Maintaining Sample Record Tests

The Sample Record Test Summary contains all of the information recorded about a test run assigned to a sample record. Tests are assigned to a sample record on the Tests tab on the Sample Record Summary (see Maintaining Test Assignments for a Sample Record).

Access to sample record tests is restricted to only those tests assigned to sample records associated with your administrative office or an office that is lower in the administrative office hierarchy. Your administrative office is determined by the contract authority assigned to your active user role. If a sample record is associated with contract project items, you must have contract authority for the parent contract in order to access the tests for the sample record. In addition, if a sample record is associated with a limited sample access role, only users who are logged on with that role can access the sample record and its associated tests.

To edit Sample Record Test information, the current user must be specified as a lab tester for the lab unit associated with the sample record test, and must also have a testing qualification for the test method on the sample record test (or be marked as an Exempt Tester).

To access the component, navigate to the Sample Record Summary, and click the Tests tab. Locate the row for the test run you want to view. Click the Test Number link or select Open from the Actions menu on the appropriate row.

The Sample Record Test Summary component opens on the General tab. Information is divided into four collapsible sections: Test Information, Sample Information, Additional Test Information, and Remarks.

In the Test Information section, you can view or change information in these fields:

In the Sample Information section, you can view read-only information in these fields:

If a sample record is associated with one or more contract project items, the Contract ID field includes a list of contract IDs for the parent contracts of the associated contract project items.

In the Sample Record Remarks section, you can view read-only remarks from the sample record.

In the Additional Test Information section, you can view read-only information in these fields:

Click in a field and add, change, or delete information as needed.

To add a remark to the sample record test, first select the type of remark from the Type field, and then enter a comment in the Remarks text box.

You can enter or change values in the Due Date, Planned Test Start Date, and Estimated Completion Date fields.

The Test Result Value field might be editable depending on the access level assigned to your user role and the setting for the Allow Test Result Value Modification During Test Review State agency option. Otherwise, the Test Result Value field is read-only. If you modify the Test Result Value, you are required to enter a remark.

When you are finished, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.

To change a test status to complete, select Mark Test Complete from the Actions menu on the component header. The system saves the change automatically and sets the Actual Completion Date to the current date.

If all tests assigned to a sample record are set to Autofinalize and all of the tests have an autofinalizable Test Result Value (see Maintaining Test Result Values), then the system automatically sets the Sample Status to Complete, sets the Authorized By field to the system user, and the Authorized Date field to the current date and time. The sample record is now read-only.

If tests assigned to the sample record are not set to Autofinalize, you can manually authorize a sample record when the status for all tests assigned to the sample record have a Test Status of Approved by Level 2 or Cancelled. See Authorizing a Sample Record for more information.

If an agency view is associated with a sample record test, you can access it by selecting the name of the agency view from the Actions menu on the component header. To edit Sample Record Test information on an agency view, the current user must be specified as a lab tester for the lab unit associated with the sample record test, and must also have a testing qualification for the test method on the sample record test (or be marked as an Exempt Tester). Note that data in the agency view cannot be modified if the sample record has been authorized, if the agency view association is inactive, or if the current test status is not selected for the Enter Test Results queue agency option. For general information about agency views, see Understanding Agency Views Understanding Agency Views.

To enter or maintain test results for sieve analysis, select FACA Test Results from the Actions menu on the component header. This command is available only when the FACA Test Results agency view is associated with the reference test and marked as the active agency view for the test. For information about using the FACA Test Results agency view, see Entering Test Results for Sieve Analysis. For information about associating an agency view with a test, see Maintaining Test Associations with Agency Views.

To maintain additional information for the sample record test, click the following tabs:


Click this tab to add or change testers for the sample record test (see Maintaining Testers for a Sample Record Test).

Reference Specifications

Click this tab to view reference specifications for the sample record test (see Selecting Reference Specifications for a Sample Record Test).


The Retests tab is displayed only when one or more retests have been requested for the sample record test. Click this tab to view a list of retests requested for the sample record test (see Viewing Retests for a Sample Record Test).

Related topics:

Managing Sample Records

Maintaining Alternate Test Workflows

Maintaining Person Qualifications


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