Exporting Proposal Information to SiteXchange

SiteXchange is an AASHTOWare Project client/server application used by many agencies to transfer contract information electronically between prime contractors and the State Highway Agency (SHA). Components of SiteXchange are used by the SHA to distribute contract, work type, and vendor information to prime contractors, and by the prime contractor to enter subcontract information, including new item prices to the contract and submit this information back to the SHA.

Once a proposal has been awarded in a bid letting, it becomes a contract between the agency and the vendor. Information from the awarded proposal can then be transferred (exported) from web-based AASHTOWare Project to a contract record in SiteXchange in a comma-separated value (CSV) file. In addition to passing the proposal information, you also have the option to transfer fixed column width (non-csv) files containing the reference information for all vendors and work types. These files may be used to update reference information in SiteXchange or other systems where this information is required.

To export proposal information to SiteXchange, select Execute System Interface from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar, and then select Export to SiteXchange in the list of interfaces. On the Select Data page, select the proposals you want to export.

On the Set Parameters page, select the check box for the types of files you want to create. You can create a proposal data export file and a vendor data export file. Enter a file name for the selected file types or accept the default names.

The system generates export files, saves them in the agency's default location on the server, and uses the file names specified during export. Any existing export files with the same names are overwritten. You must have access to the file location on the server in order to access the export files.

The system also generates two log files indicating whether the proposal was successfully exported. The log file is saved in the agency's default location on the server with the default name SITEXCHANGE_EXPORT.LOG and Error.log, (overwriting any existing log files with the same name). You can view the log files from the Process History Overview component. For information about how to view process log files, see Viewing Process History.

For more information about executing this interface, see Executing System Interfaces.


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