In this Topic
The End of Month Trucking Firms component contains information related to the trucking firms and truck types being used for the contract in this period. The component is displayed in the lower half of the End of Month Trucking Summary page.
Select the trucking firm whose information you need to maintain by clicking the down arrow in the End of Month Trucking Firms box on the component subheader and selecting the firm's Vendor ID in the list. You can also select the firm by using the arrow buttons on the right side of the subheader to scroll through all the vendors associated with the contract.
In the upper section of the component, the system displays general information about the firm currently selected in the End of Month Trucking Firms box. Depending on the Firm Type, you can view or change information in some or all of the following fields:
To add a new end-of-month trucking firm, select Add New from the Actions menu on the component header.
Below this header information, the component displays an accordion list of the truck types being used by the selected trucking firm. Each row in the list represents one truck type record. Each row contains an Actions button and current values for the Truck Type and Number of Trucks fields.
To make changes to the truck types for the firm, click anywhere in the row to expand the record and display all the available information. You can view or change information in these fields:
Note: If you select a value of ITO in the Firm Type field, you must then also enter values for the Truck ID and Trucker Name fields. Also, when you change the Firm Type, the system automatically deletes any truck type records associated with the trucking firm.
To delete a truck type record, select Delete from the Actions menu on the truck type's row.
When you have finished maintaining EOM trucking firms, click the Save button to apply your changes to the system (including deleted information). The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.
To add a new truck type to the selected end-of-month trucking firm, click the New button. The system adds a new row at the bottom of the list of truck type records. All fields in the new row are blank.
To create a truck type record, you must enter information in these fields:
Off Site Hauling or On Site Hauling (Select one)
If the Payment Type is Monthly Hours, you must also enter information in these fields:
Broker Hourly Rate or Truck Hourly Rate (Select one)
If the Payment Type is Units Hauled, you must also enter information in these fields:
If the Payment Type is Flat Rate, you must also enter information in these fields:
It is not required, but you can enter information in these fields to record additional information about the truck type:
Note: The code table TRUCKTYPE must have code values populated to record data on this component.
Adding an End of Month Trucking Firm