Maintaining a Sample Record

The Sample Record Summary contains all of the information for the sample record. To access the Sample Record Summary, click the Sample Records link in the Materials component, locate the sample record you want to view, and then select Open from the Actions menu on the sample record row.

The component opens on the General tab. You can view or change information in these fields:

Click in a field and add, change, or delete information as needed.

When you are finished making changes, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

To create a new sample record, select Add New from the Actions menu on the component header. See Creating a Sample Record for more information.

To copy a sample record and selected sample data, select Copy from the Actions menu on the component header. See Copying a Sample Record for more information.

To create one or more editable copies of a sample record, select Split Sample Record from the Actions menu on the component header. See Splitting a Sample Record for more information.

If the sample record was created from a DSR material or SMFMI, you can display the DSR used to create the sample record by selecting DSR from the Actions menu on the component header. See Maintaining a Daily Source Report for more information.

If the sample record was created from a DWR acceptance record, you can display the DWR used to create the sample record by selecting DWR from the Actions menu on the component header. See Maintaining a Contract Daily Work Report for more information.

To void a sample record, select Void from the Actions menu on the component header. You can only void a sample when the sample record is not authorized and all tests assigned to the sample record have either been cancelled or completed.

To authorize a sample record, select Authorize from the Actions menu on the component header. See Authorizing a Sample Record.

To enable changes to an authorized sample record by creating an editable copy of the sample record with a new sample ID, select Revise from the Actions menu on the component header. See Revising an Authorized Sample Record.

To remove authorization from a sample record without creating a new editable copy of the record, select Unauthorize from the Actions menu on the component header. The system clears the values in the Authorized By and Authorized Date fields and saves the changes automatically. The sample record is no longer read-only and can be modified as needed. If the sample record has been split and is set to Authorize as Group, all splits from the sample record are also unauthorized.

To maintain additional information for the sample record, click the following tabs:

Sample Location

Click this tab to maintain location information for the sample record (see Maintaining Sample Location Information).

Additional Information

Click this tab to maintain additional information for the sample record (see Maintaining Additional Information for a Sample Record).


Click this tab to maintain source and facility associations for a sample record (see Maintaining Sources and Facilities for a Sample Record).


Click this tab to maintain destination lab, inspection agency, and other associations for the sample record (see Maintaining Associations for a Sample Record).


Click this tab to maintain contract project item material sets associated with the sample record (see Maintaining Contract Project Items for a Sample Record).


Click this tab to view and assign tests for the sample record (see Maintaining Test Assignments for a Sample Record).

Test Charges

Click this tab to view and maintain test charges for the sample record (see Maintaining Test Charges for a Sample Record).

Recording Remarks

Follow these steps to record a remark for a sample record:

  1. On the Sample Record Summary, scroll to the Remarks section of the General tab.

  2. The last row in the list of remarks will be blank. In the blank row, click in the Type field and select the type of remark. You can select the Disposition remark type only for sample records that are authorized.

  3. Enter explanatory text in the Remarks text box.

  4. Click Save.

To delete a newly added remark, click the Delete button to the right of the remark. You can delete a saved remark by clicking the Mark for Deletion button. You can remove the mark for deletion by clicking the Undo button.

Revising an Authorized Sample Record

After a sample record is authorized, it cannot be changed. If changes or rework are needed, you must either revise or unauthorize the sample record. Revising a sample record creates an editable copy of the record with a new Sample ID, enabling you to make changes as needed. The copy includes all of the information entered for the original record in the Sample Record Summary on the General, Sample Location, Additional Information, Sources/Facilities, and Associations tabs. Tests assigned to the original sample record are not copied.

To revise a sample record, perform these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Sample Record Summary for the authorized sample record you want to revise, and then select Revise from the Actions menu on the component header.

    Depending on agency option settings, the system either displays a modal window for entering a sample ID for the revised sample record or it automatically creates a sample ID and displays it on the Sample Record Summary.

    If the modal window is displayed, agency options also determine whether or not a default value appears in the Revising Sample ID field. See Setting Agency Options and Sample Record Tag Generation for more information.

  2. If the modal window is displayed, enter or modify the value in the Revising Sample ID field as needed.

  3. When you are finished, click the Save button.

    The system creates a copy of the sample record and displays the copy on the Sample Record Summary. You can enter or modify information for the sample record as needed. See Maintaining a Sample Record for more information.

    On the original sample record, the system sets the Sample Status field to Void and the Revised By and Link To fields to the Sample ID for the new revised copy. All of the information in the original sample record becomes read-only.

    On the new revised copy, the system sets the Sample Status field to Pending and the Revising Sample ID and Linked From fields to the sample ID of the original sample record. The values in the Authorized By and Authorized Date fields are cleared.

Related topics:

Managing Sample Records

Sample Label Report

Test Results


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