Managing Contract Payments

If payments to the prime contractor for work on agency contracts are generated in a separate application (for example, SiteManager or CAS), a record of the payment is then imported into Civil Rights & Labor for monitoring purposes. Payments can also be added manually to the system.

The Contract Payment Overview component contains a rolling list of all the payments that have been made to the prime contractor for the contract. To access the Contract Payment Overview, navigate to the Contract Administration Overview, locate the contract, and then select Payments from the Actions menu on the contract row.

In the Contract Payment Overview, each row represents one contract payment and displays an Actions button and current values for the following fields:

To view or maintain the information in a contract payment record, click the Estimate Number link in the list, or select Open from the Actions menu on the contract payment row.

To manually add a subcontract payment to a contract payment, select Add Subcontract Payment from Prime from the Actions menu on the contract payment row.

To manually add a new payment to the contract, click the Add Payment button on the component header.

To delete a payment that was manually added, select Delete from the Actions menu on the contract payment row. Imported payment records cannot be deleted. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.

Click Save when you are finished. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

Related topics:

Adding a Contract Payment

Maintaining a Contract Payment

Adding a Subcontract Payment


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