Copying a Daily Source Report

Follow these steps to make a copy of a Daily Source Report (DSR) to use as a basis for creating a new DSR:

  1. Locate the DSR you want to copy on the Daily Source Report Overview.

  2. Select Copy from the Actions menu on the DSR row.

    The system takes you to the Copy Daily Source Report component.

    You can also make a copy on the Daily Source Report Summary for the DSR you want to copy by selecting Copy from the component Actions menu.

  3. Click in the New DSR Date field and enter the date for the new DSR.

  4. To determine which information in the originating DSR is copied, clear or select one or more of these check boxes:

    Copy Materials If this check box is selected, the system copies the material and SMFMI associations as recorded on the Materials tab of the Daily Source Report Summary.

    Copy Material Production Details If this check box is selected, the system copies the DSR material production details as recorded on the Production Details tab of the DSR Material component. If this check box is selected, the Copy Materials check box must also be selected.

    Copy Material Components If this check box is selected, the system copies the DSR material components as recorded on the Components tab of the DSR Material component. If this check box is selected, the Copy Materials check box must also be selected.

  5. Click Copy.

    The system records the New DSR Date, sets the Inspector to your Person ID, and copies the source, facility, and selected material information from the originating DSR.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Daily Source Report


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