In this section
The Approved Facility Products Report enables you to view a list of all the materials and material categories associated with the selected facility. The report lists each facility material according to material category, along with the brand name, if available.
You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:
On the Facility Overview component, from the Actions menu on a facility row. See Maintaining Facility Information.
On the Facility Summary component, from the Actions menu. See Maintaining a Facility.
The Approved Source Products Report enables you to view a list of all the materials and material categories associated with the selected source. The report lists each source material according to material category, along with the brand name, if available.
You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:
On the Source Overview component, from the Actions menu on a source row. See Maintaining Source Information.
On the Source Summary component, from the Actions menu. See Maintaining a Source.
Daily Source Reports (DSRs) are created to document information about a material source on a specific day. Information is recorded for a source, facility, and inspector, and includes material produced or supplied, tested, shipped, and consumed in construction.
You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:
On the Daily Source Report Summary component, from the Actions menu on a source row. See Maintaining a Daily Source Report.
On the Daily Source Report Overview, from the Actions menu on a source row. See Managing Daily Source Reports.
The Facility Authority History report lists information about the persons assigned facility-level source authority for the selected facility. Each entry on the report includes values for the Person ID, Person, Role, Active, Effective Date, and Expiration Date fields.
You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:
On the Facility Authority component, from the Actions menu. See Maintaining Facility-Level Source Authority.
The Insufficient Materials Report enables you to identify the amounts withheld from a payment estimate due to insufficient materials, or materials for which acceptance actions have not been satisfied. The report lists insufficient materials by contract project item along with the amounts and quantities withheld due to insufficiency. Only material quantities on approved DWRs are included in the evaluation, and only those acceptance action option rate and frequencies that have not been marked Exclude from Pay Estimate.
Setup is required to enable the system to create line-item adjustments for insufficient materials and to generate data for the Insufficient Materials Report. Before generating a payment estimate and running the report, the Insufficient Materials payment estimate exception must be set to a value other than Not Calculated or Displayed. See Maintaining Payment Estimate Exceptions. If the Insufficient Materials exception is not set correctly, or if the contract includes an override for the Insufficient Materials exception, the report will not list insufficient materials information. See Maintaining Payment Estimate Exception Overrides for a Contract.
Samples are evaluated for material sufficiency only when they are Authorized or in an Acceptable Status, depending on the setting for the Accept Samples By agency option. What constitutes an Acceptable sample status is defined on the Reference Sample Status Overview. SeeMaintaining Reference Sample Statuses.
How the system evaluates material sufficiency depends on the Evaluation Method specified for the material acceptance action. See Maintaining Acceptance Actions for a Contract Material and Maintaining Acceptance Actions for a Material.
If the Evaluation Method is set to Quantity, the Approved Satisfied Represented Material Quantity must be greater than or equal to the Approved Reported Material Quantity for the contract project item material in a given material set in order to satisfy the acceptance action.
If the Evaluation Method is set to Record Count, the number of satisfying sample record tests or acceptance records must be greater than or equal to the rate/frequency requirements of the acceptance action.
If the Evaluation Method is set to Both, then both the Approved Satisfied Represented Material Quantity and the required number of matching sample records and/or acceptance record tests must be met in order to satisfy the acceptance action.
The Insufficient Materials Report can be generated as a historical report whenever a payment estimate is approved, or for a payment estimate at any time. See Historical Reports.
If the PaymentEstimateInsufficientMaterials system event is active, the system automatically generates the Insufficient Materials Report as a historical report in PDF format and attaches it to the payment estimate record when the payment estimate is approved. You can view the historical report by selecting Insufficient Materials Report from the Historical Reports section on the Actions menu on the Contract Payment Estimate Summary.
You can access this Insufficient Materials Report report from the Generate Report component, as well as:
On the Contract Payment Estimate Summary component, from the Actions menu. See Managing Contract Payment Estimates.
On the Contract Payment Overview, from the row Actions menu. See Managing Contract Payments.
The Material Approved Sources Report enables you to view a list of all the sources and facilities approved to supply selected materials. For each material, the report lists the name and address information for the associated sources and facilities, along with brand names for each source material and facility material. The report includes the default address for each source and facility unless you specify a different address type on the Set Parameters page of the Generate Report component.
You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:
On the Material Summary component, from the Actions menu. See Maintaining Material Information.
On the Material Overview, from the row Actions menu. See Maintaining a Reference Material.
The Material Category Approved Sources Report enables you to view a list of all the sources and facilities approved to supply selected material categories. For each material category, the report lists the name and address information for the associated sources and facilities, along with brand names for each source material category and facility material category. The report includes the default address for each source and facility unless you specify a different address type on the Set Parameters page of the Generate Report component.
You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:
On the Material Category Summary component, from the Actions menu. See Maintaining Material Category Information.
On the Material Category Overview, from the row Actions menu. See Maintaining a Material Category.
The Outstanding Contract Item List report identifies contract items that are missing the required set up for material acceptance actions. Identifying these items enables you to perform the needed set up prior to generating contract materials and acceptance actions.
Items from the selected contracts are included in the report if they are not marked as exempt from material acceptance actions but do not have active associations with a material, acceptance action, and action relationship.
You can access this report for multiple contracts from the Generate Report component, as well as generate a single contract:
On the Contract Administration Summary component, from the Actions menu. See Maintaining a Contract.
The Outstanding Proposal Item List report identifies proposal items that are missing the required set up for material acceptance actions. Identifying these items enables you to perform the needed set up prior to generating contract materials and acceptance actions.
Items from the selected proposals are included in the report if they are not marked as exempt from material acceptance actions but do not have active associations with a material, acceptance action, and action relationship.
You can access this report for multiple proposals from the Generate Report component, as well as generate a single proposal:
On the Proposal Summary component, from the Actions menu. See Maintaining a Contract.
On the Bid Letting Summary component, from the row Actions menu on Proposal Overview, Bid Letting Status Summary, or Proposals tab. See Maintaining a Proposal, Maintaining Bid Letting Status, and Managing Proposals.
The Outstanding Reference Item List report identifies reference items that are missing the required set up for material acceptance actions. Identifying these items enables you to perform the needed set up prior to generating contract materials and acceptance actions.
Selected reference items are included in the report if they are not marked as exempt from material acceptance actions but do not have active associations with a material, acceptance action, and action relationship.
You can access this report for multiple items from the Generate Report component, as well as generate a single item:
On the Item Summary component, from the Actions menu. See Changing a Reference Item.
The Sample Label report enables you to generate labels that can be printed and attached to material samples. Sample labels include the Sample ID number and bar code, Sample Date, Material Code, Material Full Name, Lab Control Number, and Lab Reference Number. You can select the sample records for which you want to print labels, and you can specify the number of labels you want to print for each record selected.
Sample labels are generated only for sample records with a status that is marked as Is Printable on the Reference Sample Status Overview. See Maintaining Reference sample Statuses. If a selected sample record has a status that is not marked as printable, the report prints a message to indicate that a label is not available for that sample record status.
You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:
On the Sample Record Summary component, from the Actions menu. See Maintaining a Sample Record.
On the Sample Record Overview component, from the row Actions menu. See Managing Sample Records.
The Sampling and Testing Status Report provides detailed information about the status of material testing performed to satisfy acceptance action requirements for a selected contract project item. For each material in the item's material sets,the report lists the acceptance actions required and their evaluation methods.
For acceptance actions with an evaluation method of Record Count or Both, the report also displays the options, rates and frequencies used when calculating material sufficiency, as well as the records that count toward that sufficiency. This enables you to quickly determine what must be done to achieve material sufficiency. See Understanding Business Rules for Material Acceptance Actions.
You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:
On the Contract Items component, from the project row Actions menu on the Contract Project Items tab. See Managing Contract Project Items.
The Source Authority History report lists information about the persons assigned source-level source authority for the selected source. Each entry on the report includes values for the Person ID, Person, Role, Active, Effective Date, and Expiration Date fields.
You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:
On the Source Summary component, from the Actions menu. See Managing a Source.
The Test Results report enables you to generate a summary of the information about a sample record test, including the test result value and authorization. The report can be generated on demand or it can be generated as a historical report and attached to the sample record. Historical reports are generated and attached as a PDF file to a record in the associated entity as a result of an active system event or tracked issue event (see Historical Reports).
If the SampleRecordAuthorizedTestResultsReport system event is active, the system automatically generates the Test Results report when an Authorized Date is entered for a sample record. The report is generated in PDF format and attached to the sample record.
You can display the historical report by selecting the report name under the Historical Reports section of an Actions menu. You can generate the report with current data by selecting the report name under the Reports section of an Actions menu.
You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:
On the Sample Record Summary component, from the Actions menu if the Hide From Report Menu check box is not selected. See Maintaining a Sample Record.
Using Report Parameters and Output Options