Executing System Interfaces

The system provides the following automated processes for exporting and importing information to and from other system applications:

Follow these steps to execute a system interface:

  1. From any page in the system, select Execute System Interface from the Actions menu on the Menu bar.

    The system takes you to the System Interface component, which displays a list of all the available interfaces. If data is required, it will be noted in the Data column.

  2. In the list, select the interface you want to execute by clicking that row.

    If data is required, the system automatically displays Select Data in the Settings menu on the component subheader and a Quick Find search box for locating the data. If data is not required, the system automatically displays Set Parameters in the Settings menu on the component subheader, and you can skip Steps 3 and 4.

  3. Type criteria in the Quick Find search box or click Show first 10.

    The system displays a list of all the data in the system that match your search criteria.

  4. Select the data you want to include in the import or export. If you want to select all records that match your search criteria, click the Select: All option.

  5. To set any required parameters, select Set Parameters from the Settings menu on the component subheader.

  6. If you want to schedule the interface process to run at a later time, select Schedule Interface from the Settings menu on the component subheader. For more information, see Scheduling a Process.

  7. Click the Execute button on the component header.

    The system runs the interface process.

  8. You can monitor the status of the interface process on the Process History Overview component.

    In the process history, the system displays a Process Running message until the interface completes. The finish time and success of a process is not displayed until it concludes. For more information about using the Process History Overview component, see Viewing Process History.

Related topics:

Importing with the Data Loader

Executing Processes


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