Reviewing Mismatched Cost Estimate Items

Mismatched items are items on a cost estimate that do not have a matching item in the associated proposal. This occurs when project items that are set to combine with like items are deleted, and then rolled up to proposal items. Changes and additions to proposal items are automatically updated on the associated cost estimate, but items that are deleted from the proposal must be addressed manually. You can review mismatched items on the cost estimate and delete them or assign them to proposal items as needed.

The Mismatched Cost Estimate Items tab on the Proposal Cost Estimate Summary lists cost estimate items that are not matched to proposal items, as well as proposal items that can be matched.

The upper section lists rows of items from the proposal that are not matched to a corresponding item in the cost estimate. Each row displays read-only values in these fields:

The lower section lists cost estimate rows labeled with the Cost Estimate Name. You can expand a cost estimate row to view rows of mismatched items for the cost estimate. Each mismatched item row includes an Actions button and these fields:

All of the fields in the mismatched item rows are read-only except for the Assign to Proposal Item field. To resolve a mismatch, you can enter a corresponding item from the proposal in the Assign to Proposal Item field. Each proposal item can be assigned to only one item per cost estimate.

You can also resolve a mismatch by deleting the item from the cost estimate. To delete a mismatched cost estimate item, select Delete from the Actions menu on the item row. To reverse the deletion, click the Undo button.

When you are finished, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database. Any cost estimate items that you deleted or matched to proposal items are no longer listed on the Mismatched Cost Estimate Items tab.

Related topics:

Maintaining Proposal Information for a Letting Estimate

Maintaining a Cost Estimate


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