Maintaining Payment Estimate Exception Overrides for a Contract

In this Topic

  1. Adding an Exception Override to a Contract

The agency sets up reference data to determine which payment estimate exceptions must be addressed for each type of payment estimate. These settings apply to all contracts in the system. You can set up overrides that apply only to a specific contract as needed.

The Contract Payment Estimate Exceptions Override Overview lists all the overrides set up for the contract for payment estimate exceptions. You can access the component by clicking the Payment Estimate Exceptions Override quick link on either the Contract Progress Summary or the Contract Administration Summary.

You can locate a specific override by typing criteria in the Quick Find search box. The system displays rows of overrides that match your criteria.

Each row includes the Payment Estimate Exception name, an Actions button, and fields for each type of payment estimate:

To modify an override setting for the contract, click in a field and choose one of the following settings for each payment estimate type:

The order of the levels from least to most severe is:

The exception hierarchy noted above allows you to select exception options at the same level, or more severe than, the current setting.

For example, if the exception is set to Must Acknowledge, you can only acknowledge or resolve. In contrast, if the exception is set to Must Override, you can set the status of an exception to Overridden, Acknowledged, or resolve the exception.

Additionally, the system handles an item with an overrun exception AND an insufficient materials exception by overriding the exception that would result in the smallest payment adjustment, thus applying the larger of the withholdings. Note that the override will happen only when the contract payment estimate exceptions for both insufficient materials and overruns are set to Must Override.

When you are finished, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

Adding an Exception Override to a Contract

You can set up contract-specific overrides for payment estimate exceptions. When you add a payment estimate override to contract, the system sets the Override Global Contract Estimate Exceptions indicator on the contract to true.  

For information about setting up default payment estimate exceptions for all contracts, see Maintaining Payment Estimate Exceptions.

To add one or more payment estimate exception overrides to the contract, follow these steps:

  1. On the Contract Payment Estimate Exceptions Override component, click the Select Contract Payment Estimate Exception Override button.

    The system displays a modal window that lists reference payment estimate exceptions that have not been added to the contract as overrides. You can locate a specific exception by typing criteria in the Quick Find search box. The system displays rows of exceptions that match your criteria.

  2. Click an override row to select it.

    The system adds a check mark at the beginning of the row. You can click the row again to clear the selection. Continue selecting payment estimate exception rows as needed.

  3. When you are finished selecting exceptions, click the Add to Contract Payment Estimate Exception Override button.

    The system closes the modal window and adds the selected overrides to the list on the Contract Payment Estimate Exceptions Override component.

  4. Modify the settings for each payment estimate exception as needed for the specific contract. These settings override the default settings for all contracts.

  5. When you are finished modifying the override settings, click the Save button.  

    The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Contract

Maintaining Contract Progress


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