Migrating Material Test Template Usage Data from SiteManager

Data migration is the process of moving data from one product database to another, usually for a product upgrade or relocation. A migration only transfers data that does not already exist in the target location. Once successfully migrated, data is managed in the new location and can no longer be managed in the source location.

The system supports migration of material test template structure and usage data from SiteManager. Usage data is information that was entered using templates in SiteManager. Usage data can be migrated only after template structure is migrated and the system creates the necessary agency views and agency entities used to store the data in AASHTOWare Project.

Migrated usage data for material tests can be accessed by running the Generate Test Results Comparison process. The process creates a .csv file that lists values in any field from the test method entity and associated agency views for the selected sample record tests (see Generating Test Results Comparison).

To migrate usage data from material test templates in SiteManager, follow these steps:

  1. From any page in the system, select Execute System Interface from the Actions menu on the Menu bar.

    The system takes you to the System Interface component, which displays a list of all the available interfaces.

  2. In the list, select Migrate Material Test Template Usage Data from SiteManager.

  3. Optional: If you want to schedule the interface process to run at a later time, select Schedule Interface on the Settings menu on the component subheader. Select the Enable Scheduling check box and set scheduling information as required. For more information, see Scheduling a Process.

  4. Click the Execute button on the component header.

    The system runs the interface process. Depending on the size of the database you are migrating from, this process might require a long period of time to complete.

  5. You can monitor the status of the interface process on the Process History Overview component.

    When the process completes, you can view the start and finish times and the log files. For more information, see Viewing Process History.

Related topics:

Migrating Template Structure from SiteManager

Maintaining an Agency Entity

Maintaining an Agency View

Migrating DWR Item Posting Template Usage Data from SiteManager


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