Managing Force Accounts on a Contract

In this Topic

  1. Adding a Force Account to the Contract
A force account is a payment method used for extra work if the contractor and agency cannot negotiate an agreement on unit price. This typically happens when the nature of the proposed work is such that the costs involved cannot be accurately estimated or when there are no similar items included in the contract that can be used as a basis in determining unit prices. Force account payments cover labor, materials, equipment, and other miscellaneous expenses.

The Force Account tab on the Contract Progress Summary component contains a rolling list of all the force accounts recorded for the contract. Each row in the list contains an Actions button and current values for the following fields:

To add or change information on a force account, click the link in the Seq Num field. The system takes you to the Force Account Summary component (see Maintaining a Force Account).

To delete a force account, select Delete from the Actions menu on the force account row. The system shades the row to indicate it is marked for deletion. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.

When you are finished managing force accounts for the contract, click the Save button to apply your changes to the system (including deleted information). The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

Adding a Force Account to the Contract

Choose one of these methods to add a new force account to the contract:

The system adds a new row with the next sequence number assigned to the record. All other fields in the new row are blank. Enter a Description for the new force account and click Save. The system saves the record and assigns a sequence number to the new row.

You can also use the information in an existing force account as the basis for a new one by selecting Duplicate Row from the Actions menu on the row you want to copy. The system assigns the next sequence number and copies all other information from the selected record to a new row at the bottom of the list. Change information in the new row as required for the new force account and click Save.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Force Account


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