Importing Data from CAS to Civil Rights & Labor

In this Topic

  1. Import from CAS
  2. Update from CAS
  3. Imported Data

You can import data from CAS from any page in the system by selecting Execute System Interface from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar.

There are two processes for retrieving data from CAS:

Import from CAS

This interface inserts new contracts from CAS into Civil Rights & Labor and updates existing Civil Rights & Labor contracts with CAS information.

To import data from CAS, select Execute System Interface from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar. For more information about executing this interface, see Executing System Interfaces.

In parameter settings, you can specify how much information to import:

The system generates a log file containing a summary of the information that was successfully imported and any errors that occurred. The log file is saved in the database as an attachment, with the default name IMPORTFROMCAS.LOG. For information about how to view process log files, see Viewing Process History.

Update from CAS

This interface updates existing contracts and associated (child) records with information from CAS based on contracts selected. This interface only updates selected contracts; it does not add new contracts.

To import data from CAS, select Execute System Interface from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar. For more information on executing this interface, see Executing System Interfaces.

Imported Data

The import processes from CAS retrieve the following contract information:


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