Setting Up Project Field Mapping

In this Topic

  1. Looking Up Entity IDs
  2. Mapping Project Fields to Proposal Fields

The Project Mapping tab on the Agency Options component enables administrators to create a customized mapping of project source fields to proposal destination fields for use with the Import Project Data function and the Create Proposal From Project action. This feature gives the agency greater control of the data, and can create an easier import process for end users when they create a proposal.

You can map fields from the project table to fields in the proposal table, but not to any of their child tables. The system will not allow you to map fields used by the existing base import process, including the Description, Federal Project Number, State project Number, Primary County, and Primary District fields. In addition, you cannot map fields that require system generated values, including Project Item Total, Proposal Item Total, Proposal ID, Lock ID, Prime Project ID, and tracking fields such as Last Updated By.

Looking Up Entity IDs

Before you map project fields to proposal fields, you must determine the exact name of each field as they appear in the database. You can look up this information by using the Entity Overview component. For more information, see Customizing Entities.

  1. To access Entity Overview component, click Entities on the System Administration component.

  2. The component lists database tables. Type 'project' in the Search box to locate the Project table.

  3. Click the Project entity ID link.

  4. On the Business Metadata Summary component, click the Base Metadata tab.

  5. For each project data field you want to map, locate the Entity ID in the metadata. The entity ID is listed in quotes as the Entity Attribute ID, similar to the following:

    <EntityAttribute id="SpecBook"

  6. Note the entity IDs for each field you want to map from in the Project database table.

  7. Click the Overview Quick link to return to the Entity Overview component.

  8. Type 'proposal' in the Search box to locate the Proposal table.

  9. Click the Proposal entity ID link.

  10. Note the entity ID for each destination field you want to map to in the Proposal database table.  

Mapping Project Fields to Proposal Fields

After you identify the entity IDs for the fields you want to map, you can enter the field mappings on the Agency Options component.

  1. Click Agency Options on the System Administration component.

  2. Click the Project Mapping tab.

  3. In the Field Mapping text box, enter or modify xml field mapping strings. Each string consists of the entity ID for the project field and the entity ID for the proposal field, separated by a comma with no space. Each string is separated by a semicolon and a line return, similar to the following:

    Project.ProjectType, Proposal.ProposalType;

    Project.ProjectStatus, Proposal.ProposalStatus;

  4. When you are finished mapping fields, click Save. The system validates the field mapping and displays a message indicating that your changes were saved.

When a user selects Import Project Data on the Proposal Summary component, the system combines the custom xml field mappings with the existing base import process to determine which fields and data are populated in the proposal. If no custom xml field mapping exists, the system uses the existing base import process.

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Setting Agency Options

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