Transitioning a Proposal to Construction

After a proposal has been let and awarded to the winning bidder, it then becomes a contract in the agency workflow. This transition process moves the proposal from the Preconstruction workflow into the Construction workflow.

When you transition a proposal to Construction, the system transfers information in the proposal record to the new contract record. This ensures that the contract record contains information needed to manage the construction work, including project location and surety information. Proposal item line numbers become contract item line numbers.

You can only transition a proposal if the workflow for the proposal record is set to a phase with the rule Preconstruction has Ended.

If your agency uses contract times and payment estimate functionality, it is important to set up all default contract times, payment estimate types, and approval groups that will be used on the transitioned contract.

Follow these steps to transition proposals to Construction:

  1. If the proposal contains time information that must transition to contract times, make sure the Time ID and Time Type fields contain values that match a reference contract time.

  2. Select Execute Process from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar.

    The system takes you to the Select Process component.

  3. In the list of processes, select Transition Proposal to Construction.

    The system adds a check mark beside the selection and shades the row.

  4. To select proposals for transition, choose Select Data from the Settings menu on the component subheader.

    The system displays options for selecting proposals.

  5. Type criteria in the Quick Find search box or click Show first 10.

    The system displays a list of all the proposals in the system that match your search criteria.

  6. Select the proposals you want to transition.

  7. Click the Execute button on the component header.

Before beginning the transition process, the system validates a number of conditions for all selected proposals. If any of the following conditions are found to be true for any of the selected proposals, the system will not start the transition process:

    - a proposal is locked

    - a proposal is already transitioned

    - the workflow for a proposal is set to a phase without the Preconstruction has Ended rule

    - the workflow for a proposal does not contain a phase with the Active Contract rule

If all validations pass, the system runs the transition process. You can monitor the status of the process on the Process History Overview component.

When the transition process is complete, the system creates the new contract records, generates an error log file, and sets the Contract Status for all the transitioned contracts to Pending.

  1. Click the Error.log link in the Output Files field to view a listing of which contracts successfully transitioned and those that encountered errors.

  1. If you need to make any changes to information in the new contracts or contract project records, do so now.

To undo the transition process and return a contract to its proposal status, navigate to the Contract Administration Overview component, and select Undo Transition from the Actions menu on the contract's row.

Activating a Contract

The contract activation process is simplified in web-based AASHTOWare Project. For example, a wage decision is not required. If the required fields are populated on the General tab of the Contract Administration Summary, and any associated contract times that are marked as being Required to Activate include an Actual Completion Date, the system will set the contract's status to Active when you activate the contract.

After a proposal has been successfully transitioned to a contract, follow these steps to activate the contract:

  1. Navigate to the Contract Administration Summary for the contract.

  2. Select Activate from the Tasks section of the Actions menu on the component header.

    The system displays a confirmation that the contract was successfully activated and sets the Contract Status to Active.

From this point forward, agency fields and generic fields can be changed by authorized roles, but project information in the transitioned contracts can no longer be modified.

Related topics:

Managing Contracts

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