In this Topic
The Bidder/Quoter Summary contains a list of all the bidders currently recorded for the selected letting. To access the Bidder/Quoter Summary from the Bidder Quoter Overview, select Open from the Actions menu on the appropriate row.
Each row on the Bidder/Quoter Summary displays an Actions button, a count of how many quoters have been recorded for the bidder, and current values for the following fields:
Expand a bidder row to display quoters for the bidder in subordinate rows. Each subordinate row displays the following information for the quoter:
To delete a bidder from the letting, select Delete from the Actions menu on the bidder's row. The system shades the bidder row and any subordinate quoter row gray to indicate they are marked for deletion. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button. To apply your changes, click the Save button.
To delete a quoter from a bidder, select Delete from the Actions menu on the quoter's row. The system shades the quoter row gray to indicate it is marked for deletion. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button. To apply your changes, click the Save button.
Note: Only letting/bidder/quoter records in the Initial phase can be deleted.
To add or change quoter information for a bidder, select Open Quoter Proposal from the Actions menu on the quoter's row. For more information, see Maintaining Quoter Information for a Proposal in a Letting.
When you have finished recording quoter information for a bidder row, submit the information to the transportation agency by signing it. Bidder/quoter information is not available to the agency until it is signed. To sign bidder/quoter information, select Sign from the Actions menu on the bidder's row. For more information, see Signing Bidder/Quoter Information.
To add a new bidder on the Bidder/Quoter Summary component, perform the following steps:
On the Bidder/Quoter Summary, click the Select Bidders button.
The system displays a modal window that lists bidders for which the current user has vendor authority.
Locate the vendor you want to add by typing criteria in the Quick Find search box or by clicking Show first 10.
The system lists all the vendors that meet your search criteria.
Click the row for each vendor you want to add as a bidder in this letting.
The system adds a check mark beside each vendor you select and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click the selected row again.
Click the Add to Letting button.
The system closes the modal window and takes you to the Bidder/Quoter Summary with the new bidders added to the list.
For information about how to add a new bidder on the Bid Letting Overview page, see Adding a Bidder/Quoter.
To add one or more quoters to a bidder, perform the following steps:
On the Bidder Quoter Summary, choose Select Quoters from the Actions menu on the bidder's row.
The system opens a modal window for selecting quoters.
Locate the vendor you want to add as a quoter by typing criteria in the Quick Find search box or by clicking Show first 10.
The system lists all the vendors that meet your search criteria.
Click the row for each vendor you want to add as a quoter.
The system adds a check mark beside each vendor you select and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click the selected row again.
Click the Add to Bidder button.
The system closes the modal window and displays the new quoters added to the bidder row.