The Federal 1392 Report 2010 (Federal-Aid Highway Construction Employment Summary) summarizes the employment data required by the federal government from contractors working on state projects that receive federal funding. This report is required if the Overall Federal Funding Percent on the contract is greater than zero. The report includes the total number of workers employed and a breakdown by job category of all minorities, apprentices, and on-the-job trainees.
Note: The Federal 1392 Report 2010 should be used for current data reporting needs. The Federal 1392 Report 2010 includes the latest revisions made by the FHWA in 2010, and it uses the latest federal ethnicity and job classifications. The system retains the previous Federal 1392 Report to allow your agency to access data reported during prior years (see Federal 1392 Report).
You can generate the Federal 1392 report on any page in the system by selecting Generate Report from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar.
When you generate the report, you enter a Start Date for the report on the Set Parameters page of the Generate Report guided process. The reporting period spans the start date entered plus six days. If multiple certified payrolls exist during the reporting period, the report includes data only for those days that fall within the specified reporting period.
The system generates the report as either a PDF or HTML file depending on your selection, and it also creates the report as an Excel spreadsheet. You can access the Excel file on the Process History Overview (see Viewing Process History). After you save the Excel file, you can use it to record additional data not collected by the system, including counts for Officials, Supervisors, Foremen/Women, and Clerical workers.
To produce a complete Federal 1392 Report 2010, the following information is required:
Your system administrator must ensure that the text document that contains legal language required for the report is updated if needed (see Maintaining Text Documents). The legal language is stored and updated in a text document with a text document type of Federal 1392 Report Legal Text. Because FHWA requirements for this language can change every two years, check for new requirements and perform any necessary updates before running the report.
Your system administrator must ensure that the system includes the latest federal DBE ethnic groups, labor ethnic groups, and job classifications (see Maintaining Federal DBE Ethnic Groups, Maintaining Federal Labor Ethnic Groups Maintaining Federal Job Classifications).
These federal codes must be mapped to the appropriate state codes used by contractors and your agency (see Maintaining Ethnic Group Information and Maintaining Decision Class Information.
Your system administrator can specify the agency's name as it should appear on the report by entering it in the agency option for Name of Agency.
At least one Approved Certified Payroll must occur within the reporting period. If multiple payrolls are included in the date range for the report, only those days that fall within the specified time period are included on the report.