In this Topic
After you activate a contract, the system enables you to generate a list of materials needed for the contract items, along with all of the acceptance actions for those materials. Acceptance actions establish the sampling and testing requirements needed for material approval.
When you generate materials and acceptance actions on a contract, the system searches the reference items that correspond with items on the contract. For the reference items that have material sets with materials, the system copies the materials to the list on the contract, as well as any acceptance actions that have been set up for the materials or inherited from their material category, and any options and rate/frequencies that have been created on these acceptance actions.
If a material's acceptance action is associated with specific items or item families, the acceptance action applies only when the material is used for those items, or for items in those item families. If the acceptance action is not associated with specific items or item families, the acceptance action applies whenever the material is used (see When to Associate Material Acceptance Actions with Items or Item Families).
Once materials and acceptance actions have been generated on a contract, the resulting list can be viewed and modified on the Contract Materials and Acceptance Actions Summary page, accessible as a quick link from the Contract Administration Summary. You can add or modify materials or acceptance actions, as well as the options and rate/frequencies that define the acceptance actions. Any changes made to materials or acceptance actions on the contract do not affect the reference data from which they were drawn (see Maintaining Contract Materials and Acceptance Actions).
Keep in mind that a contract cannot be deleted nor the transition to construction reversed after materials and acceptance actions have been generated for the contract.
To generate the list of materials and acceptance actions on a contract, navigate to the Contract Administration Overview, locate the contract, and then select Generate Materials and Acceptance Actions from the Actions menu on the contract row. Alternatively, from the Contract Administration Summary, select Generate Materials and Acceptance Actions from the component action menu. The system generates the list and displays it on the Contract Materials and Acceptance Actions Summary (see Maintaining Contract Materials and Acceptance Actions). After materials and acceptance actions are initially generated at the contract level, you can also generate the data at the contract project or contract project item level. You can regenerate, modify, and update the data as needed.
Note: The Generate Materials and Acceptance Actions command is only available before materials and acceptance actions have been generated for the contract. After materials and acceptance actions have been generated, the generate command is replaced by commands for regenerating and updating.
Note: If your agency uses the option Contract Time for Contract Material Acceptance Action Lock Date, and the contract includes a contract time with the same Time ID specified in the agency option, and the Actual Completion date for the contract time is today's date or earlier, the system will not allow you to generate, regenerate, update, or modify materials and acceptance actions for the contract. For more information, see Setting Agency Options.
You can regenerate materials and acceptance actions at three different levels: the contract, contract project, and contract project item. In each case, the system deletes all existing materials and acceptance actions associated with the selected item or items and rebuilds them from reference data.
To delete all existing materials and acceptance actions from a contract and generate them again, navigate to the Contract Administration Overview, and select Regenerate Materials and Acceptance Actions from the Actions menu on the contract row. Alternatively, from the Contract Administration Summary, select Regenerate Materials and Acceptance Actions from the component action menu.The system deletes the existing materials and acceptance actions associated with the contract, including any modifications or additions made since the most recent generation. The system then regenerates new materials and acceptance actions for the contract based on the materials and acceptance actions set up for the reference items that correspond to items on the contract.
You can delete and regenerate materials and acceptance actions for specific contract project items or for all items in a contract project by navigating to the Contract Project Items tab on the Contract Items component. For more information, see Regenerating Materials and Acceptance Actions for Contract Project Items.
To update the materials and acceptance actions for a contract on the Contract Administration Overview, select Update Materials and Acceptance Actions from the Actions menu on the contract row. Alternatively, from the Contract Administration Summary, select Update Materials and Acceptance Actions from the component action menu.
For each contract item, the system checks the date that changes were last made to materials and acceptance actions for the corresponding reference item, and compares it with the date when materials and acceptance actions were last generated for the contract.
The following table describes how the Update Materials and Acceptance Actions command handles different types of changes to reference items:
Reference Item |
Contract Item |
Reference item has new materials and material acceptance actions. |
New data is copied to the corresponding contract item. |
Reference item has modified materials and material acceptance actions. |
Modified data is copied to the corresponding contract item, overwriting any changes made on the contract item. |
Reference item has deleted materials and material acceptance actions. |
No changes are made to the corresponding contract item. |
Reference item has no changes to materials and material acceptance actions. |
No changes are made to the corresponding contract item. |
Maintaining Contract Materials and Acceptance Actions