Managing Construction Stockpiles

A construction stockpile is money advanced to the contractor to purchase and store a material for a contract project item in bulk quantity. These advanced payments are recovered by the agency as work on the contract project item is paid for. Multiple stockpiles may be created for the same contract project item.

The Construction Stockpile Overview contains information about all the stockpiles for the contract. To access the Overview, click the Construction Stockpile quick link on the Contract Progress Summary.

Each row contains an Actions button and current values for these fields:

You can modify information in the Item Recovery Pct field. Click in the field and add, change, or delete information as needed.

To delete a construction stockpile, select Delete from the Actions menu on the stockpile row. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.

When you are finished, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.

To access transactions and additional information for a stockpile, select Open from the Actions menu on the stockpile row. The system takes you to the Construction Stockpile Summary (see Maintaining a Construction Stockpile).

To add a new stockpile to the contract, select Add from the Actions menu on the component header. The system takes you to the Add Construction Stockpile component (see Adding a Construction Stockpile).

To close an active stockpile that has a zero balance, select Close Stockpile from the Actions menu on the stockpile row. The system changes the stockpile Status to Closed and displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved. Closed stockpiles cannot be deleted or replenished with additional transactions.  

To review stockpile transaction adjustments for the contract, click the Stockpile Review quick link. The system takes you to the Construction Stockpile Summary Review (see Reviewing Stockpile Adjustments).

Pausing and Resuming Stockpile Recovery

When a new payment estimate is generated, the system will create a stockpile line item adjustment amount for the DWR item posting, unless you have paused the stockpile recovery. To pause a stockpile recovery, click to select the Paused field. Then, click the Save button.

When you resume a stockpile recovery, the system will recalculate the stockpile line item adjustment amount with an updated recovery rate when a new payment estimate is generated. To resume a stockpile recovery, remove the check from the Paused field. Then, click the Save button.


Related topics:

Maintaining Contract Progress


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