In this Topic
A product group is a category of material products, such as aggregate products or curing seal products. The Product Group Sample Reviewer Assignment Overview lists all of the product groups in the system, along with a list of the persons assigned to each product group as qualified sample reviewers. Being a product group sample reviewer enables you to view matching samples on the Review Samples queue.
You can use the Product Group Sample Reviewer Assignment Overview to add or manage all the assignments of sample reviewers to product groups in the system. When you add or delete a sample reviewer assignment, the system also updates the assignment information for the person on the Person Summary and Person Qualification Summary components.
You can access the overview by clicking the Product Group Sample Reviewer Assignment link in the Materials component.
Each row on the Product Group Sample Reviewer Assignment Overview represents one product group. Each row contains an Actions button and values in the Product Group Name and Product Group Description fields.
You can expand a product group row to display rows for the sample reviewers assigned to the product group. Each sample reviewer row includes an Actions button, values in the Person Name and Person ID fields, and the number of remarks.
To delete a sample reviewer's assignment to a product group, select Delete from the Actions menu on the sample reviewer row. The system shades the row gray to indicate it is marked for deletion. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.
To record a remark, first select the type of remark from the Type field, then enter explanatory text in the Remarks text box. To delete a newly added remark, click the Delete button to the right of the remark. You can delete a saved remark by clicking the Mark for Deletion button. You can undo the mark for deletion by clicking the Undo button.
Click the Save button to apply your changes. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.
To assign one or more persons to a product group as qualified sample reviewers, perform these steps:
Navigate to the Product
Group Sample Reviewer Assignment Overview, locate the product group
row to which you want to assign qualified sample reviewers, and choose
Select Sample Reviewers from
the Actions menu on the product
group row.
The system opens a modal window that
lists persons that are not already assigned to this product group
as a sample reviewer.
Enter criteria in
the Quick Find search box, or click Show
first 10.
The modal window displays a list
of persons that match the criteria you entered.
Click a person row
to select it.
A check mark appears at the beginning
of the row to indicate it is selected.
Continue selecting
persons you want to assign to the product group as sample reviewers.
When you are finished, click the Add
to Product Group Sample Reviewer Assignment button.
The system closes the modal window
and adds person rows to the selected product group.
Click the Save
The system displays a message to
confirm that your changes were saved in the database.
Maintaining Person Qualifications