Selecting a Reference Specification for a Sample Record Test

When a test is associated with sample record as a result of an action relationship with a material, material category, or alternate material, the Reference Specifications tab on the Sample Record Test Summary lists any reference specifications for the action relationship that were active on the date the sample was taken.

Each row represents one reference specification. Each row includes an Actions button and values for these fields:

You can select or clear the Use for Test check box to indicate which reference specification will be used for this sample record test. Only one reference specification can be selected at a time. When you are finished, click the Save button.

To view the reference specification, click the Specification Name link, or select Open from the Actions menu on the appropriate row. The system takes you to the Reference Specification Summary. See Maintaining a Reference Specification for more information.

Related topics:

Maintaining Sample Record Tests

Managing Action Relationships


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