Report Descriptions - Civil Rights & Labor

In this section

  1. Bidder Quoter Report
  2. Contract DBE Interest Report
  3. Contract Clearance DBE Participation Report
  4. Contract Employment Data Report
  5. Contract Payments Report
  6. Contract Vendor Employment Data Report
  7. DBE Directory
  8. Federal 1392 Report - 2010 Revision
  9. Federal 1392 Report
  10. Month End Trucking Report
  11. OJT by Contract and Trade Category
  12. OJT Employment Information Report
  13. Overtime Wage Rate Report
  14. Payroll Summary Report
  15. Prompt Payment Discrepancy Report
  16. Proposal DBE Interest Report
  17. Subcontract Listing
  18. Uniform Report of DBE Commitments/Awards and Payments

Bidder Quoter Report

The Bidder Quoter report shows the bidder followed by the quoter information with associated NAICS codes. You can run this report for one or more bidders. The report lists the quoters, quoter proposals, and total quote amount for each bidder for a specified letting date range. If the agency option to associate quoter information with proposal line items is set to True, the report also includes quoter proposal items.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component. See Managing_Bidder_Quoter_Information.htm.

Contract DBE Interest Report

The Contract DBE Interest Report lists contract line items you flagged as likely candidates for DBE participation in the Item list. The report shows the estimated quantity and awarded price for each item. If generated on a proposal before it is awarded, the report lists quantities and prices for the valid low bidder.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

Contract Clearance DBE Participation Report

The Contract Clearance DBE Participation report presents DBE participation information for a selected contract, including DBE contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and truckers, commitment amounts, and work types. You can choose to generate information for all subcontractors or DBE firms only.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component. See Maintaining the Current DBE Commitment.

Contract Employment Data Report

The Contract Employment Data Report summarizes the project employment data required by the federal government from contractors working on state projects that receive federal and non-federal aid.

This report includes information for all the vendors working on the selected contract and includes the job category, total employment, total minorities, breakdown of ethnic group, apprentices, and on-the-job trainees. You can choose to organize the resulting detail by hour count or person count.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component. See Maintaining Employee Information.

Contract Payments Report

The Contract Payments Report lists all the payments that have been made for a contract but can be generated before any payments have been made. Information in this report includes: payments made by the agency to the prime contractor; payments made by the prime contractor to subcontractors, suppliers, and other vendors; and payments made by subcontractors to other subcontractors, suppliers, and other vendors. The report is automatically generated and displayed during the process of signing contract payments in Civil Rights & Labor.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component. See Managing Contract Payments.

Contract Vendor Employment Data Report

The Contract Vendor Employment Data Report summarizes the project employment data required by the federal government from contractors working on state projects that receive federal and non-federal aid.

Information in the report includes the job category, total employment, total minorities, breakdown of ethnic group, apprentices, and On The Job trainees. You can choose to organize the resulting detail by hour count or person count.

This report includes information from all the projects on which the selected contractor works.

You can generate any report on any page in the system by selecting Generate Report from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component.

DBE Directory

The DBE Directory is a listing of all the active vendors in the system that have been certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs). The report includes contact information, work locations, and work classifications for each firm listed in the directory.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component. See Maintaining Contract DBE Information.

Data Requirements for this Report

This report uses all the fields from the following reference tables, depending on agency customizations and is typically customized by each agency:

Federal 1392 Report - 2010 Revision

The Federal 1392 Report 2010 ( Federal-Aid Highway Construction Employment Summary) summarizes the employment data required by the federal government from contractors working on state projects that receive federal funding. This report is required if the Overall Federal Funding Percent on the contract is greater than zero. The report includes the total number of workers employed and a breakdown by job category of all minorities, apprentices, and on-the-job trainees.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component.

When you generate the report, you enter a Start Date for the report on the Set Parameters page of the Generate Report guided process. The reporting period spans the start date entered plus six days. If multiple certified payrolls exist during the reporting period, the report includes data only for those days that fall within the specified reporting period.

The system generates the report as either a PDF or HTML file depending on your selection, and it also creates the report as an Excel spreadsheet. You can access the Excel file on the Process History Overview (see Viewing Process History). After you save the Excel file, you can use it to record additional data not collected by the system, including counts for Officials, Supervisors, Foremen/Women, and Clerical workers.

Data Requirements for this Report

To produce a complete Federal 1392 Report 2010, the following information is required:

Federal 1392 Report

The Federal 1392 Report (Federal-Aid Highway Construction Employment Summary) summarizes the employment data required by the federal government from contractors working on state projects that receive federal funding. This report is required if the Overall Federal Funding Percent on the contract is greater than zero. The report includes the total number of workers employed and a breakdown by job category of all minorities, apprentices, and on-the-job trainees.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component.

Data Requirements for this Report

To produce a complete Federal 1392 Report, information must have been recorded in these fields:

Month End Trucking Report

The Month End Trucking Report presents information related to the trucks hired to haul materials to and from other facilities. The information provided includes the associated contracts and vendors, dates, trucks, employees, rates, funds, hauling capacity, and more. You can generate the Month End Trucking Report for one or more End of Month Trucking records.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component.

OJT by Contract and Trade Category

The OJT by Contract & Trade Category report provides information about trainees that have been approved on projects or to contractors and is used to evaluate trainees' progression within the OJT program. Information in the report is sorted by project and the trade in which the trainee worked.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component, as well as:

OJT Employment Information Report

The OJT Employment Information Report presents general and work history information for an employee for the purpose of determining whether he or she is qualified for enrollment in an OJT program. The report also lists any other OJT programs in which the employee is currently enrolled.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component.

Overtime Wage Rate Report

 The Overtime Wage Rate Report provides a list of contractors and employers that routinely pay overtime wages at the lowest available rate when a payroll employee works under multiple classifications. To be included in this report, payroll employees must have multiple work classifications with different overtime rates associated with the same full name, and overtime hours reported for each classification.

You can generate this report from the Generate Report component.

Data Requirements for this Report

 To produce a complete Overtime Wage Rate Report, information must have been recorded for:

Payroll Exceptions Report

The Payroll Exceptions report lists any exceptions on a contractor's certified payroll that are marked by the agency as Vendor Notified. The report runs against only the latest modification for the selected payroll. You can optionally choose to include the exception comments in the report.

This report can be supplied to a vendor to document problems with a payroll. It can also be used as the foundation for an ad hoc report.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component. See Maintaining Payroll Exception Rules.

Payroll Summary Report

The Payroll Summary Report lists all the details of a certified payroll, including labor information, craft and classification codes, and a description of any attachments to the payroll. This is a two-part report that includes a Summary Page for the entire payroll and a summary page for each employee included in the payroll. You can generate the report for one or more payrolls at a time.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component. See Maintaining Payroll Employees.

Data Requirements for this Report

To produce a complete Payroll Summary Report, information must have been recorded in all of the fields for these database tables:

Payroll Summary Report (complete payroll)
Payroll Summary Report (employee)

Prompt Payment Discrepancy Report

The Report Descriptions - Civil Rights & Labor provides a listing of payments made by Prime contractors to subcontractors that were not made within the number of days allowed by the agency for prompt payment and retainage release payment.

The system compares the contract payment date payment was made (by the agency) to the subcontractor payment paid date (by the prime). When the difference between these two dates is more than the number of days indicated in the Prompt Payment Days agency option, the subcontractor payment data is listed on this report. The report also displays data when subcontractor payment data by the prime contractor has not been received, based on the contract payment date payment was made (by the agency).

When this report is generated, the system also checks subcontractor payments where the subcontractor payment Retainage Amount Withheld field is populated (payment 1) and subsequent subcontractor payments to the vendor where the Retainage Released check box is selected and the Payee Work Complete Indicator is checked (payment 2). When the subcontractor payment Date Paid minus the subcontractor payment (payment 2) Date Paid (payment 1) is greater than the number of days in the Retainage Released by Prime agency option, the payment data is listed on this report.

The report also includes data when subcontractor payment data by the prime contractor has not been received, who have made subcontractor payments where the Retainage Amount Withheld field is populated, the Retainage Released and the Payee Work Complete Indicators are checked, and the subcontractor payment Date Paid for that payment exceeds the number of days in the Retainage Released by Prime agency option and no subsequent subcontractor payment records have the Retainage Released check box selected.

Information in the report is sorted by Prime Contractor, then by Contract, then by payments made to the Prime with details of subcontractor payments made by the prime.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component. When generating this report, you must select the date range for which information is gathered for the report by choosing Set Parameters from the Settings menu on the Generate Report component.

Proposal DBE Interest Report

The Proposal DBE Interest Report is part of the Proposal Price Schedule group. The report lists proposal line items you flagged as likely candidates for DBE participation, and it shows the estimated quantity and estimated price for each item. This report can be used as a beginning guide for setting DBE participation goals.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component.

Data Requirements for this Report

For a proposal item to be included in the Proposal DBE Interest Report, the following information must have been recorded for the reference item:

Subcontract Listing

The Subcontract Listing report lists all the subcontracts and subcontract items for a selected contract. You can generate the Subcontract Listing Report from the Contract Overview or Contract Summary components.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component.

Uniform Report of DBE Commitments/Awards and Payments

The Uniform Report of DBE Commitments/Awards and Payments tracks DBE commitments by federal funds, including data collected at the beginning and completion of the contract. This report meets the US Department of Transportation regulations 49 CFR, part 26 requirement.

The end of the report includes subreports that detail supporting information for the totals in lines 8-21. You can use the subreports to identify missing data, correct the data as needed, and rerun the summary report prior to submission.

You can access this report from the Generate Report component. When you generate the report as a PDF or HTML file, the system also generates the agency's report data as an Excel spreadsheet formatted to match the federally provided spreadsheet. The Excel file can be accessed from the Process History Overview.

Data Requirements for this Report

Before you can generate a complete Uniform Report of DBE Commitments/Awards and Payments, the following data requirements must be satisfied in the system:

The following table provides the requirements and calculations for completing each line in the report.


Line #



Selected based on the value selected for the Modal Type report parameter (values correspond to contract Modal Agency).


AIP and grant numbers must be recorded manually, or the agency can customize the report to automatically enter a value.


Fiscal year is entered based on the end date selected in the Report Parameters.


Submission date must be recorded manually or the agency can customize the report to automatically enter a value.


The reporting period is selected based on the Modal Agency value and the dates entered in the Report Parameters.


The name and address of the agency. The agency name is entered automatically based on the value entered for the agency option Name of Agency. The address must be recorded manually, or the agency can customize the report to automatically enter a value.


The Annual DBE Goal(s) are populated from the Base Percent Goal that match the report parameters (End Date of the report parameter must fall within the start and end date of the Base Percent Goal with the Program that matches the report parameter Modal Type).


Total dollars awarded for all contracts that were awarded within the reporting period. Calculated as the sum of the contract Current Amount multiplied by the Overall Federal Funding Percent for each contract.


Total number of contracts used in 8A.


The value of work performed by the DBE certified prime contractor’s own forces, equal to 8G.


Total number of contracts used in 8C, and equal to 8H.


Total race neutral dollar amount. Calculated as the sum of the Race Neutral Amounts on Contract Approved DBE Commitments multiplied by the Overall Federal Funding Percent for each contract. The value of work performed by the DBE certified prime contractor’s own forces, calculated as the Awarded Amount in 8A reduced by the commitment or subcontract amounts for vendors other than the prime contractor.

If the agency allows tiered subcontracting, then the work performed by the Prime’s own forces will equal the Contract Current Amount minus the subcontract amounts of those subcontracts where the Parent Subcontract Number is null and the Contract Current DBE Commitment, Commitment Amount for those DBE Vendors not included in the subcontractor list.


Total number of contracts used in 8G.


Percentage of total prime contract dollars going to DBEs. Calculated as 8C divided by 8A multiplied by 100.


Total dollars awarded or committed for all subcontracts associated with contracts in 8A that meet the report criteria, including tiered subcontracts. Calculated as the sum of the Total Subcontract Amount and the Total Commitment Amount multiplied by the Overall Federal Funding Percent for each contract. If the DBE Certified Vendor is included in both the Commitment and Subcontract list, the larger of the two amounts is used.


Total number of vendors used in 9A for all subcontracts associated with contracts in 8A that meet the report criteria, including tiered subcontracts.


The value of work performed by DBE certified subcontractors. Calculated as the sum of the values in 9E and 9G.


Total number of vendors used in 9C, calculated as the sum of the values in 9F and 9H.


Total race conscious amount of subcontracts awarded or committed to DBEs. Calculated as the sum of the race conscious commitment amounts for DBE vendors multiplied by the Overall Federal Funding Percent for each contract.


Total number of subcontracts awarded or committed used in 9E, calculated as the sum of the race neutral commitment amounts for DBE vendors multiplied by the Overall Federal Funding Percent for each contract. Subcontracts that do not include a DBE commitment are considered race neutral.

If the agency allows tiered subcontracting, then the subcontract amount considered for DBE Certified Vendors is equal to the subcontract amount minus the subcontract amount of those subcontracts where the Parent Subcontract Number equals the DBE Vendors subcontract number.

If the DBE Vendor is within both the Contract Current DBE Commitment and Subcontract lists and the subcontract amount is greater than the commitment amount, the difference between the Subcontract Amount and the DBE Commitment Amount for that DBE Vendor is added to race neutral amount.


Total race neutral amount of subcontracts awarded or committed to DBEs that are associated with the contracts in 8A, calculated as the sum of the race neutral commitment amounts for DBE vendors multiplied by the Overall Federal Funding Percent for each contract. Subcontracts that do not include a DBE commitment are considered race neutral.

If the agency allows tiered subcontracting, then the subcontract amount considered for DBE Certified Vendors is equal to the subcontract amount minus the subcontract amount of those subcontracts where the Parent Subcontract Number equals the DBE Vendors subcontract number.

If the DBE Vendor is within both the Contract Current DBE Commitment and Subcontract lists and the subcontract amount is greater than the commitment amount, the difference between the Subcontract Amount and the DBE Commitment Amount for that DBE Vendor is added to race neutral amount.


Total number of subcontracts awarded or committed in 9G.


Percentage of total subcontract dollars going to DBEs. Calculated as 9C divided by 9A multiplied by 100.


Calculated total of 8C plus 9C. Value of 10C must be equal to the sum of 10E and 10G. Value of 10C must also be equal to the value of 17C in Section B.


Calculated total of 8D plus 9D. Value of 10D must be equal to the sum of 10F and 10H. Value of 10D must also be equal to the value of 17F in Section B.


Calculated total of 9E.


Calculated total of 9F.


Calculated total of 8G plus 9G.


Calculated total of 8H plus 9H.


Total percentage calculated as 10C divided by 8A multiplied by 100.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 8C plus 9C where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Black American and Certified Gender is Female.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 8C plus 9C where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Hispanic American and Certified Gender is Female.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 8C plus 9C where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Native American and Certified Gender is Female.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 8C plus 9C where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Asian-Pacific American and Certified Gender is Female.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 8C plus 9C where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Subcontinent Asian American and Certified Gender is Female.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 8C plus 9C where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Non-Minority and Certified Gender is Female.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 11A through 16A.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 8C plus 9C where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Black American and Certified Gender is Male.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 8C plus 9C where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Hispanic American and Certified Gender is Male.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 8C plus 9C where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Native American and Certified Gender is Male.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 8C plus 9C where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Asian-Pacific American and Certified Gender is Male.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 8C plus 9C where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Subcontinent Asian American and Certified Gender is Male.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 8C plus 9C where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Non-Minority and Certified Gender is Male.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 11B through 16B.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 11A and 11B.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 12A and 12B.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 13A and 13B.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 14A and 14B.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 15A and 15B.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 17A and 17B.


Total dollar amount: The sum of 11C through 16C. Value in 17C must be equal to value in 10C and the sum of 17A plus 17B.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 8D plus 9D where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Black American and the Certified Gender is Female.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 8D plus 9D where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Hispanic American and the Certified Gender is Female.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 8D plus 9D where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Native American and the Certified Gender is Female.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 8D plus 9D where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Asian-Pacific American and the Certified Gender is Female.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 8D plus 9D where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Subcontinent Asian American and the Certified Gender is Female.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 8D plus 9D where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Non-Minority and the Certified Gender is Female.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 11D through 16D.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 8D plus 9D where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Black American and the Certified Gender is Male.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 8D plus 9D where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Hispanic American and the Certified Gender is Male.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 8D plus 9D where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Native American and the Certified Gender is Male.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 8D plus 9D where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Asian-Pacific American and the Certified Gender is Male.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 8D plus 9D where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Subcontinent Asian American and the Certified Gender is Male.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 8D plus 9D where the vendor's Ethnic Group is Non-Minority and the Certified Gender is Male.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 11E through 16E.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 11D and 11E.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 12D and 12E.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 13D and 13E.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 14D and 14E.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 15D and 15E.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 17D and 17E.


Total number of vendors (prime and sub): The sum of 11F through 16F. The value 17F must be the same as the value in 10D. The value 17F must also be the sum of 17D and 17E.


The number of contracts that have a contract payment Paid Date within the reporting period.


The sum of the contract payments Paid Amount made to all contracts with a Paid Date within the reporting period.


The number of contracts that have payments with a Paid Date within the reporting period for DBE certified vendors.


The sum of the Paid Amounts where the payee is a DBE Certified Vendor and the Paid Date is within the reporting period. If the agency allows tiered subcontracting, then the reported payment amount for each DBE Certified Vendor will equal the subcontract payment amounts minus all subcontract payment amounts where the DBE Certified Vendor is the payer.

When the Prime Contractor is a DBE Certified Vendor, then the reported payment for that vendor will equal the sum of Contract Payments where the Paid Date is within the reporting period minus all first tiered subcontract payments (Parent Subcontract Payment ID is blank).


The number of unique payees within the DBE certified vendors who received payments within the reporting period.


Percent of dollars paid to DBE certified vendors. Calculated as 18D divided by 18B multiplied by 100.


Number of contracts that have a DBE Goal and where the Contract Closed for CRLMS Date is within the reporting period.


The sum of Contract Current Amounts for contracts that have a DBE Goal and where the Contract Closed for CRLMS Date is within the reporting period.


The sum of the Commitment Amounts from Contract Current DBE Commitments where the contract has a DBE Goal and the Contract Closed for CRLMS Date is within the reporting period.


In addition to the other conditions for this Race Conscious Closed Contracts, the following conditions apply:

  • If the prime contractor is a DBE Certified Vendor, the Paid Amount of the Subcontract Payment record where the Payee is equal to the Prime Vendor and the Payment Type is Final is used.

  • If the agency allows tiered subcontracting, the reported subcontract payment amount for each DBE Certified Vendor will equal the subcontract payment amounts minus all subcontract payment amounts where the DBE Certified Vendor is the payer.


Percent of dollars paid to DBE certified vendors for contracts that have a DBE Goal and where the Contract Closed for CRLMS Date is within the reporting period. Calculated as 19D divided by 19B multiplied by 100.


Number of contracts that do not have a DBE Goal and where the Contract Closed for CRLMS Date is within the reporting period.


The sum of Contract Current Amounts for contracts that do not have a DBE Goal and where the Contract Closed for CRLMS Date is within the reporting period.


In addition to the other conditions for this Race Neutral Closed Contracts, the following conditions apply:

  • If the prime contractor is a DBE Certified Vendor, the Paid Amount of the Subcontract Payment record where the Payee is equal to the Prime Vendor and the Payment Type is Final is used.

  • If the agency allows tiered subcontracting, the reported subcontract payment amount for each DBE Certified Vendor will equal the subcontract payment amounts minus all subcontract payment amounts where the DBE Certified Vendor is the payer.


Percent of dollars paid to DBE certified vendors for contracts that do not have a DBE Goal and where the Contract Closed for CRLMS Date is within the reporting period. Calculated as 20D divided by 20B multiplied by 100.


Total number of contracts completed where the Contract Closed for CRLMS Date is within the reporting period. The sum of 19A and 20A.


Total dollar value of contracts completed where the Contract Closed for CRLMS Date is within the reporting period. The sum of 19B and 20B.


Total DBE participation dollars for contracts completed where the Contract Closed for CRLMS Date is within the reporting period. The sum of 19D and 20D.


Total percent of dollars paid to DBE certified vendors for contracts completed where the Contract Closed for CRLMS Date is within the reporting period. Calculated as 21D divided by 21B multiplied by 100.


Submitted By value must be recorded manually or the agency can customize the report to automatically enter a value.


Signature must be recorded manually or the agency can customize the report to automatically enter the signature.


Phone number must be recorded manually or the agency can customize the report to automatically enter a value.


Related topics:

Using Report Parameters and Output Options

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