Attachment Entity Keys

This topic provides the names of the key fields that link each type of attachment to its parent entity. This information is useful in accessing the attachments table for a given entity.

In some cases, the parent entity has multiple key fields, so those values are concatenated together into a single field and each value is padded with white spaces. In these cases, the order in which the fields are concatenated and the length to which each field is padded is also documented.

All padding is done by left-aligning the values and adding white space characters to the specified length. The padding of each field is based on the maximum length for the field from the base business metadata.

The following table provides specific key field information for each entity in the system that can have attachments.



Key Fields and Padding


The ENTITY_SYSTEM_ID field of the Attachment will contain the value of the PROJECT_SYSTEM_ID field from the parent Project.


The ENTITY_SYSTEM_ID field of the Attachment will contain the value of the PROPOSAL_ID field from the parent Proposal.

Certified Payrolls

The ENTITY_SYSTEM_ID field of the Attachment will contain the following sequence:

value from PROPOSAL_ID field of the Certified Payroll, padded to 20; followed by value from REFVENDOR_ID field of the Certified Payroll, padded to 20; followed by value from PAYROLLNUM field of the Certified Payroll, padded to 10; followed by value from MODIFICATIONNUM field of the Certified Payroll, padded to 10.

Bid Lettings

The ENTITY_SYSTEM_ID field of the Attachment will contain the value of the LETTING_ID field from the parent Letting.

Reference Wage Decision

The ENTITY_SYSTEM_ID field of the Attachment will contain the value of the REFWAGEDECISION_ID field from the parent Reference Wage Decision.

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