Generating Test Results Comparison

Running the Generate Test Results Comparison process creates a .csv file that you can use to compare test result information from agency views associated with the selected sample record tests. The comparison file lists values in any field from the test method entity and associated agency views. Fields are listed in alphabetical order and grouped by entity.

To run the process, follow these steps:

  1. Select Execute Process from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar. You can also generate the comparison from the row Actions menu on the Enter Test Results Worksheet.

    The system takes you to the Execute Process component with Select Process selected in the Settings menu on the component subheader. The component lists the available processes, indicates whether each is a custom or base process, and lists the type of data required.  

  2. Select Generate Test Results Comparison.

    On the Select Data step of the Execute Process component, the system displays a list of sample record tests. For a test to appear in the list, the current user must be a product group reviewer or have an active testing qualification, and must also have an active qualified lab association for the sample record test.

  3. Click the row for the sample record test you want to include in the report.

    A check mark appears at the beginning of the row to indicate it is selected. You can click the row again to clear the selection.

  4. Continue selecting rows for sample record tests as needed.

  5. If you want to schedule the process to run at a later time, select Schedule Process from the Settings menu on the component subheader.

    For more information, see Scheduling a Process.

    Note: This feature is not available to external users.

  6. Click the Execute button on the component header.

    The system produces a .csv file that can be accessed from the Process History Overview. For more information, see Viewing Process History.

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Reviewing Samples

Reviewing Tests


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