A payment estimate on a contract must be approved by the agency at several stages in its development. Using reference data in conjunction with user roles, security groups, and contract authority, your agency determines a default structure for which payment estimate types and how many levels of approval are required, at what stage each approval should take place, and the user that has authority to approve each estimate type at each approval level.
Payment estimate approval levels are copied to a contract record from reference data when a proposal is transitioned to Construction, or when a contract record is migrated from a client server application. If a contract needs a different approval structure, you can override these agency defaults by removing payment estimate approval types and/or changing the approval levels associated with an estimate type.
The Payment Estimate Approval Levels Overview contains all the information about the approvals required for this contract's payment estimates. To access this component, go to the Contract Administration Overview and select Payment Estimate Approval Levels from the Actions menu on the contract row. You can also access this component using quick links on the Contract Administration Summary or the Contract Progress Summary.
If you intend to override the agency defaults for contract payment approval levels, it is recommended that you first select the Override Global Contract Payment Approval Levels check box, which serves an informational purpose. When this check box is checked, the system displays it on the Contract Administration Summary and the Contract Progress Summary.
Below the check box, the component displays an accordion list of all the payment estimate types that can be used for this contract (that were copied from the associated reference tables when the contract was added to the system). Each row contains an Actions button and current values for the following fields:
You cannot change the information in either field. To delete a payment estimate type that has not been used to generate a payment estimate, select Delete from the Actions menu on the appropriate row. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.
Expand an accordion row to display the approval levels required for the payment estimate type in subordinate rows. Each row contains an Actions button and current information for these fields:
You can make any of the following changes to payment estimate approval levels for this contract:
Add or change information in both of these fields.
Add a new approval level to a payment estimate type by selecting Add Level from the Actions menu on the payment estimate type row. For more information, see Adding Approval Levels to the Payment Estimate Type.
Delete an approval level by selecting Delete from the Actions menu on the level row. The system shades the row gray to indicate it is marked for deletion. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.
When you are finished, click the Save button to apply your changes. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.