Setting Agency Options

The web-based AASHTOWare Project software provides agency options you can use to customize or set preferences for how you want the application to perform. The Agency Options component allows you to view, set, or change agency option settings. To access these settings, click the Agency Options link in the System Administration component.

To create or maintain custom field mapping data used when importing project information to a proposal, click the Project Mapping tab. See Setting Up Project Field Mapping.

To set or change which sample records are included in each test queue, click the Queues tab. See Setting Agency Options for Test Queues.

To create or maintain custom renumbering of project item line numbers, click the Field Defined Sort tab. See Defining Field Sort for Project Item Line Numbering.

On the Agency Options tab, each option row contains a short description of the option, a value field containing its current setting, and an Actions menu. To change an agency option setting, click in its value field and type or select the new one. Click the Save button to apply your change to the system.

The table below provides a description of how each agency option is used, its default setting, and the optional settings you can choose. Options are listed alphabetically by option name.


Agency Option


Ability to Add Proposal Item to Bidder Quoter proposals

This option determines whether quoter information entered in the Civil Rights & Labor business area is associated with proposal line items. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to True, quoter information is associated with proposal line items.

If set to False, quoter information is not associated with proposal line items.

Ability to Copy DWRs

This option determines whether users can create a new DWR by copying an existing DWR on the same contract. The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to False, users cannot create new DWRs by copying existing DWRs.

If set to True, users can create new DWRs by copying existing DWRs.

Ability to modify an existing Expiration Date to any date (e.g., past, present, future)

This option determines whether users are allowed to modify an entity's expiration date to any date or only to a date sooner than the existing expiration date. Valid values are True and False. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to True, users may modify expiration dates to any date.

If set to False, users can only change an expiration date to a date that is sooner than the existing expiration date.

  • Note: Regardless of the value for this agency option, the user cannot modify an expiration date to be prior to the effective date.

Accept Samples By

This option determines whether the system includes samples according to authorization or acceptable status when evaluating material acceptance. Possible values are Authorized, Acceptable Status, and Both.

If this option is set to Authorized, only authorized samples are included when evaluating material acceptance.  

If this option is set to Acceptable Status, only sample records with acceptable statuses are included when evaluating material acceptance. Sample status is marked as acceptable in reference data.

If this option is set to Both, only sample records with acceptable statuses, that are also authorized, are included when evaluating material acceptance.

The default value is Authorized.

Acceptance Method Value For Void Sample

This option determines which acceptance method is entered by the system when a sample record is voided. Possible values are values in the acceptance method code table. The default value is blank or disabled.

If this option is set to a value from the acceptance method code table, the system enters the value in the Acceptance Method field when the sample record is voided.

If this option is blank, the system does not enter a value in the Acceptance Method field when a sample record is voided.

Add Employees to Field Interview

This option is used in contract compliance management and controls the method of adding contract employee data to field interview records. Choose one of two methods:

  • Ref Employee Only - Employee data can be added to interview records only from the list of reference employees. Information cannot be added manually.

  • Manual - Employee data can be added from the list of reference employees or manually added.

Agency Date Format

This option determines the date format used by your agency. Select a format from the drop-down menu. MM represents the two-digit month; DD represents the two-digit day of the month; YY represents a two-digit year, and YYYY represents a four-digit year. The default value is MM/DD/YYYY.

Allow Change Order Approval Group Override Indicator

This option determines whether the override function is allowed on change order approval groups. Valid values are True and False. The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to True, the override function is allowed on change order approval groups.

If this option is set to False, the override function is not allowed on change order approval groups.

Allow Change Order Approval Level Skip

This option determines whether approval levels may be skipped on change orders (that is, higher levels can approve for lower levels). The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to True, approval levels may be skipped on change orders.

If this option is set to False, approval levels may not be skipped on change orders.

Allow Change Order Approval Not Required

This option determines whether an option exists on reference items to allow quantity changes to be made on a change order without approval. If this option is selected, the system displays the Change Order Approval Required check box on the Reference Item Summary. The default value is Yes (that is, the check box is selected).

If set to Yes, the system displays the Change Order Approval Required check box on the Reference Item Summary.

If set to No, the system does not display the Change Order Approval Required check box on the Reference Item Summary

Allow Change Order Balanced Completed Items

This option determines whether the Balance Completed Items function is allowed on change orders. The Balance Completed Items function automatically calculates the item quantity increase or decrease necessary to provide a zero quantity for an item that has been marked complete on the contract. The default value is Yes (that is, the check box is selected).

If set to Yes, the system allows and displays the Balance Completed Items function on change orders.

If set to No, the system does not allow or display the Balance Completed Items function on change orders.

  • Note: This option can only be set to Yes if the option to Allow Change Order Items to be Increased or Decreased is also set to Yes.

Allow Change Order Contract Modifications

This option determines whether the Contract Modification function is allowed on change orders. The Contract Modification function allows a change order to contain only edits to textual content of the contract, and no changes to contract items or times. The default value is Yes (that is, the check box is selected).

If set to Yes, the system allows the Contract Modification function on change orders.

If set to No, the system does not allow the Contract Modification function on change orders.

Allow Change Order Items to be Increased or Decreased

This option determines whether the Item Increase/Decrease function is allowed on change orders. The Item Increase/Decrease function allows a change order to contain only edits to textual content of the contract, and no changes to contract items or times. The default value is Yes (that is, the check box is selected).

If set to Yes, the system allows the Item Increase/Decrease function on change orders.

If set to No, the system does not allow the Item Increase/Decrease function on change orders.

Allow Change Order Item Increase Decrease Less than Paid Quantity

This option determines whether the system allows an item quantity increase or decrease on a contract change order that reduces the item's current quantity below its quantity paid to date. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If set to False, the system does not allow an item quantity change on a contract change order to reduce the item's current quantity below its quantity paid to date.

If set to True, the system allows an item quantity change on a contract change order to reduce the item's current quantity below its quantity paid to date.

Allow Change Order New Item Negative Price

This option determines whether a new item with a negative unit price can be added to a contract on a change order. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to False, a new item with a negative unit price cannot be added to the contract on a change order.

If set to True, a new item with a negative unit price can be added to the contract on a change order.

Allow Change Order New Item Negative Quantity

This option determines whether negative quantities of new items can be added to a contract on a change order. The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to False, negative quantities cannot be added to the contract on a change order.

If set to True, negative quantities can be added to the contract on a change order.

Allow Change Order New Items

This option determines whether the New Items function is allowed on change orders. The New Item function allows items not currently included in a contract project to be added to the contract. The default value is Yes (that is, the check box is selected).

If set to Yes, the system allows the New Items function on change orders.

If set to No, the system does not allow the New Items function on change orders.

Allow Change Order Time Adjustments

This option determines whether the Time Adjustment function is allowed on change orders. The Time Adjustment function allows contract times to be increased or decreased. The default value is Yes (that is, the check box is selected).

If set to Yes, the system allows the Time Adjustment function on change orders.

If set to No, the system does not allow the Time Adjustment function on change orders.

Allow Change Order Unilateral

This option determines whether the Unilateral function is allowed on change orders. The Unilateral function allows a change order to be processed without the approval of the prime contractor. The default value is Yes (that is, the check box is selected).

If set to Yes, the system allows the Unilateral function on change orders.

If set to No, the system does not allow the Unilateral function on change orders.

Allow Contractor Selection on Change Order

This option determines whether a contractor (prime or an approved subcontractor) can be associated with new items on contract change orders. The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to False, contractors cannot be associated with new items on change orders.

If set to True, contractors can be associated with new items on change orders.

Allow New Item Funding

This option determines whether funding sources can be associated with new items on contract change orders. The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to False, funding cannot be associated with new items on change orders.

If set to True, funding can be associated with new items on change orders.

Allow Test Result Value Modification During Test Review State

This option determines whether the Test Result Value of a test can be modified if the test status is included in the Review Tests queue. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to False, the system does not take into account whether the test status is included in the Review Tests queue. The Test Result Value can be modified only if the current status of the test is included in the Enter Test Results queue.

If this option is set to True, the Test Result Value can be modified if the current status of the test is included in either the Review Tests or Enter Test Results queues.

For more information, see Setting Agency Options for Test Queues.

Allow Unattached Items

This option determines whether unattached items can be used by the agency. This includes the ability to add unattached items to contracts and to post DWR quantities to both unattached items and unapproved new change order items. The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to False, unattached item functionality is not available.

If set to True, unattached item functionality is available.

Apprentice Wage Compliance Check Override

This option determines whether the system performs apprentice wage compliance checking for non-federal contracts. Valid values are True and False. The default value is False  (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to True, the system will override (that is, not perform) the apprentice wage compliance checking for non-federal contracts.

If this option is set to False, the system will perform the apprentice wage compliance checking for non-federal contracts.

Attachment Max File Size in Kilobytes

This option specifies an absolute maximum size for file attachments in kilobytes. The system displays a message to the user when a file attachment has reached the maximum size set and aborts the upload.

  • Note: The value of the maxRequestLength server configuration setting (see Server Configuration) also restricts the maximum size upload allowed for an attachment. You may need to increase this number when you modify the Attachment Max File Size agency option.

Attachment Recommended Max File Size in Kilobytes

This option specifies a recommended maximum size for file attachments in kilobytes. The system displays a message to the user when a file attachment has reached the recommended maximum size set and gives the user an option to continue loading the attachment or abort the upload.

Auto Authorize Void Sample

This option determines whether the system automatically authorizes a sample record when it is voided. The default value is False  (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to True, the system automatically authorizes a sample record when the Sample Status is saved as Void. The system then sets the Authorized By and Authorized Date fields and prevents changes to the sample record.

If this option is set to False, the system does not authorize a sample record when it is voided.

Automatic Acceptance of Error-Free Payrolls Indicator

This option determines whether an agency will accept payrolls automatically (assuming no significant exceptions are identified). Valid values are True and False. The default value is False  (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to True, payrolls will be accepted automatically.

If this option is set to False, payrolls must be accepted manually.

Automatically Renumber Project Item

This option determines how the system will automatically renumber project items when project items are saved. Valid values are Line Number, Category Item, and Off. The default value is Line Number.

If this option is set to Line Number, the system automatically renumbers project items in order of line number.

If this option is set to Field Defined Sort, the system automatically renumbers project items in the order of the fields specified on the Field Defined Sort tab in the Agency Options component (see Defining Field Sort for Project Item Line Numbering). Settings entered on the Field Defined Sort tab have no effect unless this option is also set to Field Defined Sort.

If this option is set to Off, project item line numbers are generated based on the Project Item Line Number Increment agency option, but are not automatically renumbered when item-level changes are made.

Calculate Liquidated Damages

This option determines whether liquidated damages are calculated for contracts and withheld from payment estimates.

Valid values are True and False. The default value is False  (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to True, liquidated damages are calculated and withheld from payment estimates.

If this option is set to False, liquidated damages are not calculated and withheld from payment estimates.

Calculate Price Adjustment Method

This option determines whether the system uses the date and quantity from the DWR or the payment estimate when applying price adjustment indexes to DWR item postings included in a payment estimate. The default value is DWR Date.

If this option is set to DWR Date, the system sets the Price Date to the DWR date, and sets Current Quantity to the DWR item installed quantity.

If this option is set to Payment Estimate Date, the system sets the Price Date to the payment estimate period end date, and sets Current Quantity to the payment estimate current paid quantity.

Calculate Retainage

This option determines whether the system calculates retainage amounts and withholds retainage amounts from payment estimates. Valid values are True and False. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to True, retainage will be calculated and withheld from payment estimates.

If this option is set to False, retainage is not calculated or withheld from payment estimates, and the Retainage tab is not available on the Contract Administration Summary.

Call Order Increment

This option determines the increment used for assigning call orders when adding proposals to a bid letting.  You can use any positive whole number and 0. The default value is 1.  

If you set the call order increment to 0, a Call Order field value will no longer be required for a proposal in a letting. The system's automatic call order generation will be turned off and all Call Order values will be initially blank.

Call Order Start

This option determines the call order number that will automatically be assigned to the first proposal assigned to a bid letting. You can use any positive whole number. The default value is 1.

Change Order Item Increase Decrease Explanation Required

This option determines whether the system requires that an explanation be recorded for item quantity increases or decreases on a change order. The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If set to True, the system requires that an explanation be recorded for item quantity changes on change orders.

If set to False, the system does not require that an explanation be recorded for item quantity changes on change orders.

Change Order Item Increase Decrease Explanation Threshold

This option allows the agency to specify the absolute value of quantity change amount (either a positive or negative change) that must be reached on a change order before the system requires that an explanation be recorded. This option is used only if the agency option to require an explanation for change order item quantity changes is not selected, and it does not apply to change order item quantity changes made to balance completed items.

You can enter any positive dollar amount. The default value is null.

Change Order Time Adjustment Explanation Required

This option specifies whether an explanation must be recorded for change order time adjustments. The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If set to True, the system requires that an explanation be recorded for a change order time adjustment.

If set to False, the system does not require that an explanation be recorded for a change order time adjustment.

Change Order Track Revision Index

This option determines whether the system tracks change order revisions.  The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If set to True, the system displays the Change Order Revision Number field on the Contract Change Order Summary. Each time the change order status is returned to Draft (from a status of Rejected, Pending Review, or Pending Approval), the system increases the value of the Change Order Revision Number field by an increment of 1.

If this option is set to False, the Change Order Revision Number field is not displayed on the Contract Change Order Summary component.

Change Proposal ID During Re-let

This option determines whether the old Proposal ID or the new Proposal ID is renamed during the Re-let process. Valid values are Old and New and are not case sensitive. The default value is New.

If this option is set to New, the user is prompted to enter a Proposal ID for the new proposal created during the Re-let process.

If this option is set to Old, the user is prompted to enter a new Proposal ID that will be assigned to the old proposal. The original Proposal ID will be reassigned to the new proposal created during the Re-let process.

Charge Day Increment

For change order time adjustments that have a Time Unit set to Days, this option specifies the amount by which you can increase a charge day in the time adjustment. The system will only allow a multiple of this value to be saved in the Adjustment Time Units field of the change order time adjustment record.

Valid values include 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, and 1.00. The default value is 0.10.

Charge Hour Increment

For change order time adjustments that have a Time Unit set to Hours, this option specifies the amount by which you can increase a charge day in the time adjustment. The system will only allow a multiple of this value to be saved in the Adjustment Time Units field of the change order time adjustment record.

Valid values include 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, and 1.00. The default value is 0.10.

Close Contract Upon Final Payment Estimate

This option determines whether the system automatically closes a contract when a final payment estimate is added to the contract. The default value is False (that is, the check box not is selected).

If this option is set to True, the system automatically closes a contract when the user adds a final payment estimate to the contract.

If this option is set to False, the system does not close a contract when the user adds a final payment estimate to the contract.

Close Contract Upon Supplemental Payment Estimate

This option determines whether the system automatically closes a contract when a supplemental payment estimate is added to the contract. The default value is False (that is, the check box not is selected).

If this option is set to True, the system automatically closes a contract when the user adds a supplemental payment estimate to the contract.

If this option is set to False, the system does not close a contract when the user adds a supplemental payment estimate to the contract.

Construction Stockpile Balance

This option determines whether a Construction Stockpile must be balanced before a Semi-Final or Final estimate is created. The default value is null.

If this option is set to Semi-Final, a Construction Stockpile must be balanced before a Semi-Final estimate is created.

If this option is set to Final, a Construction Stockpile must be balanced before a Final estimate is created.

Construction Stockpile Close on Final Estimate

This option determines whether all construction stockpiles for a contract will be closed when the contract's final estimate is created. The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to True, all construction stockpiles for a contract will be closed when the contract's final estimate is created.

If set to False, all construction stockpiles for a contract will not be closed when the contract's final estimate is created.

Construction Stockpile Close on Semi-Final Estimate

This option determines whether all construction stockpiles for a contract will be closed when the contract's semi-final estimate is created. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to True, all construction stockpiles for a contract will be closed when the contract's semi-final estimate is created.

If set to False, all construction stockpiles for a contract will not be closed when the contract's semi-final estimate is created.

Construction Stockpile Contract Percentage

This option defines the default percentage of contract completion that determines recovery of construction stockpiles. You can use any value 0-100. The default value is 100%.

Construction Stockpile Default Item Percentage

This option defines the default percentage of item completion for recovery of the construction stockpile. You can use any value 0-100. The default value is null.

For more information, see Adding a Construction Stockpile.

Construction Stockpile Payment Percentage Method

This option determines whether system bases the payment percentage total maximum value for the agency option Construction Stockpile Percentage Limit One on bid amount or current amount. Valid Values are Bid and Current. The default value is Current.

Construction Stockpile Percentage Limit One

This option defines a percentage of the total value of the associated item's unpaid dollars (dollars not yet included in pending or approved estimates) that cannot be exceeded for the entry of a construction stockpile invoice amount. This percentage is based on either bid amount or current amount, as determined by the Construction Stockpile Payment Percentage Method agency option setting.

You can use any value 0-100. The default value is 100%.

Construction Stockpile Percentage Limit Two

This option defines a percentage of the total value of the associated item's current quantity that cannot be exceeded for the entry of a construction stockpile invoice amount.

You can use any value 0-100. The default value is 100%.

Contract Adjustment Distribution

This option determines whether a contract adjustment amount is distributed among the contract's projects based on the bid amount or current amount of the projects. The default value is Current.

If this option is set to Current, then contract adjustment amounts are distributed among the contract's projects based on the current amount.

If this option is set to Bid, then contract adjustment amounts are distributed among the contract's projects based on the bid amount.

Contract Time Charge Max Amount - Days

For contract times with a Contract Time Unit value of Days, this option determines the maximum time (number of days) that can be charged in a single daily diary or daily work report. The system ignores this option for contracts having a Contract Time Unit value of Hours.

You can use any positive whole number. The default value is 1.

Contract Time Charge Max Amount - Hours

For contract times with a Contract Time Unit value of Hours, this option determines the maximum time (number of hours) that can be charged in a single daily diary or daily work report. The system ignores this option for contracts having a Contract Time Unit value of Days.

You can use any positive whole number. The default value is 24.

Contract Time for Accepted Date

This option determines the value the system assigns to the Time ID field in the contract time record for a contract's accepted date. The default value is ACCEPT-DT.

Contract Time for Awarded Date

This option determines the value the system assigns to the Time ID field in the contract time record for a contract's awarded date. The default value is AWARD-DT.

Contract Time for Contract Matl Acceptance Action Lock Date

This option determines which contract time record can be used to lock a contract and prevent the addition of new acceptance actions for contract materials.

When a contract includes an informational contract time record with the same Time ID as is specified in this agency option, and the Actual Completion date for the contract time is today's date or a previous date, the system locks the contract and prevents new acceptance actions from being added for the contract materials.

The default value is Matl and AAs Lock Dt.

Contract Time for CRLMS Closed Date

This option determines the value the system assigns to the Time ID field in the contract time record for the date a contract is closed for Civil Rights & Labor. The default value is CRLMS-DT.

Contract Time for Execution Date

This option determines the value the system assigns to the Time ID field in the contract time record for the date a contract is executed. The default value is EXEC-DT.

Contract Time for Notice to Proceed Date

This option determines the value the system assigns to the Time ID field in the contract time record for the date a contract's Notice to Proceed is published. The default value is NTP-DT.

Contract Time for Preconstruction Conference Date

This option determines the value the system assigns to the Time ID field in the contract time record for a contract's Preconstruction conference date. The default value is PRECON-DT.

Contract Time for Price Adjustment Base Date

This option references the Time ID value on the Contract Time record that represents the price adjustment base date. To associate a price adjustment index to a contract, the contract must include a Contract Time record whose ID matches the value in this agency option. The system requires a value for this option. The default value is PRICEADJBASE-DT.

Contract Time for Work Began Date

This option determines the value the system assigns to the Time ID field in the contract time record for the date work on a contract began. The default value is WKBGN-DT.

Apply DWR Contract Times

This option determines whether the Contract Times tab is available on the Contract Daily Work Report Summary component.

Copy Addendum Header During Re-let

This option controls whether addenda header information is copied to a re-let proposal or not. Valid values are True and False. The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to True, addenda header records are copied to the new proposal created during the re-let process. The snapshot data is not copied, only the header text of the addenda.

If this option is set to False, no addenda information is copied to the new proposal created during the re-let process.

Copy DWR Agency Staff Information

When a new DWR is created by copying an existing DWR, this option determines whether agency staff members are included in the copied information. The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to False, agency staff members are not copied to the new DWR.

If set to True, agency staff members are copied to the new DWR.

Copy DWR Contractor Information

When a new DWR is created by copying an existing DWR, this option determines whether the DWR contractors are included in the copied information. The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to False, DWR contractors are not copied to the new DWR.

If set to True, DWR contractors are copied to the new DWR.

Copy DWR Remarks Information

When a new DWR is created by copying an existing DWR, this option determines whether remarks are included in the copied information. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to False, remarks are not copied to the new DWR.

If set to True, remarks are copied to the new DWR.

Copy DWR Weather Information

When a new DWR is created by copying an existing DWR, this option determines whether weather conditions are included in the copied information. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to False, weather conditions are not copied to the new DWR.

If set to True, weather conditions are copied to the new DWR.

Copy DWR Work Item Information

When a new DWR is created by copying an existing DWR, this option determines whether work items are included in the copied information. The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to False, work items are not copied to the new DWR.

If set to True, work items are copied to the new DWR

Copy Proposal Vendor During Re-let

This option controls whether the proposal vendor records are copied to a re-let proposal or not.  Valid values are True and False. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to True, all proposal vendor records will be copied to the new proposal created during the re-let process. The system will keep the original invoice numbers on the new proposal vendors and will autogenerate a number for the original proposal vendor invoice numbers. This allows the new proposal to reference the original invoice numbers for proposal vendors.

If this option is set to False, no proposal vendor information will be copied to the new proposal created during the re-let process.

DBE Commitment Work Type

This is a required option that determines which vendor work codes will be used to identify the Work Type for DBE commitments, subcontract payments, and quoter proposal items. The default value is Vendor Work Class Code (VWRKCLS).

Click the down arrow to choose one of these five sources (the database table name is shown in parentheses):

  • Reference Vendor Work Class (REFVENDORWORKCLASS)

  • Reference Vendor Specialty Code (REFVENDORSPECIALTYCODE)

  • Reference Vendor NAICS Code (REFVENDORNAICSCODE)

  • Reference Vendor SIC Code (REFVENDORSICCODE)

  • Vendor Work Class Code (VWRKCLS)

Diary Creation Date

This option specifies which Contract Date type must be entered and saved before a Diary can be created. The default value is NTP-DT.

Diary Edited Only by Creator

This option determines whether the system will allow a daily diary to be changed or deleted by users other than its author. The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to True, only the author of a daily diary may change or delete it.

If set to False, users other than the author of a daily diary are allowed to change or delete it.

DWR Creation Date

This option determines which Contract Date type must pass before a DWR can be created for a contract. DWRs cannot be created for the contract until after the date in the specified Contract Date type. The default value is NTP-DT.

DWR Edited Only by Creator

This option determines whether the system will allow a DWR to be changed or deleted by users other than its creator. The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to True, only the creator of a DWR may change or delete it.

If set to False, users other than the creator of a DWR are allowed to change or delete it.

A DWR can be approved or submitted for approval by users other than the creator, regardless of this True/False setting.

DWR Multiple per Day

This option determines whether more than one Daily Work Report (DWR) may be created for a contract by the same inspector for the same day. The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to False, an inspector can only create one DWR on a contract per day.

If set to True, an inspector can create more than one DWR on a contract per day.

DWR Report Signature Blocks

This option determines whether the DWR Report includes a signature block when generated. The default value is True.

If this option is set to True, the DWR Report includes a signature block. You can choose a signature block that contains an electronic signature or an empty signature block for a wet signature.

If set to False, the DWR Report does not include a signature block.

Email Send Account Name

This option specifies the sender email account used for verification.

A value is required for this option if SSL is enabled on your email server.

Email Send Account Password

This option specifies the password associated with the verification email account.

A value is required for this option if SSL is enabled on your email server.

Email Send Uses SSL

This option determines whether SSL must be enabled on your email server in order for the system to send email. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to False, SSL does not need to be enabled on your email server.

If set to True, SSL must be enabled on your email server in order for the system to send email.

Email SMTP Server Address

This option defines the URL for the SMTP server for the email server you want to use.

Email SMTP Server Port

This option identifies the port used to access the SMTP server for your email server.

Enable Global SMFMI Authority By Default

This option determines whether global SMFMI authority is automatically enabled when a person associated with the source management level for the parent source or facility (or any parent level in the hierarchy) creates a new SMFMI. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to False, global SMFMI authority is not enabled when an SMFMI is created.

If set to True, global SMFMI authority is enabled when an SMFMI is created.

Contract Time for Payment Estimate Creation

This option determines which contract time must be entered and saved before a payment estimate is created. The default value is null.

If a type of contract time is specified for this option, the system will not allow a payment estimate to be created for a contract unless the contract includes an Actual Completion Date for the type of contract time specified.

Estimate Exception Override Remarks Required

This option determines whether a remark is required when a user overrides a payment estimate exception. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

When this option is set to True, the system requires the user to enter a remark when overriding a payment estimate exception.

When this option is set to False, the system does not require the user to enter a remark when overriding a payment estimate exception.

Estimate Pay Period Day

If the Estimate Pay Period Frequency agency option is set to Weekly, this option specifies the  default estimate pay period day. You can choose any day of the week. The default value is Monday.

Estimate Pay Period Date 1

If the Estimate Pay Period Frequency agency option is set to Monthly, this option specifies the default estimate pay period date of the month.

If the Estimate Pay Period Frequency agency option is set to Twice Monthly, this option specifies the first default estimate pay period date of the month.

You can choose any whole number 1-30. The default value is 1.

Estimate Pay Period Date 2

If the Estimate Pay Period Frequency agency option is set to Twice Monthly, this option specifies the second default estimate pay period date of the month.

You can choose any whole number 2-30 that is greater than the value set for the Estimate Pay Period Date 1 agency option. The default value is 15.

Estimate Pay Period Frequency

This option specifies the default number of times the estimate pay period occurs within a given period of time. You can choose Weekly, Twice Monthly, Monthly, or Default to Today's Date.

The default value is Default to Today's Date.

Estimate Required Before Final

This option specifies whether a semi-final or progress payment estimate must be approved before a final payment estimate is added to a contract. The default value is null.

You can choose Any, Semi-final, or Progress.

Excessive Deduction Percentage

This option verifies that the sum of all deductions for an employee does not exceed a set percentage of their gross pay. You can use any value 0-100. The default value is 100%. This option is required.

Excessive Hours Worked per Day

This option determines the number of hours an employee can work in a single day (on multiple contracts) before the system issues a warning to the agency. You can use any positive number up to 24. The default value is 24.

Bids Install Location

This option defines the file storage location where the AASHTOWare Project Bids application is installed. This option is used by agencies that use Bids with AASHTOWare Project Preconstruction to distribute proposal bid item information and receive item bids electronically. This location provides the system with access to the Bids scripts, GEN, and LOAD files it needs to perform the Export to Bids with GEN process.

Explanation Required on New Item Change Order

This option determines whether an explanation must be recorded when a new item is added to a contract on a change order. The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to False, an explanation is not required when adding a new item to a contract on a change order.

If set to True, an explanation must be recorded when new items are added to a contract on a change order.

Export Project Level Funding

This option determines whether the system considers criteria in addition to the value for the Project Level Funding Source field when determining whether project-level funding is exported to SiteManager or CAS. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to False, project-level funding is exported if the project has a fund package marked as the Project Level Funding Source, or if all items in a project are funded by the same fund package.

If this option is set to True, project-level funding is exported only if the project has a fund package marked as the Project Level Funding Source.

Final Estimate Quantity Check

This option determines whether a final payment estimate can be added to a contract when the contract includes item quantities that are not yet final. For an item quantity to be final, the Quantity Posted To Date All DWRs must be equal to the Qty Paid to DT and Approved Qty on the contract. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to False, item quantities do not need to be finalized before a final payment estimate is added to the contract.

If this option is set to True, item quantities must be finalized for all project items before a final payment estimate is added to the contract.

Fringe Benefit Program Entry Indicator

This option controls whether Benefit Plan entry is enabled on the Payroll window. Valid values are True and False. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to True, Benefit Plan entry is enabled.

If this option is set to False, Benefit Plan entry is not enabled.

Funding Assignment Method

This option determines whether project fund packages in Preconstruction can be assigned at the category or item level and whether assignments can occur automatically.

If this option is set to Category Level, fund packages can only be assigned only at the project or category levels, and not at the item level. When a fund package is assigned to a category, any new items added to the category are automatically assigned the same fund package. Items that are not part of any category are grouped together and funded as a group of Uncategorized Items. If the group of Uncategorized Items is assigned a fund package, new items without a category are automatically assigned the same fund package.

If this option is set to Item Level Auto, fund packages can be assigned at the item, project, and category levels. When a fund package is assigned to a category or all items in a category, any new items added to the category are automatically assigned the same fund package. Items that are not part of a category are grouped together and funded as a group of Uncategorized Items. If the group of Uncategorized Items is assigned a fund package, new items without a category are automatically assigned the same fund package.

If this option is set to Item Level Manual, fund packages can be assigned at the item, project, and category levels. Funding must be manually assigned to new items after they are added to the project.

The default value is Item Level Manual.

Holiday Pay Multiplier

This option determines the multiplier to be used in calculating the overtime wage rates for holiday pay (for example, 2.0 times base wage rate). You can use any number with 1 decimal place from 1.0 to 9.9.  There is no default value for this option.

For more information on specifying which dates of the year are used as holidays for your agency, see Maintaining Holiday Information.

HREG Profile Name

This option specifies the profile name to use for pricing and scatter plot output. The profile name is case sensitive. There is no default value for this option.

  • Note: To generate prices, all four agency options for defining HREG connection information (HregLoginId, HregProfileName, HregValidationBAMSDSS, and HregWebServiceUrl) must be set.

HREG Web Service URL

This option defines the BAMS/DSS HREG Web Service URL (for example, http// There is no default value for this option.

  • Note: To generate prices, all four agency options for defining HREG connection information (HregLoginId, HregProfileName, HregValidationBAMSDSS, and HregWebServiceUrl) must be set.

Include Employees with Zero Hours

This option determines whether employees for whom no time has been recorded are included in a payroll. The default value is True  (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to True, an employee for whom no time has been recorded will be included in a payroll.

If this option is set to False, an employee for whom no time has been recorded will not be included in a payroll.

Include Payroll Employee SSN

This option determines how much of an employee's social security number (SSN) is required for a complete payroll employee record. The default value is Full.

If this option is set to Full, the system requires that all nine digits of the employee's SSN to be recorded.

If set to Partial, the system allows any part of the SSN, as well as any other characters (up to 20) in any order.  These are some examples of how your agency might use this option:  the last four digits of the SSN, the last four digits of the SSN plus the last name, or the first initial of the last name plus the last six digits of the SSN

If set to None, the system does not require a social security number for a complete payroll employee record, and instead uses the Vendor Supplied Employee ID.

If set to Full, the system requires entry in the Social Security Number field.

If this option is set to Partial, the system requires entry in the Partial Social Security Number field.

Include Vendor Address on Reports

This option determines whether the system includes vendor address information on reports, and if so, which address type will be used. Select an address type from the drop-down menu. The default value is the first code ID in your agency's Address Type code table.

If a reference vendor record does not include address information of the type selected for this option, the system will not include any address for that vendor on any report.

If this option is set to Null, the system will not include vendor address information on any report for any vendor.

Include Vouchers With No Activity

This option determines whether the system creates vouchers for projects with no activity when a payment estimate is created. The default value is True, that is, the check box is selected.  

When this option is set to True, vouchers are created for projects that do not have activity.

When this option is set to False, vouchers are not created for projects that do not have activity.

Indicate Whether a Section Total Mismatch During the Bid Validation Process Will be Considered a Warning or an Error

This option determines whether the system will invalidate a bid that contains a section total mismatch. Select Error or Warning from the drop-down menu.

If this option is set to Error, the system invalidates a bid containing a section total mismatch and displays an error message on the Proposal Vendor Summary component and the Bid Summary report.

If this option is set to Warning, the system does not invalidate a bid containing a section total mismatch and displays a warning message on the Proposal Vendor Summary component.

Interface Files Location

This option defines the file storage location for import and export files. This option must contain a valid value for import and export processes to run successfully.

Journeymen to First Apprentice Ratio

Used in labor administration, this option specifies the ratio of journeymen required on the job site to support the first "set" of apprentices (in the same labor class and by the same vendor as the set). You can use any positive number, with up to four decimal places. The default value is 1.0000. For example, if a value of 3.0000 is entered, this would mean that three journeymen are required to support the first apprentice; if a value of 0.25 is entered, this would mean that one journeymen is required to support the first set of four apprentices.

  • Note: Only "1/x" or "x/1" ratios (where x is a whole number) are supported in Civil Rights & Labor. The closest equivalent to these ratios will be used for the agency option values entered by the user.

If you set a value for this option, you must also set a value for the related option: Journeymen to Remaining Apprentice Ratio.

Journeymen to Remaining Apprentice Ratio

Used in labor administration, this option specifies the ratio of journeymen required on the job site to support each remaining apprentice "set" after the first set of apprentices (in the same labor class and by the same vendor as the set). You can use any positive number, with up to four decimal places. The default value is 3.0000. For example, if a value of 3.0000 is entered, this would mean that three journeymen are required to support each remaining apprentice after the first set; if a value of 0.25 is entered, this would mean that one journeymen is required to support each remaining set of four apprentices after the first set.

  • Note: Only "1/x" or "x/1" ratios (where x is a whole number) are supported in Civil Rights & Labor. The closest equivalent to these ratios will be used for the agency option values entered by the user.

If you set a value for this option, you must also set a value for the related option: Journeymen to First Apprentice Ratio.  

Limit the CPI Sample Represented Quantity to SMFMI

This option determines whether the Represented Quantity on a contract project item associated with a sample record can exceed the Maximum Quantity of the SMFMI associated with the sample record.

If this option is set to True, the system limits the Represented Quantity field on a contract project item associated with a sample record to the Maximum Quantity of the SMFMI associated with the sample record.  

If this option is set to False, the system allows the Represented Quantity field on a contract project item associated with a sample record to exceed the Maximum Quantity of the SMFMI associated with the sample record.  

The default value is True.

Locking Project Locks Parent Proposal

This option determines whether the system will lock a project's parent proposal when a user locks the project record. Valid values are True and False. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to False, the user-applied lock will only lock the project the user is currently in.

If this option is set to True, user-applied locks will lock the project the user is currently in, as well as that project's parent proposal and any sibling projects associated with the parent proposal.

Log Files Location

This option defines the file storage location for import and export process log files. This option must contain a valid value for import and export processes to run successfully.

Log SQL and Return Messages During Database Access

This option determines whether the system will keep a log of the SQL statements the system sends to the database along with the corresponding codes and messages returned by the DBMS. This log is useful when diagnosing problems.  Valid values are True and False. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to True, database access is logged.

If this option is set to False, database access is not logged.

You can reach this log by clicking the Data Access Log link in the System Administration component.

  • Note: System performance is slower when this agency option is set to True.

Login ID to Use When Connecting to HREG Service

This option defines the User ID to use when connecting to the HREG web service. The default value upon installation is WEBTUSER. To use the User ID of the user that is currently logged in, leave this option blank.

Maintenance Milestone Custom Calculation

This option determines the calculation of the Maintenance Milestone Cost for maintenance schedules.

When this option contains a custom equation, the system uses the equation to calculate the Maintenance Milestone Cost.

When this option is null, the system calculates the Maintenance Milestone Cost as the sum of the extended amounts for the items within the milestone plus stipulated escalation factors:


The default value for this option is null.

Major Item Overrun Allowance Percentage

This option determines the maximum percentage that the system will allow a major item's total installed quantity value to overrun before a payment estimate exception is created.

The default value is null.

The system uses the Major Item Overrun Allowance Percentage option in conjunction with the Major Item Overrun Maximum Amount option when setting a threshold for major item overruns. The payment estimate exception occurs and the line-item adjustment is calculated based on whichever calculated value is lesser of the two: either the percentage or maximum amount.

Major Item Overrun Maximum Amount

This option determines the maximum dollar amount that the system will allow a major item's total installed quantity value to overrun before a payment estimate exception is created.

The default value is null.

The system uses the Major Item Overrun Allowance Percentage option in conjunction with the Major Item Overrun Maximum Amount option when setting a threshold for major item overruns. The payment estimate exception occurs and the line-item adjustment is calculated based on whichever calculated value is lesser of the two: either the percentage or maximum amount.

Maximum Number of Rows Available to Database Access Log Report

This option determines the maximum number of rows that can be included in the Database Access Log. You can use any whole number great than 0. The default value is 1000.

Maximum Straight Daily Time Hours

This option determines the maximum number of straight time hours of labor that can be performed by an employee in a single day on contracts using any Agency (State) funding. You can use any number with 1 decimal place up to 99.9, including 0. There is no default value for this option.

Maximum Straight Weekly Time Hours

This option determines the maximum number of straight time hours of labor that can be performed by an employee in any 7-day period on all contracts. You can use any number with 1 decimal place up to 99.9, including 0. The default value is 40.

Migrate Source Facility Material

This option determines whether the system migrates source facility material data when migrating reference data from SiteManager.

Valid values are True and False. The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to True, source facility material data is migrated when the user runs the Migrate Reference Data from SiteManager system interface.

If this option is set to False, source facility material data is not migrated when the user runs the Migrate Reference Data from SiteManager system interface.

Minor Item Overrun Allowance Percentage

This option determines the maximum percentage that the system will allow a minor item's total installed quantity value to overrun before a payment estimate exception is created.

The default value is null.

The system uses the Minor Item Overrun Allowance Percentage option in conjunction with the Minor Item Overrun Maximum Amount option when setting a threshold for minor item overruns. The payment estimate exception occurs and the line-item adjustment is calculated based on whichever calculated value is lesser of the two: either the percentage or maximum amount.

Minor Item Overrun Maximum Amount

This option determines the maximum dollar amount that the system will allow a minor item's total installed quantity value to overrun before a payment estimate exception is created.

The default value is null.

The system uses the Minor Item Overrun Allowance Percentage option in conjunction with the Minor Item Overrun Maximum Amount option when setting a threshold for minor item overruns. The payment estimate exception occurs and the line-item adjustment is calculated based on whichever calculated value is lesser of the two: either the percentage or maximum amount.

Module to Use When Validating Userid and Password

This option determines which module (BAMS/DSS or Cost Estimation) is used to validate the User ID and password when connecting to the HREG web service. The default value is BAMS/DSS.

Name of Agency

This agency option determines the name of the agency as it is listed on the Federal 1392 Report - 2010 Revision and the Uniform Report of DBE Commitments/Awards and Payments.

Net Present Value Custom Calculation

This option determines the calculation of the Net Present Value for maintenance schedule costs.

When this option contains a custom equation, the system uses the equation to calculate the Net Present Value.

When this option is null, the system calculates the Net Present value as the sum of the maintenance milestone costs after adjusting for the maintenance schedule discount rate as appropriate for the maintenance milestone year: [MAINTENANCE_SCHEDULE_COST_NET_PRESENT_VALUE] = SUM([MAINTENANCE_MILESTONE_COST / {1+([MAINTENANCE_SCHEDULE_DISCOUNT_RATE]/100)} ^ MAINTENANCE_MILESTONE_YEAR]).

The default value for this option is null.

Non-Federal Aid Contract Maximum Days in Pay Period

This option determines the maximum number of days an agency will allow in a payroll period for Non-Federal Aid Contracts. You can use any whole number greater than or equal to 0.

Number of Days Email Review

This option determines the number of days that cannot be exceeded before the system requires users to review their email address and confirm their address is correct. This email review prompt only applies to users that have the email address required flag turned on. You can use any whole number greater than or equal to 0.

Payment Estimate Federal Overdue Payrolls Lag Days

This option specifies the number of lag days allowed for a contract’s payrolls when the Davis Bacon wage rate is set.

Payment Estimate State Overdue Payrolls Lag Days

This option specifies the number of lag days allowed for a contract’s payrolls when the State Prevailing Wage indicator is set.

Price Base Date for Change Order Item Source This option enables users to set, for “Change Order” item source, either the Price Adjustment Base Date or the Change Order Approved Date as the base date for the price adjustment calculation.
The default value is Change Order Approved Date.
If the option is set to Change Order Approved Date, then the system uses the change order date as the base date for the price adjustments.
If the option is set to Price Adjustment Base Date, then the system uses the contract time referenced by the agency option “Contract Time For Price Adjustment Base Date” as the base date for price adjustments.
Price Base Date for Modified Change Order This option enables users to set, for modified change order item source, either the Price Adjustment Base Date or the Change Order Approved Date as the base date for the price adjustment calculation.
The default value is Change Order Approved Date.
If the option is set to Change Order Approved Date, then the system uses the change order date as the base date for the price adjustments.
If the option is set to Price Adjustment Base Date, then the system uses the contract time referenced by the agency option “Contract Time For Price Adjustment Base Date” as the base date for price adjustments.
Price Base Date for Modified Original Item Source This option enables users to set, for modified original item source, either the Price Adjustment Base Date or the Change Order Approved Date as the base date for the price adjustment calculation.
The default value is Change Order Approved Date.
If the option is set to Change Order Approved Date, then the system uses the change order date as the base date for the price adjustments.
If the option is set to Price Adjustment Base Date, then the system uses the contract time referenced by the agency option “Contract Time For Price Adjustment Base Date” as the base date for price adjustments.

Prohibit Multiple Active Price Bases

This option determines whether a cost estimate item price is allowed to contain multiple active price tasks (bid-based, reference, or cost sheet). Note that even if set to True, this option will still allow multiple active price tasks if they are contained in the same task group for the item. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to False, multiple active price bases are allowed.

If set to True, multiple active price bases are not allowed, unless they are contained in the same task group for the item.

Prohibit Planning Group Modifications Upon Concept Creation

This option determines whether a planning group becomes inactive after it is used to create a new concept and associated cost estimate.

If this option is set to False, a planning group remains active after it is used to create a conceptual estimate. A planning group can be used to create multiple conceptual cost estimates.

If this option is set to True, a planning group becomes inactive and read-only after it is used to create a conceptual estimate. A planning group can be used to create only one conceptual cost estimate.  

The default value is True.

Project Item Line Number Increment

This option determines what increment is used to number the items in a project. You can use any positive whole number. The default value is 10.

Prompt Payment Days

Used in monitoring the timeliness (as defined by Federal and State regulations) of payments made to subcontractors and others by the prime contractor after the prime contractor has received payment from the agency, this option determines the number of days the prime contractor is allowed before the payment is considered late. You can use any whole number from 0 to 999. The default value is 30.

Proposal Item Line Number Increment

This option determines what increment is used to number the items in a proposal. You can use any positive whole number. The default value is 10.

Reference Item Column to Use for Item Division on Selection List

This option determines which code table is used to filter project items in the Quick Find Add window used for adding items to a project. The default value is Item Classification.

Reference Vendor Column to Use for Vendor Division on Selection List

This option determines which code table is used to filter reference vendors in the Vendor Quick Find Add window used for adding vendors to a proposal. The default value is Vendor Type.

Require DBE Commitment Approval Before Award

This option is used by agencies that want to ensure that a DBE commitment has been approved for a proposal before it is awarded in a bid letting. Valid values are True and False. The default value is False (that is, proposals are not required to have an approved DBE commitment before being awarded).

If this option is set to True, a date must be recorded in the Approval Date field on the DBE Commitment Overview before it can be awarded in a bid letting.

If this option is set to False, contracts can be awarded without a date recorded in the Approval Date field.

Require Payroll Employee Address

This option determines whether an address is required for a complete payroll employee record. Valid values are True and False. The default value is True  (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to True, an address must be recorded in a payroll employee record.

If this option is set to False, and address is not required in a payroll employee record.

Require Project Item Assigned to Category

This option determines whether all project items must be assigned to a category. Valid values are True and False. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to True, the system enforces that all project items must be assigned to a category.

If this option is set to False, the system will not force project items to be assigned to a category.

  • Note: Agencies interfacing with BAMS/DSS, Estimator, and SiteManager, and agencies that use both AASHTOWare Project Preconstruction with AASHTOWare Project Construction & Materials, should note that these modules currently require each item to be in a category. Setting this option to true ensures that all items are assigned to a category upon entry into the system. If this option is set to false, then a value of 'No Category' will be specified for any item not associated with a category.

Retainage Base

This option determines whether the system bases its retainage calculations on the award or current amount of the contract. Click the down arrow to choose Award Amount or Current Amount. The default value is Award Amount.

Retainage Exempt for Construction Stockpiles

This option determines whether construction stockpile payment adjustments are excluded from retainage calculations. The default setting is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to True, the system excludes construction stockpile payment adjustments from retainage calculations.

If this option is set to False, the system includes construction stockpile payment adjustments in retainage calculations.

Retainage Exempt for Subcontracts

This option determines whether subcontract earnings for a contract with any federal funding sources are excluded from retainage calculations. The default setting is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to True, the system excludes subcontract earnings for a contract with any federal funding sources from retainage calculations.

If this option is set to False, the system includes subcontract earnings for a contract with any federal funding sources in retainage calculations.

Retainage Maximum Percentage

This option determines the maximum percentage of either the award amount or current amount (as determined by the Retainage Base agency option) of the contract that is allowed for retainage.

The default value is 0.00.

Retainage Method

This option determines the method for calculating retainage withheld:

Work Per Period - Retainage is based on the current estimate or estimate project (work per period)

Work In Place - Retainage is based on all estimates for the contract or project (work in place).

The default value is Work Per Period.

Retainage Percentage

This option determines the percentage of item earnings that must be retained for the contract. You can use any value 0-100. The default value is 0.00.

Retainage Released by Prime

This option determines the number of days used to track the promptness of the prime contractor releasing retainage to the subcontractors, truckers, etc. once their work is satisfactorily completed. You can use any whole number from 0 to 999. The default value is 30.

Retainage Trigger Base

This option determines whether the Retainage Trigger Percentage is based on the award or current amount of the contract. Click the down arrow to choose Award Amount or Current Amount. The default value is Award Amount.

Retainage Trigger Percentage

This option determines the percentage of completion the contract must reach before the system calculates retainage. You can use any value 0-100. The default value is 0.00.

Retainage Withheld for Contract or Project

This option determines whether retainage is withheld at the contract or project level. Click the down arrow to choose Contract or Project. The default value is Contract.

If set to Contract, the Retainage tab is available on the Contract Administration Summary.

If set to Project, the Retainage tab is available on the Contract Project Summary.

Roll Up Item Quantity for Pricing

This option determines whether bid-based pricing uses the combined quantities of identical items within a cost estimate. Identical items are defined as items with matching reference item ID and supplemental descriptions.

The default value for this option is True.

If this option is set to True (that is, the check box is selected), bid-based pricing uses the combined quantities of identical items within a cost estimate.

If this option is set to False (that is, the check box is not selected), quantities for identical items within a cost estimate are not combined for bid-based pricing.

Sample ID Auto Generation  

This option determines whether material sample IDs are generated automatically by the system according to the settings specified on the Sample Record Tag Generation component. The default setting is False.

If this option is set to True (that is, the check box is selected), the system generates sample IDs automatically.

If this option is set to False (that is, the check box is not selected), the system does not generate sample IDs automatically.

Sample ID Auto Generated ID Override

This option determines whether the user can override the system-generated sample ID when creating new sample records. The default setting is False.

If this option is set to True (that is, the check box is selected), the user is able to override the system-generated sample ID when creating a new sample record.

If this option is set to False (that is, the check box is not selected), the user is not able to override the system-generated sample ID when creating a new sample record.

Session Timeout

This option determines how many minutes a user can be inactive before the system automatically logs off the user (if the user does not click the Reset button).

You can use any whole number of minutes greater than 0 up to 1440 (equivalent to 24 hours). If the value is blank or 0, the system will use the timeout setting specified in the AppSettings.config file in the UiHost directory. The default setting is 30 minutes.

This option does not override the session timeout setting in the AppSettings.config file. To be functional, the value set for the Session Timeout option must be smaller than or equal to the value set in SlidingExpirationMinutes in the AppSettings.config file in the UiHost directory. For information about configuring the session timeout, refer to the Web-Based AASHTOWare Project Installation Instructions.

Session Timeout Warning

This option determines the number of minutes a user can be inactive before the system displays a session timeout warning.

You can use any whole number of minutes greater than 0 up to 1440 (equivalent to 24 hours). Values of blank or 0 disable the warning.

For the warning to be functional, the value set for the Session Timeout Warning option must be less than the value set for the Session Timeout option.

Set Proposal Item Line Number Equal to Project Item Line Number

Used by states that associate only a single project to each proposal, this option controls whether the order in which proposal items are listed is the same as its project items. Valid values are True and False. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to True, the project item line number will be editable and match the proposal item line number, therefore no rolling up of like items will occur. There will be a 1:1 correspondence between the project items and the proposal items, therefore, only one project may be associated with each proposal.

If this option is set to False, multiple projects can be assigned to a proposal, project items are rolled up, and proposal line numbers are generated when the proposal enters the addenda workflow phase.

Set Scale For Bid-based Unit Price This option allows the agency to alter the number of decimal places being returned in bid-based (average/regression) prices. The default value for this AO is 5 decimals, but the agency can choose a value less than 5 and the unit prices will be rounded to the selected number of decimals.

Set Transitioned Item Active

This option determines whether item status is set to active or inactive after a parametric item is transitioned to one or more detail items on a cost estimate.

The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to True and parametric items are transitioned to detail items, the system sets the status of the detail items to active and sets the status of the corresponding parametric items to inactive.

If this option is set to False and parametric items are transitioned to detail items, the system sets the status of the detail items to inactive and does not change the active status of the corresponding parametric items.

SiteManager Export Location

This option defines the file storage location for export to SiteManager files.

SiteXchange Export Location

This option defines the file storage location for export to SiteXchange files.

Special Overtime Week Day 1

This option identifies a day of the week where pay rates differ from the rates paid on other days of the week when all other factors contributing to the pay rate are the same (for example, weekend days).

If you set a value for this option, you must also set a value in the related option: Special Overtime Week Day 1 Multiplier.

  • Caution: If you have set this to a non-blank value, that value must differ from the value for Special Overtime Week Day 2.

Special Overtime Week Day 1 Multiplier

This option determines the multiplier to be used in calculating the overtime wage rates for Special Overtime Week Day 1 pay (for example, 2.0 times base wage rate). You can use any number with 1 decimal place from 1.0 to 9.9. There is no default value for this option.

Special Overtime Week Day 2

This option identifies a second day of the week where pay rates differ from the rates paid on other days of the week when all other factors contributing to the pay rate are the same (for example, weekend days).

If you set a value for this option, you must also set a value in the related option: Special Overtime Week Day 2 Multiplier.

  • Caution: If you have set this to a non-blank value, that value must differ from the value for Special Overtime Week Day 1.

Special Overtime Week Day 2 Multiplier

This option determines the multiplier to be used in calculating the overtime wage rates for Special Overtime Week Day 2 pay. You can use any number with 1 decimal place from 1.0 to 9.9. There is no default value for this option.

Subcontract Item Extended Amount Exceed Parent

This option determines whether subcontract item extended amounts (using prime unit price) are allowed to exceed parent item extended amounts (using prime unit price). The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to False, the subcontract item extended amount is not allowed to exceed parent item extended amounts.

If set to True, the subcontract item extended amount is allowed to exceed parent item extended amounts.

Subcontract Item Price Exceed Parent

This option indicates whether subcontract item unit prices can exceed the associated parent item unit price (when the units are the same).

When this option is set to True (the check box is selected), subcontract item unit prices can exceed the parent item unit price.

When this option is set to False (the check box is cleared), subcontract item unit prices cannot exceed the parent item unit price.

Subcontract Item Unit Match

This option determines whether the Unit of Measure for a subcontract item must match the Unit of Measure for the parent item. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to False, the Unit of Measure is not required to match. This option must be set to False to enable the use of subset items on subcontracts.

If set to True, the Unit of Measure for a subcontract item must match the Unit of Measure for the parent item.

Subcontractor Payment Detail

This option determines what type of reference information is provided when the prime contractor fetches subcontractor payment data from the agency server using the external access application. You can choose Contract Pay Items, Work Types, or Not Required. The default value is Contract Pay Items.

If this option is set to Contract Pay Items, all pay items available on the contract are provided in the information sent to the prime contractor.

If this option is set to Work Types, all the reference work type information assigned to the subcontractor (as defined by the DbeCommitmentWorkType agency option) is included in the information sent to the prime contractor.

If this option is set to Not Required, neither work type nor pay item information is provided in the information sent to the prime contractor.

Supplemental Estimate Quantity Check

This option determines whether a supplemental payment estimate can be added to a contract when the contract includes item quantities that are not yet final. For an item quantity to be final, the Quantity Posted To Date All DWRs must be equal to the Qty Paid to DT and Approved Qty on the contract. The default value is False (that is, the check box is not selected).

If this option is set to False, item quantities do not need to be finalized before a supplemental payment estimate is added to the contract.

If this option is set to True, item quantities must be finalized for all project items before a supplemental payment estimate is added to the contract.

SYNC Service Password

This option determines the password used to connect to the SYNC service for data transfer between web-based AASHTOWare Project and mobile applications.

The password is set automatically the first time the system connects with the mobile application. Do not modify this password unless directed by software support.

System Email Address

This option specifies the “From” email address displayed in messages sent from the system.

Take Snapshot Before Building Project Items

This option determines whether the system automatically takes a snapshot of a cost estimate before building project items.

If this option is set to Yes, the system automatically creates a snapshot for the cost estimate before building project items.

If this option is set to No, the system allows the user to build project items for a cost estimate without automatically creating a snapshot.

The default value for this option is Yes.

Take Snapshot Before Concept Delete

This option determines whether the system automatically takes a snapshot of all cost estimates associated with a concept when the concept is deleted.

If this option is set to Yes, the system automatically creates snapshots for all cost estimates associated with a concept when the concept is deleted.

If this option is set to No, the system allows the user to delete a concept and all of its associated cost estimates without automatically creating cost estimate snapshots.

The default value for this option is Yes.

Take Snapshot Before Concept Transition

This option determines whether the system automatically takes a snapshot of all associated cost estimates before transitioning a concept to a project.

If this option is set to Yes, the system automatically creates snapshots for all cost estimates associated with a concept when the concept is transitioned to a project.

If this option is set to No, the system allows the user to transition a concept to a project without automatically creating snapshots for all associated cost estimates.

The default value for this option is Yes.

Take Snapshot Before Cost Estimate Delete

This option determines whether the system automatically takes a snapshot of a cost estimate before the cost estimate is deleted.

If this option is set to Yes, the system automatically creates a snapshot for a cost estimate before the cost estimate is deleted.

If this option is set to No, the system allows the user to delete a cost estimate without automatically creating a snapshot.

The default value for this option is Yes.

Take Snapshot Before Project Delete

This option determines whether the system automatically takes a snapshot of all cost estimates associated with a project before the project is deleted.

If this option is set to Yes, the system creates snapshots for all cost estimates associated with a project before the project is deleted.

If this option is set to No, the system allows the user to delete a project and all of its associated cost estimates without automatically creating cost estimate snapshots.

The default value for this option is Yes.

Take Snapshot Before Proposal Delete

This option determines whether the system automatically takes a snapshot of all cost estimates associated with a proposal before the proposal is deleted.

If this option is set to Yes, the system creates snapshots for all cost estimates associated with a proposal before the proposal is deleted.

If this option is set to No, the system allows the user to delete a proposal and all of its associated cost estimates without automatically creating cost estimate snapshots.

The default value for this option is Yes.

Take Snapshot Before Snapshot Import

This option determines whether the system automatically takes a snapshot before importing another snapshot to the cost estimate.

If this option is set to Yes, the system automatically creates a snapshot before importing another snapshot to the cost estimate.

If this option is set to No, the system allows the user to import a snapshot to a cost estimate without automatically creating a cost estimate snapshot.

The default value for this option is Yes.

Take Snapshot Before Transition to Detail Items

This option determines whether the system automatically takes a snapshot before transitioning a cost estimate from parametric and/or typical section items to detail items. This option applies only when transitioning at the cost estimate level and not when transitioning an individual parametric item or typical section profile.

If this option is set to Yes, the system automatically creates a snapshot before transitioning a cost estimate from parametric and/or typical section items to detail items.

If this option is set to No, the system allows the user to transition a cost estimate from parametric and/or typical section items to detail items without automatically creating a cost estimate snapshot.

The default value for this option is Yes.

Test Assignment Information Start Status Default

This option determines the default value in the Start Test Status field for each new test assignment information record created on the Test Assignment Information Overview. Valid values are statuses that exist in the TESTSTATUS code table.

The Host Name to the UI Web Server

This option identifies the name of the machine that hosts the web-based AASHTOWare Project website. The host name appears in the URL for the website similar to the following:

http://<host name>:<port number>

The Port to the UI Web Server

The port used to access the web-based AASHTOWare Project website. The port appears in the URL for the website similar to the following:

http://<host name>:<port number>

The UI web server protocol

This option determines whether the URL for the web-based AASHTOWare Project website begins with http or https.

The default value for this option is https.

The URL to contact when performing a single sign on into the Analysis service

This option determines which Data Analytics analysis service site the user is directed to when clicking on the Analysis link on the Data Analytics component.

The value specified when logging into the Analysis service to identify which dataset to use

This option determines which dataset ID to use when logging into the Data Analytics analysis service site.

The virtual directory to the UI web server

The virtual directory used to access the web-based AASHTOWare Project website.

Unit Price of Subcontract Items to Use in Subcontract Percentage Threshold Calculation

This option specifies which unit price of subcontract items to use when calculating the subcontract percentage threshold.

Note:  When used in subcontract percentage threshold calculations, this option only affects the Total Towards Max % and Total Towards Max Amount values. All other calculations on the Subcontract Summary component use only the Prime Unit Price.

If this option is set to PrimeUnitPrice, the prime unit price is used in the calculation.

If this option is set to SubcontractUnitPrice, the subcontract unit price is used in the calculation.  

If this option is set to Maximum, whichever is greater of the prime or subcontract unit price is used in the calculation.  

If this option is set to MinimumGreaterThan0, whichever is lesser of the prime or subcontract unit price but greater than zero is used in the calculation.

The default value for this option is PrimeUnitPrice.

Update Destination SMFMI with DSR Material Destination Quantity

When documenting the shipment of material quantities between locations using DSR Material SMFMI production details, this option determines how the system accounts for shipped quantities at the receiving source or facility.

If this option is set to Yes, the system updates the net and pending net inventory quantities on the appropriate SMFMI at the receiving source or facility. If no matching SMFMI already exists, the system creates a new SMFMI with a quantity of 0 and net and pending net inventory quantities matching the quantity of material received.

If this option is set to No, the system does not create or update SMFMIs at the receiving source or facility.

User ID for Whom Database Access Logging Will Take Effect

When the agency option Log SQL and return messages during database access is set to True, this option controls whether data access logging will be constrained to a single user or enabled for all users.

If this option is left blank, all database access will be logged.

If this option is set to a User ID, database access will be logged only for that User ID.

  • Note: Some data access entries related to user login and rights retrieval will not be logged when the user filter is set because User ID cannot be logged for these entries.

Validate Bidder's Extended Amount Equals Calculated Extended Amount

When the extended amount for an item in a bid does not match the extended amount calculated by the system (the Calculated Extended Amount), this option determines which takes precedence. Valid values are True and False. The default value is True (that is, the check box is selected).

If this option is set to False, bids are considered valid even if the calculated extended amount for an item does not match the submitted extended amount and vendors are allowed to submit bids that do not include item extended amounts.

If set to True, bid item extended amounts are required and if the extended amount does not match the system's calculated extended amount, the bid is not considered valid.

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