In this Topic
The Projects tab on the Proposal Summary component contains a rolling list of all of the projects that are currently associated with the proposal. Each project row contains an Actions button and current values for the following fields:
To remove a project from the proposal, select Remove from the Actions menu for the project you want to dissociate. The system saves your changes automatically.
A proposal can contain a single project or many projects. However, when more than one project is assigned to a proposal, all the projects must have the same spec year and unit system. To add a project to the proposal, follow these steps:
To add a project to the proposal, click the Select Projects button on the Projects tab.
The system displays a modal window for selecting projects.
In the Select Projects modal window, click Show first 10, or type criteria in the Quick Find search box that matches the project you want to add to the proposal.
The system lists all the projects that meet your search criteria, contain at least one project item, and are not currently associated with any other proposal.
Click the row for each project you want to add.
The system adds a check mark beside each project you select and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click the selected row again.
Click the Add to Proposal button.
The system closes the modal window and displays the new projects on the Projects tab of the Proposal Summary.
To save your changes, click the Save button.
Note: When a project is added to a proposal, the system sets the project’s workflow and phase to match that of the proposal. These values cannot subsequently be changed for the project unless it is removed from the proposal.
When more than one project is added to a proposal, like items are combined (or rolled up) in the proposal record so that bidders only have to view and price each item once. Like items are combined into a single proposal line item if the items match in the following fields: Item ID, Supplemental Description, Item Alternate Set, Item Alternate Member, and Fixed Price. In addition, the Combine with Like Items check box must be selected for the project item to enable the system to roll up like items. For more information, see Managing Project Items.
Caution: Files attached to project items are deleted when project items are rolled up to the proposal item level.
Whenever multiple projects containing items with minimum or maximum bid requirements (as indicated in the Bid Requirement Code field), and different Unit Price Comparison values are added to the same proposal, the system populates the Unit Price Comparison field at the proposal level as follows:
For project items with a minimum price bid requirement but with different Unit Price Comparison values, the lowest Unit Price Comparison value is used.
For project items with a maximum price bid requirement but with different Unit Price Comparison values, the highest Unit Price Comparison value is used.
In addition, all Unit Price Comparison values at the project level are changed permanently to match the value that is used at the proposal level. That is, the new value remains on the project record even if that project is later removed from the proposal.
Note: After adding multiple projects containing items with minimum or maximum bid requirements but with different Unit Price Comparison values, always validate the proposal to make sure that item prices were rolled up correctly. For information on how to validate a proposal, see Proposal Validation.
If a project is associated with a proposal, you can import the project information into the proposal to populate these fields: Proposal Description, Federal Project Number, State Project Number, Primary County ID, and Primary District ID.
To import project information into the proposal, click the Projects tab on the Proposal Summary component. Select Import Project Data from the Actions menu on the source project row. The imports the project information and saves the changes automatically.
Proposal-Project Association in the Addenda Phase