Managing Daily Source Reports

Daily Source Reports (DSRs) are created to document information about a material source on a specific day. Information is recorded for a source, facility, and inspector, and includes material produced or supplied, tested, shipped, and consumed in construction.
You do not have to submit a DSR every day, but you cannot create more than one DSR per inspector, facility, and day.
The Daily Source Report Overview is the gateway to managing all DSR information. To access the overview, click the Daily Source Reports link in the Materials component. Locate a DSR by typing criteria in the Quick Find search box or clicking Show first 10.

The system displays all the DSRs in the system that match your search criteria. Each row contains an Actions button and current values for the following fields:

To change the information in a DSR, click the Remarks link in the list (or select Open from the Actions menu on the DSR row) to go to the Daily Source Report Summary component. For more information, see Maintaining a Daily Source Report.

To delete a DSR, select Delete from the Actions menu on the DSR row. To reverse the deletion, click the  Undo button. To save your changes, click the Save button.

To add a new DSR, select Add from the Actions menu on the component header. For more information, see  Adding a Daily Source Report.

To copy a DSR to use as a basis for creating a new DSR, select Copy from the Actions menu on the row for the DSR you want to copy. For more information, see Copying a Daily Source Report.

To lock a DSR so that it can't be changed, select Lock from the Actions menu on the DSR row. To unlock a locked DSR, select Unlock from the Actions menu on the DSR row.

To generate a PDF file or printed copy of a DSR, select Daily Source Report from the Actions menu on the DSR row. For more information, see Daily Source Report.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Daily Source Report

Changing a Role

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