Adding a Daily Source Report

Daily Source Reports (DSRs) are created to document information about a material source on a specific day. Information is recorded for a source, facility, and inspector, and includes material produced or supplied, tested, shipped, and consumed in construction.
You do not have to submit a DSR every day, but you cannot create more than one DSR per inspector, facility, and day.

To access the Add Daily Source Report component, select Add from the Actions menu on the Daily Source Report Overview component header.

To save a new Daily Source Report (DSR), you must enter information in these fields:

You can enter information in these fields as needed:

These fields are displayed but cannot be modified when you are adding a new DSR:

You can add remarks to the DSR in the Remarks box. To add a remark, first select the type of remark from the Type field, and then enter explanatory text in the Remark text box. You can delete a remark by clicking the Delete button to the right of the remark.

Click Save when you are finished. The system displays a confirmation message and takes you to the Daily Source Report Summary for the new DSR, where you can add materials and inspection information to the record. For more information, see Maintaining a Daily Source Report.

Related topics:

Copying a Daily Source Report


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