Changing an End of Month Trucking Record

The End of Month Trucking Summary page includes two components that contain end of month trucking information for the selected EOM record. To access the End of Month Trucking Summary page, select Open from the Actions menu on the appropriate row in the End of Month Trucking Overview.

The upper part of the page displays the End of Month Trucking Summary component, which contains general end-of-month trucking information for the selected vendor. On this component, you can view or change information in these fields:

The lower part of the page contains the End of Month Trucking Firms component. This component allows you to maintain information related to the trucking firms and truck types being used by the selected vendor in this period. For more information, see Maintaining End of Month Trucking Firms.

Related topics:

Managing End of Month Trucking

Adding an End of Month Trucking Record


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