Splitting a Sample Record

You can split an unauthorized sample record to create one or more editable copies. If any sample record in the split group is set to Authorize as Group, then all of the split copies of the sample record are authorized and unauthorized as a group.

When you split a sample record, the system copies information entered on the General, Sample Location, Additional Information, and Sources/Facilities tabs, except for the value in the Represented Quantity field. In addition, the system copies sample record remarks, attachments, links, and any contract project item associations. Tests are copied, but test results are not copied.

After you split a sample record, the Sample ID field cannot be modified for any of the splits in the sample record group.

To split a sample record, perform these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Sample Record Overview, locate the sample record you want to split, and select Split Sample Record from the Actions menu on the sample row. Alternatively, on the Sample Record Overview, click the link in the Sample ID field to go to the Sample Record Summary and select Split Sample Record from the Actions menu on the component header.

    The system displays the Split Sample Record modal window.

  2. Enter the number of additional sample records you want to create from the split.

  3. Click the Split Sample Record button.

    The system closes the modal window and creates the specified number of editable copies of the original sample record. The system automatically assigns each copy the Sample ID of the original sample record, appended with a hyphen and a sequential number that identifies the split.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Sample Record

Managing Sample Records


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