Proposal-Project Association in the Addenda Phase

This topic presents several examples of scenarios you might encounter when managing proposals in the addendum phase. Because addenda can be used to associate projects with and remove projects from a proposal, deleting an addendum can potentially create unwanted or unexpected consequences in your proposal record. The examples below describe any actions you can take to reverse any unwanted consequences.

Scenario: A project is added to a proposal through an addendum and then the addendum is deleted.

Result: The project and all of its associated information (items, locations, etc.) is removed from the proposal. Any changes made to the project while it was attached to the proposal remain with the project. For example, if new items were added, they will remain on the project after it is removed from the proposal. The project is now free to be associated with another proposal.

Scenario: A project is removed from a proposal through an addendum and then the addendum is deleted.

Result: The project header and all of its associated information (items, locations, etc.) is restored to the proposal in the state it was in before it was removed from the proposal. This means that any changes made to the project while it was not associated to the proposal are lost.

Scenario: A project is removed from a proposal through an addendum and then locked. The addendum is then deleted.

Result: The project is not restored to the proposal when the addendum is deleted. Instead, the system displays a message that indicates the project is locked, lists the name of the person who owns the lock, and allows you to stop the delete process if you choose. If you choose to stop the delete process, you can then unlock the project before attempting to delete the addendum again.

Scenario: A project is removed from a proposal through an addendum and is then associated to another proposal. The addendum is then deleted from the first proposal.

Result: The project can no longer be restored to the first proposal by deleting the addendum. Instead, the system displays a message that indicates the project is now associated with another proposal and allows you to stop the delete process if you choose. If you choose to stop the delete process, you can then remove the project from the second proposal before attempting to delete the addendum again.


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