Managing End of Month Trucking

The agency gathers trucking information from contractors on agency contracts to support wage decision verification requirements and to monitor DBE trucking firm utilization.

The End of Month Trucking Overview component contains a rolling list of all the end-of-month (EOM) trucking records that currently exist for the selected contract. To access the component, click the EOM Trucking quick link on the Subcontract Summary (or, on the Contract Administration Overview, select EOM Trucking from the Actions menu on the contract row).

Each row on the End of Month Trucking Overview displays an Action button and current values for the following fields:

To change the information in an EOM trucking row, click the Trucking ID link or select Open from the Action menu on the EOM trucking record's row.

To add a new EOM trucking row to the contract, select Add from the Actions menu on the component header.

To delete an EOM trucking row, select Delete from the Actions menu on the EOM trucking record's row.

Click Save when finished to apply your changes to the system (including deleted information). The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

Related topics:

Adding an End of Month Trucking Record

Changing an End of Month Trucking Record


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