Managing Project Items

In this Topic

  1. Adding Items to the Project
    1. Adding Items Individually
    2. Adding Multiple Items
    3. Adding Multiple Items More Quickly

The Items tab on the Project Category and Item Summary contains an accordion list of all the items in the project. Each row represents one item. Each row displays an Actions button and values for the Project Item Line Number, Item ID and Description, Quantity, and Unit of Measure fields.

If you are working only with the items in a single project category, you can use the Category ID filter at the top of the page to filter out of the list all items except those you are working with. Click the Category ID down arrow, and select the category you want. You can choose No Filter to display all items in the list.  

To maintain an item record, click anywhere in the row to expand the record and display all the available information. You can view or change information in these fields:

When you change the value in the Quantity or Project Item Unit Price fields, the system automatically recalculates the item's Extended Amount. When you add or change the value in the Project Item Unit Price field, the system automatically sets the Estimation Type for that item to Ad Hoc.

To change the Item ID, you must choose a new ID that has not passed its Obsolete Date and that has Spec Book and Unit System values matching those of the project. When you type the new reference item ID and move the cursor to another field, the system updates the reference item Description, Unit of Measure, and Bid as Lump Sum fields.

When you change the Item ID for an item that contains a reference price, the system updates the Project Item Unit Price field with the new reference item price and sets the Estimation Type field to Reference. When you change the reference Item ID for an item that does not contain a reference price, the system clears both the Project Item Unit Price and Estimation Type fields.

To delete an item from the project, select Delete from the Actions menu on the project item row.

When you are finished making changes, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

Adding Items to the Project

Depending on how many items you want to add, choose one of the following methods to add items to the project.

Adding Items Individually

To add a new item to the project, click the New button on the Items tab on the Project Category and Item Summary. The system adds a new row at the bottom of the rolling list of project items. All fields in the new row are blank. To create an item row, you must enter information in the Item ID field.

If your agency requires that every item in a project be assigned to a category, you must also select a value in the Category ID field.

If you add a project item that contains a reference item price, the system enters that value in the Project Item Unit Price field and sets the Estimation Type field to Reference.

When you add an item to a project, the system automatically selects the Combine with Like Items check box and populates the Project Item Line Number field. You can change these values if needed.

The system automatically populates all fields that contain reference item information. When you are finished adding information for the new item, click Save on the component header to save the changes in the database.

Adding Multiple Items

To select one or more items to add to the project, follow these steps:  

  1. Go to the Items tab on the Project Category and Item Summary component, and choose Select Items from the list Actions menu.

    The system displays a modal window for selecting items.

  2. In the Select Items modal window, locate the items you want to add by typing criteria in the Quick Find search box or by clicking Show first 10.

    The system lists all the items that meet your search criteria.

  3. Click the row for each item you want to add.

    The system adds a check mark beside each item you select and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click the selected row again.

  4. You can assign a category to all selected items by setting the Category ID field at the top of the modal window.

  5. When you have selected all the items you want to add, click the Add to Project button.

    The system closes the modal window and takes you to the Items tab with the new items added to the list.

Adding Multiple Items More Quickly

If you have many items to add to the project, you can also add them on the Add Project Items component, which contains a rolling list for adding records more quickly. To open the component, go to the Items tab on the Project Category and Item Summary component, and select Quick Add Items from the list Action menu. For more information, see Adding Project Items (Quick Add).

Related topics:

Renumbering Line Items

Generating Bid Based Project Item Prices


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