Maintaining Contract Progress

The Contract Progress Summary contains information related to the progress of the construction work associated with the contract. This includes payment estimates, change orders, DWRs, contract and item adjustments, mix designs, force accounts, stormwater events and more.

To access the Contract Progress Summary, click the Contract Progress link in the Construction component, and then click the Contract link in the appropriate contract row.  

The component opens on the General tab, which allows you to view or change the following information:

Click in a field and add, change, or delete information as required. When you are finished, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

Depending on the current status of the contract, a different command is available on the component Actions menu to change the status. For more information, see Changing Contract Status.

To associate the contract with a price adjustment index, select Contract Price Adjustment Index from the Actions menu on the component header. For more information, see Maintaining Contract Price Adjustment Indexes.

To access an agency view associated with the contract, select the name of the agency view from the Actions menu on the component header. Data in agency views can be modified only when the associated contract is in Active status.

To view or maintain contract-level overrides for payment estimate exceptions, click the Payment Estimate Exceptions Override quick link. The system takes you to the Contract Payment Estimate Exceptions Override Overview. For more information, see Maintaining Payment Estimate Overrides for a Contract.

To view or maintain additional information related to the progress of the contract, click the following tabs:


Click this tab to view financial information for the contract (see Viewing Contract Financial Information).

Daily Work Reports

Click this tab to maintain Daily Work Reports for this contract (see Maintaining Contract Daily Work Reports).


Click this tab to maintain daily diaries for this contract (see Maintaining Contract Daily Diaries).

Diary Adjustments

Click this tab to make changes to contract times in a diary after the estimate has been created and the diary locked (see Adjusting Contract Time in a Locked Diary).

Payment Estimates

Click this tab to view and maintain a list of payment estimates for the contract (see Maintaining Payment Estimate Information for a Contract).


Click this tab to view a list of contractors on the contract (see Viewing a Contractor List).

Change Orders

Click this tab to add or maintain change orders to the contract (see Working with Contract Change Orders).

Contract Adjustments

Click this tab to view contract adjustments for the current payment estimate (see Viewing Contract Adjustments for a Payment Estimate).

Item Adjustments

Click this tab to view item adjustments for the current payment estimate (see Viewing Item Adjustments for a Payment Estimate).

Agency Views

Click this tab to maintain associations between the contract and agency views (see Maintaining Contract Associations with Agency Views).

Mix Designs

Click this tab to view and maintain a list of mix designs for the contract (Maintaining Mix Designs for a Contract). This functionality is used for Materials and is not described in this manual.

Progress Schedule

Click this tab to maintain the contract progress schedule (see Maintaining Contract Progress Schedules).

Weekly Report of Time Charges

Click this tab to view and maintain a list of time charges entered for the contract (Maintaining Weekly Time Charges for a Contract).

Force Accounts

Click this tab to view and maintain force accounts recorded for this contract (Managing Force Accounts on a Contract).

Stormwater Periods

Click this tab to view and maintain stormwater periods recorded for this contract (Maintaining Stormwater Periods).

Earth-Moving Events

Click this tab to view and maintain earth-moving events recorded for this contract (Maintaining Earth-Moving Events).


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