Adding a Contract DBE Commitment

At agencies that do not use external access, the Add Contract Current DBE Commitment component allows you to create and save a new DBE commitment for the current contract. Access this page by navigating to the Contract Current DBE Vendor component and selecting Add from the Actions menu on the component header.

The component opens on the General tab, which allows you to add miscellaneous information for the new DBE commitment. From this component you can also add work types, materials, and trucking information for the DBE vendor by clicking additional tabs located on the left side of the component.

The top of the tab displays the Prime Contractor ID field.

To save a new DBE commitment, you must enter information in these fields:

It is not required, but you can enter information in the Comments field to record additional information about the DBE commitment.

When you are finished adding information, click the Save button to apply your changes. The system displays the new DBE commitment on the Contract Current DBE Commitment Summary and displays a message to confirm that the DBE commitment was saved in the database.

To add additional information about the new DBE commitment, click one of the following tabs in the DBE Vendor component:

Work Type

Click this tab to add work types for the DBE vendor (see Maintaining Work Types for a Current DBE Vendor).


Click this tab to add material supplier information for the DBE vendor (see Maintaining Materials for a Current DBE Vendor).


Click this tab to add trucking information for the DBE vendor (see Maintaining Trucking for a Current DBE Vendor).

Related topics:

Managing DBE Commitments


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