Maintaining a Proposal

The Proposal Summary component contains all of the information currently associated with the proposal, including its assigned projects, proposal time information, and special provisions.

To access the Proposal Summary, locate the appropriate row on the Proposal Overview and click the Proposal link or choose General from the row Actions menu.

The Proposal Summary contains the following tabs:


Access general information for the proposal. See On the General tab, below.


Access the projects associated with the proposal. See Maintaining Projects in a Proposal.


Access proposal times for the proposal. See Maintaining Proposal Times.

Special Provisions

Access any special provisions in the proposal. See Maintaining Special Provisions.


Access the workflow designation for the proposal. See Maintaining Proposal Workflow.

Agency Views

Access a list of agency views for the proposal. See Maintaining Proposal Associations with Agency Views.


On the General tab:

You can view or change information in these fields:



Click in a field to add, change, or delete information as needed. Click the Save button when you are finished.

If you enter a value in the OJT Goal field, you must also enter a value in the OJT Goal Units field.

If you are creating an on-call proposal, see On-Call Proposals.

When the proposal is in the addenda phase, information that affects contractor bidding (such as proposal times or special provisions) can only be changed by adding an addendum to the proposal. See Adding an Addendum.

Quick Links

Quick links are displayed in blue text below the Menu Bar and above the webpage title. These links allow you to quickly jump to application pages related to the current page.


The component Actions menu has the following functions:


Select Add New to add a new proposal record. See Adding a Proposal.


Select Check Out Proposal to Estimator to export proposal data to Estimator for the purpose of repricing the items at the proposal level. If your agency uses Estimator, you can export, check in, and check out proposals to Estimator. If you check out a proposal, the proposal will be locked to other users. Only the Proposal Item Price field may be updated when the proposal is checked back in. See Executing ProcessesChecking in a Proposal from Estimator.

Select Export Proposal to Estimator to export proposal data to Estimator. The Export Proposal to Estimator process saves the proposal data in an .xml format that can then be loaded into Estimator. See Executing Processes.

Select Export to Bids to generate a CSV file, named pass2ebs, containing the proposal information necessary to generate a Project Bids encrypted EBSX file. You can also generate addenda using this same export. The pass2ebs file contains Bid Letting, Proposal, Project, Proposal Section, Addenda, Proposal Time and Bid Item information. See Executing Processes.

Select Export to Bids With Gen to generate a CSV file, named pass2ebs, containing the proposal information necessary to generate a Project Bids encrypted EBSX file, initiate the Project Bids GEN process to generate the EBSX Bids file, and run a pre GEN script. The EBSX Bids file, named DBE.BIN, is a compressed zip file of all the proposals selected. See Executing Processes.

Select Generate Unique Project Line Numbers to automatically generate unique line numbers for a proposal if the proposal contains more than one project and the same line numbers are used in each project. See Generating Unique Project Line Numbers in a Proposal.

Select Lock Proposal to lock the proposal. You can lock a proposal record so that no other user can make changes to it while you are working. Locking the proposal locks all of its related information, including items, locations, and funding. While a proposal is locked, the system displays all proposal information as read-only to other users. To unlock a proposal when you are finished making changes, select Unlock Project. See Managing Locked Records.

Select Transition Proposal to Construction to move the proposal and project data to the Construction module. After a proposal has been let and awarded to the winning bidder, it then becomes a contract in the agency workflow. This transition process moves the proposal from the Preconstruction workflow into the Construction workflow. See Executing Processes.

Select Validate Proposal to automatically validate one or more proposals (that is, check them for completeness). The system checks the proposals for all required information and sends you a warning message if any information is missing. If all selected proposals are complete, the system displays this message: Proposal Valid. See Proposal Validation.


Select Addenda to manage addenda that have been added to the proposal. See Managing Proposal Addenda.

Select Attachments to manage attachments in a proposal. See Working with Attachments.

Select Bid Entry to maintain proposal bid information, including bid items, times, and bid notes. See Maintaining Proposal Bid Totals.

Select Fiscal Years to maintain fiscal year information for the proposal. See Maintaining Fiscal Years.

Select Issues to manage tracked issues for a proposal. See Maintaining Tracked Issue Information.

Select Item Pricing to change proposal item prices. See Changing Proposal Item Prices.

Select Links to manage links in a proposal. See Working with Links.

If your agency has associated agency views, they will display in this section, alphabetically. Select an agency view to go to the Agency View Summary component. You can modify data in agency views with an Active association, and view data in Inactive agency views where data exists.


If the system includes reports for this component, they will display in this section, alphabetically. Select the report you want to run. See Working with Reports.


Click the Save button when you are finished.

Related topics:

Managing Proposals

Adding a Proposal

Maintaining Projects in a Proposal

Transitioning a Proposal to Construction

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