If your agency has the Automatically Renumber Project Items agency option set to Off, you can change the order in which items are positioned in the project items list. The project items list is displayed on the Items tab of the Project Category and Item Summary component.
Note: If your agency uses the option to set proposal item line numbers to match project item line numbers (Set Proposal Item Line Number Equal to Project Item Line Number), this feature is not available after the project enters the addenda workflow phase.
Follow these steps to renumber the items in a project:
Click the Projects link on the Preconstruction component.
On the Project Overview component, locate the project for which you want to renumber items.
From the Actions menu on the project row, select Items: Renumber.
The system takes you to the Renumber Project Items component with all of the project items listed in line number order.
Click in the Line Num field for the item you want to reposition, and type a number representing the position in the list where you want to move the item.
Click the Save button.
Your project has five items numbered 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50. The item numbered 50 needs to be moved so that it appears between the existing line numbers 10 and 20. To accomplish this, you would perform these steps:
Click in the Line Number field for Line 50.
Delete the number 50, and type the number 15 (or any number between 11 and 19).
Click the Save button.