Working with Attachments

In this Topic

    1. Actions
    2. Attaching a File to a Record
    3. Removing Security Access to an Attachment

The Attachments Overview component contains a list of rows for all the files that have been attached to the record by you or another user with your active role.

To access attachments, select Attachments from the Actions menu on a row or component header. The Attachments link includes the number of files attached to the entity. See Attaching a File to a Record

The system displays the following fields for each file attachment in the list:

If other roles have permission to access an attachment, the attachment row will also display the number of roles granted access.

Click the Filename link to open an attachment. You can add or change information in the Description and Attorney/Client Privilege fields. 

The row Actions menu has the following functions: 



Select Delete to delete a record. Select the Undo button to reverse the delete action. Click the Save button.
Select Exclude from Search Results to exclude a record from your search.

Select Select Roles to grant security access to a role. See Granting Security Access To An Attachment.

Click the Save button when you are finished.

Attaching a File to a Record

Follow these steps to attach a file to a record:

  1. Navigate to an Overview or Summary component that contains the record to which you want to attach the file.

  2. On an Overview component, select Attachments from the row Actions menu. On a Summary component, select Attachments from the component Actions menu.

  3. Click the Select File button.

  4. In the Choose File to Upload window, locate the file you want to attach, select it, and click the Open button. 

    • Note: File size restrictions or recommendations may apply. Check with your system administrator for the maximum file size your agency will allow for an attachment.

  5. It is not required, but you can enter information in the Description field to record additional information about the file attachment.

  6. Click Save to save the attachment to the row.


Granting Security Access to an Attachment

Depending on your user and role configuration, you can grant security access by user role to system attachments. You can always access the attachments created with your user account, even if your active role is not assigned access to the entity associated with the attachment.

Follow these steps to grant security access to attachments by user role:

  1. Locate the attachment for which you want to grant access.

  2. Choose Select Roles from the Actions menu on the attachment's row.

  3. In the modal window, use the Quick Find search box to locate the role to which you want to grant access or click Show first 10.

  4. Click the row for each role to which you want to grant access. To cancel a selection, click the selected row again.

  5. Click the Add to Attachment button. To delete a row, click the Delete button on the role's row.

  6. Click Save.


Removing Security Access to an Attachment

Follow these steps to remove access to an attached file:

  1. Locate the attachment for which you want to remove access.

  2. Expand the attachment row to display rows for the roles that are assigned access to the attachment.

  3. To remove security access for a role, click the Delete button on the role's row. Select the Undo button to reverse the delete action.

  4. When you are finished, click the Save button.

Related topics:

Attachment Entity Keys

Using Global Attachments

Working with Attachments for Your Role


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