Maintaining Payment Estimate Exceptions

The Payment Estimate Exception Overview lists all of the reference payment estimate exceptions in the system. Each exception row includes settings that define how the exception must be addressed before a payment estimate can be approved. These settings apply to all contracts, although they can be overridden with settings that apply only to an individual contract (see Maintaining Payment Estimate Exception Overrides for a Contract).

To access the overview, click the Payment Estimate Exception link in the Reference Data component.

Each row includes the Payment Estimate Exception name, an Actions button, and fields for each type of payment estimate:

To determine how an exception must be addressed, choose one of the following settings for each payment estimate type:

The order of the levels from least to most severe is:

The exception hierarchy noted above allows you to select exception options at the same level, or more severe than, the current setting.

For example, if the exception is set to Must Acknowledge, you can only acknowledge or resolve. In contrast, if the exception is set to Must Override, you can set the status of an exception to Overridden or Acknowledged, or resolve the exception.

Additionally, the system handles an item with an overrun exception AND an insufficient materials exception by overriding the exception that would result in the smallest payment adjustment, thus applying the larger of the withholdings. Note that the override will happen only when the contract payment estimate exceptions for both insufficient materials and overruns set to Must Override.

The following table lists each payment estimate exception in the system and describes the results of setting the exception to a value other than Not Calculated or Displayed:




Attention Flag

The system creates an exception when an attention flag exists for a contract item or DWR item that is on an approved DWR within the payment period.

Construction Stockpile Balance

If you are generating any type of payment estimate and a value has not been entered for the Construction Stockpile Balance agency option, the system creates a payment estimate exception when a contract stockpile exists with a balance greater than zero.

The system will not generate a semi-final payment estimate when the Construction Stockpile Balance agency option is set to Semi Final and a contract stockpile exists with a balance greater than zero.

The system will not generate a final payment estimate when the Construction Stockpile Balance agency option is set to Final and a contract stockpile exists with a balance greater than zero.

DBE Compliance

The system creates an exception when the DBE Compliant check box is not selected for the contract and the contract includes federal funding (as noted when the Overall Federal Funding Percent field on the Funding tab of the Contract Administration component is populated with a percent greater than zero).   

Exceeded Available Time

The system creates an exception when the contract includes an Available Time contract time with a Charges Accrued amount greater than the remaining Available Days contract time.

Exceeded Calendar Time

The system creates an exception when the contract includes a Calendar Time contract time with a Charges Accrued amount greater than the remaining Calendar Days contract time.

Exceeded Completion Date

The system creates an exception when the end date for the payment estimate period is later than the Current Completion Date on a Calendar Time or Completion Date contract time without an Actual Completion Date.

Funding Check

The system creates an exception when an estimate item does not have associated funding or when the Current Net Payment Amount for the item is greater than the sum of the Current Amount Allocated for all fund records associated with the estimate item.

Insufficient Materials

The system creates an exception when acceptance actions for an estimate item's material have not been satisfied after being evaluated by quantity, record count, or both.

Item Incomplete

The system creates an exception for each contract item that is not marked complete on a final or supplemental estimate. The Item Incomplete setting is ignored for progress and semi-final payment estimates.

Item Overrun

The system creates an exception when the payment estimate includes a contract item marked as a major item that includes an overrun quantity.

Missed Recurring Time

The system creates an exception when the contract has a Recurring contract time and the Actual Occurrence is not entered or is later than a Planned Occurrence that falls within the payment estimate period.

Missed Start Time

The system creates an exception when the Start Time field is null on an active contract time with incentive, disincentive, or liquidated damage rates.

Missed Start Time Diary Contract Time

The system creates an exception when the Start Time field is null on an Available Time contract time that is associated with a Daily Diary contract time.

Missing Contractor Performance Evaluation

The system creates an exception when a contractor on the contract does not have a performance evaluation recorded in the system.

Missing Final Contractor Performance Evaluation

The system creates an exception when a contractor on the contract does not have a final performance evaluation recorded in the system.

Missing Interim Contractor Performance Evaluation

The system creates an exception when a contractor on the contract does not have an interim performance evaluation recorded in the system.

Missing Percent of Schedule DWR Item Posting

The system creates an exception when a contract project item corresponds to a reference item that includes a percentage schedule, and a payment is required based on the percentage schedule.

Negative Estimate

The system creates an exception when the Current Paid Amount for the payment estimate is less than zero.

Negative Voucher

The system creates an exception when the Current Paid Amount for the payment estimate project is less than zero.

Overdue Payrolls

The system starts with the end date of the Payment Estimate, and calculates the Overdue Payrolls Lag Date by subtracting the number of lag days listed in either the Payment Estimate Federal Overdue Payrolls Lag Days or the Payment Estimate State Overdue Payrolls Lag Days agency option.

Then, the system identifies DWRs with a DWR Date that is equal to or earlier than the lag date. The system creates an exception for those DWRs that do not have a latest modification of a Certified Payroll where the DWR Date is within the payroll period's begin date and end date.

Pending or Draft DWRs

The system creates an exception when DWRs that have a date within the payment estimate period exist in Draft or Pending Approval status.

Unapproved Contractor Performance Evaluation

The system creates an exception when a contractor on the contract has a performance evaluation recorded that has not been approved in the system.

Unattached Item

The system creates an exception when the payment estimate includes an unattached item that has a positive Quantity Posted To Date.

In each exception row, select a value in the Progress, Semi Final, Final, and Supplemental fields as needed. When you are finished, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.

Related topics:

Managing Reference Data Status

Managing Reference Data


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