In this Topic
Note: Review Samples is only included in the Materials component if your agency has configured the system to use list components for test queues instead of worksheets. If your agency uses worksheets, see Using the Worksheet to Review Samples.
The Review Samples component enables you to review a list of sample records and related test results. After reviewing a sample record, you can then approve or authorize it, or return a test to the lab as needed.
The Review Samples component lists all sample records that have an authorizable sample status or a status of Pending Authorization and for which you are an approved product group sample reviewer (or if you are an Exempt Sample Reviewer).
A sample record is not listed if all of its tests are set to Autofinalize and have an autofinalizable Test Result Value. If a sample record had been split and is set to Authorize as Group, none of the splits in the sample record group are displayed on the Review Samples component until all of the splits have an authorizable sample status.
If your system is configured to use lists for test queues, you can access this component by clicking the Review Samples link in the Materials component.
You can locate a specific sample record on the Review Samples component by typing criteria in the Quick Find search box. You can also enter a value in the Lab Control Number and Product Group fields to filter the list of sample records. The system displays rows for sample records that match your search criteria.
Each sample row includes an Actions button and values in these fields:
To display rows for tests assigned to a sample record, click the arrow to expand the sample row. The system lists a row for each test run assigned to the sample record. Each test row includes an Actions button. You can view but not change values in these fields:
To view or edit additional information about a sample record, click the Remarks link or select Open from the Actions menu on the sample row. The system takes you to the Sample Record Summary. See Maintaining a Sample Record for more information.
To authorize a sample record, select Authorize from the Actions menu on the sample row. See Authorizing a Sample Record.
To enable changes to an authorized sample record by creating an editable copy of the sample record with a new sample ID, select Revise from the Actions menu on the sample row. See Revising an Authorized Sample Record.
To void a sample record, set the Sample Status to Void. You can only void a sample when the sample record is not authorized and all tests assigned to the sample record have either been cancelled or completed.
To return a test for further review, select Send Test Back to Lab from the Actions menu on the test row. The system changes the test status to 81: Test Referred Back to Lab and the sample status to In Testing. The changes are saved automatically.
Note: Whenever a sample record test status is changed, the system checks for the presence of a matching alternate test workflow. If one is found, the system changes the test status to the status indicated by the alternate test workflow. See Maintaining Alternate Test Workflows for more information.
To view or edit information about a sample record test, select Open from the Actions menu on the test row (or you can click the Test Number link or the Remarks link on the test row). The system takes you to the Sample Record Test Summary. See Maintaining Sample Record Tests for more information.
To view or change the reference specification associated with a sample record test, select Reference Specifications from the Actions menu on the test row. The system takes you to the Reference Specifications tab on the Sample Record Test Summary. See Selecting Reference Specifications for a Sample Record Test for more information.
If an agency view is associated with a sample record test, you can access it by selecting the agency view name from the Actions menu on the sample row. Note that data in the agency view cannot be modified if the agency view association is inactive, or if the current test status is not selected for the Enter Test Results queue agency option. For general information about agency views, see Understanding Agency Views Understanding Agency Views.
To create a .csv file that compares results from sample record tests and associated agency views, click the Generate Test Results Comparison button. For more information, see Generating Test Results Comparison.
You can choose to authorize a sample record to prevent further changes. This provides a measure of control that might be appropriate for your agency's workflow and security needs.
To authorize a sample record, the sample must have an acceptance method and an authorizable sample status. If the sample record has been split and is set to Authorize as Group, all splits from the sample record are authorized and unauthorized as a group. All splits from the same sample record must be in an authorizable sample status in order to be authorized as a group.
After authorization, the sample record becomes read-only, and the system removes it from all sample queues (Receive at Destination Lab, Receive at Lab Unit, Maintain Test Queue, Enter Test Results, Review Tests, and Review Samples). Subsequent changes can only be made by creating a sample record revision (see Revising an Authorized Sample Record) or by unauthorizing the sample record (see Maintaining a Sample Record).
To authorize a sample record, follow these steps:
Navigate to either the Sample Record Summary or the Review Samples component.
Indicate the acceptance method used to authorize the sample by selecting a value in the Acceptance Method field.
If you are on the Sample Record Summary, select Authorize from the Actions menu on the component header. If you are on the Review Samples component, select Authorize from the Actions menu on the sample row.
The system sets the Authorized By field to the current user, sets the Authorized Date field to the current date and time, and removes the sample record from the list on the Review Samples component. The sample record is now read-only, although you can add remarks of the remark type Disposition. If the selected sample record is part of a split sample record group that is set to authorize as a group, all of the splits are also authorized. The changes are saved automatically.
Maintaining Product Group Sample Reviewer Assignments
Maintaining Alternate Test Workflows