Changing the Phase for Multiple Proposals

There might be times when you need to change the workflow phase for a group of proposals to a new phase, for example, after a bid letting when all the proposals in the letting move from a preconstruction to a construction phase. For information about the rules associated with different workflow phases, see Workflow Phase Rules.

The Change Proposal Phase component provides a guided process by which you can change the phase for multiple proposals currently in the same workflow to a new phase.

Follow these steps to change the phase for multiple proposals:

  1. Navigate to the Proposal Overview or the Bid Letting Summary component.

  2. Select Change Proposal Phase from the Actions menu on the component header.

    The system takes you to the Change Proposal Phase component with Step 1 displayed.

  3. Click the down arrow in the Workflow field, and select the workflow to which the proposals you want to change are currently assigned.

    Note: If you launched the guided process from the Bid Letting Summary component, the Workflow field contains only the workflow values associated with proposals in the selected letting.

  4. Click the Next button at the bottom of the component to go to Step 2.

    Step 2 lists all the proposals currently assigned to the workflow you selected in Step 1.

    You can use the standard filter to filter the list by Proposal ID, and you can use the From Phase filter to show only those proposals currently in a particular phase.

  5. Click each proposal for which you want to change the phase.

    The system adds a check mark beside each proposal you select and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click the selected row again.

  6. Click Next to go to Step 3. You can click the Previous button any time to return to the previous step if needed.

    Step 3 displays the New Workflow field that you selected in Step 1, and the New Phase field, which contains a list of all the available phases you can assign to the proposals you selected in Step 2.

  7. Click the down arrow in the New Phase field, and select the phase you want to assign to the proposals.

  8. Click the Change Proposal Phase button.

    The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved and takes you back to Step 1 of the guided process.

  9. If needed, repeat the guided process for proposals in a different workflow or group, or use the Quick links to return to the Proposal Overview or the Bid Letting Summary.

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