Creating a Work Order Proposal

Work order proposals are used to award contracts for recurring maintenance work, such as mowing grass or repairing guardrails. Work order proposals are based on an on-call proposal. The on-call proposal is not actually awarded, but instead can be used repeatedly to create work order proposals whenever the maintenance work is needed. This allows the agency to use the same on-call proposal over and over again.

To create a work order proposal, you select items and item quantities from the on-call proposal as needed. The system then makes a copy of the original on-call proposal and its associated projects based on your choices. The work order proposal is then awarded to the selected bidder.

The system provides a guided process by which you can create a work order proposal from an on-call proposal in a bid letting.

Follow these steps to create a work order proposal:

  1. Navigate to the Bid Letting Status Summary component, and locate the on-call proposal from which you want to create a work order proposal.

  2. Click the Actions menu on the proposal's row, and select Create Work Order Proposal.

    The system takes you to the Create Work Order Proposal component, with Step 1 displayed.

  3. Click in the New Proposal ID field, and type a unique identifier for the work order proposal. Click the Next button at the bottom of the component to go to Step 2.

    The guided process lists all the items in the proposal.

  4. Select each item in the list that you want to include in the work order proposal. Click Next to go to Step 3 (you can click the Previous button any time to return to the previous step if needed).

    The guided process lists all the items you selected in Step 2.

  5. For each item, enter the Quantity you want to include in the work order proposal.

    Note: Quantities for the work order proposal are not limited to the original project item quantities.

  6. Click Next to go to Step 4.

    The guided process lists the description of each project in the original on-call proposal.

  7. In the blank New Project ID field for each project, enter a unique identifier for the project in the work order proposal. Click Next to go to Step 5.

    The guided process lists the bidders for the original proposal.

  8. Select the bidder to which you want to award the work order proposal (this selection does not actually award the proposal).

  9. Click the Create Proposal button.

    The system creates the new work order proposal and takes you to the Proposal Summary component.

  10. Award the work order proposal in the same way that other proposals are awarded (see Awarding a Proposal).


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