On-Call Proposals

On-call proposals are used for recurring maintenance tasks, such as mowing grass or repairing guardrails. Just like a regular proposal, an on-call proposal includes one or more projects grouped together for bidding. However, an on-call proposal is never awarded. Instead, the on-call proposal is used as the basis to create a work order proposal whenever the maintenance work is needed. The work order proposal is awarded to the selected bidder, while the on-call proposal remains available to create new work order proposals each time the work is needed. This allows the agency to use the same on-call proposal over and over as need arises.

An on-call proposal is designated by selecting the On Call Proposal check box on the Proposal Summary. This field is not available if the proposal has a value in the Previous ID field.

After the on-call proposal is let and bids are received, you can create work order proposals as needed. When you create a work order proposal, you select the items and item quantities you want to include. You must also select the vendor to which you want to award the work order proposal from among those who had valid bids on the originating on-call proposal. The system then makes a copy of the original on-call proposal and its associated projects to create a new work order proposal based on your choices.

For more information, see Creating a Work Order Proposal.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Proposal


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