Changing Proposal Item Prices

In this Topic

  1. Generating Bid-Based Proposal Item Prices

The Price Proposal Items component allows you to change the estimated unit price for any proposal item. You can manually change the price of a single item, or you can generate a price based on historical bids. You can also generate bid-based prices for all items in the proposal or all items in a section at once.

To go to the Price Proposal Items component, click the Item Pricing quick link on the Proposal Summary component.

The Price Proposal Items component contains an accordion list of all the sections in the proposal. Proposal items without a section are listed in a collapsible panel at the bottom of the list.

Each row represents one section and displays the section ID, description, and the number of proposal items contained in the section. Expand a section row to display a list of all the items in the section. For proposal items without a section, the section row displays 'None' and 'No Proposal Section' as the section ID and description.

To locate a specific proposal item, enter criteria in the Quick Find search box. The system displays rows of items that match your search criteria.

Each item row displays an Actions button and current values for the following fields:

To manually change the price of a proposal item, click in the Price field, and type the new price.

When you modify a proposal item price and save your change, several updates take place:

If you change the price of a normal lump sum item (that is, not a hybrid or fractional lump sum), the new project item price is prorated based on the project item unit price. If prorating produces a remainder, the remainder is added to the project item listed first in the database.

If your agency runs Data Analytics pricing or the BAMS/DSS HREG profile, you can select Open Scatter Plot from the Actions menu on any item's row to view the scatter plot created for that item. If the item record includes a quantity, that information is used as an additional parameter in the profile. The system displays the scatter plot in a new browser window.

Generating Bid-Based Proposal Item Prices

When you generate item prices, the system sends information about the item to a pricing service and updates fields on the Price Proposal Items component with the results. The information sent includes the reference item ID, quantity, spec book, and the primary county. The pricing service used to calculate prices depends on your agency installation and agency option settings.

Use one of the following methods to generate bid-based prices for items in a proposal:

  1. To price all the items in the proposal at once, select Save and Price All Items in the Actions menu on the Price Proposal Items component header.

  2. To price all items in a section at once, select Save and Price Proposal Section from the Actions menu on the section row.

  3. To price a selected item in the proposal, select Price Item from the Actions menu on the item row.

    The system updates the value in the Price field and changes the Est Type to either Regression or Average, depending on which estimation model is chosen. The Ext Amt and Total are also automatically updated. The system also updates the associated project item unit price, extended amount and project item total.

    If insufficient historical information is available for an item, the system updates the
    Price field with the reference price and changes the Estimation Type to Reference. If reference price information is also not available, the system leaves the price as it was.

Related topics:

Managing Proposals

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