Managing Contracts

A contract is the written agreement between the transportation agency and the successful bidder that sets forth the obligations of both parties, including performance of work, furnishing of labor and materials, and basis of payment. The system creates a contract from a proposal when you let and award the proposal. A contract contains all the proposal information needed to manage construction and pay for construction work, but it can be modified as work progresses.

The Contract Administration Overview is the gateway to other components where you will manage all of the information recorded in a contract. To access the Contract Administration Overview, click the Contract Administration link in the Construction Contracts component.

To make changes to an existing contract, first locate the contract by typing criteria in the Quick Find search box or by clicking Show first 10. The system displays a rolling list of rows for all the contracts that match your search criteria. Each row contains an Actions button and current values for the following fields:

To change information in a contract, click the Contract ID link in the list. You can also select Open from the Actions menu on the contract's row. For more information, see Maintaining a Contract.

To add a new contract, select Add from the Actions menu on the component header. The system takes you to the Add Contract component. For more information, see Adding a Contract.

You can delete a contract that was created in Construction and does not have associated subcontracts by selecting Delete from the Actions menu on the contract row. Click the Save button to apply your changes to the system.

You cannot delete a contract that was transitioned from a proposal in Preconstruction, but you can remove it from the contract list by reversing the transition and returning the contract to its proposal status. To reverse a transition, select Undo Transition from the Actions menu on the contract row.

Depending on the current status of a contract, a different command is available on the row Actions menu to change the status. For more information, see Changing Contract Status.

To view or change contract progress information, select Contract Progress from the Actions menu on the contract row. For more information, see Maintaining Contract Progress.

To manage a contract's awarded vendor's low cost items, select Items from the Actions menu on the contract row. For more information, see Managing Contract Items.

To manage the projects that are currently part of a contract, select Projects from the Actions menu on the contract row. For more information, see Managing Contract Projects.

To add a subcontract to the contract, select Add Subcontracts from the Actions menu on the contract row. For more information, see Adding a Subcontract.

To manage the subcontracts currently associated to a contract, select Subcontracts from the Actions menu on the contract row. For more information, see Managing Subcontracts.

To add a DBE commitment record to the contract, select Add DBE Commitment from the Actions menu on the contract row. For more information, see Adding a Contract DBE Commitment.

To maintain the current prime contractor's signed DBE commitments, select Current DBE Commitments from the Actions menu on the contract row. For more information, see Maintaining the Current DBE Commitment.

To view the contract's approved DBE commitments, select Approved DBE Commitments from the Actions menu on the contract row. For more information, see Managing Contract DBE Commitments.

To import associations between the reference items used in a contract and DWR agency views, select Import DWR Agency View Reference Item Associations from the Actions menu on the contract row. For more information see Maintaining DWR Agency Views for Contract Items.

To add an end of month trucking record, select Add EOM Trucking form the Actions menu on the contract row. For more information, see Adding an End of Month Trucking Record.

To manage end of the month trucking information for a contract, select EOM Trucking from the Actions menu on the contract row. For more information, see Managing End of Month Trucking.

To add or change payment estimate approval levels for the contract, select Payment Estimate Approval Levels from the Actions menu on the contract row. For more information, see Maintaining Contract Payment Estimate Approval Levels.

To manage payments to the prime contractor, select Payments from the Actions menu on the contract row. For more information, see Managing Contract Payments.

To add a subcontract payment, select Add Subcontract Payment from the Actions menu on the contract row. For more information, see Adding a Subcontractor Payment.

For information about how to generate, view, regenerate, or update contract materials and acceptance actions by using commands on the Contract Administration Overview, see Generating Contract Materials and Acceptance Actions.

To access an agency view associated with the contract, select the name of the agency view from the Actions menu on the component header. Data in agency views can be modified only when the associated contract is in Active status.

Changing Contract Status

A contract can move from Pending to Active to Closed to Archived status. During the contract life cycle, the status can be returned to the previous status, one status at a time. For example, you can reopen a Closed contract and return its status to Active.  

You can change the status of a contract by using the row Actions menu on the Contract Administration Overview or the Contract Progress Overview, or by using the component Actions menu on the Contract Administration Summary or the Contract Progress Summary.

The command available on the Actions menu to change the status varies depending on the current status of the contract.


To change the status of a contract from Pending to Active, select Activate from the Actions menu on the contract row or component header. A contract can only be activated if it has a main contract time. The system changes the contract status to Active and displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.

Change to Pending

To change the status of a contract from Active back to Pending, select Change to Pending from the Actions menu on the contract row or component header. The system changes the contract status to Pending and displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.

Close Contract

To close an active contract, select Close Contract from the Actions menu on the contract row or component header. The system displays a modal window that requires you to enter a comment. When you are finished, click the Save button. The system changes the contract status from Active to Closed and displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved. When a contract is closed, the contract and any subcontract records are locked and cannot be modified except to reopen the contract or to approve or reject payment estimates for the contract.

Reopen Contract

To reopen a closed contract, select Reopen Contract from the Actions menu on the contract row. The system displays a modal window that requires you to enter a comment. When you are finished, click the Save button. The system changes the contract status from Closed to Active and displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved. When a contract is reopened, you can make changes to the contract information as needed.

Archive Contract

When all tasks related to a closed contract have been completed and all payment estimates have been approved, you can restrict access to the contract record by archiving it. To archive a closed contract, select Archive Contract from the Actions menu on the contract row. The system changes the contract status from Closed to Archived and displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved. When a contract is archived, the contract and any subcontract records are locked and cannot be modified except to change the contract's status back to Closed.

Un Archive Contract

You can only view an archived contract and change its status if your user role is assigned access. The system provides the ARCHIVEDCONTRACTS sample role to help manage the archival process.

To change a contract status from Archived to Closed, select Un Archive from the Actions menu on the contract row. The system displays a modal window that requires you to enter a comment. When you are finished, click the Save button. The system changes the contract status to Closed and displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.

Related topics:

Adding a Contract

Maintaining a Contract


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