Viewing Item Adjustments for a Payment Estimate

The Item Adjustments tab on the Contract Progress Summary provides information about payment estimate adjustments at the item level. Item adjustments can result from item overruns, price changes, stockpile adjustments, and for other reasons defined by your agency.

All payment estimate line item adjustments for this contract are listed in accordion rows. The information on this tab is for viewing only. To modify item adjustments, go to the Item Adjustments tab on the Contract Payment Estimate Summary.

Expand a row to view information for an item adjustment. Each row contains an Action button and current values for these fields:

To view more information about an item adjustment, expand the Additional Item Information section in the row to display these fields:

To view or maintain information about a construction stockpile related to an item adjustment, select Open Construction Stockpile from the Actions menu on the item adjustment row. The system takes you to the Construction Stockpile Summary. For more information, see Managing Construction Stockpiles.

Related topics:

Maintaining Item Adjustments for a Payment Estimate


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