original Daily Fringe

The daily fringe benefit rate to be paid to an employee based on the publication of the wage decision modification.

Where Used: Ref Wage Decision Class,

Original Funding Limit

The original fund limit amount, which was transitioned from Preconstruction to Construction & Materials or entered directly into Construction & Materials.

Where Used: Contract Fund,

Original Hourly Fringe

The hourly fringe benefit to be paid to an employee based on the publication of the wage decision modification.

Where Used: Ref Wage Decision Class,

Original Material Generated Date

The date the contract materials were originally generated.

Where Used: Contract,

Original Material Generated User ID

The user ID for the person who originally generated the contract materials.

Where Used: Contract, Contract,

Original Number of Time Units

The number of time units required for the contractor to complete the work on this contract. This is the original contract requirement.

Where Used: Contract, Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring,

Original Payroll Check Number

The check number on the employee's original paycheck (that is, the paycheck from the original payroll, on which an exception was found and is being resolved in the current payroll).

Where Used: Payroll Employee,

Original Project Amount

The project total as originally approved in the contract.

Where Used: Contract Project,

Original Vendor ID

The Vendor ID for the contractor to whom this contract was awarded.

Where Used: Contract,

Original Vendor Name

The Vendor Short Name for the contractor to whom this contract was awarded.

Where Used: Contract,

Original Wage Rate

The hourly wage rate to be paid to an employee based on the publication of the wage decision modification.

Where Used: Ref Wage Decision Class,

Other Contract Adjustment Amount

The total amount for manually created contract adjustments on the payment estimate, excluding those with an Estimate Type of Retainage, Incentive, Disincentive, and Liquidated Damage.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project,

Other Contract Adjustment Type

A unique identifier for a user-defined contract adjustment (Code Table = OTHRCADJ).

Where Used: Contract Adjustment, Payment Estimate Contract Other Adjustment Type,

Other Item

An alternate reference item that can be used as a replacement for this item during bid-based estimation pricing.

Where Used: Ref Item Bid Based Task,

Other Item Adjustment Type

Identifies the type of adjustment for user-defined other item adjustments. (Code table: OTHRIADJ)

Where Used: Pay Estimate Item Adjustment,

Other Item Adjustment Type

Identifies the type of adjustment for user-defined other item adjustments.

Where Used: Pay Estimate Item Adjustment Summary,

Other Item Adjustments

The total other user-defined item adjustment amounts summed for this contract on the current estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,

Other Item Adjustments

The total other user-defined item adjustment amounts summed for this contract for all previous estimates.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,

Other Item Adjustments

The total other user-defined item adjustment amounts summed for this contract for all estimates (previous and current).

Where Used: Payment Estimate,

Other Item Adjustments

The total of other user-defined item adjustment amounts summed for this project on the current estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,

Other Item Adjustments

The total other user-defined item adjustment amounts summed for this project for all previous estimates.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,

Other Item Adjustments

The total other user-defined item adjustment amounts summed for this project for all estimates (previous and current).

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,

Other Item Adjustments

Total of other user-defined item adjustment amount for this project item on the current estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Other Item Adjustments

Total of other user-defined item adjustment amount for this project item on all previous estimates.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Other Item Adjustments

Total of other user-defined item adjustment amount for this project item on all estimates (previous and current).

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Outbox Unified Address Type

The type of address used for this Outbox.

Where Used: Ref Notify Email Address Event Action,

Output Files

The files that are generated by running a process, for example a .log file.

Where Used: Process History,

Output Type

For custom reports, this is the output format in which the report is generated (PDF/HTML, Text, or XLS). For custom processes, this is the type of output the custom process produces (text, PDF or HTML).

Where Used: Custom Process, Custom Report, Generate Report Event Action, Ref Generate Report Event Action,

Overall Evaluation Status

The current inclusive status of the contractor evaluations for this contractor on this contract.

Where Used: Contractor,

Overall Federal Funding Percent

The percent of federal funding averaged over the entire contract. This value is recalculated automatically by the system whenever changes are made to federal funding assignments.

Where Used: Contract,

Overall Goal

The overall target percent the agency wants to achieve in DBE participation in all contracts.

Where Used: Percent Goal,

Overall Rating

The weighted inclusive rating for the contractor evaluation that is calculated from the individual criteria ratings.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation,

Overhead Percentage

Percent of adjustment to be added to all recorded work on this force account (labor, equipment, and material) for overhead.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor,

Override Action

Override action taken by the user (added or removed).

Where Used: Change Order Approval Group,

Override Action Date

The date action was taken.

Where Used: Change Order Approval Group,

Override Approval Rules

Indicates whether standard approval rules are superceded for this change order.

Where Used: Change Order,

Override Comments

Addition information regarding the action taken.

Where Used: Change Order Approval Group,

Override Global Contract Estimate Exceptions

Indicates whether the contract includes overrides to the agency-wide default settings for contractor payment estimate exceptions.

Where Used: Contract, Contract,

Override Global Contract Payment Approval Levels

Indicates whether the contract includes overrides to the agency-wide default settings for contractor payment approval levels.

Where Used: Contract,

Overriding Person Name

The name of the user that took the action.

Where Used: Change Order Approval Group, Change Order Approval Group,

Overriding Person Title

The title of the user that took action.

Where Used: Change Order Approval Group,


The total of overrun adjustment amounts summed for the current estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,


The total of overrun adjustment amounts summed for all previous estimates.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,


The total of overrun adjustment amounts summed for all estimates (previous and current).

Where Used: Payment Estimate,


The total of overrun adjustment amounts summed for this project on the current estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,


The total of overrun adjustment amounts summed for this project on all previous estimates.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,


The total of overrun adjustment amounts summed for this project on all estimates (previous and current).

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,


The total of overrun adjustment amounts summed for the contract on the current estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,


The total of overrun adjustment amounts summed for the contract on all previous estimates.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,


The total of overrun adjustment amounts for the contract on all estimates (previous and current).

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Overrun Balance

Total overrun balance amount for the contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Overrun Quantity

The quantity that exceeds the maximum overrun quantity for the item on the current payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Overtime Hourly Rate

The amount the employee is paid for working an hour of overtime.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Overtime Hourly Rate

The hourly payment rate when working during overtime working hours.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Labor,

Overtime Hours

Those hours worked by an individual that require the application of an additional hourly pay rate. This includes hours worked beyond the normal work hours in a given day, hours worked beyond the normal work hours in a week, hours worked on a holiday, or hours worked on agency defined special days. On Payroll Employee pages, this field represents the total number of overtime hours (including those on other contracts, state and non-state) the employee worked during this payroll period. On Payroll Employee Labor Hour pages, this field represents the number of overtime hours the employee worked in the selected labor craft and classification on a given day.

Where Used: DWRStaff, DWRStaff Record, Dwr Force Account Contractor Labor, Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee Labor Hour,

Overtime Hours

The number of overtime hours per day that the laborer is expected to work.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Laborer, Ref Cost Sheet Laborer,

Overtime Rate

The overtime hourly rate of pay for a reference laborer.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Laborer, Cost Sheet Ref Labor Rate,


Indicates whether the value in the Installed Quantity field on this item posting was modified from the original value calculated by the system.

Where Used: Dwr Item Posting Quantity,

Owner is Blank

Filters the list to show only tracked issues that do not have an owner specified.

Where Used: Issue Owners Is Blank,

Ownership Documents Verified

Indicates whether the compliance analyst verified ownership documents if a DBE does not own all equipment used in the performance of their subcontract.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Ownership Type

Specifies whether the equipment is owned or rented.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Vendor Equipment,

Owns And Or Leases Equipment?

Does the dealer both own and lease the material or equipment being supplied?

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Supplier, Contract Curr Dbe Supplier, Dbe Supplier,

Owns Distribution Equip

Indication that the DBE supplier of bulk items owns distribution equipment with operator.

Where Used: Cuf Review,



Page Title

A distinguishing name or heading for the webpage, displayed just below the Menu Bar.

Where Used: My Page, Recent Activity,


Indicates whether the DWR is included in an estimate that has been approved by all required approval levels.

Where Used: Daily Work Report,

Paid Amount

The amount being paid in this contract or subcontractor payment.

Where Used: Contract Payment, Subcontractor Payment,

Paid By

Identifies how often the field interview employee is paid (Code Table: PAID).

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,

Paid Overtime

Indicates that the field interview employee has been paid overtime.

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,

Paid Weekly

Indicates that the field interview employee is paid weekly.

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,

Paper Copy Location

The location where the paper copy is stored or available.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,

Paper Copy On File

A system field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,

Paper Copy Recieved Date

The date the paper copy was received by the agency.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,


Runtime parameters for the custom process entered in XML format.

Where Used: Custom Process,


Indicates whether this reference item is a parametric item used for long-range parametric estimation. Parametric items represent a group of similar detail items that are generally used for a certain type of work.

Where Used: Ref Item,

Parametric Item

The unique identifier of the parametric item that is being transitioned to a detail item. In some locations in the system, this field also includes the item description.

Where Used: Transition Profile, Transition Profile Item,

Parametric Methodologies

Method of calculating the unit price for an item based on probability and the parameters of distribution.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,

Parent Agency Entity

Indicates the parent entity for the agency entity if the parent is also an agency entity. Values: other agency entities.

Where Used: Agency Entity,

Parent Cost Estimate

The cost estimate associated with a snapshot.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Snapshot,

Parent Cost Estimate Typical Section

The identifier for the cost estimate typical section from which the cost estimate detail item was transitioned.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,

Parent Entity

Indicates the parent entity for the agency entity if the parent is a system entity. Values: Contract, DSR Material SMFMI, DWR Acceptance Record, DWR Item Posting, Mix Design, Mix Design Component, Sample Record Test.

Where Used: Agency Entity,

Parent Entity ID

A system-generated identifier for the parent entity of this row.

Where Used: Action Relationship, Attachment, Attachment, Url Attachment, Url Attachment,

Parent Entity ID

A unique identifier for each business entity in the database (for example project, proposal, or bid letting).

Where Used: Acceptance Action,

Parent Office

The office ranked one level up in the agency hierarchy from this office.

Where Used: Ref Administrative Office,

Parent Parametric Item

The cost estimate item ID for the parametric item from which the transition to detail items occurred.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,

Parent RefVendor ID

Where Used:

Parent Role

A system-generated identifier for the parent entity of this role.

Where Used: Contract Authority Assignable Role, Source Authority Assignable Role,

Parent Source Management Level

The source management level ranked one level up in the hierarchy from the current source management level.

Where Used: Source Management Level, Source Management Level,

Parent Subcontract ID

A system-generated identifier for the parent entity of this row.

Where Used: Subcontract,

Parent Subcontract Item ID

A system-generated identifier for the parent entity of this row.

Where Used: Subcontract Item,

Parent Subcontract Number

An alphanumeric value assigned to a subcontract to associate it with a parent subcontract number.

Where Used: Subcontract.Parent Subcontract,

Parent Subcontract Project Item ID

A unique identifier assigned to each item in the Project Item List. The system automatically increments this number by 1 for each item added to the project. This provides a unique and permanent identifier for the item throughout its life cycle from preconstruction to construction.

Where Used: Subcontract Project Item,

Parent Subcontractor Payment ID

The Subcontractor Payment ID of the parent vendor payment. The system populates this field automatically at the time the vendor payment record is added to the system.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Parent Typical Section

Unique identifier for the cost estimate typical section from which the detail cost estimate item was transitioned.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,

Partial County

Indicates that this wage zone covers only part of the county. If this is checked, you must also enter a description in the Partial County Description field. To enter a Partial County Description, go to the Wage Zone Area County details page by clicking on the appropriate County ID on the Wage Zone Area County List page.

Where Used: Ref Wage Zone Area County,

Partial County Description

Brief text describing which part of the county is associated with this wage zone. You can only enter information in this field if the Partial County check box is selected.

Where Used: Ref Wage Zone Area County,

Partial Payment Comments

Information explaining why a portion of the amount due for this subcontract payment is being withheld.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment, Subcontractor Payment Item, Subcontractor Payment Wk Type,

Partial Social Security Number

The last four digits of an employee's nine-digit social security number.

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Ref Employee,


The participants of a phone call recorded in the communication log for a tracked issue.

Where Used: Issue Phone,

Participating Item Pay

Total participating item amount paid on the payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project,

Participating Item Pay

The total participating item amount paid on the payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,

Pass to CAS and BAMS/DSS Flag

Indicates whether information for this proposal has been exported or copied to an outside software application. The system automatically displays one of these values in the field: C - data was passed to Construction, D - data was copied to BAMS/DSS, B - data was both passed to Construction and copied to BAMS/DSS. No value (the default) indicates that no data has been exported to CAS or copied to BAMS/DSS.

Where Used: Proposal,

Passed To BAMS/DSS Date

The date the proposal was copied to BAMS/DSS.

Where Used: Proposal,

Passed To Construction Date

The date the proposal was exported to SiteManager as a contract ready for construction management.

Where Used: Proposal,


Indicates whether the item recovery for the stockpile is paused. The default value is No. To pause item recovery for the stockpile, click to select the checkbox. To resume item recovery, deselect the checkbox.

Where Used: Stockpile,

Pay Amount All Payment Estimates

Total amount paid for all estimates; previous and current. (This includes the item level adjustments.)

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Pay Amount Previous Payment Estimates

Total amount paid for this item on all previous estimates. (This includes the item level adjustments.)

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Pay Minus Adj Amount this Payment Estimate

A calculation of the Current Paid Amount minus the Current Total Adjustment Amount for this payment estimate item.

Where Used: System,

Pay Percent

The percentage to pay for a percentage of a schedule item when a corresponding percentage of the contract schedule is complete.

Where Used: Ref Payment Schedule Point, Ref Payment Schedule Point, Ref Payment Schedule Point,

Pay Plan Quantity

Indicates that this item is paid according to plan quantity.

Where Used: Contract Item, Ref Item,

Pay Quantity All Payment Estimates

The total quantity of the item paid on all estimates; previous and current. This includes item level adjustments.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Pay Quantity This Estimate

The quantity of the item to be paid in this payment estimate, including item level adjustments.

Where Used: Pay Estimate Item Adjustment,


Name of the entity the prime contractor paid.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Miscellaneous Invoice,

Payee Comments

Information about the payment added by the vendor being paid.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Payee Payment Number

A unique identifier for the payment made to a subcontractor by the prime contractor on a contract.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Payee Reviewed Date

A system-generated field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Payee Reviewer ID

A system-generated identifier usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Payee Short Name

The name of the vendor receiving a payment from another vendor on this subcontract payment.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Payee Vendor ID

The Reference Vendor ID for the vendor receiving a payment from another vendor on this subcontract payment.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Payee Work Complete Indicator

Indicates that the work associated with this subcontract payment has been completed.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment, Subcontractor Payment Item, Subcontractor Payment Wk Type,

Payee's Work on Contract Complete

Indicates that the payee's work on this contract has been completed.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,


The reference vendor ID and name for the vendor that made a payment to another vendor in this subcontract payment.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Payer Comments

Information about the payment added by the paying vendor.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Payer Short Name

The name of the vendor that made a payment to another vendor in this subcontract payment.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Paying Vendor ID

The Reference Vendor ID of the vendor responsible for paying another vendor or trucking firm.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment, Trucking,

Payment Amount

The amount paid to settle the claim.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Payment Data Awaiting Review

Indicates that new subcontractor payment information has been added to the system for this contract and needs to be reviewed by the compliance officer. This check box is automatically set by the system when subcontractor payment information is received and automatically cleared when the compliance officer saves review comments on the Subcontractor Payment details page.

Where Used: Contract Payment, Subcontractor Payment,

Payment Date

The date on which the claim settlement payment amount was paid.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Payment Estimate

A sequential number generated by the system and assigned to the contract payment estimate when it is created.

Where Used: Contract Adjustment, Contract Payment Estimate Exception, Diary Contract Time Adjustment, Pay Estimate Item Adjustment, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Approval, Payment Estimate Contract Other Adjustment Type, Payment Estimate Contract Time Charge, Payment Estimate Item, Payment Estimate Item Fund, Payment Estimate Note, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Voucher, Security Encumbrance, Stockpile Transaction Project Item,

Payment Estimate Exception

Identifies the type of payment estimate exception that will be generated for the specified condition when a payment estimate is generated.

Where Used: Cont Paymt Est Except Override, Contract Payment Estimate Exception, Ref Payment Estimate Exception,

Payment Estimate Item

Identifier for the payment estimate item being adjusted.

Where Used: Pay Estimate Item Adjustment,

Payment Estimate Note

Comments related to an estimated payment made to the contractor for work performed on the contract. A note can be modified or deleted only by the user who created it.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Note,

Payment Estimate Total Pay Amount

A calculation of the sum of the Current Paid Amount for all Payment Estimate Item records in this item paybook.

Where Used: Contract Project Item,

Payment Estimate Type

A standard set of values representing stages in the development of a payment estimate: Progress, Semi-Final, Final, Supplemental.

Where Used: Contract Payment Approval Level, Contract Payment Estimate Type, Ref Payment Approval Level, Ref Payment Estimate Type,

Payment Received

Whether the payment has been received, and if so, whether it was as expected or not (for example, the amount or date differed from what was expected). If you select Yes, Not as Expected, then you must also enter a value in the Payee Comment field.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Payment Schedule Points Count

A current count of the payment schedule points recorded in this reference percentage schedule item row.

Where Used: Ref Pct Schedule Item,

Payment Type

The kind of payment required for this truck type, that is, whether payment due is calculated using monthly hours operated, units of supplies hauled, or a flat rate.

Where Used: EOMTruck Type,

Payment Type

The kind of payment being made to this subcontractor.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Payment Type

Indicator of how the employee is paid. This field is set to Hourly if the employee is paid by the hour. It is set to Salaried if the employee is a salaried employee.

Where Used: Payroll Employee,

Payment or Partial Amount Withheld Indicator

Indicates that a portion of the amount due for this subcontract payment is being withheld. If this check box is selected, you must also enter an explanation in the Comments field.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment, Subcontractor Payment Item, Subcontractor Payment Wk Type,

Payroll Employee ID

A unique identifier assigned automatically to each employee included in the payroll.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Payroll Employee Labor ID

A unique identifier assigned automatically to each labor record in the Payroll Employee Labor List.

Where Used: Payroll Emp Fringe Benef Except, Payroll Employee Labor Hour, Payroll Employee Other Deductions,

Payroll Exception Description

Brief text describing the payroll exception.

Where Used: Certified Payroll Exception,

Payroll Exception Type

The section of payroll data to which the exception is associated, such as Payroll Header, Employee, Classification, Fringe Benefits, Daily Hour, Apprentice, and OJT Trainee.

Where Used: Certified Payroll Exception,

Payroll Number

A unique identifier assigned to the payroll by the vendor.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,

Payroll Period

The range of dates included in the payroll period for this payroll record.

Where Used: System,

Payroll Period Start Day of the Week

The designated day of the week that marks the beginning of payroll periods.

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

Payroll Revised Indicator

Indicates that this employee is receiving back wages for an exception found on the original payroll and resolved as part of the current modified payroll.

Where Used: Payroll Employee,

Payroll Status

The status of the payroll (the workflow phase), for example, whether it is approved, pending, or under review by the agency or prime contractor. The system populates this field automatically.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,

Pct Complete

Percentage complete in terms of dollars paid. Calculated as the total project amount paid for all previous and current estimates divided by the current contract dollar amount.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,

Pending Change Completion

The date on which the contract time is scheduled to be complete, pending approval of associated change orders.

Where Used: Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion,

Pending Change Order Amount

The change order amount for the contract project item awaiting approval.

Where Used: Contract Item, Contract Project Item,

Pending Change Order Number of Time Units

The number of time units (days or hours) specified for completion of a contract time, pending approval of associated change orders.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring,

Pending Change Order Quantity

The change order quantity for the contract project item awaiting approval.

Where Used: Contract Item, Contract Project Item,

Pending Net Inventory Quantity

The sum of the material quantities included in sample records that do not have a complete status, with matching criteria that indicates approval or consumption of the material by a contract or other means.

Where Used: Source Material Facility Material Identification,

Pending Recovery Amount

The pending dollar stockpile recovery adjustment dollar amount for this item and construction stockpile on the current payment estimate.

Where Used: Stockpile,

Per Plan Sheet Cost

The amount that the system will bill vendors who purchase one plan sheet for this proposal.

Where Used: Proposal,

Per Unit Rate

The amount charged for each unit of supplies hauled by this truck type.

Where Used: EOMTruck Type,


The percent of adjustment or markup.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Percentage, Ref Force Account Percentage,

Percent Changed

The calculated percentage change in the cost estimate total compared to the previous snapshot total. Calculated as the absolute value of ((cost estimate total - previous snapshot total) * 100)/previous snapshot total.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Percent Complete

The percentage of the item that has been completed (that is, billed) for the project.

Where Used: System,

Percent Complete

The percentage of the contract time that has been completed, based on its current time scheduled and the charges processed for the contract time, or the time that has passed since the start of the contract time. The calculation to determine this percentage depends on the time type.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring, Payment Estimate,

Percent Complete Current

The amount paid to date divided by the current contract amount.

Where Used: Contract,

Percent Funding Allocated

The percentage of the total funding that will be expended on the proposal during the fiscal year.

Where Used: Fiscal Year,

Percent Ownership

For vendor affiliates, this value represents the percentage of ownership the vendor has in the affiliate company. For vendor officers, this value is the officer's percentage of ownership in the company.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Affiliat, Ref Vendor Officer,

Percent Time Elapsed

The percentage of time in the fiscal year during which work on the proposal will be performed. For example, if work is scheduled to begin during the seventh month of the fiscal year and to continue through the end of the fiscal year, the Percent Time Elapsed is 50.

Where Used: Fiscal Year,

Percent of

The percentage of the reference price that will be used for the predefined formula "percent of the estimate".

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Price Task, Ref Item Price Task, Ref Item Ref Price,

Percent of Date Range to select

An advanced parameter to indicate what percentage of the total selected date range will be used in calculation of average bid prices. This allows the date range for averages to be shorter than the date range for regressions.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Percent of Date Range to select

The percentage of the total selected date range to use in calculating an average price.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Percent of Item Complete

The percentage of the item that has been completed (that is, billed) for the project.

Where Used: Contract Project Item,

Percent of Price Outliers to exclude

An advanced parameter to indicate the percentage of price outliers to exclude when generating average bid prices.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Percent of Price Outliers to exclude

The percentage of price outliers to exclude when calculating an average price.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Percent of Quantity Outliers to exclude

An advanced parameter to indicate the percentage of quantity outliers to exclude when generating average bid prices.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Percent of Quantity Outliers to exclude

The percentage of quantity outliers to exclude when calculating an average price.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Percent of Regression Model Outliers to exclude

An advanced parameter to indicate the percentage of model outliers to exclude when generating regression bid prices.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Percent of Regression Model Outliers to exclude

The percentage of regression model outliers to exclude when calculating a regression price.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Percent of Total Estimate

The percentage value of the total estimate to be associated with the non-construction cost.

Where Used: Non Construction Cost,

Percent on top

The percentage of the reference price that will be used for the predefined formula "percent of the non-percentage items estimate, plus active typical sections".

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Price Task, Ref Item Price Task, Ref Item Ref Price,


The percentage of work a particular fund will pay.

Where Used: Contract Fund, Cost Estimate Fund, Fund, Ref Fund, Ref Fund Package Fund,


Percentage of the component material in relation to the whole within a source material facility material relationship.

Where Used: SMFMIComponent Material,


An approximate percentage of the length of the project that lies within this county.

Where Used: Contract Project County, County,

Percentage Complete Award

Percentage complete based on awarded amount for the contract. Calculated as the amount paid to date divided by the awarded amount.

Where Used: Contract,

Percentage of Mix Design

Percentage of the total mix design that is composed of the component material.

Where Used: Mix Design Component Material,

Percentage of Schedule Item

Indicates that, once included in a contract, this item must be paid in an amount corresponding to the percentage of the completed contract.

Where Used: Ref Item,

Performance Analysis Comments

Additional information regarding DBE’s Performance evaluation of the Commercially Useful Function Review. This should include details about any issues uncovered during the review.

Where Used: Cuf Review,


The beginning and ending dates of the payroll period for this payroll record.

Where Used: System,

Period Begin Date

The date that marks the first day of the payment estimate period.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,

Period End Date

The date that marks the last day of the payment estimate period.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,


Assigns access rights to the role for this restricted field.

Where Used: Restricted Field,

Permit ID

The identifier assigned to the permit by the issuing authority.

Where Used: Contract Permit,

Permit Type

The type of permit (Code Table: PERMITTYPE).

Where Used: Contract Permit,

Person Field

The person ID field that will be used to identify the recipient of a notification.

Where Used: Notify Person Event Action, Ref Notify Person Event Action,

Person ID

The first and last name of the agency staff member.

Where Used: DWRStaff,

Person ID

A unique identifier assigned to each person in the system. For system users, logon will be managed by Active Directory.

Where Used: Address, Administrative Office, Calibrating Qualification, Contract Claim Recipient, Lab Calibrator, Lab Sampler, Lab Tester, Lead Engineer, Person Info, Product Group Sample Reviewer, Sample Record Association, Sampling Qualification, Source Management Level Assignment, Stormwater Inspector Qualification, Testing Qualification, User Info, Welder Qualification,

Person ID

The Person ID for the person who made the sample status change.

Where Used: Sample Log,

Person ID

Unique identification of the person who made the change to the sample record test status.

Where Used: Sample Test Log,

Person Name

The first and last name for the person. In some locations, this field includes the person's middle initial.

Where Used: System,

Person Name

The first and last name for the sampler.

Where Used: System,

Personal Net Worth

A dollar amount calculated by subtracting the vendor officer's total personal liabilities from personal assets.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Officer PNW,


Indicates whether this contractor has personnel being reported on this DWR.

Where Used: DWRContractor,

Personnel Action

Indicates that the Personnel Action policy has been reviewed.

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,

Personnel Action Policy Date Reviewed

The date the Personnel Action policy was reviewed.

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,

Personnel Action Policy Reviewed By

The person who performed the Personnel Action policy review (Code Table: STAFF).

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,

Personnel Actions

Indicates whether the Personnel Action review has been performed.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Personnel Actions Comments

Additional information about the associated record. This field is required when the check box associated with these comments is not checked.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Personnel Class

Class identifier to aid searching for the generic personnel.

Where Used: Reference Personnel,


A logical part of a workflow, such as a step or milestone, that occupies a relative position in the workflow's sequence of activities.

Where Used: System,

Phase Name

The logical parts into which different activities, steps and milestones involved in a workflow are separated. Each phase in a workflow occupies a relative position in the workflow's sequence of activities.

Where Used: Workflow Phase,

Phase Order

A numerical value representing the relative position this phase holds in the workflow's sequence of phases.

Where Used: Workflow Phase,

Phone Number

The telephone number associated with the address record or phone type.

Where Used: Phone, Ref Employee, Ref Vendor Insurance, Ref Vendor Officer, Ref Vendor Phone,

Phone Number

The phone number for the field interview employee.

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,

Phone Number

Phone number used to contact the attendee.

Where Used: Attendee,

Plan Discrepancy

An inconsistency between the construction performed on a project and the intent of the contract plans and specifications. Information is recorded to aid the agency in assessing the impact on construction and addressing the discrepancy contractually.

Where Used: Change Order, Contract Design Evaluation, Contract Project Item, Plan Discrepancy Change Order, Plan Discrepancy Contract Project Item,

Plan Sheet Page Number

The number of the Plan Sheet page on which this work item is found.

Where Used: Dwr Item Posting,

Plan Without Cross Section Cost

The amount that the system will bill vendors who purchase complete plans without cross-references for this proposal.

Where Used: Proposal,

Planned Occurrence

The date and time at which a contract time is expected to occur based on the schedule information specified in the contract time record.

Where Used: Contract Time Recurr Event,

Planned Occurrence Day of Week

The day of the month when the contract time should occur for a recurring contract time with a frequency of "Monthly" and the "Use Relative Date" check box selected.

Where Used: Contract Time Recurring,

Planned Occurrence Every 'x' Units

For recurring contract times with a frequency of "Weekly," this field determines the frequency of days on which the contract time should occur (for example, if the contract time should occur every two weeks, the correct value for this field would be "2"). For recurring contract times with a frequency of "Daily," this field determines the frequency of days on which the contract time should occur (for example, if the contract time should occur every third day, the correct value for this field would be "3").

Where Used: Contract Time Recurring,

Planned Occurrence Every 'x' Week

Identifies whether a recurring contract time with a frequency of "Monthly" using a relative day of the week should occur in the first, second, third, fourth or last week of the month. For example, if the contract time should occur on the first Friday of the month, the correct value for this field would be "First."

Where Used: Contract Time Recurring,

Planned Test Start Date

The date the sample test is planned to begin.

Where Used: Sample Record Test,

Planning Group

Unique identifier for a planning group. A planning group is a group of cost estimate information that can include existing cost estimates, cost estimate categories, and cost estimate items. A planning group can be used as a basis for creating new conceptual cost estimates.

Where Used: Planning Group Cost Estimate, Planning Group Cost Estimate Category, Planning Group Cost Estimate Item,

Planning Group Cost Estimate Total

Total amount for all items and categories in the planning group.

Where Used: Planning Group,

Planning Group Name

Unique identifier for a planning group. A planning group is a group of cost estimate information that can include categories and items from existing cost estimates. A planning group can be used as a basis for creating new conceptual cost estimates.

Where Used: Planning Group,

Plate Number

The license plate number on the truck recorded in this field interview.

Where Used: Field Interview Trucking,

Policy Number

The vendor's insurance policy number.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Insurance,

Portable Plant

Indication that the plant is portable.

Where Used: Facility,

Post Date

A system-generated date/time stamp when the transaction was entered into the system.

Where Used: System,

Posted Amount All Payment Estimates

The total installed quantity times this item's unit price.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Posted Amount Previous Payment Estimates

Total installed quantity from all previous estimates times this item's unit price.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Posted Item Pay

Posted amount paid for the estimate, not including any item-level adjustments.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Project,

Posted Item Pay

The posted amount paid for the estimate, not including any item-level adjustments.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project,

Posted Quantity All Payment Estimates

Installed (posted) quantity for the all estimates; previous and current.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Pre-construction Conference Date

The date the contractor meets with the agency prior to work beginning on the contract.

Where Used: Contract,

PreConstruction Indicator

Indicates this code table is associated with the PreConstruction business area.

Where Used: Ref Code Table,

Preliminary Engineering

Indicates whether the cost estimate item is related to preliminary engineering efforts.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item, Ref Item,

Prequalification Certification Date

The date the vendor became qualified to perform the type of work certified for the state.

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

Prequalification Expiration Date

The date the vendor's certified qualification for work expires.

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

Prequalification Work Type

A value designating the type of work for the item for calculating prequalification requirements (Code Table: PREQUAL).

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item, Ref Item,

Previous Amount Used

The amount from the fund that was already used at the time of the last approved estimate.

Where Used: Contract Fund,

Previous Gross Contract Adjustments Distribution

The total gross contract adjustments of all types on the previous estimates, including disincentive, incentive, liquidated damage, and other adjustment amounts.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,

Previous ID

The previous ID for a proposal that is assigned a new ID in order to be let a second time.

Where Used: Proposal,

Previous Item Adjustment Amount

Where Used:

Previous Last Name

The person's previous last name in the case of a name change.

Where Used: Person Info, Ref Employee,

Previous Pay Amount

The amount paid on the previous payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,

Previous Pay Est

The unique identifier assigned to the most recent payment estimate for a contract.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,

Previous Pay Est

Total item adjustments of this type for this project on all previous payment estimates.

Where Used: Pay Estimate Item Adjustment Summary,

Previous Pay Est

Total contract adjustments of this user-defined type for all previous estimates.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Contract Other Adjustment Type,

Previous Period End Date

The last day of the previous payment estimate period.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,

Previous Securities Retainage Amount

Total retainage amount encumbered in securities on the previous payment estimates.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Project,

Previous Snapshot Total

The cost estimate total at the time the most recent snapshot was created.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Previous Status

The previous status of the stockpile, either Open, Active, or Closed.

Where Used: Stockpile,

Previous Time Charge

The charge value for a contract time that was included on a diary and processed on a previous estimate.

Where Used: Diary Contract Time Adjustment,

Previous Total Installed Quantity

Total installed quantity for all previous payment estimates for this contract item.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Previous Total Paid Amount

The total amount that has been paid on this contract before this contractor payment.

Where Used: Contract Payment,

Previous Total Paid Quantity

Total paid quantity for all previous payment estimates for this contract item.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Previous Total Subcontract Amount

Total subcontractor earnings for this project and estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Project,


The baseline price for an item; this value can be used as the default price for an item estimate.

Where Used: Ref Item,


The unit price estimate for the cost estimate item. The value can be entered directly or calculated from underlying price sources.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,


The dollar value of any active underlying reference prices for the cost estimate item.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,


The value returned by an agency view for usage as all or part of a cost estimate item's unit price.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,


The dollar value of an underlying bid-based model calculation.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,


The dollar amount of any underlying active cost-based tasks.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,


The dollar value of an underlying formula.

Where Used: System,


The price of the item in the historical bid.

Where Used: Bid History Item,


The estimated unit price (present-day dollars) for a task item on a maintenance milestone.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Maintenance Milestone Item,


The total of price adjustment amounts summed for the contract on the current estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Item,


The total of price adjustment amounts summed for the contract on all previous estimates.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Item,


The total of price adjustment amounts for the contract on all estimates (previous and current).

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Item,


The total of price adjustment amounts summed for this project on the current estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,


The total of price adjustment amounts summed for this project on all previous estimates.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,


The total of price adjustment amounts summed for this project on all estimates (previous and current).

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,


The price calculated for the typical section item.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Item,


The price calculated as the sum of all active reference price tasks for the maintenance milestone item.

Where Used: Ce Milestone Item Ref Price,

Price Adjustment

Indicates that this item is associated with a price adjustment index (for example, Fuel).

Where Used: Contract Item, Ref Item,

Price Adjustment Index Type

A unique identifier for the price adjustment index associated with a work item.

Where Used: Ref Price Index,

Price Control

Indicates which cost estimate controls the propogation of prices to the associated project or proposal.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Price Lock Flag

Indicates whether the estimated price for the item can be changed (manually or updated automatically by the Generate Bid Based Prices process). Selecting the price lock indicator restricts modifications to (locks) the project item price. When the project item is rolled up to the proposal level, the price lock is applied to the proposal item price as well.

Where Used: Project Item,

Price Source

The source of the unit price (Ad Hoc, Average, Cost Based, Formula, Mixed, Regression, and Reference).

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,

Price Source

The source of the unit price (Ad Hoc, Average, Cost Based, Formula, Mixed, Regression, Reference, and Template).

Where Used: Cost Estimate Maintenance Milestone Item,

Price Task

A unique identifier for a price task associated with a cost estimate item. This ID includes a sequential number that is incremented automatically when a new price task is added to the task group.

Where Used: Ce Milestone Item Ref Price, Ce Milestone Item Ref Price, Cost Estimate Item Price Task, Cost Estimate Item Price Task, Ref Item Bid Based Task, Ref Item Bid Based Task, Ref Item Price Task,

Price Tasks

The number of price tasks within a task group.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Task Group,

Price as of this date

The price of the item as of the date stated. This value will be used based on the payment date and the value associated with the item at that time.

Where Used: Ref Price Index History,

Priced Alternate Item

An item upon which the bid based price for the cost estimate item can be calculated instead of the source item from which the action is launched.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task,

Priced Alternate Quantity

A quantity that is used to calculate the bid-based price for the cost estimate item instead of the quantity for the source item from which the action is launched.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task,

Priced Task Bid History Profile

The identifier for the item bid history profile associated with the task.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task,

Pricing Comments

Additional information related to how the estimate was produced.

Where Used: Project Item, Proposal Item,

Pricing Profile

The name of the pricing profile.

Where Used: Price History Profile, Pricing Profile,

Pricing Profile ID

The name of the pricing profile.

Where Used: Bid History, PPImprovement Type, PPSpec Book, PPWork Type,


Indicates which user is the primary owner of a reference issue. The primary owner is the user who is responsible for a tracked issue based on the reference issue.

Where Used: Issue Owner, Ref Issue Owner,

Primary Code Flag

Indicates that this record represents the vendor's primary NAICS Code.

Where Used: Ref Vendor NAICS, Subcontractor Payment Wk Type,

Primary County

The reference county ID of the primary county for the concept, project, proposal, cost estimate, or contract.

Where Used: Concept, Contract, Contract Project, Contract Project County, Cost Estimate Snapshot, Cost Estimate Snapshot, Proposal,

Primary County

Indicates that this county is the first or principal county in which work will be performed for this project or proposal.

Where Used: County,

Primary DBE WBE

The vendor's business enterprise certification type (for example, DBE, MBE, WBE). (Code table: DBETYPE)

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment, Ref Vendor,

Primary District

The reference district ID of the primary district for the concept, project, proposal, cost estimate, or contract.

Where Used: Concept, Contract, Contract Project, Contract Project District, Cost Estimate Snapshot, Cost Estimate Snapshot, Proposal,

Primary District

Indicates that this district is the first or principal district in which work will be performed for this project or proposal.

Where Used: District,

Primary Hauling

Indicates that the primary business function associated with this contract is the hauling of construction materials, that the firm owns at least one dump-type truck, employs one full-time operator, and is licensed and insured.

Where Used: Trucking,

Primary Lab

The primary lab to which to person reports.

Where Used: Person Info,

Primary Non Hauling

Indicates that the primary business function associated with this contract is not hauling; however, the firm owns at least one dump-type truck (or the firm has entered into a long-term lease agreement for a dump-type truck), employs one full-time operator, and is licensed and insured.

Where Used: Trucking,

Primary Project County ID

The reference county ID for the project's primary county.

Where Used: Project,

Primary Project District ID

The reference district ID of the project's primary district.

Where Used: Project,

Primary Source/Facility

The source facility selected as primary for the associated sample record.

Where Used: Dwr Acceptance Record Source Facility,

Primary Title

Indicates that this is the primary position the officer currently holds for the Ref Vendor.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Officer,

Prime Accepted Date

The date the payroll was accepted by the prime contractor. The system populates this field automatically.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,

Prime Contractor

The reference vendor who was awarded the proposal, or the principle contractor on the contract. This field displays the Reference Vendor ID or the Reference Vendor Name for the prime contractor.

Where Used: Contract, Payment Estimate,

Prime Contractor has submitted his and all subcontractors weekly payrolls

Indicates that the prime contractor has submitted all of their own payrolls, as well as all payrolls for their subcontractors.

Where Used: Payroll Management Compliance,

Prime Contractor has submitted his and all subcontractors weekly payrolls

Indicates that the prime contractor has submitted all of his subcontractors' weekly payrolls, as well as his own.

Where Used: Field Interview,

Prime Extended Amount

The total cost of the subcontract item used by the agency to determine the value of the subcontract item, calculated by the system as the product of the subcontract prime unit price multiplied by the item quantity.

Where Used: Subcontract Item, Subcontract Project Item,

Prime Made Good Faith Effort

Indicates whether the prime vendor made a good faith effort to replace the value of work disallowed during the Commercially Useful Function review.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Prime Original Not Accepted Date

The date the original payroll was not accepted by the prime contractor. The system populates this field automatically.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,

Prime Project ID

A unique identifier assigned to each prime project in the system.

Where Used: Prime Project, Project,

Prime Unit Price

The unit price the agency uses to determine the value of the subcontract item. This value defaults to the Subcontract Item Unit Price on the parent Subcontract, not the bid price. It is the price for the subcontracted work, not what the contractor bid.

Where Used: Subcontract Item, Subcontract Project Item,

Print Label Copies

The default number of labels that are printed for this sample record.

Where Used: Material,

Prior Balance

The net negative voucher balance from all previous estimates.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,

Prior Employer

Name of on-site DBE representative’s previous employer.

Where Used: Cuf Review,


A numeric value that determines the order in which funds in a fund package are used when some or all of the funds have limited participation.

Where Used: Contract Fund, Cost Estimate Fund, Fund, Ref Fund Package Fund,


Designated priority for performing a sample record test. Values: High, Medium, and Low.

Where Used: Sample Record Test,

Problems Found

The problem found during the review (Code Table: PROBLEMFOUND).

Where Used: Compliance Finding,


Name of the process to execute as part of this event.

Where Used: Execute Process Event Action, Ref Execute Process Event Action,

Process Description

Brief text describing the custom process.

Where Used: Custom Process,

Process ID

A unique identifier assigned to each process in the system.

Where Used: Execute Process Event Action, Ref Execute Process Event Action,

Process Name

The name of the process associated with this record.

Where Used: Process History, Scheduled Process,

Process Parameters XML

A system field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Scheduled Process,

Product Group Description

Text that describes a group of material products designated as a product group.

Where Used: Product Group,

Product Group Name

Unique identifier for a group of material products. In some places in the system, this field also includes the product group description.

Where Used: Product Group, Product Group Assignment, Product Group Sample Reviewer,

Production Rate

The daily rate of construction activity to be performed by the laborers and equipment included in the cost sheet.

Where Used: Cost Sheet,

Professional Services Comments

Additional information about the Professional Services review. This should include details about any issues uncovered during the review.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Professional Staff In State

The number of professional (salaried) staff members employed by the vendor who work in the agency's state.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Annual Data,

Professional Staff Out Of State

The number of professional (salaried) staff members employed by the vendor who work outside the agency's state.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Annual Data,


An indicator that a cost estimate is suitable for usage as a profile/template for creating a new cost estimate.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,


The name of the life cycle maintenance schedule profile associated with the cost estimate.

Where Used: Cost Estimate LCMaint Sched Profile,

Profile Description

Brief text that describes the profile.

Where Used: Contingency Assignment Profile, Cost Estimate Contingency Assignment Profile, Cost Estimate LCMaint Sched Profile,

Profile Name

Unique identifier for the profile.

Where Used: Contingency Assignment Profile, Cost Estimate Contingency Assignment Profile, LCMaint Sched Profile, Typical Section Profile,

Profit Percentage

Percent of adjustment to be added to all recorded work on this force account (labor, equipment, and material) for profit.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor,


A program that provides equal opportunity for the training and upgrading of women, minorities, and disadvantaged persons in the skilled or semi-skilled construction trade classifications, as required by federal regulations. Examples include Carpenter, Cement Mason, Equipment Operator, Iron Worker, Painter, and so on (Code Table: PROGRAM).

Where Used: Ojt Goal, Percent Goal,


The action required to resolve the payment estimate exception before a progress payment estimate can be approved. Valid values: May be left Unresolved, Must Acknowledge, Must Override, Must Resolve, and Not Calculated or Displayed.

Where Used: Cont Paymt Est Except Override, Ref Payment Estimate Exception,

Progress Schedule Type

The method used to track contract progress (Critical Path, Percent Complete for a Time Period, Percent of Critical Items Complete).

Where Used: Contract,


A unique identifier assigned to each project in the system. The Project ID is the primary means for tracking the project throughout its life cycle. In some locations, this field also includes the project description.

Where Used: Adjustment Project Distribution, Alternate Set, Bridge Segment, C, Category, Category Alternate Set, Change Order New Item, Contract Project, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Item, Contract Project Location Point, Contract Project Retainage, Contract Project Road Segment, Cost Estimate, County, District, Fund Package, Pay Estimate Item Adjustment Summary, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Voucher, Point, Project, Project Item, Project Wage Decision, Road Segment, System,

Project Classification Gross Pay

The amount earned by the payroll employee for the classification during the pay period on the project.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Project Engineer

Specifies which of the four Engineer name fields (Agency Delivery, Agency Project, Local Project, or Consultant Project) has been assigned to manage the daily work of the contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Project Fed Oversight Indicator

Indicates that federal authorities must receive and approve any change orders for this contract project.

Where Used: Contract Project,

Project Filter Clause

Filter clause to identify proposals whose projects match the selected criteria.

Where Used: Proposal Selection Set,

Project Funding Sources

The governmental agencies providing the funding for the contract project (for example, Federal, State, Local).

Where Used: Contract Project,

Project ID

The identifier for the project to which the concept transitioned from conceptual to programmed scope when the project was fully defined and programmed.

Where Used: Concept,

Project ID - Description

A unique identifier and brief text describing the project associated with the contract adjustment project distribution.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Contract Adjustment Project Category Distribution,

Project Item ID

A unique identifier assigned to each item in the Project Item List. The system automatically increments this number by 1 for each item added to the project. This provides a unique and permanent identifier for the item throughout its life cycle from preconstruction to construction.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,

Project Item Line Number

A unique sequential number that identifies a line item within a project. The system automatically enters a line number when it adds an item to the project, but you can change this number with certain Agency Option settings.

Where Used: Change Order New Item, Contract Project Item, Project Item,

Project Item Previous Price

The original estimate unit price of a project item. This is populated by the user and is not updated by the system when the estimate item price is modified.

Where Used: Project Item,

Project Item Splits

Indicates that this subcontract item has been divided across projects or by funding (at the project level).

Where Used: Subcontract Item,

Project Item Splits Reviewed

Indicates that the agency has reviewed and adjusted subcontract project item splits as necessary. If this check box is not selected, it is advised the splits should be reviewed as they have been automatically assigned by the system.

Where Used: Subcontract Item,

Project Item Supp Description

A further description of the project item that supplements the reference item description of the project item. This description includes information specific to the associated project.

Where Used: Project Item,

Project Item Total

The total estimated cost of all project items, calculated by the system as the sum of all low cost item extended amounts in the project.

Where Used: Project,

Project Item Unit Price

The estimated unit price for an item.

Where Used: Project Item,

Project Item Unit Price Comparison

The minimum or maximum bid amount allowed for this item, depending on the setting of the Bid Requirement Code. A value is required in this field when the Bid Requirement Code is set to "Minimum" or "Maximum."

Where Used: Project Item,

Project Item(s) Price Locked

Indicates that the Price Lock Flag is selected for at least one of the project items in the rolled up proposal item, therefore no modification can be made to the proposal item price.

Where Used: Proposal Item,

Project Level Funding Source

Indicates whether this fund package is the source to export as project-level funding.

Where Used: Fund Package, Ref Fund Package,

Project Location

The location where the project work is taking place.

Where Used: Contract Project, Prime Project,

Project Lump Sum Payment

The amount of optional lump sum fringe payments made to the payroll employee related to the current project labor row for the entire payroll period (for example, the USDOL "Daily" Fringe Benefit payments listed in the wage decisions required for the project work performed for a specified classification). It does not include payments for room and board, etc.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Project Manager

The name of the agency's project manager for this contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Project Spec Book

A unique identifier for a defined set of reference items associated with a given specification book.

Where Used: Contract Project,

Project State Oversight Indicator

Indicates that local authorities must be copied on and approve any change orders for this contract project.

Where Used: Contract Project,

Project Status

Where the project stands in terms of its life cycle, for example, in design, advertised, or rejected. (Code table: PRJSTAT)

Where Used: Project,

Project Type

A coded value defined by the agency that indicates the type or kind of project (Code table: PROJTYP).

Where Used: Contract Project, Project,

Project Urban/Rural

Indicates the population density in the area where work is to be performed for this project (Code Table: URBRUR).

Where Used: Contract Project,

Project Work Type

The kind of work to be performed in this project (Code table: PWRKTYP).

Where Used: Contract Project, Project,

Projected Completion

The date on which the contract time is projected to be complete.

Where Used: Contract Time Informational,

Projected Pct Cmpl

The projected percent complete specified by the agency.

Where Used: Contract Progress Schedule,

Projected Start Date

The date and time the earth-moving event is expected to occur.

Where Used: Earth Moving Event,

Proof of Payment Obtained

) Indicates whether the compliance analyst obtained proof of payment for the materials and supplies used by the DBE vendor.

Where Used: Cuf Review,


A unique identifier assigned to each proposal in the system.

Where Used: Addendum, Bid History Item, Contract, Cost Estimate, Fiscal Year, Project, Proposal, Proposal Item, Proposal Section, Proposal Time, Proposal Vendor, Quoter Proposal, Quoter Proposal, Ref Vendor Insurance, Ref Vendor Insurance, Special Provision,


In the system, a proposal is one or more projects grouped together for bidding.

Where Used: System,

Proposal Cost

The amount that the system will bill vendors who purchase plans for this proposal.

Where Used: Proposal,

Proposal Filter Clause

A filter statement that narrows the historical bid data included in analysis for cost estimation. Each filter statement consists of a field, an operator, and a value. Multiple filter statements can be combined together by using an And/Or operator.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Proposal Filter Clause

A filter statement that narrows the historical bid data included in a pricing profile.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Proposal Filter Clause

Filter clause to identify proposals that match the selected criteria.

Where Used: Proposal Selection Set,

Proposal Funding Total

Numeric field for recording the funding allocation or limit for the proposal. This field is used when analyzing vendor bids for the proposal and selecting additive sections.

Where Used: Proposal,

Proposal Item Bid Total

The item bid total submitted by a bidder. This total does not include the time bid for a cost plus time proposal. You can use any numerical value.

Where Used: Proposal Vendor,

Proposal Item Filter Clause

Filter clause to identify proposals whose proposal items match the selected criteria.

Where Used: Proposal Selection Set,

Proposal Item ID

A unique identifier assigned to each item in the Reference Item List for each Spec Book in the system.

Where Used: Bid, Cost Estimate Item, Project Item, Quoter Proposal Item,

Proposal Item Line Number

A unique sequential number that identifies a line item within a proposal. The system automatically creates a proposal line number when an item is added to the project, and the proposal is in a workflow phase prior to the addenda rule.

Where Used: Bid, Contract Project Item, Project Item, Proposal Item,

Proposal Item Total

The total estimated cost of all proposal items, calculated by the system as the sum of all low cost item extended amounts in the proposal.

Where Used: Proposal,

Proposal Long Description

A detailed description of the proposal.

Where Used: Proposal,

Proposal Section

Brief text describing the section.

Where Used: Bid Section,

Proposal Section Total

The sum of the low cost items within the section.

Where Used: Proposal Section,

Proposal Selection Set

A unique identifier assigned to each proposal selection set.

Where Used: Proposal Selection Set,

Proposal Status

Where the proposal stands in terms of its life cycle, for example, awarded, scheduled, or postponed. (Code table: PRPSTAT)

Where Used: Proposal,

Proposal Type

The kind of proposal (Code table: PROPTYP).

Where Used: Contract, Proposal,

Proposal Vendor ID

A unique identifier assigned to each vendor in the system.

Where Used: Bid, Bid Class, Bid Section, Bid Time, Dbe Commitment Summary, Proposal Vendor Msg, Purchase,


The number of proposals assigned to the quoter.

Where Used: Quoter Proposal,

Proxy Submission Date

The date the user proxy submitted the payroll on behalf of the subcontractor.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,

Proxy Submitter

The user proxy submitting the payroll on behalf of the subcontractor.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,

Publication Date

The date the associated record (that is, Proposal Notice to Contractors, Wage Decision, etc.) is published or scheduled to be published.

Where Used: Proposal, Ref Wage Decision Modification,

Purchase Order Reviewed

Indication that the Supplier's Purchase Orders were reviewed.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Purchase Order Reviewed

Indicates if the DBE Manufacturer's Purchase Orders were reviewed.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Purchased From Manuf

Indication the Prime vendor purchased materials directly from DBE Manufacturer.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Purchased Materials from a Prime or Affiliate

Indicates whether the DBE purchased materials for this contract from a source other than the prime vendor or one of its affiliates.

Where Used: Cuf Review,



Qualification Amount

The total dollar value of contracts for which the vendor is qualified to work.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Work Class,

Qualification Authority

The governing body or other authority by which this qualification is judged (Code Table: QUALAUTHORITY).

Where Used: Qualification,

Qualification Category

The type of qualification in a broad sense (for example, Testing).

Where Used: Qualification,

Qualification ID

A unique identifier assigned to each qualification in the system.

Where Used: Calibrating Qualification, Lab Sampling Qualification, Lab Testing Qualification, Material Category Sampling Qualification, Material Sampling Qualification, Qualification, Qualification Test, Sampling Qualification, Testing Qualification,

Qualification Level

Level of skill or proficiency of the qualification for the qualification type (Code Table: QUALLEVEL).

Where Used: Qualification,

Qualification Method

The means or procedure by which this qualification is obtained (Code Table: QUALMETHOD).

Where Used: Qualification,

Qualification Position

The position the welder is qualified to perform on the given process. (Code Table: QUALPOSITION).

Where Used: Welder Qualification,

Qualification Process

The process the welder is qualified to perform. (Code Table: QUALPROCESS).

Where Used: Welder Qualification,

Qualification Type

The discrete type of the qualification within the qualification category (Code Table: QUALTYPE).

Where Used: Qualification,

Qualification Type

The type of qualification, as classified by the agency. (Code table: STORMQUALTYPE)

Where Used: Stormwater Inspector Qualification,


The number of units of the item that are required.

Where Used: Bid Based Worksheet, Change Order New Item, Project Item, Ref Price Index Adjustment, Subcontract Item, Subcontract Project Item,


For non-lump sum items, the sum of the project item quantities for all like items associated with the proposal. For lump sum items, the quantity is 1.0.

Where Used: Proposal Item,


The quantity for the cost estimate item.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,


The number of units of the item to be used to calculate a bid-based price.

Where Used: Item Bid History Profile,


The quantity of a material produced for the source material facility material identification on the DSR.

Where Used: Dsr Material Prod Facility, Dsr Material Prod Smfmi, Source Material Facility Material Identification,


The quantity of material received from the selected source.

Where Used: Dsr Material Prod Source,


The quantity of material produced that is designated for a contract on the DSR.

Where Used: Dsr Material Dest Contract,


The quantity of material produced that is designated for a source for the DSR.

Where Used: Dsr Material Dest Facility, Dsr Material Dest Source,


The number of units of the item associated with the historical bid price.

Where Used: Bid History Item,


The quantity received of a component material of the DSR material.

Where Used: Dsr Material Component,


The change to the approved quantity for the contract project item.

Where Used: Change Order Inc Dec Item,


The quantity for the task item.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Maintenance Milestone Item,


The quantity of the material invoiced.

Where Used: Dwr Force Account Contractor Material Invoice, Force Account Contractor Material Invoice,


The quantity of the reference laborer included in the crew.

Where Used: Crew Laborer,


The quantity of the reference equipment included in the crew.

Where Used: Crew Equipment,


The number of this type of laborer required to complete one unit of the cost sheet.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Laborer, Ref Cost Sheet Laborer,


The quantity of this type of equipment required to complete one unit of the cost sheet.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Equipment, Ref Cost Sheet Equipment,


The amount of the material required to complete one unit of the cost sheet.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Material, Ref Cost Sheet Material,


The quantity of the item to be priced.

Where Used: Price History Profile,

Quantity Calculation

The formula used to calculate the detail item quantities during a transition from parametric items.

Where Used: Transition Profile Item,

Quantity Paid

The quantity of the work item being paid in this contract payment.

Where Used: Contract Payment Item, Subcontractor Payment Item,

Quantity Paid To Date

The number of units of this work item for which payment has been made to the contractor to date.

Where Used: Contract Payment Item,

Quantity Paid to Date

The number of units of this work item for which payment has been made to the contractor to date.

Where Used: Contract Item,

Quantity Paid to Date

The total of all Quantity Posted entries for an item on one or more DWRs, regardless of whether the quantities are authorized and or included on a payment estimate.

Where Used: Contract Project Item,

Quantity Paid to Date Extended Amount

The total dollar amount that has been paid to the contractor to date for this work item, calculated as the product of the Quantity Paid to Date multiplied by the Contract Item Unit Price.

Where Used: Contract Item,

Quantity Per Item Unit

Quantity of the cost sheet per unit of the cost estimate item.

Where Used: Cost Sheet,

Quantity Posted

The sum of all quantities posted for this item on this DWR.

Where Used: Dwr Work Item,

Quantity Posted

The quantity of work done by this contractor at the location specified by this posting.

Where Used: Dwr Item Posting,

Quantity Posted To Date

The total of all Quantity Posted entries for an item on one or more DWRs, regardless of whether the quantities are authorized or included on a contract payment.

Where Used: Contract Item, Contract Project Item,

Quantity Posted to Date Approved DWRs

The total of all quantity posted entries for an item on one or more approved DWRs, regardless of whether they are included on an estimate.

Where Used: Contract Item, Contract Project Item,

Quantity of Complete Plans

The number of complete plans purchased by the vendor in this order.

Where Used: Purchase,

Quantity of Plan Sheets

The number of plan sheets purchased by the vendor in this order.

Where Used: Purchase,

Quantity of Plans Without Cross Sections

The number of plans without cross-sections purchased by the vendor in this order.

Where Used: Purchase,

Quantity of Proposals

The number of proposals for which plans were purchased in this order.

Where Used: Purchase,

Quantity per Unit

The quantity of the item that is required to fulfill one typical section unit.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Item,


The text of this criterion (usually a question) in this contractor evaluation structure.

Where Used: Ref Contractor Evaluation Criterion,


The text of the question.

Where Used: Design Evaluation Question,


Text describing the question on an evaluation from the reference data.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation Response,

Questions Answered

The number of questions that have been answered (that is, not indicated N/A) on the entire evaluation.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation,


The amount provided by the quoting vendor for the work to be performed for the proposal item.

Where Used: Quoter Proposal Item,

Quote Received

Indicates that a quote was received from the DBE vendor.

Where Used: Contract Appr Good Faith Effort, Contract Curr Good Faith Effort, Dbe Good Faith Effort,

Quote Used

Indicates that the bidder used the DBE vendor's quote in the bid.

Where Used: Contract Appr Good Faith Effort, Contract Curr Good Faith Effort, Dbe Good Faith Effort,

Quoter ID

The Vendor ID for the vendor submitting a quote (the quoter) for this bidder.

Where Used: Quoter, Quoter Proposal,

Quoter Proposal ID

A unique identifier assigned to each proposal in the system.

Where Used: Quoter Proposal Item,


The number of quoters recorded for the letting.

Where Used: System,



Race Conscious Amount

The dollar amount allocated to the DBE commitment that will count as race conscious.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment,

Race Conscious Goal

The target percent the agency wants to achieve in DBE participation through contracts where a specific goal is required for minority hiring.

Where Used: Percent Goal,

Race Neutral Amount

The dollar amount over and above the DBE commitment, or that is not related to a DBE commitment.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment,

Race Neutral Goal

The target percent the agency wants to achieve in DBE participation through contracts where minority hiring is voluntary.

Where Used: Percent Goal,

Rainfall Amount

The amount of rainfall recorded for the DWR date.

Where Used: Daily Work Report,

Range Annual Gross Receipt

A monetary range of annual gross receipts reported by the vendor for work performed (Code Table: ANNUALGROSSRECEIPT).

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

Range Annual Gross Receipt Received Date

The date the vendor reported his Annual Gross Receipts.

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

Range Fill Any Field

Indicates that users with this role are allowed to use the range fill feature on any field to which they have edit rights.

Where Used: Role,


The system-determined ranking of the bid associated with the historical bid price.

Where Used: Bid History Item,


The rate of incentive, disincentive, or liquidated damage for the specified contract time.

Where Used: Contract Adjustment,


The high production rate for the construction activity.

Where Used: Production Rate,

Rate Frequency

Specifies the acceptance action and the rate and frequency that the action will be performed.

Where Used: Dwr Acceptance Record,


A numerical score representing the evaluator's assessment of the contractor's performance with regard to an individual rating criterion (must be a whole number 1-10).

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation Rating,

Re-Enter Email Address

Enter the email address again to confirm that the entries are the same.

Where Used: Address,

Ready For Review Date

The date the subcontract is ready for review.

Where Used: Subcontract,


An explanation of why the entity is locked.

Where Used: Lock,


A value that indicates the general reason for the entire change order (Code Table: COREASON).

Where Used: Change Order,


Indicates the reason the item bid history was included or excluded when calculating the modeled price.

Where Used: Bid History Item,


Indicates the reason the item bid was excluded when calculating the modeled price.

Where Used: Bid History Item, Bid History Item,

Reason Code

The reason the DBE vendor's quote was not used in the bid (Code Table: REASONCODE).

Where Used: Contract Appr Good Faith Effort, Contract Curr Good Faith Effort, Dbe Good Faith Effort,

Reason for Non-Processing

An explanation of why this proposal was not processed in this bid letting (Code Table: CNAWDRS).

Where Used: Proposal,

Reason for Show Cause

The reason the show cause order was issued (Code Table: REASONSHOWCAUSE).

Where Used: Compliance Finding, EEOCompliance Review, Labor Compliance Review,

Receive at Destination Lab

Unique identification of the lab being designated as a destination lab. In some places in the system, this field includes the destination lab description.

Where Used: Sample Record Association,

Received Date

The date the original paper copy of the payroll was received by the transportation agency from the contractor.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,

Received Date

The date on which the agency received the claim.

Where Used: Contract Claim, Ref Associated Contract Claim,

Received at Destination Lab

The date and time the sample record was received at the destination lab.

Where Used: Sample Record Association, Sample Record Association,

Received at Lab Unit

The date and time the sample record is marked as received at the lab unit.

Where Used: Sample Record Test, Sample Record Test,


The recipient of a notification message sent as a result of an event in a reference issue or tracked issue.

Where Used: Ref Notify Email Address Event Action,


The recipient of a notification message sent as a result of a system event.

Where Used: Notify Email Address Event Action,


Members of the selected dynamic mailing group will receive a notification message as a result of the event in a reference issue or tracked issue.

Where Used: Ref Notify Mailing List Event Action,


The user name and email address of each message recipient.

Where Used: Outbox Message,


The recipient of the notification message sent as a result of an event.

Where Used: Issue Email,


The recipient of a notification message sent as a result of an event in a reference issue or tracked issue.

Where Used: Ref Issue Event Action,


The range of recommended minimum and maximum percentages that should be applied to the total cost estimate amount to account for the specific risk being identified and addressed in the contingency profile.

Where Used: System,


Indicates the reviewer's final suggestion as to the best course of action for the document (Code table: DOCREC).

Where Used: Document Submission Review,

Record ID

A unique identifier for the specific record (item code, item family code, material code or material category code) associated with the action relationship or acceptance action.

Where Used: Action Relationship,

Record ID

A unique identifier for the specific record (item, item family, material, or material category) associated with the action relationship or acceptance action.

Where Used: Acceptance Action,

Record Source

The original source of this record, that is, whether it was created in Preconstruction for a proposal and transitioned to a contract, created in Construction & Materials, or imported from another application. A blank value in Preconstruction indicates that the record was created in web-based AASHTOWare Project.

Where Used: Used in all data imported through interfaces or the DMU or transitioned from PreConstruction to Construction

Record Type

The kind of record (item, item family, material, or material category) associated with an action relationship or acceptance action.

Where Used: Action Relationship,


The number of item posting records that have been recorded for the item on the daily work report.

Where Used: Dwr Work Item,

Records and Reports

Indicates that the Records and Reports policy has been reviewed.

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,

Records and Reports

Indicates whether the Records and Reports have been reviewed.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Records and Reports Comments

Additional information about the associated record. This field is required when the check box associated with these comments is not checked.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Records and Reports Review Date

The date the Records and Reports policy was reviewed.

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,

Records and Reports Reviewed By

The person who performed the Records and Reports policy review (Code Table: STAFF).

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,

Recovery Date

The date that determines whether or not DWR stockpiled items are included in a construction stockpile line item adjustment.

Where Used: Stockpile,

Recruitment Policy

Indicates whether the Recruitment Policy has been reviewed.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Recruitment Policy Comments

Additional information about the associated record. This field is required when the check box associated with these comments is not checked.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Recurring Schedule Description

Brief text describing the schedule assigned by the system based on the user assigned frequency basis and related fields.

Where Used: Contract Time Recurring,


Indicates whether the material category can be recycled.

Where Used: Material, Material Category,

Ref ContractorEvaluationCriterion ID

A unique identifier assigned to each contractor evaluation criterion in the system.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation Rating,

Ref Criterion ID

An identifier not usually displayed in the application.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation Rating,

Ref Employee ID

The verified Reference Employee ID matching the SSN, First Name, Last Name, Gender, and Ethnic Group with the Payroll Employee record. This value is set by the system during the payroll exception process after the payroll is progressed to the phase "Under Agency Review" for the first time. It can also be set by the system when the user resolves a payroll exception with the Resolve by Update or Resolve by Create Resolution buttons.

Where Used: Person Info,

Ref Evaluation Group ID

A unique identifier assigned to each contractor evaluation group in the system.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation Group,

Ref Event Trigger ID

Text that describes or identifies an event in a reference issue or resulting tracked issue.

Where Used: Ref Add User To Issue Event Action, Ref Add User To Step Event Action, Ref Issue Event Action, Ref Notify Email Address Event Action, Ref Notify Mailing List Event Action, Ref Notify Owners Event Action, Ref Notify Person Event Action, Ref Notify Role Event Action, Ref Notify User Event Action, Ref Notify Vendor Event Action, Ref Open Issue Event Action, Ref Transition To Event Action, Ref Update Date Event Action, Ref Update Field Event Action,

Ref Issue ID

A unique identifier for each reference issue in the system.

Where Used: Issue, Ref Issue Field, Ref Issue Owner, Ref Issue Step,

Ref Issue Step ID

Identifier for a step in a reference issue or resulting tracked issue.

Where Used: Ref Issue Event Trigger,

Ref Issue Step ID

An identifier for a step in a reference issue or a resulting tracked issue.

Where Used: Issue Step,

Ref Item Classification ID

A unique identifier for each reference item classification in the system.

Where Used: Item Classification,

Ref Item ID

A unique identifier assigned to each item in the Reference Item List for each Spec Book in the system.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item, Ref Item Cost Sheet, Ref Item Price Task, Ref Item Ref Price, Ref Item Task Group,

Ref Item ID

The reference item with which a bid-based price task is associated.

Where Used: Ref Item Bid Based Task,

Ref OJT Program ID

A system-generated identifier usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Ojt Program Enrollment,

Ref Payment Estimate Type ID

A standard set of values representing stages in the development of a payment estimate: Progress, Semi-Final, Final, Supplemental.

Where Used: Ref Payment Estimate Type Contract Type,

Ref Region Name

The name of the region.

Where Used: Ref Region,

RefVendor ID

Where Used:


Location used to describe another location by giving the relative position; benchmark.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Reference Cost Sheet

Unique identifier for a reference cost sheet.

Where Used: Ref Cost Sheet Equipment, Ref Cost Sheet Laborer, Ref Cost Sheet Material, Ref Item Cost Sheet,

Reference Crew

Unique identifier for a reference crew used for cost-based estimation.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Reference Crew, Crew Equipment, Crew Laborer,

Reference Employee

The reference employee name and identifier for a person recorded as personnel or staff for this DWR contractor.

Where Used: DWRContractor Personnel, DWRContractor Staff,

Reference Employee

Indicates that this person is a reference employee.

Where Used: Person Info,

Reference Item

A unique identifier assigned to each item in the Reference Item List for each Spec Book in the system.

Where Used: Bid History, Ref Item Material Set, Ref Payment Schedule Point, Ref Pct Schedule Item, Ref Schedule Item Percentage, SMFMIItem,

Reference Percent of Schedule Item ID

An identifier not usually displayed in the application.

Where Used: Ref Payment Schedule Point,

Reference Price

A unique identifier for a reference price. In some places, this field also displays the reference price description.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Price Task, Ref Item Price Task, Ref Item Ref Price,

Reference Price

The dollar value of any active underlying reference prices for the cost estimate item.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Item, Cost Estimate Item Price Task,

Reference Price

A unique identifier and description that identifies a reference price task.

Where Used: Ce Milestone Item Ref Price, Ce Typical Section Item Ref Price Task,

Reference Specification

Name of the reference specification.

Where Used: Mix Design Ref Specification, Ref Specification Condition, Sample Test Ref Specification,

Reference Specification Condition

A system-generated identifier usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Ref Specification Condition Field,

Reference Vendor

A unique identifier assigned to each vendor in the system.

Where Used: Security Account, Vendor Equipment, Vendor Personnel, Vendor Staff,

Reference Wage Decision Modification ID

A unique identifier assigned to each modification in the Reference Wage Decision List.

Where Used: Ref Wage Decision Modification.Ref Wage Decision,

Region ID

A system-generated identifier usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Ref Region County,


Indicates whether a bid-based price was calculated as a regression rather than an average.

Where Used: Bid Based Worksheet, Ce Typical Section Item Bid Based Task, Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task, Item Bid History Result,


Indicates whether the modeled price is a regression.

Where Used: Bid History,


Indicates that the calculated price for the task is based on a regression rather than an average.

Where Used: Ce Milestone Item Bid Based Price,

Regression Count

The number of historical item bids included in the calculation of the modeled price.

Where Used: Bid History,

Regression High Quantity

The high value in the range for the calculated regression price.

Where Used: Bid History,

Regression Inclusion

Indicates whether this item is included in regression pricing.

Where Used: Ref Item,

Regression Low Quantity

The low value in the range for the calculated regression price.

Where Used: Bid History,

Regression Modeled Improvement Type

The improvement type used to calculate the regression price.

Where Used: Bid History,

Regression Modeled Market Area

The market area used to calculate the regression price.

Where Used: Bid History,

Regression Modeled Quantity

The item quantity used to calculate the regression price.

Where Used: Bid History,

Regression Modeled Season

The season used to calculate the regression price.

Where Used: Bid History,

Regression Modeled Urban Rural

The urban/rural value used to calculate the regression price.

Where Used: Bid History,

Regression Modeled Worktype

The work type used to calculate the regression price.

Where Used: Bid History,

Regression Price

The regression price calculated by the model using the setting changes that have been repriced.

Where Used: Bid History,

Regression Value

The value of the unit price when calculated as a regression rather than an average.

Where Used: Item Bid History Result,

Regular Dealer

A DBE supplier who is a franchised seller of the material or equipment being supplied. If Yes is selected, 60 percent of the cost of materials supplied for the project are counted toward the DBE goal if the DBE delivered the materials or supplies using equipment they own or lease on a long term basis.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Supplier, Contract Curr Dbe Supplier,

Regular Hourly Rate

The regular rate of pay that an employee is paid by an employer on non-prevailing wage work.

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee Labor,

Regular Hourly Rate

The hourly payment rate when working during regular working hours.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Labor,

Regular Hours

Regular hours worked.

Where Used: DWRStaff, DWRStaff Record, Dwr Force Account Contractor Labor,

Regular Hours

The number of regular hours per day that the laborer is expected to work.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Laborer, Ref Cost Sheet Laborer,

Regular Rate

The regular rate of pay for a reference laborer.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Ref Labor Rate,

Regular Rate

The regular hourly rate of pay for a reference laborer.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Laborer,

Reject Decision

Indicates whether this change order approval group can apply the rejected change order decision.

Where Used: Ref Change Order Approval Group, Ref Change Order Approval Rule,


Indicates that the proposal has been rejected and may not be awarded in this bid letting. You cannot reject a proposal if one of the proposal vendors has been awarded the contract (that is, their Awarded check box is selected).

Where Used: Proposal,

Related Line Item

The item group to which this item belongs (for example, traffic control items). This field is used for reporting and funding (Code Table: RELLNITM).

Where Used: Contract Project Item,

Remaining Amount

The amount of current funding (net amount) remaining from fund amounts used in all estimates. The remaining amount is calculated by subtracting the sum of all utilized estimate amounts (including any current estimate) from the current funding amount (FUNDLIMIT_CURRENT).

Where Used: Contract Fund,


Additional information about the associated record. Remarks are optional unless your agency has specified them as required in the remark configuration.

Where Used: Action Relationship, Agency View Remark, Calibrating Qualification Remark, Contract Payment Estimate Exception Remark, Cost Estimate Item Remark, Cost Estimate Snapshot Remark, Daily Diary, Daily Diary Remark, Daily Source Report Remark, Daily Work Report Remark, Dsr Inspection Remark, Dsr Material Component Remark, Dsr Material Prod Facility Remark, Dsr Material Prod Smfmi Remark, Dsr Material Prod Source Remark, Facility Material Category Remark, Facility Material Remark, Facility Remark, Issue Remark, Issue Step Remark, Lab Remark, Lab Sampling Qualification Remark, Lab Testing Qualification Remark, Material Category Remark, Material Remark, Meeting Remark, Mix Design Remark, Person Info Remark, Plan Discrepancy Remark, Product Group Sample Reviewer Remark, Ref Vendor NAICS, Ref Vendor SICCode, Ref Vendor Specialty Code, Sample Record Contract Association Remark, Sample Record Contract Material Set Association Remark, Sample Record Remark, Sample Record Test Remark, Sampling Qualification Remark, Source Material Category Remark, Source Material Remark, Source Remark, System, Test Equipment Qualification Remark, Test Equipment Remark, Testing Qualification Remark, Welder Qualification Remark,


The number of remarks recorded for the associated record.

Where Used: Daily Work Report, System,


Indicates the number of remarks added to this person record.

Where Used: Person Info,

Rental Type

The type of rental for the truck recorded in this field interview. (Code table: LEASEUNITS)

Where Used: Field Interview Trucking,


Name of the report to generate as part of this event.

Where Used: Generate Report Event Action, Ref Generate Report Event Action,

Report Data

A system-generated field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Report Template,

Report Entity

The unique identifier for the business entity in the database (for example, project, proposal, or bid letting) that a report runs against.

Where Used: Custom Report, Custom Report,

Report GUID

Originating in Microsoft Power BI, a value that identifies the report.

Where Used: Bi Report,

Report ID

A system-generated identifier usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Generate Report Event Action, Ref Generate Report Event Action,

Report ID

A unique identifier for a Microsoft Power BI report.

Where Used: Bi Report,

Report Name

The name of the report.

Where Used: Custom Report,

Report Template

A file with the extension .rpx that contains the layout, program code, and controls for a report.

Where Used: System,


Indicates whether the test results are acceptable for users to evaluate.

Where Used: Sample Record Test,

Reported Material Quantity

The quantity of material within a material set posted for the contract project item. This is calculated as the sum of the material set material's Installed Quantities. The Installed Quantity is calculated on a DWR item posting as the contract project item's Quantity Posted multiplied by the material set material's conversion factor. (By default, the Installed Quantity field is not displayed on the Postings tab. Your agency can configure the component to allow users to view and modify the Installed Quantity value.)

Where Used: Dwr Acceptance Record,

Reported Material Quantity

Where Used:

Represented Quantity

The quantity of material represented by the sample. For samples that do not have a Void status, the value saved in this field reduces both the Net Inventory Quantity and the Pending Net Inventory Quantity on the SMFMI. For samples with a Void status, this value reduces only the Net Inventory Quantity on the SMFMI.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Represented Quantity

The quantity of material represented by an acceptance record or sample for that material within a material set on a contract project item. On an acceptance record, the represented quantity is calculated by multiplying the material's conversion factor by the quantity posted for the DWR item. This value is calculated only when the acceptance record is first created. When a sample is created from the acceptance record, the value is transferred to the sample record.

Where Used: Dwr Acceptance Record, Dwr Acceptance Record, Dwr Acceptance Record Item Posting, Sample Record Contract Association,

Represented Quantity

The quantity of material represented by the sample for the material within the material set used to fulfill a contract project item.

Where Used: Sample Record Contract Material Set Association,

Represented Quantity Units

Unit of measurement (either English or Metric) for the material sample quantity.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Requested Amount

The dollar amount being requested in the claim.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Requested By

The organization or person who requested the permit.

Where Used: Contract Permit,

Requested By

Description of who requested the sample.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Requested Days

The number of days being requested in the claim.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Require Subset

A system-generated field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Report,


Indicates a remark is required for this entity.

Where Used: Remark Model Mapping,

Required Compensation

Where Used:

Required For

An option button to indicate whether the contract time must have an occurrence entered and saved in order for the contract to be in the Active Contract or Completed Contract workflow phase.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring, Ref Contract Time,

Required Hours To Graduate

The number of hours the employee must complete to satisfy the requirements of the Apprenticeship.

Where Used: Ref Employee Apprenticeship,

Required Test

Indicates whether the test is a required test for the sample record's unique combination of material code, sample type, and destination lab.

Where Used: Sample Record Test, Test Assignment Info,


Indicates whether the material is being researched for use on future projects.

Where Used: Material,

Resolution Action

Defines the action the system will take to resolve a payroll exception of this rule.

Where Used: Payroll Exception Rule,

Resolution Comments

A text box for recording additional information about how the payroll exception is being resolved.

Where Used: Certified Payroll Exception,

Resolution Date

The date on which the claim was resolved.

Where Used: Contract Claim, Ref Associated Contract Claim,

Resolved Indicator

Indicates that the payroll exception has been resolved.

Where Used: Certified Payroll Exception,

Resource ID

A unique identifier assigned to the resource.

Where Used: Module Resource, Restricted Field, Role Access Right, Selection Criteria, System Module,

Resource Name

The name of the resource.

Where Used: Resource,

Resource Type

A system field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Resource,

Resource URL

The URL AASHTOWare Project uses to request an embed tokenfrom the Microsoft Power BI service.

Where Used: Bi Setting,

Response Days

The number of days allowed to the agency to provide a response to the claim for this claim type.

Where Used: Ref Contract Claim Type,

Response Days

The number of days within which the contractor must respond to a stormwater location deficiency before the Project Manager is notified of non-response.

Where Used: Ref Stormwater Deficiency,

Response Due Date

The date on which responses from the claim recipients for the contract claim are due.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Response Notification Date

The date on which a notification is sent to the claim recipients reminding them about a contract claim's response due date.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Responsible Lab

The source management level with authority for the parent source or facility.

Where Used: System,

Resume Available Time Charges

The date and time a contract time resumed after being suspended.

Where Used: CTAvailable Suspend Resume,


The total retainage amount paid on the payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project,

Retainage Base

Specifies whether retainage is calculated based on the award amount or the current amount of the contract project.

Where Used: Contract Project Retainage,

Retainage Base

Specifies whether retainage is calculated based on the award amount or the current amount of the contract.

Where Used: Contract Retainage,

Retainage Dollars Held

The amount withheld from this subcontract payment for retainage.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment, Subcontractor Payment Item, Subcontractor Payment Wk Type,

Retainage Exempt for Construction Stockpiles

Indicates whether construction stockpile payment adjustments will be excluded from the retainage calculations.

Where Used: Contract Project Retainage, Contract Retainage,

Retainage Lump Sum Amount

A single payment dollar amount used for the retainage calculation.

Where Used: Contract Project Retainage, Contract Retainage,

Retainage Maximum Dollar Amount

The maximum amount of retainage allowed for the contract project.

Where Used: Contract Project Retainage,

Retainage Maximum Dollar Amount

The maximum amount of retainage allowed for the contract.

Where Used: Contract Retainage,

Retainage Maximum Percentage

The maximum percentage of the award or current amount (depending on the retainage base) of the contract that is allowed for retainage.

Where Used: Contract Project Retainage, Contract Retainage,

Retainage Method

Specifies whether retainage withheld is based on the current estimate project (work per period) or on all estimates for the contract project (work in place).

Where Used: Contract Project Retainage, Contract Retainage,

Retainage Percentage

The percentage to be used when calculating retainage for the contract.

Where Used: Contract Project Retainage, Contract Retainage,

Retainage Released

Indicates that this subcontract payment includes the release of retainage withheld in an earlier payment.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment, Subcontractor Payment Item, Subcontractor Payment Wk Type,

Retainage Required

Required retainage withholding from the security account for this contract. This is the sum of all estimates' retainage amounts and securities used amounts.

Where Used: Contract Security Account,

Retainage Trigger Base

Specifies whether the retainage trigger percentage is a percentage of the award amount or the current amount of the contract or contract project.

Where Used: Contract Project Retainage, Contract Retainage,

Retainage Trigger Percentage

The percentage of contract completion at which the retainage calculation will occur.

Where Used: Contract Project Retainage, Contract Retainage,

Retest Qty

Number of retests for a sample record test.

Where Used: Sample Record Test,

Retest Requested

Indicates that a retest has been requested for the sample record test.

Where Used: Sample Record Test,

Retest Test

Indicates whether the sample record test is a retest.

Where Used: Sample Record Test,

Return Code

This is a number that the database returned. This number might be for the number of rows affected, maximum number of a field, or some other number that the database sends out. This number does not show for all log entries.

Where Used: Data Access Log,

Review Date

The date the review was conducted.

Where Used: Compliance Finding,

Review Date

The date the DBE commitment was reviewed.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment,

Review Date (Rvw Dt)

Date the DBE Vendor was observed in the field for the Commercially Useful Function.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Review Type

The type of review (office or on-site).

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,

Review Type

Indicates whether the contractor being reviewed is a prime contractor, a subcontractor, or both.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Review Work Type

The type of Commercially Useful Function review.

Where Used: Cuf Review,


The date the DBE commitment was reviewed.

Where Used: Dbe Commitment,


Indicates that the user has reviewed the results.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment, Process History,

Reviewed By

The person who most recently reviewed this record (Code table: STAFF).

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment,

Reviewed By

The person who conducted the review (Code Table: STAFF).

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review, Payroll Management Compliance,

Reviewed Date

The date this payroll management review was conducted.

Where Used: Payroll Management Compliance,


The User ID for the change order reviewer.

Where Used: Change Order Reviewer,


Person identified as a reviewer of a document submitted to the agency.

Where Used: Document Submission Review,

Reviewer Added Date

The date this reviewer was added to the change order.

Where Used: Change Order Reviewer,

Reviewer Name

The first and last name of the change order reviewer.

Where Used: System,


The date on which the contract time charge was revised.

Where Used: Weekly Time Charge,

Revised By

The person who revised the project estimate (Code table: STAFF).

Where Used: Project,

Revised By

The Sample ID of the revised sample record.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Revised By

The person who revised the contract time charge.

Where Used: Weekly Time Charge,

Revised Commitment

Indicates that this record is for a revised commitment.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Revised Commitment Amount

The revised DBE commitment amount for this proposal vendor, based on the agency's post-letting review.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Revised Commitment Approved By

The person who approved the revised commitment (Code table: STAFF).

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Revised Commitment Approved Date

The date the revised commitment was approved.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Revised Commitment Date

The date the DBE commitment amount for this proposal vendor was revised.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment,

Revised Commitment Percent

The revised DBE commitment percent for this proposal vendor, based on the agency's post-letting review.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Revised Goal

Indicates that this record is for a revised goal.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Revised Goal Approved By

The person who approved the revised goal (Code table: STAFF).

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Revised Goal Approved Date

The date the revised goal was approved.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Revised Goal Percent

A revised goal on the proposal.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Revised Race Conscious Amount

The final DBE Commitment Race Conscious Amount after all revisions.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Revised Race Neutral Amount

The final DBE Commitment Race Neutral Amount after all revisions.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Revising Sample ID

The sample record identification that the current sample record is modifying.

Where Used: Sample Record,


The numerical identification of a change order revision which represents the number of times the change order has been rejected, changed to Draft, and progressed to Pending Approval. The revision number is automatically incremented by the system.

Where Used: Change Order,

Revision Amount

The amount of a revision made on the lien associated with this contract action.

Where Used: Contract Action,

Revision Date

The date the DBE commitment was revised.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment,

Revision Number

A number used to identify and track revisions of the this contractor evaluation.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation,

Revision Signed By

The User ID of the person who signed the DBE commitment revision.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Revision Signed Date

The date the DBE commitment revision was signed.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Risk Category

A set of categories with which reference risk factors can be associated (Code Table: RISKCAT).

Where Used: Ref Risk Factor,

Risk Description

Brief text that describes the risk factor.

Where Used: Ref Risk Factor,

Risk Factor

The identifier and description of the risk factor.

Where Used: Contingency Risk Factor, Cost Estimate Contingency Risk Factor, Cost Estimate Risk Factor Item, Risk Factor Item,

Risk Factor Contingency Amount

The dollar value of the contingency for the selected risk factor.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Contingency Risk Factor,

Risk Name

Unique identifier for a reference risk factor.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Contingency Progression Risk, Ref Risk Factor,

Risk Type

The type of risk (Code table: RISKTYPE).

Where Used: Ref Risk Factor,

Road Name

The name of the road or primary road.

Where Used: Prime Project,

Road User Cost Per Time Unit

One of the factors used in a Cost Plus Time bid to determine the low bidder and a required field for a Cost Plus Time proposal. This value is assigned by the transportation agency and represents the cost of the inconvenience the construction project will bring to the community. A value in this field indicates that the proposal is being bid on a Cost Plus Time basis. You cannot enter a value in this field for a proposal that has a completion date proposal time.

Where Used: Proposal Time,

Road User Cost Per Time Unit

The dollar value assigned for a contract that was bid on a Cost Plus Time basis. This value applies only to the Main Contract Time record and represents the cost of the inconvenience the construction project will bring to the community.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring,


A name associated with a collection of security access rights to the information and functions contained in web-based AASHTOWare Project. Each user must have at least one role in order to access the system. Upon logon, a user's active role determines which components he will be able to access and which functions he will be able to perform. Users with multiple roles can switch between their designated roles.

Where Used: System,


The security role that may approve an estimate for this approval level.

Where Used: Ref Payment Approval Level,


The security role that may approve an estimate for this approval level for a specific contract.

Where Used: Contract Payment Approval Level,

Role ID

A unique identifier assigned to each user role in the system. On some components, this field also includes the role description.

Where Used: Approval Group Assigned Role, Attachment Role, Component Role, Contract Authority Assignable Role, Contract User Role Authority, Facility Source Authority, My Page, Notify Role Event Action, Recent Activity, Ref Notify Role Event Action, Restricted Field, Role, Role Access Right, Role Filter, Sample Record Association, Selection Criteria, Source Authority Assignable Role, Source Source Authority, Url Attachment Role, User Role, User Role Office Authority, User Source Authority, Work Flow Phase Access Right,

Rolled Up Quantity

Indicates that the bid-based price is based on a quantity that has been rolled up. When this check box is cleared, the bid-based price is calculated based upon the item's actual quantity.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Item Bid Based Task, Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task,

Rolling List

A list of data records typically used for quick data entry or maintenance that includes only a few fields, with a maximum of two rows of information per record.

Where Used: System,


An integer assigned by the system representing the relative position of this approval round in the change order's approval process (starting with one and increasing by an increment of one each approval cycle).

Where Used: Change Order Approval Group,


An integer assigned by the system representing the relative position of this review round in the change order's review process (starting with one and increasing by an increment of one each review cycle).

Where Used: Change Order Reviewer,


The route number of the road of which the road segment is a part.

Where Used: Component, Contract Project Road Segment, Road Segment, Route, View,


Determines whether field is displayed on the top or bottom row of fields in an expandable accordion header row.

Where Used: Av Detail Field,

Rows can be added

Determines whether rows can be added to the list when it is displayed as part of the agency view.

Where Used: Av Control,

Rows can be deleted

Determines whether rows can be deleted from the list when it is displayed as part of the agency view.

Where Used: Av Control,


This field is used to tell the system when (as in what phases) to apply the specified business rule set. For example, for the phases where you want the system to apply the business rules associated with addenda, select the 'Addenda' value for this field.

Where Used: Workflow Phase,


The original name of the reference sample status as shipped with the software.

Where Used: Ref Sample Status,

Rule Name

A unique identifier for this payroll exception rule.

Where Used: Payroll Exception Rule,

Run Date

The date that the pricing service profile was last successfully run.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,




Indicates whether the permit is related to SECIR (Stormwater Environmental Compliance Inspection Report).

Where Used: Contract Permit,

SECIR Required

Indicates whether a Stormwater Environmental Compliance Inspection Report (SECIR, a.k.a. National Pollution Discharge Elimination System - NPDES) report may be required based on the selected weather condition value for the DWR date.

Where Used: Ref Weather,

SIC Code

A unique identifier assigned to each SIC code in the SIC Code List (Code table: SICCODE).

Where Used: Ref Vendor SICCode,


A unique identifier for the source material facility material identification record for the DSR.

Where Used: Dsr Material Prod Smfmi, Dsr Material Smfmi,


The number of SMFMI records associated with this DSR material.

Where Used: System,


A unique source facility material identifier for a component material of the DSR material.

Where Used: Dsr Material Component,

SMFMI Decrementation

Indicates whether the SMFMI production quantity will be decremented by the acceptance record Represented Quantity.

Where Used: Dwr Acceptance Record, Dwr Acceptance Record Smfmi,


The name of the Source Material Facility Material Identification record. SMFMI is a way to uniquely identify a like material supplied by the same source or facility, such as a batch, lot, seal, or stockpile.

Where Used: Dwr Acceptance Record, Dwr Acceptance Record Smfmi, Mix Design Smfmi, SMFMIComponent Material, SMFMIComponent Material, Sample Record, Source Material Facility Material Identification, Stockpile,

SQL Statement

The SQL Statement sent to the database.

Where Used: Data Access Log,

Salaried Employee Hours

The total number of hours that a salaried employee has worked on the project for this classification of work for this labor hour date.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor Hour,

Sales Tax

The sales tax that applies to the vendor (Code Table: SALESTX).

Where Used: Address, Ref Vendor Address,

Sales Tax Code

A system-generated field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Purchase,


Where Used:

Sample Count

The number of authorized samples for this contract item.

Where Used: Contract Item,

Sample Date

The date the sample was taken.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Sample ID

The sample on which the welder was qualified.

Where Used: Welder Qualification,

Sample ID

A unique identifier assigned to each sample record in the system.

Where Used: Mix Design Component Material, Sample Log, Sample Record, Sample Record Association, Sample Record Facility, Sample Record Source, Sample Record Test, Sample Test Log,

Sample Location

A description of where the sample is to be taken.

Where Used: Action Relationship,

Sample Origin

Description of the originating location for a sample.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Sample Record Group

Unique identifier for a group of samples that were split from the same original sample.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Sample Record ID

A unique identifier assigned to each sample record in the system.

Where Used: Dwr Acceptance Record, Sample Record Contract Association,

Sample Record Id

A unique identifier assigned to each sample record in the system.

Where Used: Sample Record Contract Material Set Association,

Sample Record Status

The status of the sample record in the testing queue.

Where Used: Agency Option Maintain Test Queue,

Sample Record Test ID

Unique identifier for a sample record test.

Where Used: Sample Test Log, Sample Test Ref Specification, Sample Test Ref Specification Log, Sample Test Result Template Log, Sample Tester,

Sample Record Test Status

Sample records with this test status are either included or excluded from the queue.

Where Used: Agency Option Test Result Queue,

Sample Responsibility

Identifies the person responsible for the sampled material. (Code Table: SMPLRESP).

Where Used: Action Relationship,

Sample Reviewer

Indicates that this person is a sample reviewer.

Where Used: Person Info,

Sample Size

The size of the sample taken.

Where Used: Action Relationship, Sample Record,

Sample Size Units

Unit of measure for the sample size. (Code table: UNITS).

Where Used: Sample Record,

Sample Status

An identifier for the current status of the sample record. The software is shipped with these default values: Pending: When a sample record is created. Logged: When a test is assigned to a sample record. Received at Destination Lab: When the sample record is received at the destination lab. Received at Lab Unit: When the sample record is received at the lab unit. In Testing: When the sample record is being tested. Pending Authorization: When all tests on a sample record are approved. Approved: When the sample record is approved but not authorized. Authorized: When the sample record is authorized. Void: When the sample record has been made void.

Where Used: Ref Sample Status, Sample Record,

Sample Status Last Modified Date

The last date when the sample status was modified for a sample record.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Sample Type

Identifies the type of sample taken. (Code table: SMPLTYPE).

Where Used: Action Relationship, Alternate Test Workflow, Dwr Acceptance Record, Product Group Assignment, Sample Record, Test Assignment Info, Test Triggered Event,

Sample Units

The unit of measure for the sample to be taken. (Code table: SMPLUNITS)

Where Used: Action Relationship,

Sampled From

Indicates whether the sample was taken at a source or facility location rather than a project location.

Where Used: Sample Record,


Indicates that this person is a sampler.

Where Used: Person Info,

Sampler ID

The unique identifier for the person who took the sample.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Satisfied Represented Material Quantity

The sum of all Represented Quantities from acceptance records and samples for a material within a material set used to fulfill a contract project item. Depending on the Accept Samples By agency option, this sum includes samples with a status of Authorized, acceptable, or both.

Where Used: Contract Project Item Material Set Material, Dwr Acceptance Record,

Satisfied Represented Material Quantity

The sum of all Represented Quantities from acceptance records and samples for a material within a material set used to fulfill a contract project item. Depending on the Accept Samples By agency option, this sum includes samples with a status of Authorized, acceptable, or both.

Where Used: Sample Record Contract Association,

Satisfied Represented Quantity

The sum of all Represented Quantities from acceptance records and authorized samples for the material within the material set used to fulfill a contract project item.

Where Used: Sample Record Contract Material Set Association,


Indicates that the contract time should recur on Saturday, according to its schedule (for example, every two weeks on Saturday).

Where Used: Contract Time Recurring,

Sched Dt

End time for this time period, where the type of time on the main contract time record is Completion Date.

Where Used: Contract Progress Schedule,

Sched Time

End time for this time period, where the type of time on the main contract time record is Available Time or Calendar Time.

Where Used: Contract Progress Schedule,

Scope Definition

Brief text describing the envisioned scope of the concept or project.

Where Used: Concept, Cost Estimate Snapshot,

Scope Stability Level

An incremental value/description depicting the relative stability of the design scope for the planned improvement. (Code table: SCOPE).

Where Used: Ref Risk Factor,

Scope of Work

Brief description of the scope of the work performed by the DBE vendor.

Where Used: Cuf Review,


The value of the answer for a design evaluation question.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation Rating, Design Evaluation Rating,

Seal Number

The number located on the seal for a batch of material sampled.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Search Agency Entity ID

A unique identifier for each agency entity in the database.

Where Used: Av Detail Field,

Search Entity ID

A unique identifier for each business entity in the database (for example Project, Proposal, or RefVendor).

Where Used: Av Detail Field,

Search Filter

Defines the where clause to filter the results displayed in the modal window.

Where Used: Av Control,

Search Filter

Defines the where clause that filters the auto-complete results.

Where Used: Av Detail Field,


An advanced parameter that indicates whether season is included as a variable in the calculation of regressions and averages.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,


The season of the year in which bids will likely be received.

Where Used: Concept, Cost Estimate Snapshot, Price History Profile, Project, Proposal,


The name used to identify the season.

Where Used: Item Bid History Profile, Season,


The season associated with the historical bid price.

Where Used: Bid History Item,


A boolean field indicating whether to include season in price calculations.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Second Fringe Benefit Program

The second fringe benefit program in which the field interview employee states they are participating.

Where Used: Field Interview Job Classification,

Section Bid Total

The sum of the low cost items within the section.

Where Used: Bid Section,

Section Group

This field determines which categories will be grouped into a Proposal Section. If more than one category has the same value in the section group code, and the Combine With Like Categories check box is selected, then those categories will be grouped into a single proposal section.

Where Used: Category, Contract Project Category,

Section ID

A unique identifier assigned to each section in the proposal. This ID can be assigned manually or generated automatically by the system.

Where Used: Bid Section, Contract Item, Project Item, Proposal Item, Proposal Section,

Section Total Mismatch

Indicates that the extended amount for this section is incorrect (that is, the Section Extended Amount does not match the Section Calculated Extended Amount).

Where Used: Bid Section,

Securities Encumbrance

A claim against the security account by a third party.

Where Used: Contract Security Account,

Security Account ID

An identifier assigned to each security account for the vendor. Two security accounts may have the same Vendor Security Account ID (for example, one for escrow and one for security) (Code table: REFSEC).

Where Used: Account Transaction, Contract Security Account,

Security Type

The kind of security transaction (that is, bond or CD).

Where Used: Account Transaction,

Seen Contract Minimum Wage Rate Posting

Indicates that the field interview employee has seen the Contract Minimum Wage Rate posting.

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,

Select All Roles

Indication that this role can assign source authority to all active roles in the agency.

Where Used: Role,

Select Rows from Modal

Indicates whether rows can be selected from a modal window.

Where Used: Av Control,

Semi Final

The action required to resolve the payment estimate exception before a semi-final payment estimate can be approved. Valid values: May be left Unresolved, Must Acknowledge, Must Override, Must Resolve, and Not Calculated or Displayed.

Where Used: Cont Paymt Est Except Override, Ref Payment Estimate Exception,


A sequence number to identify DWRs that exist with the same date for the same inspector.

Where Used: Daily Work Report,

Sequence Number

Part of the key used to differentiate when a source changes name. When you create a new version of a source, the Source ID remains the same and the Sequence Number is incremented by one.

Where Used: Source,

Sequence Number

Part of the key used to differentiate when a facility changes name. When you create a new version of a facility, the Facility ID remains the same and the Sequence Number is incremented by one.

Where Used: Facility,

Sequence Number

A unique identifier for the contract action on this contract.

Where Used: Contract Action,

Sequence Number

A unique sequential identifier for a force account on this contract.

Where Used: Force Account,

Sequence Number

The sequence number for the plan discrepancy.

Where Used: Plan Discrepancy,

Serial Number

The unique identifier for a piece of test equipment from a manufacturer.

Where Used: Test Equipment,

Service Authorization Role

Indicates the role that determines the level of access for the user when accessing services outside of the application.

Where Used: User Role,

Setting ID

A unique identifier for a group of business intelligence connection settings.

Where Used: Bi Setting,

Settlement Conference Date

The date of the settlement conference for the claim.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Ship To Address

The shipping address for the vendor.

Where Used: Purchase,

Shipping Tickets Reviewed

Indication that the Shipping Tickets were reveiwed.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Shipping Tickets Reviewed

Indication that the Supplier's Shipping Tickets were reviewed.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Short Description

Brief text describing the item.

Where Used: Ref Item,

Short Label

The short label for an agency entity field.

Where Used: Agency Field,

Show Cause

Indicates that a show cause order has been issued for the vendor.

Where Used: Compliance Finding, Labor Compliance Review,

Show Cause

Indicates whether a show cause order has been issued for the vendor.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Show Cause Rescinded Date

The date the show cause order was rescinded.

Where Used: Compliance Finding, EEOCompliance Review, Labor Compliance Review,

Show Cause Rescinded Reason

The reason the show cause order was rescinded (Code Table: RSCNDEDSHOWCAUSE).

Where Used: Compliance Finding, Labor Compliance Review,

Show Cause Rescinded Reason

The reason the show cause order was rescinded (Code Tabe: RSCNDEDSHOWCAUSE).

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Show Inactive

Enables you to show inactive system events in the list.

Where Used: Inactive,

Signature Count

The number of signatures recorded for a stormwater period.

Where Used: Stormwater Period,

Signed By

The User ID of the staff member who signed the DBE commitment approval.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Signed By

The name of the person who signed this subcontractor payment.

Where Used: Certified Payroll, Subcontractor Payment,

Signed By

The name of the person who signed this bidder/quoter information.

Where Used: Bidder,

Signed Date

The date this bidder/quoter information was signed.

Where Used: Bidder,

Signed Date

The date the payroll record was signed.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,

Signed Date

The date the subcontract payment was signed.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Signed Date

The date the DBE commitment approval was signed.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Signer Comments

Additional information about the subcontractor payment added by the person who signed it.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Simple List

A read-only list of data records.

Where Used: System,

Size (kb)

The size of the file attachment in kilobytes.

Where Used: Attachment,


Unique identifier for a cost estimate snapshot.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Snapshot,


Indicates whether the cost estimate is a snapshot.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Snapshot ID

Unique identifier of a cost estimate snapshot.

Where Used: Cost Estimate, Cost Estimate Snapshot,

Snapshot Reason

The reason for the snapshot (Code table: SNAPSHOTREASON).

Where Used: Cost Estimate Snapshot,

Snapshot Sequence

Unique identifier for a cost estimate snapshot.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Snapshot Tracking Percentage

The percentage change in the cost estimate total that triggers an automatic snapshot. If this percentage is less than the snapshot Percent Changed, an automatic snapshot is taken immediately after the cost estimate is saved when a system event has been set up for that purpose.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Snapshot Type

Indicates the method used to create the snapshot, either manual or automatic.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Snapshot, Cost Estimate Snapshot,

Snapshot XML

A system field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Proposal Snapshot,

Social Security Number

The employee's nine-digit social security number.

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Ref Employee, Ref Vendor Officer,


A system-generated field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: User Filter,


A unique identifier assigned to each material source in the system. In some places, this field also displays the source name.

Where Used: Acc Action Option Rate Freq, Address, Contract Project Item Material Set Material, Daily Source Report, Dsr Material Dest Source, Dsr Material Prod Source, Dwr Acceptance Record, Dwr Acceptance Record Source Facility, Facility, Mix Design, Mix Design Component Material, SMFMIAuthority, Sample Record, Sample Record Source, Source, Source Id, Source Material, Source Material Category, Source Source Authority, Stockpile, Test Equipment,


Indicates the source for a field on an agency view control. The entry should be formatted as Entity.FieldName.

Where Used: Av Detail Field,


Where Used:

Source City

The city for a source associated with a sample record.

Where Used: Source,

Source Facility Required

Indicates that a source/facility is required when sampling this material.

Where Used: Material, Material Category,

Source Inspection Value

The value necessary for field population on the Daily Source Report in order to complete the action for the entity. (Code table: SOURCEINSP)

Where Used: Action Relationship,

Source Management Level

A whole number that represents the source management level in the hierarchy, with number one being the first or highest level. The number is displayed along with a descriptive name for the level. Source management levels enable materials management personnel to control user access to source and facility information.

Where Used: Address, Facility, Lab, Source, Source Management Level Assignment, User Source Authority,

Source Management Level Name

A descriptive name for the source management level. Source management levels are used to control user access to source and facility information.

Where Used: Source Management Level,

Source Material Category ID

A unique identifier assigned to each source material category in the system.

Where Used: Brand,

Source Material Facility Material Indentification

Unique identification for the Source Material Facility Material Identification record.

Where Used: SMFMIAuthority, SMFMIItem,

Source Material ID

A unique identifier assigned to each construction material in the system. In some places, this field also displays the material description.

Where Used: Brand, Source Material Facility Material Identification,

Source Name

Descriptive name for the source.

Where Used: Source,

Source Name

The project ID of the record being copied to the new Spec Book.

Where Used: Project,

Source Phase

The status of the payroll before this transition comment was added.

Where Used: Payroll Transition Comment,

Source Ref Item

The reference item from which the reference price task was originally copied.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task, Cost Estimate Item Price Task, Cost Estimate Item Price Task, Ref Item Price Task,

Source Ref Spec Book

The specification book governing the source reference item.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Price Task,

Source Spec Book

The current spec book of the project record being copied to the new Spec Book.

Where Used: Project,

Source Type

The type of materials source. (Code table: SOURCETYPE)

Where Used: Source,

Source of Item Prices

A basic parameter that indicates the source of bids to be included in the estimation calculations. Values: Estimate, Exclude High/Low Bids, Low Bids, Selected Bidder, and Winning Bids.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Source of Item Prices

The bids to use for bid data collection.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,


The source and/or facility where the material originated.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Material Invoice,

Spec Book

A unique identifier for a defined set of reference items associated with a given specification book.

Where Used: Bhp Spec Book, Concept, Contingency Assignment Profile, Contract, Contract Item, Contract Project Item, Cost Estimate, Cost Estimate Snapshot, Item Bid History Profile, Item Family, Item Group, Item Mapping, LCMaint Sched Profile, Planning Group, Price History Profile, Project, Project Item, Proposal, Proposal Item, Ref Item, Typical Section Profile,

Special Instructions

Important information provided for the action.

Where Used: Action Relationship,

Special Provision ID

A unique identifier assigned to each special provision in the system.

Where Used: Ref Special Provision, Special Provision,

Special Provision Text

Full text of the special provision.

Where Used: Ref Special Provision,

Special Provision Type

The kind of special provision (Code table: PROVTYP).

Where Used: Ref Special Provision,

Special Provisions Filter Clause

Filter clause to identify proposals whose special provisions match the selected criteria.

Where Used: Proposal Selection Set,

Specialty Code

An agency-specific classification code for the vendor (Code table: SPECIALTYCODE).

Where Used: Ref Vendor Specialty Code,

Specialty Item

Indicates that this item should not be included in subcontract threshold calculations (due to it being a special item on which only the subcontractor can work).

Where Used: Contract Item, Ref Item,

Specification Condition Name

The name or description of the reference specification condition.

Where Used: Ref Specification Condition,

Specification Name

The name of the reference specification.

Where Used: Ref Specification,

Specification Reference

The section of an agency's specification book in which the material category is documented.

Where Used: Material, Material Category,

Split Sample

One or more editable copies that originated with a single sample record.

Where Used: Sample Record,


Indicates whether this contractor has staff being reported on this DWR.

Where Used: DWRContractor,

Staff Class

Class identifier to aid searching for the generic staff.

Where Used: Reference Staff,

Staff Type

This field determines whether persons should be selected as Agency or Consultant Staff on a DWR.

Where Used: Person Info,

Staff Type

This field indicates whether persons should be selected as Agency or Consultant Staff on a DWR.

Where Used: DWRStaff Record,

Stage Completion Percentage

The percentage of total program completion the trainee must achieve to progress to this OJT program stage and associated wage rate.

Where Used: Ojt Program Wage Rate Progression,

Standard Deviation

A measure of the dispersion of a set of data from its mean. The more spread apart the data, the higher the deviation.

Where Used: Bid History,

Standard Hourly Rate

The hourly payment rate when equipment is used.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Vendor Equipment,

Standard Hours

The number of hours the equipment was used on the DWR date.

Where Used: Dwr Force Account Contractor Vendor Equipment,

Standard Sample Status Bypassed

Indicates that the sample status is a standard status and has been bypassed by the system.

Where Used: Sample Log,

Start Coordinate X

The starting X value of the agency defined coordinate system.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Road Segment,

Start Coordinate X

The starting X value of the agency-defined coordinate system.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Start Coordinate Y

The starting Y value of the agency defined coordinate system.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Road Segment,

Start Coordinate Y

The starting Y value of the agency-defined coordinate system.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Start Coordinate Z

The elevation of the starting point of the road segment. It should be recorded using the original NAVD 88 or one of its epochs. NAVD 88 is the official vertical datum in the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS).

Where Used: Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Road Segment,

Start Coordinate Z

The elevation of the starting point of the bridge segment. It should be recorded using the original NAVD 88 or one of its epochs. NAVD 88 is the official vertical datum in the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS).

Where Used: Bridge Segment,

Start Coordinate Z

The elevation of the starting point. It shall be recorded using the original NAVD 88 or one of its epochs. NAVD 88 is the official vertical datum in the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS).

Where Used: Sample Record,

Start Date

For proposal times, this field is the date the contractor is scheduled to begin work. For end-of-month trucking, this is the date the reporting period begins. For ref vendor OJT goals, this is the date the goal period begins. For decision class mappings, this is the date the federal job classification becomes available for mapping.

Where Used: EOMTrucking, Fed Job Class, Percent Goal, Proposal Time, Ref Vendor Ojt Goal,

Start Date

For proposal times, this field is the date the contractor is scheduled to begin work. For end-of-month trucking, this is the date the reporting period begins. For ref vendor OJT goals, this is the date the goal period begins. For ethnic group mappings, this is the date the federal labor ethnic group becomes available for mapping.

Where Used: Fed Labor Ethnic Group,

Start Date

For proposal times, this field is the date the contractor is scheduled to begin work. For end-of-month trucking, this is the date the reporting period begins. For ref vendor OJT goals, this is the date the goal period begins. For ethnic group mappings, this is the date the federal DBE ethnic group becomes available for mapping.

Where Used: Fed DBEEthnic Group,

Start Date

The date reporting begins for a stormwater period.

Where Used: Stormwater Period,

Start Day

The day of the month when the season starts.

Where Used: Season,

Start Latitude

The latitude of the starting point of a road or bridge segment, as measured in degrees, minutes, seconds and fractional seconds. This is a numerical value that must be typed in the format.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Road Segment,

Start Letting Date

A data selection attribute to designate the starting point in time over which the bid history profile will collect data to be used in bid-based price calculations.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Start Letting Date

The date on which bid data collection begins.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Start Location Created By

The User ID of the person who recorded the starting coordinate values.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Road Segment,

Start Location Created By

The ID of the person that recorded the starting coordinate values.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Start Location Created Date

The date and time recorded when the starting coordinates were measured.

Where Used: Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Sample Record,

Start Location Created Date and Time

The date and time recorded when the starting coordinates were measured.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Road Segment,

Start Location End Active Date

The captured date and time when the starting values were retired.

Where Used: Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Sample Record,

Start Location End Active Date and Time

The captured date and time when the starting values were retired.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Road Segment,

Start Location Issue

Used to record any conditions associated with the quality of the starting coordinate values at the time of capture.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Road Segment, Sample Record,

Start Location Last Updated By

The User ID of the person that last updated the starting coordinate values.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Road Segment, Sample Record,

Start Location Last Updated Date

The date and time when the starting coordinates were last updated.

Where Used: Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Sample Record,

Start Location Last Updated Date and Time

The date and time when the starting coordinates were last updated.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Road Segment,

Start Location Method

The process used to collect the starting coordinate values. (Code table: LOC_METHOD)

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Road Segment, Sample Record,

Start Location Quality

The accuracy of the starting values recorded in the coordinate system. (Code table: LOC_QUALITY)

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Road Segment, Sample Record,

Start Location Quality Unit

The unit of measure used in the coordinate system for the starting values. (Code table: LOC_QLT_UNIT)

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Dwr Item Posting, Road Segment, Sample Record,

Start Longitude

The longitude of the starting point of a road or bridge segment, as measured in degrees, minutes, seconds and fractional seconds. This is a numerical value that must be typed in the format.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment, Contract Project Road Segment, Road Segment,

Start Month

The month specified as the beginning of the season.

Where Used: Season,

Start Month/Day

The month and day specified as the beginning of the season.

Where Used: Season, Season Start Day,

Start Test Status

The starting status for a sample test when it is assigned to the sample record (Code Table: TESTSTATUS).

Where Used: Test Assignment Info,

Start Time

The time of day this contractor was first observed on site for this DWR.

Where Used: DWRContractor,

Start Time

The date and time the process started.

Where Used: Process History,

Start Time

The date and time when this contract time begins. The system assesses the time passed and charges for contract time beginning on this specified date and time.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational,

Start Time

The date and time when this contract time begins. The system assesses the time passed and charges for contract time beginning on this specified date and time. For recurring contract times with a frequency of "Once," this is the planned occurrence date and time.

Where Used: Contract Time Recurring,

Starting Date

The first day of the contractor evaluation reporting period.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation,

Starting Mileage

The agency staff member's beginning mileage.

Where Used: DWRStaff, DWRStaff Record,

State Accounting Code

A transportation agency code needed by the financial system.

Where Used: Contract Fund,

State Funding Code

A transportation agency code needed by the financial system.

Where Used: Contract Fund,

State Prevailing Wage Rate

Indicates that the funding associated with this contract is provided by the state, and therefore wages for all employees working on this contract must comply with state wage determinations.

Where Used: Contract,

State Project Number

A unique identifier assigned to a project by the state government.

Where Used: Contract, Contract Project, Contract Project Category, Prime Project, Project, Proposal,

State Unemployment Percentage

Percent of adjustment to be added to all recorded work on this force account (labor, equipment, and material) for state unemployment.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor,

State Withholding Amount

The amount of state income tax to be deducted from the employee's gross amount for this payroll period.

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee Labor,

State of Incorporation

The state in which the vendor company is incorporated (Code table: STATE).

Where Used: Ref Vendor,


The state or province in which the field interview employee lives (Code Table: STATE).

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,


The state or province associated with this record (Code table: STATE).

Where Used: Address, Payroll Employee, Ref Employee, Ref Vendor Address, Ref Wage Decision,

Statement of Defense Date

The date of the defendant's reply to the claim.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Statewide Indicator

Indicates that the vendor is available to provide supplies or services in work locations throughout all parts of the state.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Statewide Indicator,


Station of where the sample was taken. This field indicates the first part of the station number (e.g., 1 of 1+23.33, 223 of 223 + 34.10).

Where Used: Sample Record,

Station From

Part of stations - beginning station location marker.

Where Used: Dwr Item Posting,

Station From Plus

Part of stations - distance from the beginning station location marker.

Where Used: Dwr Item Posting,

Station Plus

Station of where the sample was taken. This field indicates the second part of the station number (e.g., 23.33 of 1+23.33, 34.10 of 223 + 34.10).

Where Used: Sample Record,

Station To

Part of stations - ending station location marker.

Where Used: Dwr Item Posting,

Station To Plus

Part of stations - distance from the ending station location marker.

Where Used: Dwr Item Posting,


The current state of the associated record. A status of "Inactive" indicates the record is no longer in use.

Where Used: MEIO


The current state of the lab as set by the user. If this field is set to Active, and the lab also has an active sampling or testing qualification, the system sets the value of the Active field to Yes.

Where Used: Lab,


Identifies the approval status of the evaluation: Draft, Pending Approval, or Approved.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation,


The status of the contract payment estimate. Possible values: Draft, Pending Approval, Rejected, Approved.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,


The status of the reference profile recommendation, either Recommended, Approved, or Rejected.

Where Used: Bid History Profile Recommendation, Contingency Assignment Profile Recommendation, Cost Sheet Recommendation, Life Cycle Maintenance Schedule Profile Recommendation, Typical Section Profile Recommendation,


The status of the stockpile, either Open, Active, or Closed. When a stockpile is first created, its status is Open. After a stockpile is processed by a payment estimate, its status becomes Active. A stockpile has a Closed status only when the stockpile is manually closed or when it is automatically closed as a result of agency option settings for semi-final or final estimates. Stockpiles are not automatically closed when the stockpile balance reaches zero.

Where Used: Stockpile,

Status Change Date

The date the status was changed for this work code record. When the date saved in this field passes, the system locks this work code record so that no future changes can be made. You are required to enter a reason for the change in the Remarks field before you can save the date. After a date is entered and saved in this field, the value cannot be modified.

Where Used: Ref Vendor NAICS, Ref Vendor SICCode, Ref Vendor Specialty Code,

Status Date

The date the value in the Proposal Status field was most recently changed.

Where Used: Proposal,

Status Indicator

A value depicting the relative phase of the concept (Code Table: CNCPTSTAT).

Where Used: Concept, System,

Status Sequence Number

A sequence number to track whether this sample record was set to a status more than once.

Where Used: Sample Log,

Status Type

An identifier for the current status of the sample record. Values: Pending: When a sample record is created. Logged: When a test is assigned to a sample record. Received at Destination Lab: When the sample record is received at the destination lab. Received at Lab Unit: When the sample record is received at the lab unit. In Testing: When the sample record is being tested. Pending Authorization: When all tests on a sample record are approved. Approved: When the sample record is approved but not authorized. Authorized: When the sample record is authorized. Void: When the sample record has been made void.

Where Used: Sample Log,

Steel Adjustment

Adjustment to the steel price index.

Where Used: Contract Item,

Steel Price

The price of steel.

Where Used: Ref Item,


A name to identify a step within a reference issue and any resulting tracking issues.

Where Used: Ref Add User To Step Event Action, Ref Issue Event Action, Ref Issue Step, Ref Transition To Event Action,

Step Owners

User assigned as an owner of a step in a tracked issue.

Where Used: Ref Issue Step,

Stockpile Balance

Where Used:

Stockpile ID

A unique identifier assigned to each stockpile transaction in the contract.

Where Used: Pay Estimate Item Adjustment, Stockpile Transaction,

Stockpile Item Recovery Percentage

The historical value of the item recovery percentage when the review transaction occurred. The item recovery percentage is the contract item percent complete for which the construction stockpile amount will have been fully recovered.

Where Used: Pay Estimate Item Adjustment,

Stop Time

The date and time when this contract time ends. After this specified date and time, the system no longer assesses time or charges for this contract time.

Where Used: Contract Time Available,

Stop if runs longer than

The amount of time a scheduled process is allowed to run, after which the system will automatically stop the process even if not completed.

Where Used: Scheduled Process,

Stormwater Earth Moving

Indicates whether the SECIR report for this contract includes an earth moving inspection.

Where Used: Contract,

Stormwater Event

Indicates whether a Stormwater Environmental Compliance Inspection Report (SECIR, a.k.a. National Pollution Discharge Elimination System - NPDES) may be required based on the selected weather condition value for the DWR date.

Where Used: Ref Weather,

Stormwater Events Enabled

Indicates whether the system will allow stormwater events to be recorded on DWRs for this contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Stormwater Indicator

Indicates whether the permit is related to a stormwater period and a Stormwater Environmental Compliance Inspection Report.

Where Used: Contract Permit,

Stormwater Inspection Compliance

Indicates that a Stormwater Environmental Compliance Inspection Report (SECIR) is required for this contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Stormwater Inspector

Indicates that this person is qualified to inspect stormwater events and produce the Stormwater Environmental Compliance Inspection Report (SECIR).

Where Used: Person Info,

Stormwater Period

A defined period of time for reporting stormwater events on a contract. This enables the agency to record information such as permits, DWR information, earth-moving events, and signatures necessary to comply with EPA requirements.

Where Used: Stormwater Period Contract Permit, Stormwater Period Contract Project, Stormwater Period Earth Moving Event, Stormwater Period Location, Stormwater Period Signature, Stormwater Period Stormwater Event,

Stormwater Period Response Days

Specifies the number of days after the DWR date that a stormwater event should be associated with a stormwater period. A value greater than 0 is required. The default value is 7.

Where Used: Ref Weather,

Stormwater Response Due Date

The date by which a DWR with a stormwater event should be associated with a stormwater period.

Where Used: Daily Work Report,

Straight Hourly Rate

The amount the employee is paid for working an hour of base time (that is, time that is not classified as overtime).

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Straight Time Hours

The field interview employee's straight time hours reported during the interview.

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,

Straight Time Hours

On Payroll Employee pages, this field represents the number of regular hours (state and non-state) the employee worked during this payroll period (that is, non-overtime and non-holiday hours worked). On Payroll Employee Labor Hour pages, this field represents the number of regular hours the employee worked on this labor hour date.

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee Labor Hour,

Subc Agreement Rvwd

Indication that the Hauler Subcontract Agreement was reveiwed.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Subcontract Agreement Reviewed

Indication that the Subcontract Agreement was reviewed.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Subcontract Agreement Reviewed

Indication that the Professional Services Subcontract Agreement was reviewed.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Subcontract Extended Amount

The total cost of the subcontract item, calculated by the system as the product of the subcontract unit price multiplied by the item quantity.

Where Used: Subcontract Item,

Subcontract Extended Amount

The total cost of the subcontract item, calculated by the system as the product of the subcontract prime unit price multiplied by the item quantity.

Where Used: Subcontract Project Item,

Subcontract Filter Clause

Filter clause to identify proposals whose subcontracts match the selected criteria.

Where Used: Proposal Selection Set,

Subcontract ID

A unique identifier within a contract assigned to each subcontract by the system in the Subcontract List.

Where Used: Contractor, Subcontract Item, Trucking, Work Classification,

Subcontract Item

The contract item line number, prime unit price, and quantity for the subcontract item.

Where Used: System,

Subcontract Matches DBE Commitment

Indicates whether the description of work listed in the DBE’s subcontract is consistent with the work listed in the Prime vendor’s approved DBE Commitment.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Subcontract Number

A unique identifier within a contract assigned to each subcontract by the user.

Where Used: Subcontract,

Subcontract Type

The kind of subcontract (Code table: SUBTYPE).

Where Used: Subcontract,

Subcontract Unit Price

The unit price for the subcontract item actually paid by the prime contractor to the subcontractor.

Where Used: Subcontract Item, Subcontract Project Item,

Subcontract to Date Amount

The dollar amount of this contract project item that has been subcontracted to date.

Where Used: Contract Item, Contract Project Item, System,

Subcontract to Date Quantity

The quantity of this contract project item that has been subcontracted to date.

Where Used: Contract Item, Contract Project Item, System,

Subcontracted to DBE Firms

The total calculated dollar value amount for the trucking subcontracted to DBE firms in this subcontract.

Where Used: Subcontract,

Subcontracted to non-DBE Firms

The total calculated dollar value amount for the trucking subcontracted to non-DBE firms in this subcontract.

Where Used: Subcontract,


Indicates whether the subcontracting has been reviewed.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Subcontracting Comments

Additional information about the associated record. This field is required when the check box associated with these comments is not checked.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Subcontracting Policy

Indicates that the Subcontracting policy has been reviewed.

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,

Subcontracting Policy Review Date

The date the Subcontracting policy was reviewed.

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,

Subcontracting Policy Reviewed By

The person who performed the Subcontracting policy review (Code Table: STAFF).

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,


A reference vendor assigned to work on transportation agency job sites related to a single contract by the Prime Contractor, regardless of whether they have a formal subcontract. End-Of-Month (EOM) Trucking Firms and Subcontract Truckers are examples of vendors that may not have a formal subcontract with the Prime Contractor.

Where Used: Subcontract,


The reference vendor ID of the subcontractor associated with this contract action.

Where Used: Contract Action,

Subcontractor Comments

Additional information about the Subcontractor evaluation of the Commercially Useful Function review. This should include details about any issues uncovered during the review.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Subcontractor ID

The reference vendor ID of the subcontractor associated with this claim.

Where Used: Contract Claim,

Subcontractor Payment ID

A unique identifier assigned automatically to each subcontract payment in the Subcontractor Payment List.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment Item, Subcontractor Payment Wk Type,

Subcontractor Payrolls Reviewed

Indication that the Subcontractor's Payroll were reviewed.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Subcontractor's Payroll Signed Date

The date the physical payroll was signed.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,

Subcontractor's Payroll Signer

The name of the person who signed the physical payroll for the payroll vendor.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,


Text describing the contents of the email message.

Where Used: Outbox Message,

Submission Method

Indicates whether the payroll was mailed, attached, or delivered.

Where Used: Certified Payroll,

Submit Date

The date the permit was submitted.

Where Used: Contract Permit,

Submittal Date

For certified payrolls, this is the date the original paper copy of the payroll was submitted to the transportation agency by the contractor (usually determined by the postal cancellation date). For subcontractor payments, this is the date the subcontractor payment was submitted to the agency by the prime contractor. For vendor annual data, this is the date this record was added to the system, and cannot be earlier than January 1 of the year of the record.

Where Used: Certified Payroll, Ref Vendor Annual Data, Ref Vendor Officer PNW,

Submittal Type

The kind of record submitted (Code table: SUBMITTALTYPE).

Where Used: Ref Vendor Annual Data, Ref Vendor Officer PNW,

Submitted Date

The date the document was submitted to the agency.

Where Used: Document Submission,

Submitted on behalf of

The person or organization submitting the document to the agency.

Where Used: Document Submission,


The system user who created the document submission record.

Where Used: Document Submission,

Subset Item

Indicates that the quantity of this item in a subcontract may exceed the quantity in the parent contract, even if the unit value is the same (similar to a partial item). When the subset item indicator is set to true for a subcontract item, the system sets the quantity of the associated subcontract project items to zero. The user must manually specify quantities for the associated subcontract project items. In addition, the user can modify the unit of measure and the unit price for associated subcontract project items.

Where Used: Subcontract Item,


Indicates whether the process completed successfully.

Where Used: Data Access Log, Process History,

Sufficient Material Quantity

The amount of material for the contract project item that satisfies testing and sampling requirements.

Where Used: Contract Project Item, Contract Project Item Material Set Material,

Summary Information

Summary information about the profile that is presented to the user when the profile is associated with a cost estimate.

Where Used: Contingency Assignment Profile,


Indicates that the contract time should recur on Sunday, according to its schedule (for example, every two weeks on Sunday).

Where Used: Contract Time Recurring,

Superseded General Decision Number

The wage decision number being replaced by the current General Decision Number.

Where Used: Ref Wage Decision,

Supervisor ID

The person's supervisor.

Where Used: Person Info,


The action required to resolve the payment estimate exception before a supplemental payment estimate can be approved. Valid values: May be left Unresolved, Must Acknowledge, Must Override, Must Resolve, and Not Calculated or Displayed.

Where Used: Cont Paymt Est Except Override, Ref Payment Estimate Exception,

Supplemental Description

Additional information describing the entity, which supplements its primary description and includes information specific to the associated project.

Where Used: Change Order New Item, Contract Item, Contract Project District, Contract Project Item, Cost Estimate Item, District, Proposal Item,

Supplemental Description

An additional description of this type of labor.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Labor,

Supplemental Description

An additional description of this type of equipment.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Vendor Equipment,

Supplemental Description Required

Indicates that a value is required in the Supplemental Description field for this reference item when added to a project. The default value is unchecked, indicating that a supplemental description is not required.

Where Used: Ref Item,

Supplemental Explanation

Additional text that displays on this row of the change order report (after the optional reference explanation text).

Where Used: Change Order Explanation, Change Order Inc Dec Item Explanation, Change Order New Item Explanation, Change Order Time Adjustment Explanation,

Supplemental Spec Book

A specification book associated with the proposal in addition to the primary specification book (Spec Book).

Where Used: Contract,

Supplied Material Source ID

Unique identifier for a supplied material.

Where Used: Supplied Material.Supplied Source,

Supplied Material Source Name

Brief text describing this entity.

Where Used: Supplied Material.Supplied Source,


Indicates that this subcontractor is a supplier of construction materials and/or equipment for the contract.

Where Used: Subcontract,

Supplier / Manufacturer / Broker / Regular Dealer

Indicates that this DBE subcontractor is a supplier of construction materials and/or equipment. When you select this check box, you may also enter a value in these 3 fields: DBE Supplier Total Amount, DBE Supplier Dollar Credit Allowed, and DBE Supplier Percentage Credit Allowed and add the vendor as a DBE supplier in the DBE commitment record. Each DBE Commitment record may only have one associated DBE Supplier.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Supplier, Dbe Commitment,

Supplier Amount

The dollar amount contracted for supplier services in this subcontract.

Where Used: Subcontract,

Supplier Comments

Additional information about the supplier review. This should include details about any issues uncovered during the review.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Supplier of bulk items

Indication that the DBE is a supplier of bulk items.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Supportive Services

Vendor can be marked for Highway or Non-Highway. Highway marked vendors have additional resources allocated to them such as funding and training. (Code table: SUPPORTIVESERVICES)

Where Used: Ref Vendor,


The vendor that owns the insurance policy for the proposal vendor or contractor.

Where Used: Contract, Proposal Vendor,

Surety Agent

The vendor that handles the surety account for the proposal vendor or contractor.

Where Used: Contract, Proposal Vendor,

Suspend Available Time Charges

The date and time the contract time was suspended. This date cannot preceed the date that any time charges were entered into the system for this contract time.

Where Used: CTAvailable Suspend Resume,


Indicates whether or not this supplemental explanation has been associated to the item on the Change Order Item Explanations tab.

Where Used: Change Order Inc Dec Item Explanation,

System Event Trigger

The condition that initiates a system event.

Where Used: Event Action, Execute Process Event Action, Generate Report Event Action, Notify Chg Ord App Group Event Action, Notify Email Address Event Action, Notify Mailing List Event Action, Notify Owners Event Action, Notify Pay Est Appr Level Event Action, Notify Person Event Action, Notify Role Event Action, Notify User Event Action, Notify Vendor Event Action, Open Issue Event Action, System Event Trigger Condition,

System Generated

Indicates whether the item adjustment was created by the system.

Where Used: Contract Adjustment, Pay Estimate Item Adjustment,

System Generated ID

A system-generated unique identifier that can be a global ID within all of web-based AASHTOWare Project or may be only within the parent entity itself. This number is used by the system to uniquely identify records and has no business significance to the user.

Where Used: System,

System Outlier

Indicates whether the system marked the item bid as an outlier to exclude it from the modeled price.

Where Used: Bid History Item, Bid History Item, Bid History Item,



Target Value

A numeric value that represents the ideal or target value for the material test specification. Values can be entered to the hundred thousandths place.

Where Used: Ref Specification Condition Field,


Unique identifier for a bid-based task.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task,


Unique identifier for the bid-based task within the cost estimate typical section.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Item Bid Based Task,


Unique identifier for the reference price task within the cost estimate typical section.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Item Ref Price Task, Ce Typical Section Item Ref Price Task,


Unique identifier for the bid-based task.

Where Used: Ce Milestone Item Bid Based Price,

Task Bid History Profile

The identifier for the item bid history profile associated with the task.

Where Used: Ce Milestone Item Bid Based Price, Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task,

Task Comment

A comment indicating the source of the bid-based price, either average model or regression model or 'No bid-based price available'.

Where Used: Ce Milestone Item Bid Based Price, Ce Typical Section Item Bid Based Task, Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task, Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task,

Task Group

A sequential number used to identify a task group associated with a cost estimate item. The system increments this number automatically as new task groups are added or copied to the cost estimate.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Price Task, Cost Estimate Item Task Group, Ref Item Task Group,

Task Group

The identifier for the task group associated with this price task. If you want to add the price task to a task group, enter the task group name in this field.

Where Used: Ref Item Bid Based Task, Ref Item Cost Sheet, Ref Item Price Task,

Task Group

The name of the task group to which the bid-based task belongs. The task group is inherited from the reference item's bid-based task standard task group when populated.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task,

Task Group

The task group with which the cost estimate item cost sheet is associated.

Where Used: Cost Sheet,

Task Name

A unique identifier for the reference price task. This ID includes a sequential number that is incremented automatically when a new reference price task is associated with this reference item.

Where Used: Ref Item Price Task,

Task Price

The unit price calculated for the cost estimate item according to the price task.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Item Bid Based Task, Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task, Cost Estimate Item Price Task,

Task Price

The calculated price for the bid based task.

Where Used: Ce Milestone Item Bid Based Price,

Task Sequence

The unique identifier for the task group. This number is automatically incremented when task groups are added or copied.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Bid Based Task,

Task Unit Price

The Task Unit Price is the price of the cost sheet used to calculate the unit price for the cost estimate item. The Task Unit Price is calculated by multiplying the Quantity Per Item Unit by the Cost Sheet Unit Subtotal. The Cost Sheet Unit Subtotal is calculated as [(Total Labor Cost + Total Equipment Cost)/Production Rate] + Total Material Cost. The Total Cost for laborers, equipment, and material is the sum of their Extended Amounts multiplied by their Overhead Percentages.

Where Used: Cost Sheet,

Tax Percentage

Percent of adjustment to be added to all recorded work on this force account (labor, equipment, and material) for tax.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor,

Telephone Number

The telephone number associated with the address record.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Address,

Temporal Type

The temporal frequency used for an acceptance action. Values: Day, Week, Month, and Year.

Where Used: Acc Action Option Rate Freq,


A system-generated field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: User Filter,


The Microsoft Azure Active Directory Domain that contains the Power BI content.

Where Used: Bi Setting,


An advanced parameter that indicates whether the terrain attribute is included as a variable in the calculation of regressions and averages.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,


The type of terrain or natural land features for the concept, project, or proposal (Code table: TERRAIN).

Where Used: Bid Based Worksheet, Bid History Item, Concept, Cost Estimate Snapshot, Price History Profile, Project, Proposal,


The terrain type to be used to calculate a bid-based price for the selected item (Code table: TERRAIN).

Where Used: Item Bid History Profile,


The terrain associated with the historical bid price.

Where Used: System,


A boolean field indicating whether to include terrain in price calculations.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,


A unique identifier assigned to each material test in the system. In some places, this field also displays the test description.

Where Used: Action Relationship, Alternate Test Workflow, Material Test, Sample Record Test, Test Assignment Info, Test Triggered Event, Test Triggered Event Trigger,

Test Number

Unique number for a sample record test. Multiple runs of the same test method assigned to a sample record are numbered sequentially with a whole number, decimal, and a zero: 1.0, 2.0, and so on. Test numbers for repeated test runs are incremented by one tenth: 1.1, 1.2, or 2.1, 2.2, depending on the original test number.

Where Used: Sample Record Test,

Test Requeued

Indicates whether the test has been requeued.

Where Used: Sample Record Test,

Test Responsibility

The group responsible for testing the sample to be taken (Code Table: TSTRESP).

Where Used: Action Relationship,

Test Result Value

Result of the sample record test. Possible test result values are defined by your agency.

Where Used: Sample Record Test,

Test Result Value

Identifier for a possible test result.

Where Used: Sample Record Test,

Test Runs

The number of times a given test is to be performed on a sample.

Where Used: Sample Record Test, Test Assignment Info,

Test Start Date

Date the test started for a sample.

Where Used: Sample Record Test,

Test Start Duration

The length of time in days from when a sample of material is taken to when the test needs to be performed (for example, 28 day cylinder break).

Where Used: Action Relationship,

Test Status

This field determines the role's access to components with particular test statuses.

Where Used: Role,

Test Status

Current status for a sample record test (Code Table: TESTSTATUS). Default values: 0: Test Cancelled. 05: Test Assigned. 10: Test in Queue. 11: Test Requeued. 20: Being Retested. 21: Retest. 40: Test Complete. 50: Test Reviewed by Level 1. 60: Test Approved by Level 2. 81: Test Referred back to Lab.

Where Used: Sample Test Log,

Test Triggered Event

A test triggered event includes criteria that can be matched to a sample record test. When a sample record test matches all of the criteria, the system performs one or more actions that can change the status of other tests associated with the sample record. These actions can also include executing a process, if needed.

Where Used: Test Triggered Event Trigger,


Indicates that this person is a tester.

Where Used: Person Info,


Unique identifier for the person performing the testing.

Where Used: Sample Tester,

Tester Action

The action the tester performed on the sample record test.

Where Used: Sample Test Log, Sample Tester,


The number of tests assigned to a sample record.

Where Used: System,


The text recorded for an email in the communication log for a tracked issue.

Where Used: Issue Email,


The participants of a phone call recorded in the communication log for a tracked issue.

Where Used: Issue Phone,


The contents of a notification message sent as a result of a tracked issue.

Where Used: Issue Message,

Text Document

The text that you want the system to display for the text document.

Where Used: Text Doc Management,

Text Document

A section of text that can be customized by an agency to be displayed in a specific area of the application (for example, a welcome message that displays on a user's Home Page News component or pertinent information for contractors entering payroll information).

Where Used: System,

Text Document Management ID

The text documents available for use as Home Page News content on the role's dashboard.

Where Used: Role,

Text Messaging Address

The text messaging email address for this address record.

Where Used: Address,

Text to appear on Collapsible

The label displayed on the section header for a collapsible container in an agency view.

Where Used: Av Control,

The Bulletin Board is up and contains all up to date required information

Indicates that the site bulletin board is in place and up to date.

Where Used: Field Interview,

Third Fringe Benefit Program

The third fringe benefit program in which the field interview employee states they are participating.

Where Used: Field Interview Job Classification,

This Pay Estimate

Total item adjustments of this type for this project on the current payment estimate.

Where Used: Pay Estimate Item Adjustment Summary,

This Pay Estimate

Total contract adjustments of this user-defined type for the current estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Contract Other Adjustment Type,

Threshold Absolute Value

Indicates whether or not thresholds are absolute values that refer to positive and negative amounts or percentages.

Where Used: Ref Change Order Approval Rule,

Threshold Calculation Method

An indicator that specifies how the total dollar/time amounts approval thresholds are calulated.

Where Used: Ref Change Order Approval Rule,

Threshold Percent

If the percentage change between the adjustment payment for the item and the original price of the item is less than or equal to this value, then no adjustment is made in the payment process. The percentage difference between the original item cost and the adjusted cost must be greater than this threshold percent to take the index into account. If this field is blank, the system will use the Default Threshold Percent.

Where Used: Ref Price Index Adjustment,


Indicates that the contract time should recur on Thursday, according to its schedule (for example, every two weeks on Thursday).

Where Used: Contract Time Recurring,

Tiered Contractor ID

Where Used:

Time Adjustments

Indicates that the change order includes an increase or decrease of contract times.

Where Used: Change Order, Ref Change Order Approval Rule,

Time Charged

The number of time units charged. This field is only available if the Time Type for the contract is AD (Available Time). There is a minimum value of 0 for this field. The increment amount and maximum value allowed are determined by agency options.

Where Used: Diary Contract Time, Dwr Contract Time,

Time Description

Brief text describing the contract time.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring, Ref Contract Time,

Time ID

A unique identifier assigned to each time record in the system.

Where Used: Bid Time, Proposal Time,

Time ID

A unique identifier assigned to each time record in the contract.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurr Event, Contract Time Recurring, Document Submission, Ref Contract Time,

Time Type

Indicates whether the contract records time based on available working days, calendar days or a completion date.

Where Used: Proposal Time,

Time Type

The type of time information recorded in this contract time record (Available Time, Calendar Time, Completion Date, Informational, or Recurring).

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring, Ref Contract Time,

Time Unit

The type of unit being used to measure the proposal time. You can choose days or hours. This field is required for proposal times with Available Time or Calendar Time in the Time Type field.

Where Used: Proposal Time,

Time Unit

The type of unit being used to measure the contract time. This field is required for contract times with a Time Type of Available Time, Calendar Time, or Completion Date.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring, Ref Contract Time,

Time Units

Current number of time units (days or hours) specified for completion of a contract time.

Where Used: Contract Adjustment,


This person's title (for example, Mr., Dr., President, Director).

Where Used: Person Info, Vendor Authority, View,


A descriptive name, label, or heading used to identify the agency view.

Where Used: Agency View,


Title for a person attending a meeting.

Where Used: Attendee,

To Test Status

The status that a sample record test is changed to as a result of an alternate test workflow. When a sample record test that matches the criteria specified in an alternate test workflow is in the test status in the From Test Status field, and an action is performed that would move it to a different test status, the system sets the test status to the value entered in the To Test Status field (Code Table: TESTSTATUS).

Where Used: Alternate Test Workflow,

To Test Status

Part of the criteria used to match a sample record test to a test triggered event. The value in the To Test Status field is the status of the test after another action in the system changes the status (Code Table: TESTSTATUS).

Where Used: Test Triggered Event,

To Test Status

The status the associated test will be changed to when the sample record test matches the criteria in the test triggered event (Code Table: TESTSTATUS).

Where Used: Test Triggered Event Trigger,


Text displayed in the application when the user rests the pointer on the field.

Where Used: Av Detail Field,


Text displayed in the application when the user rests the pointer on the graphic image.

Where Used: Av Control,


A proposal section total that does not include life cycle costs.

Where Used: Proposal Section,


The total amount bid for the proposal associated with the historical bid price.

Where Used: Bid History Item,


The total dollar amount for all active items included in the typical section.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Profile,

Total (All Pay Est)

Total item adjustments of this type for this project on all payment estimates, including previous and current.

Where Used: Pay Estimate Item Adjustment Summary,

Total (All Pay Est)

Total contract adjustments of this user-defined type for all estimates (previous and current).

Where Used: Payment Estimate Contract Other Adjustment Type,

Total Ad Hoc Pricing

The total value of the ad hoc costs for all active ad hoc pricing methods.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Total Adjustment Amount

Total of all adjustment amounts for the item on all payment estimates.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Total Adjustment Amount Previous Payment Estimates

Total of all adjustment amounts for the item on the previous payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Total Adjustment Amount This Payment Estimate

Total of all adjustment amounts for the item on the current payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item,

Total Adjustments

The total estimated dollar value of any adjustments applied to the cost estimate.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Total Allowable Maximum Subcontract Amount (non-specialty)

Total allowable maximum subcontract amount (non-specialty). The contract's subcontract percentage threshold multiplied by the contract current amount.

Where Used: Contract,

Total Allowable Maximum Subcontract Percent (non-specialty)

The total allowable maximum subcontract percent (non-specialty).

Where Used: Contract,

Total Amount Allocated Previous Payment Estimates

Total amount allocated to this fund for this item up to and not including the current estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Item Fund,

Total Amount Used on All Payment Estimates

Total amount from the fund used in all payment estimates for the contract.

Where Used: Contract Fund,

Total Bid Costs

The total estimated dollar amount of all active low-cost items that are biddable.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Total Biddable Markups

The total dollar amount of markups applicable to cost estimate biddable costs.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Total Calculated Extended Amount

The total calculated dollar value amount for the trucking included in this subcontract.

Where Used: Subcontract,

Total Calculated Installed Authorized Quantity

The total authorized installed quantity for the item for this vendor as long as the subcontract item unit is the same as on the contract item unit. Otherwise, it is unknown.

Where Used: Subcontract Item, Subcontract Project Item,

Total Calculated Items Total

The sum of the subcontract items prime's extended amounts (Quantity multiplied by Prime Unit Price) in this subcontract.

Where Used: Subcontract,

Total Calculated Subcontract Amount (non-specialty)

The sum of calculated total subcontract amounts for all subcontracts on the contract. This is the sum of the non-specialty subcontract items prime's extended amounts (Quantity multiplied by Prime Unit Price) for a subcontract plus the subcontract's supplier amount, trucker amount and broker amount.

Where Used: Contract,

Total Calculated Subcontract Item Extended Amount (non-specialty)

The sum of subcontract items' sub extended amounts for all subcontracts on the contract (non-specialty). This is the sum of the subcontract items’ prime's extended amounts (Quantity multiplied by Prime Unit Price) in this subcontract.

Where Used: Contract,

Total Commitment Amount

The sum of all commitment amounts recorded in the DBE Commitments List for the proposal vendor.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Total Commitment Percent

The total commitment amount divided by the proposal vendor's calculated bid item total.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Total Construction Costs

The total estimated dollar value of costs for all active low-cost items classified as construction (versus non-construction) costs plus selected non-bid costs.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Total Construction Markups

The total dollar amount of markups applicable to cost estimate construction costs.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Total Contingency

The total estimated dollar value of any contingency applied to the cost estimate.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Total Cost Estimate Items

The total of the extended amount for all active cost estimate items.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Total Deductions

The sum of FICA withholding, federal withholding, state withholding, Medicare withholding, and other deductions.

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee Labor,

Total Diary Time Charge

The total number of time units charged on diaries for the contract time.

Where Used: Diary Contract Time, Dwr Contract Time,

Total Fringe Benefits Paid

The total fringe benefit amount earned by the payroll employee for the classification during the pay period on the project.

Where Used: Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee, Payroll Employee Labor, Payroll Employee Labor, Payroll Employee Labor,

Total Gross Pay

The amount earned by a payroll employee for the classification of work performed for the classification for all work, Project and Non-project.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Total Group Score

Sum of weighted scores for all the answered questions on the entire evaluation.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation,

Total Hours

The total number of hours worked by this person recorded as personnel or staff for this DWR contractor.

Where Used: DWRContractor Personnel, DWRContractor Staff,

Total Hours Spent

Total hours spent on all types of communication recorded for this issue.

Where Used: Issue,

Total Incentive Amount Applied

The total number of time units charged on approved estimates below the scheduled completion for the contract time multiplied by the amount to be charged for each time unit that a contractor is below the allowed time for a contract time record.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring,

Total Item Adjustment Amount

Where Used:

Total Liquidated Damages/Disincentive Amount Applied

The total number of time units charged on approved estimates exceeding the scheduled completion for the contract time multiplied by the amount to be charged for each time unit that a contractor exceeds the allowed time for a Contract Time.

Where Used: Contract Time, Contract Time Available, Contract Time Calendar, Contract Time Completion, Contract Time Informational, Contract Time Recurring,

Total Markups

The total estimated dollar value of any markups associated with the cost estimate.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Total Net Change Amount

Total net change amount for the contract. Calculated as the Net Change Amount Approved plus the Net Change Amount Pending.

Where Used: Contract,

Total Net Change Percentage

Total net change percentage for the contract. Calculated as the Total Net Change Amount divided by the Awarded Amount.

Where Used: Contract,

Total Non Bid Markups

The total dollar amount of markups applicable to cost estimate non-biddable costs.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Total Non Biddable Costs

The total estimated dollar amount for all active low-cost items that are not biddable.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Total Non Construction Costs

The total estimated dollar value for costs classified as non-construction (versus construction).

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Total Non Construction Markups

The total dollar value of markups applicable to non-construction items.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Total Number of Trucks

The total number of trucks used by this trucking firm during this end-of-month trucking period. The system calculates this value automatically.

Where Used: Trucking,

Total Number of Trucks Subcontracted

The total calculated number of trucks in this subcontract.

Where Used: Subcontract,

Total Number of employees

The system provides a calculated total using the sum of the vendor's full-time and part-time hourly employees (from the Reference Vendor Annual Data table). For more information, see "Adding Annual Data."

Where Used: Ref Vendor Annual Data,

Total Other Deductions

The total amount deducted from a payroll employee's pay for other deductions on the payroll, calculated automatically by the system as the sum of all associated payroll employee other deductions.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Total Overtime Hours

Those hours worked by an individual that require the application of an additional hourly pay rate. This includes hours worked beyond the normal work hours in a given day, hours worked beyond the normal work hours in a week, hours worked on a holiday, or hours worked on agency defined special days. On Payroll Employee pages, this field represents the total number of overtime hours (including those on other contracts, state and non-state) the employee worked during this payroll period. On Payroll Employee Labor Hour pages, this field represents the number of overtime hours the employee worked in the selected labor craft and classification on a given day.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Total Paid To Date

Sum of all moneys paid to the payee on this contract.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment,

Total Paid to Date Amount

The total amount that has been paid on this contract, including this contractor payment.

Where Used: Contract Payment,

Total Parametric Pricing

The total estimated dollar value of the active parametric profiles associated with the cost estimate.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Total Pay Amount

Total amount paid for the payment estimate, including item-level adjustments.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project, Payment Estimate Project,

Total Pay Amount

Total amount paid for all payment estimates on this contract, including item-level adjustments.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,

Total Pay Amount Previous Payment Estimates

Calculated as the Total Paid Quantity from previous payment estimates multiplied by the unit price for the item.

Where Used: System,

Total Pay Period Salaried Hours

The total number of salaried hours reported by the payroll vendor for a salaried payroll employee.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Total Posted Amount Previous Payment Estimates

Calculated as the Total Posted Quantity from previous payment estimates multiplied by the unit price for the item.

Where Used: System,

Total Preliminary Engineering Costs

The calculated cost of preliminary engineering for the cost estimate. Calculated as the sum of the extended amounts for all active cost estimate items that are marked as contributing to preliminary engineering costs.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Total Project Classification Salaried Hours

The total number of hours worked by the salaried employee in this project, craft, and classification

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Total Project Fringe Paid

The total fringe benefit amount paid to the employee on all agency projects.

Where Used: Payroll Employee,

Total Quote Amount

The total amount quoted by the quoter to the bidder for the proposal.

Where Used: Quoter Proposal,

Total Race Conscious Amount

The sum of all race conscious amounts recorded in the DBE Commitments List for the proposal vendor.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Total Race Conscious Percent

The total race conscious amount divided by the proposal vendor's calculated bid item total.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Total Race Neutral Amount

The sum of all race neutral amounts recorded in the DBE Commitments List for the proposal vendor.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Total Race Neutral Percent

The total race neutral amount divided by the proposal vendor's calculated bid item total.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment Summary,

Total Recovery Amount

The total gross stockpile recovery adjustments dollar amount for this item and construction stockpile on all payment estimates.

Where Used: Stockpile,

Total Retainage Required

The amount required to be encumbered for all the contracts associated with this security account. This is the sum of all estimate retainage amounts and securities used amounts for all contracts associated with this security account.

Where Used: Security Account,

Total Revised Race Conscious Percent

The Revised Race Conscious Amount divided by the Vendor Bid Item Total for the proposal vendor times 100.

Where Used: Dbe Commitment Summary,

Total Revised Race Conscious Percent

The Revised Race Conscious Amount divided by the Current Contract Amount on the contract times 100.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary,

Total Revised Race Neutral Percent

The Revised Race Neutral Amount divided by the Vendor Bid Item Total for the proposal vendor times 100.

Where Used: Dbe Commitment Summary,

Total Revised Race Neutral Percent

The Revised Race Neutral Amount divided by the Current Contract Amount on the contract times 100.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary,

Total Securities Retainage Amount

Total retainage amount encumbered in securities on the payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Project,

Total Specialty Subcontract Amount

The amount of approved, specialty work that has been subcontracted directly by the prime contractor. For information about how this field value is calculated, see the Help topic "Viewing Subcontract Information."

Where Used: Contract, Subcontract,

Total Specialty Subcontract Percent

This is the total specialty subcontracted amount divided by the contract's current amount.

Where Used: Contract, Subcontract,

Total Straight Time Hours

On Payroll Employee pages, this field represents the number of regular hours (state and non-state) the employee worked during this payroll period (that is, non-overtime and non-holiday hours worked). On Payroll Employee Labor Hour pages, this field represents the number of regular hours the employee worked on this labor hour date.

Where Used: Payroll Employee Labor,

Total Sub Extended Amount

The sum of the subcontract items' sub extended amounts (Quantity multiplied by Subcontract Unit Price) for this subcontract.

Where Used: Subcontract,

Total Subcontract Amount

The sum of the subcontract items prime's extended amounts (Quantity multiplied by Prime Unit Price) for this subcontract plus the subcontract's supplier amount, trucker amount and broker amount.

Where Used: Subcontract,

Total Towards Maximum Subcontract Amount (non-specialty)

The amount of approved, non-specialty work that has been subcontracted directly by the prime contractor. For information about how this field value is calculated, see the Help topic "Viewing Subcontract Information."

Where Used: Contract, Subcontract,

Total Towards Maximum Subcontract Percent (non-specialty)

The total towards maximum subcontract amount (non-specialty) divided by the contract's current contract amount.

Where Used: Contract, Subcontract,

Total Typical Section Pricing

The total estimated dollar value of all active typical section profiles associated with the cost estimate.

Where Used: Cost Estimate,

Total Voucher Amount

The sum of the selected payment estimate vouchers. This value is for display purposes only and is not stored in the database.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Voucher,

Total of Previously Approved Change Orders

The total amount of all other change orders for this contract that have reached Approval status at the time this change order was placed in Pending Approval status.

Where Used: Change Order,

Total with Life Cycle Cost

The sum of the alternate Proposal Section Total and the Life Cycle Cost Value.

Where Used: System,

Training Promotion Policy

Indicates that the Training and Promotion policy has been reviewed.

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,

Training and Promotion

Indicates whether the Training and Promotion policy has been reviewed.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Training and Promotion Comments

Additional information about the associated record. This field is required when the check box associated with these comments is not checked.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,

Training and Promotion Policy Reviewed By

The person who performed the Training and Promotion policy review (Code Table: STAFF).

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,

Training and Promotional Policy Review Date

The date the Training and Promotion policy was reviewed.

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,

Transaction Amount

The dollar amount of the construction stockpile transaction. This is equal to the net sum total amount for the transaction's project item distribution amounts.

Where Used: Stockpile Transaction,

Transaction Date

The date on which the stockpile transaction took place.

Where Used: Stockpile Transaction,

Transaction Date

The date on the check for the payment estimate or payment estimate voucher.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Voucher,

Transaction Number

A numeric identifier for the construction stockpile transaction.

Where Used: Stockpile Transaction,

Transaction Number

The check number for the payment estimate or payment estimate voucher.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Voucher,

Transaction Type

A value that describes the type of construction stockpile transaction (Code Table: CONSTSTKPILETRNSTYPE).

Where Used: Stockpile Transaction,

Transfer to Accounting Date

The date entered by the agency to indicate when the payment estimate or voucher is marked as ready to transfer to the agency's accounting department.

Where Used: Payment Estimate, Payment Estimate Voucher,

Transition Date

Indicates the date that a parametric item was transitioned to a detail item.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,

Transition From Concept Name

The name of the concept from which the project was transitioned.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Snapshot,

Transition To Project

The project to which the concept was transitioned.

Where Used: Concept, Cost Estimate Snapshot,

Transition to Civil Rights & Labor Construction Date

The date this contract was transitioned from a proposal.

Where Used: Contract, Proposal,

Transitioned To Project Date

The date on which the concept was transitioned to a project.

Where Used: Concept, Cost Estimate Snapshot,

Transitioned to Detail Items

The date that the typical section items were transitioned to detail items on the associated cost estimate.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Profile,


A treatment type included in the improvement. Used in the calculation of annualized cost for use in simplified life cycle analysis.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Annualization,

Treatment Estimate

The estimated cost of a specific treatment in the improvement. Used in the calculation of annualized costs for simplified life cycle analysis.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Annualization,


A condition that initiates a system event.

Where Used: System Event Trigger,


A condition that initiates an event in a reference issue or resulting tracked issue.

Where Used: Ref Issue Event Trigger, Ref Issue Event Trigger Condition, System Event Trigger Condition,

Trigger Sequence Number

Indicates the order in which multiple triggered events are performed when the system identifies a match between the test triggered event and a sample record test.

Where Used: Test Triggered Event Trigger,

Trigger XML

A system field usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Scheduled Process,

Truck Hourly Rate

For non-broker trucking firms, the hourly rate charged for operating this truck type.

Where Used: EOMTruck Type,

Truck ID

The unit number of the truck assigned by the trucking firm.

Where Used: EOMTrucking Firm,

Truck Rental Rate

The rental rate for the truck recorded in this field interview.

Where Used: Field Interview Trucking,

Truck Type

The truck classification based on the number of total axles on the vehicle (including trailer) based on the wage decisions for the state. (Code table: TRUCKTYPE)

Where Used: EOMTruck Type, Field Interview Trucking,


Indicates that this subcontractor provides trucking services for hauling materials used at the construction sites for this subcontract.

Where Used: Subcontract,

Trucker / Broker

Indicates that this subcontractor is a trucker or broker. You may also enter a value in these 3 fields: DBE Trucker Total Amount, DBE Trucker Dollar Credit Allowed, and DBE Trucker Percentage Credit Allowed.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commitment, Contract Curr Dbe Commitment, Dbe Commitment,

Trucker Amount

The dollar amount contracted for trucking services in this subcontract.

Where Used: Subcontract,

Trucker Name

The truck driver's name for this truck type.

Where Used: EOMTrucking Firm,

Trucking Company on Insurance Card

The name of the trucking company on the insurance card for the truck recorded in this field interview.

Where Used: Field Interview Trucking,

Trucking Firm

The Reference Vendor ID for the trucking firm.

Where Used: Contractor, EOMTrucking Firm, Trucking Truck Type,

Trucking Total

The total payment due for this end of month trucking period, including what is due for all children trucking firms associated with this contract.

Where Used: EOMTrucking,

Trusted Source

The identifier used by the pricing service to validate the permission.

Where Used: Pricing Service Permission,

Trustee/Contact Person

The name of the person to contact regarding additional information related to the vendor's benefit program, preferably the administrator of the program.

Where Used: Cert Payroll Benefit Program,

Trustee/Contact Phone

The telephone number for the benefit program's trustee or contact person.

Where Used: Cert Payroll Benefit Program,


Indicates that the contract time should recur on Tuesday, according to its schedule (for example, every two weeks on Tuesday).

Where Used: Contract Time Recurring,


Type of journal entry for a reference issue as defined by the agency. (Code table: JOURNALTYPE)

Where Used: Issue Diary Entry,


This action causes the system to send a message to users with a specific role when an event is triggered.

Where Used: Notify Role Event Action,


This action causes the system to send a message to a vendor when the event is triggered.

Where Used: Notify Vendor Event Action,


This action causes the system to send a message to a specific user when the event is triggered.

Where Used: Notify User Event Action,


This action causes the system to send a message to a specific email address when the event is triggered.

Where Used: Notify Email Address Event Action,


This action causes the system to send a message to a person when the event is triggered.

Where Used: Notify Person Event Action,


This action causes the system to send a message to a dynamic mailing list when the event is triggered.

Where Used: Notify Mailing List Event Action, Notify Owners Event Action,


This action causes the system to open a reference issue when the event is triggered.

Where Used: Open Issue Event Action,


The user account type for each possible message recipient.

Where Used: Outbox Unified Address,


The type or location of the phone this number reaches, for example, office, home, or cell (Code table: PHONETYP).

Where Used: Phone, Ref Vendor Phone,


The kind or category of reference issue (Code table: ISSUETYPE).

Where Used: Ref Issue,


The kind of security account (that is, escrow or security).

Where Used: Security Account,


The kind of road of which the road segment is a part (for example, county or state, asphalt or concrete) (Code table: ROADTYPE).

Where Used: Contract Project Road Segment, Road Segment,


The kind of report template (that is, base, custom or test).

Where Used: Report Template,


The kind of location point (for example, midpoint, endpoint, point A, or point B).

Where Used: Contract Project Location Point, Point,


The classification for this fund.

Where Used: Contract Fund,


The type of system event. A standard set of values that can be modified by the agency (Code Table: SYSTEMEVENTTYPE).

Where Used: System Event Trigger,


The action that will be performed when the event is triggered. Examples can include opening an issue or notifying a user.

Where Used: Event Action,


The action that will be performed as part of an event in a reference issue or tracked issue. Examples of actions include updating a field or notifying a user.

Where Used: Execute Process Event Action, Generate Report Event Action, Notify Pay Est Appr Level Event Action, Ref Add User To Issue Event Action, Ref Add User To Step Event Action, Ref Execute Process Event Action, Ref Generate Report Event Action, Ref Issue Event Action, Ref Notify Email Address Event Action, Ref Notify Mailing List Event Action, Ref Notify Owners Event Action, Ref Notify Person Event Action, Ref Notify Role Event Action, Ref Notify User Event Action, Ref Notify Vendor Event Action, Ref Open Issue Event Action, Ref Transition To Event Action, Ref Update Date Event Action, Ref Update Field Event Action,


Text describing the kind of remark being recorded (Code Table: REMARKTYPE).

Where Used: Agency View Remark, Calibrating Qualification Remark, Contract Payment Estimate Exception Remark, Cost Estimate Item Remark, Cost Estimate Snapshot Remark, Daily Diary, Daily Diary Remark, Daily Source Report Remark, Daily Work Report Remark, Dsr Inspection Remark, Dsr Material Component Remark, Dsr Material Prod Facility Remark, Dsr Material Prod Smfmi Remark, Dsr Material Prod Source Remark, Facility Material Category Remark, Facility Material Remark, Facility Remark, Issue Remark, Issue Step Remark, Lab Remark, Lab Sampling Qualification Remark, Lab Testing Qualification Remark, Material Category Remark, Material Remark, Meeting Remark, Meeting Remark, Mix Design Remark, Person Info Remark, Plan Discrepancy Remark, Product Group Sample Reviewer Remark, Remark Model Mapping, Sample Record Contract Association Remark, Sample Record Contract Material Set Association Remark, Sample Record Remark, Sample Record Test Remark, Sampling Qualification Remark, Source Material Category Remark, Source Material Remark, Source Remark, Test Equipment Qualification Remark, Test Equipment Remark, Testing Qualification Remark, Welder Qualification Remark,


The kind of message being recorded.

Where Used: Proposal Vendor Msg,


The kind of reference price (Dollar, Percent of, Percent on top).

Where Used: Ref Item Ref Price,


The kind of bid history to be created from the profile. 'Item' indicates that the profile will be used to price detail items.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,


The type of cost estimate item (Detail Item, Parametric Item, and Parametric Group).

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item,


The type of location being described for the concept.

Where Used: Concept Location,


The reference price type, either dollar, percent of, or percent on top.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Item Price Task,


Identifies the type of field for an agency entity, either text or number.

Where Used: Agency Field,


Identifies the type of validation for an agency entity field. Values: Calculation, CodeTable, InvalidCharacters, IsDate, IsDatetime, IsEmail, IsLatitude, IsLongitude, IsNumber, IsPercentage, IsPhoneNumber, IsRequired, MaxLength, and ValidValues.

Where Used: Agency Field Validation,


Indicates the type of control, either Accordion, Collapsible, Detail, Graphic, List, or ScrollableGrid.

Where Used: Av Control,


Determines the type of field displayed. Values: Autocomplete, Checkbox, DatePicker, DependentText, Dropdown, Text, TextArea, TextBox, or RadioButton.

Where Used: Av Detail Field,


A type classification for a change order (Code Table: COTYPE).

Where Used: Change Order,


When the event is triggered, this action causes the system to send a message to users assigned a role associated with a change order approval group.

Where Used: Notify Chg Ord App Group Event Action, Ref Notify Chg Ord App Group Event Action,


A standard set of values representing stages in the development of a payment estimate: Progress, Semi-Final, Final, Supplemental.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,


Identifies whether the contract adjustment is a result of Retainage, Incentive, Disincentive, Liquidated Damage, or Other Contract Adjustment. If you select the type Other Contract Adjustment, you must also select a value in the Other Contract Adjustment Type field. The Retainage value is only valid for system-generated contract adjustments.

Where Used: Contract Adjustment,


The type of action associated with the issue event trigger.

Where Used: Ref Notify Pay Est Appr Level Event Action,


A unique identifier assigned to each contract payment estimate type in the system.

Where Used: Payment Estimate,


Indicates the type of conditional formatting being applied. For field conditions, possible types are Bold, Color, and Visible. For label conditions, possible types are Color, Value, and Visible.

Where Used: Av Field Condition,


Indicates the primary topic of the document (Code table: DOCTYPE).

Where Used: Document Submission,


The type of deficiency or issue, as classified by the agency. (Code table: STORMDEFTYPE)

Where Used: Ref Stormwater Deficiency,


A standard set of values representing the adjustment or markup and the calculation performed. Valid values include: Equipment Adjustment, Base Labor Adjustment, Fringe Labor Adjustment, Material Adjustment, Markup on All Costs Excluding Adjustments, Markup on All Costs Including Adjustments.

Where Used: Ref Force Account Percentage,


The force account percentage type copied from the reference entity.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Percentage,


The kind of bid history to be created from the profile.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,


Indicates whether the proposal selection set is public and accessible to all or private and accessible only to the creator.

Where Used: Proposal Selection Set,

Type of Funding

The source of the money that will pay for the work in this proposal (for example, Federal, State, Municipal) (Code Table: FUNDTYP).

Where Used: Contract, Proposal,

Type of Text Document

The kind of text document being used in this record. Values: Change Order Signature Block, Contractor Payment Signature Block, External Process Bidder, External Process Contract Current DBE Commitments, External Process DBE Commitment, External Process Payroll, External Process subpayments, Federal 1392 Report Legal Text, Home Page News, and Proxy Entry.

Where Used: Text Doc Management,

Type of Transition

The type of acceptance or rejection that triggered the payroll transition.

Where Used: Payroll Transition Comment,

Type of Truck

The truck classification based on the number of total axles on the vehicle (including trailer) based on the wage decisions for the state. (Code table: TRUCKTYPE)

Where Used: Trucking Truck Type,

Type of Vendor

The role of the vendor on the contract.

Where Used: Compliance Finding,

Typical Item

Unique identifier for a reference item used in the typical section.

Where Used: Typical Section Profile Item,

Typical Section Bid History Profile

The bid history profile used to calculate bid-based prices for items on typical sections for the cost estimate.

Where Used: Cost Estimate, Cost Estimate,

Typical Section Default

Indicates that the selected bid history profile is the default typical section bid history profile when a cost estimate is added or created.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Typical Section Profile

A profile that represents a standard design for a typical road section, including detail items needed to complete the work. Typical sections can be used repeatedly in a cost estimate.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Item, Ce Typical Section Profile, Typical Section Profile Item, Typical Section Profile Variable,

Typical Section Quantity

The quantity or length of the typical section to be included in the estimate.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Profile, Typical Section Profile,




The address for a page on the World Wide Web.

Where Used: My Page, Recent Activity, Url Attachment,

Uncompleted Work

The amount of work, in dollars, that the vendor has outstanding.

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

Undertakings Date

The date on which an undertaking is filed.

Where Used: Contract Claim,


Indicates that the change order can be processed without approval from the prime contractor.

Where Used: Change Order,


Indicates that the field interview employee is represented by a union.

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,

Union Identification Date

The date associated with the Union Identification ID for this wage craft.

Where Used: Ref Wage Zone Area,

Union Identifier

The identifier assigned to this wage craft by the associated trade union.

Where Used: Ref Wage Zone Area,

Union Local

The name of the union local.

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,

Union Number

The number of the union local.

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,

Union Policy

Indicates that the union policy has been reviewed.

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,

Union Policy Reviewed By

The person who performed the union policy review (Code Table: STAFF).

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,

Union Review Date

The date the union policy was reviewed.

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,


Indicates whether the agency entity field is part of the natural key, and therefore must be unique.

Where Used: Agency Field,


The type of measurement used to determine the quantity of the reference item. (Code table: UNITS)

Where Used: Contract Item, Item Bid History Profile, Price History Profile,


The unit by which the length of the typical section will be measured. (Code table: UNITS)

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Profile, Typical Section Profile,


The unit of measure used for the material (Code table: UNITS).

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Material Invoice,

Unit Number

An identifier for a category unit, used to group categories for reporting purposes on the Funding Summary reports in the Detailed Estimate.

Where Used: Category, Contract Project Category,

Unit Price

The unit price for the item at the contract project level.

Where Used: Change Order New Item, Contract Project Item,

Unit Price

The sum of all rolled up regular project item extended amounts divided by the proposal item quantity. If the item is a true lump sum item, the proposal unit price is the sum of the project item unit prices. For fractional lump sum items, all of the unit prices must be the same so the proposal unit price is the project item unit price with quantities summed to 1.0. If the item is a hybrid lump sum item, the proposal unit price is equal to the sum of all rolled up project item extended amounts divided by the proposal item estimated quantity.

Where Used: Proposal Item,

Unit Price

The price of one unit of the material.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor Material Invoice,

Unit Price Comparison

The minimum or maximum bid amount allowed for this item, depending on the setting of the Bid Requirement Code. A value is required in this field when the Bid Requirement Code is set to "Minimum" or "Maximum."

Where Used: Proposal Item,

Unit System

The system of measurement used for item quantities, either English or metric. Items with a Neutral unit system can be used in projects with either Metric or English unit systems.

Where Used: Concept, Contingency Assignment Profile, Contract, Contract Project, Cost Estimate, Cost Estimate Snapshot, Item Group, LCMaint Sched Profile, Planning Group, Project, Proposal, Ref Cost Sheet, Ref Item, Typical Section Profile,

Unit Value Quantity

Another method of expressing the relationship of the item to the index. This value is the number of units of the index per units of the item. For example, if 25% of an item is gas, one unit of gas would be used for every four units of the item.

Where Used: Ref Price Index Adjustment,

Unit of Measure

The type of measurement used to determine the quantity of the reference item. (Code table: UNITS)

Where Used: Change Order New Item, Contract Project Item, Ref Item, Ref Item, Subcontract Item, Subcontract Project Item,

Unit of Measure

The unit of measure for the cost sheet.

Where Used: Cost Sheet, Ref Cost Sheet,

Unit of Measure

The unit of measure for the cost sheet material.

Where Used: Cost Sheet Material, Ref Cost Sheet Material,

Unit of Measure

The unit of measure for the construction activity.

Where Used: Production Rate,

Units Hauled

The number of units hauled by all trucks of this type per month.

Where Used: EOMTruck Type,

Units Used for Index

The unit of measure for an item associated with the index (Code Table: UNITS).

Where Used: Ref Price Index,

Units of Time

The type of time units (days or hours) used in the time requirement for this contract.

Where Used: Contract,


Indicates whether the sample record test is updateable in the Sample Record Test Summary component based upon the status type of the test, role, contract authority, tester testing qualification test, lab tester, lab testing qualification test, and workflow.

Where Used: Sample Record Test,


Indicates the population density in the area where work is to be performed for a concept, project, or proposal (Code Table: URBRUR).

Where Used: Bid Based Worksheet, Bid History Item, Concept, Cost Estimate Snapshot, Price History Profile, Project, Proposal,


An advanced parameter that indicates whether the urban/rural attribute is included as a variable in the calculation of regressions and averages.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,


A designation of the population density to be used to calculate a bid-based price for the selected item (Code Table: URBRUR).

Where Used: Item Bid History Profile,


The designation of population density associated with the historical bid price.

Where Used: System,


A boolean field indicating whether to include urban/rural improvement type in price calculations.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Use Alternate Specs

Indicates that the alternate specifications should be used for evaluations and testing instead of specifications for this material or material category.

Where Used: Alternate Material, Alternate Material Category, Material Category,

Use Approved Vendor Work Classes

Indicates that the subcontract work class assigned must be an approved work class code from the VWRKCLS code table and from the RefVendorWorkClass table for this subcontract's vendor.

Where Used: Subcontract,

Use Custom Message Text

Indicates that custom text should be used for the system message. If selected, custom message text is displayed when the system message is triggered. If not selected, base message text is displayed.

Where Used: System Message,

Use Historical Price

Indicates that the historical price from the reference item should be used as the Task Unit Price.

Where Used: Ce Milestone Item Ref Price, Ce Typical Section Item Ref Price Task, Cost Estimate Item Price Task,

Use Other Value

The value from this field will be used to update the other specified field as a result of the event in a reference issue or tracked issue.

Where Used: Ref Update Field Event Action,

Use Relative Date

Indicates that relative dates, rather than fixed numerical days of the month, will be specified for contract times that recur on a monthly basis.

Where Used: Contract Time Recurring,

Use for Test

Indicates which reference specification applies to the sample record test.

Where Used: Sample Test Ref Specification,

Use only

A data selection attribute for the status of proposals that will be used in bid-based price calculations. Values: Awarded, and Awarded and Rejected Proposals.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Use only

The kind of proposals to use for bid data collection.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Used In Bid

Indicates whether the quoter is used in the proposal bid.

Where Used: Quoter Proposal,


The User ID for the user that executed this process.

Where Used: System,


A user specified as an owner of a reference issue. Issue owners can view the reference issue and resulting tracked issues.

Where Used: Ref Issue Owner,


A notification message will be sent to the email address associated with this user account as a result of an event in a tracked issue.

Where Used: Ref Issue Event Action, Ref Notify User Event Action,


Indicates that this person is a system user.

Where Used: Person Info,

User Defined

Indicates that the profile has been modified and saved by a user since being added to the cost estimate.

Where Used: Bid History Profile, Ce Typical Section Profile, Transition Profile,

User Filtered

Indicates whether the item bid history is exluded from the modeled price based on filters set by the user.

Where Used: Bid History Item,

User ID

A unique identifier assigned to each user in the system for security purposes, such as assigning security roles and other system access rights or restrictions to users. The User ID is not case sensitive. Once saved, it cannot be changed.

Where Used: Data Access Log, Lock, Outbox Message, Person Info, User Info,

User Id

The user that signed the stormwater period record.

Where Used: Stormwater Period Signature,

User Info ID

User assigned as an owner of the tracked issue.

Where Used: Issue Owner,

User Info ID

User assigned as an owner of a step in a tracked issue.

Where Used: Step Owner,

User Info ID

The Person ID associated with this record.

Where Used: Person Info, Process History, Scheduled Process, User Filter, User Role, Vendor Authority,

User Info ID

A notification message will be sent to the email address associated with this user account as a result of an event in a tracked issue.

Where Used: Notify User Event Action,

User Outlier

Indicates whether the user marked the item bid as an outlier to exclude it from the modeled price.

Where Used: Bid History Item, Bid History Item, Bid History Item,

User Role

The active role for the agency staff member.

Where Used: DWRStaff Record,

Username Present in Directory

Indicates whether this user is associated with a directory service.

Where Used: User Info,



Valid Bid

A flag that indicates if the bid a proposal vendor has submitted is valid.

Where Used: Bid, Bid Section, Bid Time, Proposal Vendor,

Valid For Bidding

Indicates that a vendor has satisfied all the requirements an agency has set for bidding on the proposal. This value is the same for all purchase records for the proposal vendor.

Where Used: Proposal Vendor,


The value the will be used to update the specified field as a result of the event in a reference issue or tracked issue.

Where Used: Issue Field Value, Ref Issue Event Action, Ref Update Field Event Action,


The value that will trigger the event.

Where Used: Ref Issue Event Trigger, Ref Issue Event Trigger Condition, System Event Trigger, System Event Trigger Condition,


The date that will be used to update the specified date field as a result of the event in a reference issue or tracked issue.

Where Used: Ref Update Date Event Action,


An XML mapping of project source fields to proposal destination fields for use in controlling the Import Project Data function.

Where Used: Agency Option,


The numeric value of the variable.

Where Used: Bid History Variable, Cost Estimate Variable, Typical Section Profile Variable,


The specific value or calculation used in the data validation rule.

Where Used: AFVArgument,


The value of a variable used to calculate the Typical Item Quantity.

Where Used: Ce Typical Section Variable,

Value of Quote

The dollar amount the DBE vendor quoted to the proposal vendor.

Where Used: Contract Appr Good Faith Effort, Contract Curr Good Faith Effort, Dbe Good Faith Effort,


Values that will used for the comparison to trigger the event. Because values in the field must be separated by commas, a comma cannot appear within a value.

Where Used: Ref Issue Event Trigger, Ref Issue Event Trigger Condition, System Event Trigger, System Event Trigger Condition,

Variable Name

The unique identifier for a variable.

Where Used: Cost Estimate Variable,

Variable Name

The unique identifier for a variable. A variable is a numeric value used in formulas. Variables represent values that can change, and therefore affect the total cost estimate or the cost estimate for an item.

Where Used: Bid History Variable, Ce Typical Section Variable, Typical Section Profile Variable,

Vehicle ID

An identifier for the agency staff member's vehicle.

Where Used: DWRStaff, DWRStaff Record,


Filters the list to show tracked issues for a specific vendor.

Where Used: Issue Owner,


A unique identifier assigned to each vendor in the system.

Where Used: Source,

Vendor Access

This vendor ID can be used in conjunction with user role selection criteria to grant or restrict access to the concept, project, proposal, or cost estimate.

Where Used: Concept, Concept, Cost Estimate, Cost Estimate Snapshot, Project, Proposal, User Info,

Vendor Bid Ranking

A ranking assigned automatically to each proposal vendor in the Proposal Vendor List. Bidders are ranked according to their calculated total bids, with the lowest bid receiving the highest rank (1). Identical bids are ranked by Vendor ID. Invalid bids are not ranked.

Where Used: Proposal Vendor,

Vendor Equipment

Identifier of the piece of equipment used by the vendor on agency projects.

Where Used: Contract Vendor Equipment, Vendor Equipment,

Vendor Equipment Description

Description or type of the equipment used by the vendor on agency projects.

Where Used: Vendor Equipment,

Vendor Established Date

The date the vendor began conducting business. This date cannot be later than the current date.

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

Vendor Field

The vendor ID field that will be used to identify the recipient of a notification.

Where Used: Notify Vendor Event Action, Ref Notify Vendor Event Action,

Vendor ID

A unique identifier assigned to each vendor in the system.

Where Used: Certified Payroll, Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Dbe Commitment, EOMTrucking, Employer, Labor Compliance Review, Proposal Vendor, Ref Vendor, Ref Vendor Additional Type, Ref Vendor Address, Ref Vendor Affiliat, Ref Vendor Annual Data, Ref Vendor County, Ref Vendor Dbe Certification Event, Ref Vendor District, Ref Vendor Insurance, Ref Vendor NAICS, Ref Vendor Officer, Ref Vendor Ojt Goal, Ref Vendor Region, Ref Vendor SICCode, Ref Vendor Specialty Code, Ref Vendor Statewide Indicator, Ref Vendor Work Class, Trucking, Vendor Authority,

Vendor Name

The reference vendor name of the prime contractor associated with these contract payments.

Where Used: Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Contractor,

Vendor Name

The name of the vendor.

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

Vendor Notified

An indicator that the payroll exceptions should be addressed by the payroll vendor.

Where Used: Certified Payroll Exception,

Vendor Notified Date

The date the vendor was notified of the payroll exception. This field is automatically populated with the current date when you click the Vendor Notified button on the Payroll Exceptions List page.

Where Used: Certified Payroll Exception,

Vendor Number

A basic parameter to indicate which vendor's bids will be included in the bid history calculations. This parameter is required if the Source of Item Prices field is set to Selected Bidder.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Vendor Number

The bidder whose bids will be included in the bid data collection.

Where Used: Pricing Profile,

Vendor Personnel

Identifier for the personnel used by the vendor on agency projects.

Where Used: Contract Vendor Personnel, Vendor Personnel,

Vendor Personnel Description

Description or type of the personnel used by the vendor on agency projects.

Where Used: Vendor Personnel,

Vendor Ranking

The order of the top three ranked vendors according to the alternate sections currently selected for inclusion in the final contract. By default, the initial ranking is determined by the system's low-cost bid validation. When you select to include alternate section in the bid analysis, the system updates the value in the Vendor Ranking field to reflect the life cycle costs and calculated total amounts for the selected section. When you remove an alternate section from the analysis, the costs for that alternate section are removed from the totals, and the Vendor Ranking is recalculated.

Where Used: System,

Vendor Relation

The relationship between a vendor and its affiliate (Code table: RELAT).

Where Used: Ref Vendor Affiliat,

Vendor Short Name

A shortened version of the vendor's name.

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

Vendor Staff

Identifier for the staff used by the vendor on agency projects.

Where Used: Contract Vendor Staff, Vendor Staff,

Vendor Staff Description

Description or type of the staff used by the vendor on agency projects.

Where Used: Vendor Staff,

Vendor Supplied Employee ID

A unique identifier assigned to the payroll employee by the vendor who employs him or her.

Where Used: Employer, Payroll Employee,

Vendor Type

The kind of vendor, for example, a subcontractor, supplier, trucker, or manufacturer (which may also be a prime contractor, subcontractor, supplier, or trucker) (Code table: VENDTYP).

Where Used: Ref Vendor,

Vendor is Compliant

Indicates that the vendor is compliant with state and federal regulations.

Where Used: Compliance Finding, Labor Compliance Review,

Vendor is Compliant Date

The date the vendor was found to be in compliance with state and federal regulations.

Where Used: Labor Compliance Review,

Vendor is Compliant Date

The date the vendor was found to be in compliance with this EEO Compliance review.

Where Used: EEOCompliance Review,


The version number of the AASHTOWare Project software that is currently installed.

Where Used: System Information,

Version Date

The date the project record was added to the system. This field is automatically populated by the system and cannot be changed.

Where Used: Project,

Version Number

A number automatically assigned to the project to identify which version of the project is represented by this record. The default value is 1, but a project's version number is automatically increased by an increment of 1 each time the proposal to which it is associated is re-let.

Where Used: Contract Project, Project,

View Component Agency Help

Enables this role access to the agency help for components for which the role has been assigned access rights.

Where Used: Role,

View ID

A system-generated identifier usually not displayed in the application.

Where Used: Component Role, View,


Indicates that the report is available in the system report menus.

Where Used: Report,

Void Decision

Indicates whether the void change order decision can be applied by this change order approval group.

Where Used: Ref Change Order Approval Group,

Voucher Number

Voucher number associated with the project.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Voucher,

Voucher Pay Amount

Amount for the voucher on the payment estimate.

Where Used: Payment Estimate Project,



WBE Goal Percent

The percentage of work on the proposal that will be awarded to WBE (Woman Owned Business Enterprise) vendors.

Where Used: Contract, Proposal,

Wage Construction Type

The kind of construction applicable to this wage decision (Code table: WAGECONSTTYPE).

Where Used: Ref Wage Decision,

Wage Craft Code

A unique identifier assigned to each craft in the Wage Decision Craft list (Code table: CRAFTCODE).

Where Used: Ref Wage Decision Craft,

Wage Craft Index

A sequential identifier assigned automatically to each wage decision craft in the Reference Wage Decision Craft List.

Where Used: Ref Wage Zone Area,

Wage Decision Modification ID

A unique identifier assigned to each modification in the Project Wage Decision List.

Where Used: Contract Project Wage Decision, Project Wage Decision, Ref Wage Decision Craft,

Wage Rate

The wage rate reported by the field interview employee.

Where Used: Field Interview Job Classification,

Wage Rate

The hourly rate of pay required by the conformance decision.

Where Used: Conformance Wage Decision,

Wage Rate Scale

The wage rate scale for the field interview employee.

Where Used: Field Interview Job Classification,

Wage Zone Code

A unique identifier assigned to each wage zone in the Wage Zone list (Code table: WAGEZONECODE).

Where Used: Ref Wage Zone Area,

Wage Zone Index

A sequential identifier assigned automatically to each wage zone in the Reference Wage Zone List.

Where Used: Ref Wage Decision Class, Ref Wage Zone Area County,


If problems or errors occur during the roll up of project items to the proposal level, the system displays warning information in this field.

Where Used: Proposal Item,


A unique identifier assigned to each weather condition in the system. You cannot select a stormwater event value in this field unless stormwater events are enabled for the associated contract.

Where Used: Daily Diary, Daily Work Report, Ref Weather,

Weather Description

Brief text describing the weather condition (for example, Thunderstorms, Light Rain, Snow, Clear and Sunny).

Where Used: Ref Weather,

Web Site

The address for the vendor's website.

Where Used: Ref Vendor,


Indicates that the contract time should recur on Wednesday, according to its schedule (for example, every two weeks on Wednesday).

Where Used: Contract Time Recurring,

Week Ending

The date for the Saturday at the end of the week included in the report.

Where Used: Weekly Time Charge,


The factor assigned to an individual rating criterion when calculating the final score of the contractor evaluation.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation Response, Ref Contractor Evaluation Criterion,


The factor assigned to an individual rating criterion to indicate its importance in relation to other questions in the group and used to calculate the final score of the design evaluation.

Where Used: Design Evaluation Question,

Weighted Score

The rating of the answer multiplied by the weight of the question.

Where Used: Contract Design Evaluation Response,


Indicates that this person is a welder.

Where Used: Person Info,

Welder Qualification Type

The discrete type of the qualification within the qualification category (Code Table: WELDERQUALTYPE).

Where Used: Welder Qualification,


The width of the bridge segment in feet or meters.

Where Used: Bridge Segment, Contract Project Bridge Segment,


The width of the roadway segment in feet or meters.

Where Used: Contract Project Road Segment, Road Segment,


Indicates the width of the field displayed in the agency view.

Where Used: Av Detail Field,

Witnessed By ID

Name of the person who witnessed the sample being taken.

Where Used: Sample Record,

Work Began Date

The date work began on this contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Work Classification

A unique identifier assigned to each work classification in the Reference Vendor Work Classification list (Code table: VWRKCLS).

Where Used: Ref Vendor Work Class, Subcontract,

Work Code

The work code that represents the type of work the quoter will perform as related to the item.

Where Used: Quoter Proposal Item,

Work Code

The agency staff member's work code for the work performed on the DWR date.

Where Used: DWRStaff, DWRStaff Record,

Work Code Source

The DBE Commitment Work Type associated with the work code for this proposal item.

Where Used: Quoter Proposal Item,

Work Complete Date

The date work was completed on this contract.

Where Used: Contract,

Work Items Installed

Number of work items installed on the DWR.

Where Used: Daily Work Report,

Work Items Installed

Indicates whether any work items are recorded on the DWR.

Where Used: Daily Work Report,

Work Limited to Extra Participant

Indicates whether the DBE Professional Services acted only as an extra participant.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Work Location

The location where work is performed (Code Table: WORKLOCATION).

Where Used: Acc Action Option Rate Freq, Dwr Acceptance Record, Dwr Acceptance Record Item Posting, Sample Record Contract Association, Sample Record Contract Material Set Association,

Work Start Time

The date and time of day the contractor began work.

Where Used: Diary Contract Time, Dwr Contract Time,

Work Stop Time

The date and time of day the contractor stopped work.

Where Used: Diary Contract Time, Dwr Contract Time,

Work Type

The ID of the associated Work Code in accordance with the agency option DBE Commitment Work Type.

Where Used: Contract Appr Good Faith Effort Work Type, Contract Curr Good Faith Effort Work Type, Dbe Good Faith Effort Work Type,

Work Type

The DBE Work Type ID associated with this subcontractor payment record (Code Table determined by the agency option Subcontract Payment Detail: None, Contract Payment Item, or DBE Commitment Work Type).

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment Wk Type,

Work Type

An advanced parameter that indicates whether work type is included as a variable in the calculation of regressions and averages.

Where Used: Bid History Profile,

Work Type

A work type classification used to calculate bid-based prices (Code Table: WRKTYP).

Where Used: Bhp Work Type, Bid Based Worksheet, Bid History Item, Concept, Cost Estimate Snapshot,

Work Type

If this contractor evaluation is for the prime contractor, this is the Contract Work Type. If the evaluation is for a subcontractor, this is the Subcontract Type.

Where Used: Contractor Evaluation,

Work Type

The work type classification to be used to calculate a bid-based price for the selected item (Code Table: WRKTYP).

Where Used: Item Bid History Profile,

Work Type

The work type associated with the historical bid price.

Where Used: System,

Work Type

A work type classification used to calculate prices (Code Table: WRKTYP).

Where Used: Price History Profile, Pricing Profile,

Work Type Description

Brief text describing the work type associated with this subcontractor payment record.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment Wk Type,

Work Type Source

The kind of vendor work codes being used to populate the Work Type ID field (as determined by the DBE_COMMITMENT_WORKTYPE agency option).

Where Used: Contract Appr Good Faith Effort Work Type, Contract Curr Good Faith Effort Work Type, Dbe Good Faith Effort Work Type,

Work Type Status Description

The work code status for the vendor associated with this subcontractor payment record.

Where Used: Subcontractor Payment Wk Type,

Work Types

Proposals that have a work type that match these work types will be included in the Proposal Selection Set.

Where Used: Proposal Selection Set Work Type,

Worked Over 40 Hours

Indicates that the field interview employee has worked over 40 hours in a week.

Where Used: Field Interview Employee,

Workers Compensation Percentage

Percent of adjustment to be added to all recorded work on this force account (labor, equipment, and material) for workers compensation.

Where Used: Force Account Contractor,


Used for defining security, a unique identifier assigned to each workflow in the Workflow List. If you enter a value in this field, you must also enter a value in the Phase ID field (or, for Certified Payrolls, in the Payroll Status field).

Where Used: Workflow,


Used for defining security, a unique identifier assigned to each workflow in the Workflow List. If you enter a value in this field, you must also enter a value in the Phase ID field (or, for Certified Payrolls, in the Payroll Status field). See "Managing Workflows" for more information.

Where Used: Workflow Phase,


A set of relationships between tasks and the order in which those tasks are performed throughout the lifecycle of an agency project, proposal, or contract.

Where Used: System,

Workflow Phase

Used for defining security, a unique identifier assigned to each phase in the associated workflow.

Where Used: Bidder, Concept, Contract, Contract Appr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Curr Dbe Commit Summary, Contract Project, Dbe Commitment Summary, Letting, Prime Project, Project, Proposal, Subcontractor Payment, Work Flow Phase Access Right,

Workflow Type

The business area of the application in which the workflow belongs. Workflows added to the system by the user default to the value Proposal-Project-Contract. All other workflow types are system specific and cannot be changed by the user.

Where Used: Workflow,

Workforce Analysis Comments

Additional information about the Workforce evaluation of the Commercially Useful Function review. This should include details about any issues uncovered during the review.

Where Used: Cuf Review,

Workspace GUID

Originating in Microsoft Power BI, a value that identifies the workspace where the report resides.

Where Used: Bi Report,




An abbreviation for Extensible Markup Language, a set of rules for encoding documents in machine-readable form that enables the definition, transmission, validation, and interpretation of data.

Where Used: System,




The year for which this record applies. You must enter the date in the format YYYY.

Where Used: Ref Vendor Annual Data,

Year End Date

The date the goal period ends.

Where Used: Ojt Goal,

Year Start Date

The date the goal period begins.

Where Used: Ojt Goal,



Zip Code

The zip code in this address record.

Where Used: Address, Field Interview Employee, Field Interview Employee, Payroll Employee, Ref Employee, Ref Vendor Address,